Johnsburg Mary L. Gunderson 385-3052 Observe YMCA Week School Assn., Slates Dance Saturday, Jan. 31 is the day -- Johnsburg Community club the place - 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. the hour -- and it will benefit St. John's school. Dance to some delightful music, enjoy refreshments during the evening, with friends and neighbors close to home. Tickets are available from school students, at school or at the door. IT'S A BOY! Grandma and grandpa Gunderson (Johnsburg) have been blessed with another grandchild, Michael James Jauch, born Satur day, Jan. 17, 7:55 a.m., weighing 9 lbs., 434 oz., 21" long, to Mary and Larry Jauch. He was welcomed home by three brothers, John, Joseph and Christopher. Paternal grandparents are Robert and Florence Jauch of P a l a t i n e . O u r congratulations to all the family, and may God bless them abundantly. JUNIOR HIGH The Music Booster club is trying to raise funds for uniforms for the band and choir music students. Some of them may be visiting you soon. For information contact Jerry or Nancy Foster, Bob or Martha Sundell or Joyce Vayvo, or call the Junior high. BABY SITTING SAFETY A course has been arranged by the P.T.O. of District 12, for their schools and St. John the Baptist school students, from fifth grade and up. Classes will be held in the J.C. Bush Multi purpose room, 7 to 9 p.m. on consecutive Tuesday evenings, beginning Feb. 24. Classes are free, and registration forms will be passed out to all the boys and girls at school near the end of January. Parent's per mission will be required. RESCUE SQUAD PARTY An evening benefit party for the Johnsburg Rescue Squad Building fund, is planned for Saturday, Feb. 21, at the Johnsburg Com munity club. Cakes, pies, desserts will be needed, or cash donations for pizzas and hot dogs, to be served during the evening. Please advise Mrs. G.J. (Marie) Klein as to what you would like to donate. HOME & HOSPITAL Keep all our friends and neighbors, in your prayers. There is so much sickness around at this time of the year, especially. We hope Mrs. Mary Mecko, a parishioner of St. John's, is comfortable - she had an accident last Wednesday and injured her knee and leg. We're keeping you in our prayers, Mary. Also, remember John and Rose Schmitt, formerly of Jak-Ana Heights, now living in California, both of whom have been ill. SYMPATHY the family of Walter Hollender, who died last week. PIGTAIL LEAGUE Registration for the Pigtail league 1961 season will be held Saturday, Feb. 7, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at James C. i Bush Elementary school. One must be seven years old by Dec. 1,1981, and 17 years old after June 1. If you will be a new member, please bring your birth certificate. DATES TO REMEMBER Jan 31 Snowflake Ball, St. John's Home and School This week, the Lake Region YMCA will join with over 1,800 other YMCAs across the coutnry in a nationwide celebration of YMCA week, James Zoellick, general executive of the YMCA, has an nounced. "During YMCA week, we are inviting everyone in the community to visit the "Y" at 7315 South Route 31, Crystal Lake, and see for themselves how much it has changed in the past decade as ^ell as get a glimpse of what the YMCA has in store for the 80's", Zoellick said. •j, There is a special open house Sunday, Feb. 1 from 2 to 5 p.m. to show the facilities to McHenry county residents. "The changes in the Lake Region YMCA reflect a number of changes that have been going on in YMCAs across the country, both in programs and in par ticipants" Zoellick said. He pointed to the rapid growth of family mem berships as one example of change. "The number of family members in the USA has risen by almost 10 percent in just the past five years, increasing from just over a million to over a million-and-a-half. Equally dramatic has been the growth in par ticipation by women and girls. "In the past few years, this has been the most rapidly expanding group in the YMCA nationwide", Zoellick said. "Women and girls now constitute 41 percent of YMCA par ticipants and if recent trends assn., 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Johnsburg Community club. Feb. 7 Johnsburg Pigtail League Registration, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. James C. Bush Elementary school. Feb. 21 Johnsburg Rescue Squad party - Johnsburg Community club. Feb. 24 Baby Sitting Safety Course - J.C. Bush school, 5th grade and up. Free. continue, should make up at least half of YMCA par ticipants by the end of the 80s." Zoellick pointed to the YMCA's nationwide car diovascular health programs as one of the Y's major new program thrusts during the 70s. "Almost from the beginning, YMCA's have emphasized physical fit ness,'* Zoellick said. "But never before have YMCA's zeroed in on specific preventive programs for special health problems". In the five years since it was launched, the nation wide YMCA cardiovascular program has been im plemented, at least in part, in large number of YMCAs. The total program involves nine major program com ponents, ranging from "Feelin' Good" for pre school through grade school age children to highly sophisticated programs for cardiovascular health maintenance. Another program area that has seen changes in the past decade is YMCA camping. "Once primarily a residence experience away from home, YMCA camping has seen a tremendous boom in day camping in recent years," Zoellick said. "Overall YMCAs are now serving over 1V4 million campers yearly, a 144 percent increase in just ten years. The increased number of family memberships in YMCAs has led naturally to the development of more specific programs for families. In the 70's a National YMCA Family Communications Skill center was established. Out of the center has come a number of programs desigend to help family members com municate better with each other. Zoellick also cited a number of other areas where YMCAs are focusing more attention than ever before, including specific programs for senior citizens and work with families. "We think change has been good for the YMCA", Zoellick said. He pointed to overall growth to the YMCAs o\ prove the point. "In I960, the YMCAs of the United States recorded 6,676,606 members and registered participants. In 1971 - the last year for which figures are presently available - YMCA's went over the nine million mark for the second consecutive yew* NOW IN McHENRY KARATE OPENING FEBRUARY 2.19811 1301N. RICHMOND RD. McHENRY INSTRUCTOR: WAYNE STEINMETZ PHONE 653-7631 MONDAY ft WEDNESDAY 6 PM ft 7 PM SPECIAL PRE-OPENING PRICE s2995 FOR 6 CLASSES COVERING BASIC KARATE TECHNIQUE AND £ SELF DEFENSE NOW IN McHENRY -6,1661 "A book should teach us to snjoy îf*, or to sndur# it" Samuel Johnson • Tax Sheltered Retirement Plans If you're self-employed or not already covered by a pension plan at work, you could qualify for a tax sheltered retirement plan. Your Country Companies agent can offer many ways to put these tax sheltered dollars to work for you. Call us now for details. Insurance 1bt your life, health, home, auto, farm and business. McHENRY. ILLINOIS T% 344-1771 . RICHMOND. ILLINOIS N.«7HHI Your Country Companies WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS Agents. m. )N4IM COUNTRY COMPANIES taurance and Investment Services McHenry State Bank Founded in 190$ Statement of Conditions CONSOLIDATED REPORT OF CONDITION of McHenry State Bank of McHenry, Illinois, 60050, And Foreign and Domestic Sub sidiaries, at the close of business December 31, 1980, a state banking institution organized and operating under the banking laws of this State and a member of the Federal Reserve System. Published in ac cordance with, a call made by the State Bankin0r*Authorities and by the Federal Reserve Bank of this District. ASSETS * Ca»h and due from depository Institution* 7062 U.S. Treasury securities 12,443 Obligation* of other U.S. Government agencies and corporation* 12.703 Obligations of Soto* and political subdivisions in the United States 19,252 Federal Reserve stock and corporate stock 165 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 2.000 Loans,Total (Excludingunearned income) 75,990 Less: allowonce for possible loan lotses 553 Loans. Net. 1 75,445 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 3,178 Other assets.' ' 1,437 TOTAL ASSETS 133,725 LIABILITIES Demand deposits pf individuals, partnership, and corporations 20,210 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 94,076 Deposits of United States Government 110 Deposits of States and political subdivisions in the United States.. 5,690 Certified and officers' chocks 1,263 Total Deposits 121,357 Total demand deposits 22,434 Total time and savings deposits 98,923 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 719 Other liabilities 1.859 TOTAL LIABILITIES 123,935 EQUITY CAPITAL Common stock No. shares authorized 160,000 No. shores outstanding 160,000 (par value) 1,600 Surplus 3,900 Undivided profits 4,235 Roserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 55 TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL 9,790 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL 133,725 MEMORANDA Amounts outstanding as of report date: Standby letters of credit, total 2,078 Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more 11,024 Other time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more .-837 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date: Cash and due from depository institutions 7,562 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 3,450 Total loons 75,810 Time certificates of deposits in denominations of $100,000 or more 12.050 Totol deposits .'. 122,449 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 760 Total ossets 135,439 I, Edwin J. Becker, Jr., Vice President and Cashier of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this report of condition has been prepared in confor mance with the instructions issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the STATE Bonking Authority and is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Edwin J. Becker, Jr. Official Publication CAREY THOMAS F. BOLGER ELMER P. ADAMS JOHN L. COWLIN WILLIAM J. COWLIN LENORAE. FRISBY ORMEL J. PRUST FRANCIS M. SCHMITT LORRAINE NYE OFFICERS ESTHER CAREY Chairman of the Board THOMAS F. BOLGER President ORMEL J. PRUST Executive Vice-President LENORAE. FRISBY Vice-President and Trust Officer ROBERT B. SCHNEIDER Vice-President and Trust Officer EDWIN J. BECKER, JR. Vice-President and Cashier JAMES E. LARKIN Vice-President RONALD J. VACULA Vice President RICHARD A. LANE Vice-President JOHN E. MURPHY Vice-President DONALD H. MEYER Assistant Vice-President LILLIAN CAIRNS Assistant Vice-President DONALD H. WATTLES Assistant Vice-President LAWRENCE J. KOLMAN Assistant Vice-President PHILIP R. OEFFUNG Loan Officer FREDKUPSTIS Assistant Cashier DORIS WAGNER Assistant Cashier PETER J. KELLER Auditor CAROL SCHOLLE Assistant Auditor YVONNE I. RYDEN Credit Officer ELOISE FREUND Assistant Trust Officer We, the undersigned directors, attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the bost of our knowledge and belief has been prepared in conformance with the instructions issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the State Banking Authority and is true and correct. Lenora E. Frisby, Ormel J. Prust, Thomas Boiger, Directors State of Illinois County of McHenry ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31 st day of December, 1980 Pamela A. Patterson, Notary Public THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!-- IT! ! LOST 5 DRYS i HURRY! t-- I 1 ENTIRE SELECTION (/> $900 OR LESS <•> SQOO OR LESS! (£) U) I EVERYTHING MUST GO! = </> «/> X X SQOO OR LESS! ! FURTHER REDUCTIONS I/) H- -- """ I/) * X I/) h" 1 F l>lil<lsl{|||("s 1 f 1219N.GREEN ST. McHENRY | PHONE 815 385 0182 j </) I * £ THIS IS IT! --THIS IS IT!- THIS IS IT ! --THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!--THIS IS IT!-- £ 1