MR RENT fo« mwt Alcoholism Awareness DELUXE 2 bedroom, 2 bath con do wfth garage. Waters Edge, McHenry $396. month. Appliances included. Call 312-381-3307 or 312-526-3062 2- 4tfc ROOM FOR RENT, McHENRY, call anytime 815-344-0962 2-4tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, situated in a country setting. This large apart ment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center. $295. Mayline Apartments, Rich mond. 815-678-2861 2-4tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 am to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. . • • v. 2-4tfc Two furnished bedrooms, available in new solar home. Washer, dryer, small storage space, prefer working female. $160. month. 312-639-0425 1-28-2-6c Female to share 7 room home in McCullom Lake. Own transportation. Prefer retired or semi-retired older lady. $150. a month. Everything furnished. 815- 385-2193 after 2 pm. 2-4-2-6C EFFICENCY APART MENT. stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal. $225. month, security deposit, 1 yr. lease. 385-5194 - 2-4-2-6c 3 bedroom apartment, West Shore Beach. Call after 5. 815-385-7852 2-4-2-6C FARMLAND $65.00 per acre, Rte. 31 McHenry, Available immediately, Ventura Assoc. 312-669-5255. 2-4-2-6C 2 bedroom house on 4 acre, washer and dryer, in Johns burg school district, river rights $350 month. 497- 3541 or 497-4157. 2-4-2-6C Wanted a person 25 to 35 to share my 2 bedroom home. $185, share utilities. Call in pm. 815-728-0935. 2-4-2-6C 1800 SQ. FT. commercial store front space in town. Excellent building, only $600. month, 3 yr. lease. Call Essex-Costello Real Estate, 385-7060. ask for Joan 1-23-2- 4c Two bedroom apartmenf, second floor on Main street in McHenry, newly decorated, no dogs, adults preferred. Security deposit, $225 month, plus utilities. Call after 2 pm. 815-385-8387 1-28-2-6c 5 room. 2nd floor apartment, with garage, newly decorated, new appliances, security, no pets. 815-385- 6900 1-30-2-6C INDUSTRIAL SPACE AVAILABLE Fritzsdw Mvstrid 15,000 sq. ft. 1080 sq. f t . 5 ,000 sq.f t . 815-385-1079 I21H APARTMENTS FOR RENT REFERENCES AND SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED B15-38S-10T9 OFFldf/STUDIO in downtown Wood stock 30' x 28' room with 12' coiling plus office, both, drossing room. Moy bo portitionod ond coiling lowered. FURNISHED APART MENTS and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only 815-385- 8905 2-4tfc Modern, extra large, two bedroom apartment on waterfront, with cathedral ceiling. Carpeting, stove, refrigerator, walk to stores. $325. including heat. No pets. 815-385-6879 2-4tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, two bedrooms, Third and James Street, McHenry. 312-381-2059 2-4tfc 4 rooms, one bedroom apartment with heat, pool, appl iances , newly decorated, no pets, adults preferred. $265. and up. 815- 344-4231 or 312-775-7000 2-4tfc ONE APARTMENT AVAILABLE, ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 14 baths, $375. 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 2- 4tfc MODERN ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT on water front. Walk to stores. Car peting, stove, refrigerator. No pets $250. plus security deposit 815-385-6879 2-4tfc 1,000 sq. ft. of office or retail space, zoned B-l, Route 120, separate utilities, ample parking. 815-338-0777 2-4tfc APARTMENTS IN TOWN, 2 bedroom $330. per month includes heat; one bedroom $240 plus heat, security deposit required. No pets. 815-385-2352 or 815-385-1035 2- 4tfc 338-0930 2 u r 1 1 2 B E D R O O M A P A R T M E N T S Available Now Clot* to (Hopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Coonay Heights NEW APARTMENTS toody for loosing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call batwaon 9:00 am 14:00 pm 11U&5K5 altar SiOOpm 2/4TF 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, with garage in Wonder Lake, adults only, no pets. 815-653- 6746 1-23-2-4C 4500 SQ. FT. cold storage. Ringwood area. Call Bill 815- 385-2639 1-21-2-27C QMTC0 nT57" 6 Man pop up camper. 815- 385-1671 2-4-2-6C WANTED 10" or 12" woodworking band saw, call after 5 pm. 815-344-0972 2-4-2- 6c ORIENTAL RUGS WAN TED, immediate cash paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collect 312-884- 6444 anytime. 2-4tfc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, oldL advertising items, etc. 815-678-4141 1-14- 2-Z7C PET COLUMN PUPPIES WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel. Homes guaranteed. 815-385-7897 2- 4tfc • To good home, small 5 month old, male, part Schnauzer puppy, house broken. 815- 385-3985 2-4 3 BEDROOM RANCH in Foxridge, 2 car garage. $425. per month. 815-344-1847 after 5 pm. „ 2-4 tfc RENT FOR FREE in February. Save $360. New, 2 bedroom, garage, full kit chen, dishwasher, self cleaning oven, washer-dryer hookup, central air. 815-338- 0690 or 653-9395 2-4tfc RINGWOOD, upstairs large 5 room, 2 bedroom apart ment, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, .washer and dryer. Newly remodeled fully carpeted, no pets, adults only, swimming pool,, security deposit required $325. month. 815-653-9324 2-4- 2-6c McHenry, Pis takee Highlands, 3 bedroom ranch, basement, appliances, train close by, Johnsburg School District, immediate oc cupancy. $365. month plus security deposit. 312-635-8343 2-4-2-6C WONDER LAKE, charming 3 bedroom Cape Cod, newly decorated, nice lot $370 per month. 815-455-0372 2-4-2-6c One bedroom efficiency apartment, block from McHenry hospital, low utility costs $185. month. 815- 385-3192-815-385-7632 2-4-2-6C McHenry, 2 bedroom, 1 car attached garage, large fenced in yard, no pets, references and security. $335. per month. 815-385-9706 2-4-2-6C STUDIO APARTMENT, furnished, single person only $180. month. Utilities in cluded. 815-385-3685 after 4:30. 2-4-2-6C Two bedroom house, with garage, s tove and refrigerator, security and references required. $300 month. 815-653-5526 2-4-2-6C FOR RENT OR RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY Ranch home with 2 car garage, new carpeting, $300. plus security deposit, no children or pets. Call ERA- RDG Realty 815-385-9394 2- 4tfc LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 815- - 678-2861 2-4tfc Possible 3 bedroom apart ment , 4 block from McHenry hospital, large living, dining, kitchen, bath, two enclosed porches, garage, full basement. $390. per month. 815-385-3192 or 385-7632 1-30-2-6C 3 bedroom, 2 story house, full basement, excellent for shop, with fireplace and central air, near shopping, church and school, McHenry area, quiet street, trees, garden $450. month, deposit required. 815-449-2894 1-30-2- 13c 12 P I S T A K E E L A K E , waterfront home, 3 bedroom, 14 bath, 2 car garage, all appliances, no pets. $550.815-344-1970 1-30- 2-6c tm m sale AKC YELLOW LABRADOR puppies , excel lent backgrounds, 7 weeks old. Call 815-385-8434 weekdays after 4:30 pm. 2-4-2-6C Miniature Schnauzer pup pies, black and salt and pepper males, ears done, shots, $200. Lhasa Apso puppies. Walnut Hinge Kennel. 815-385-1757 . 2-4-2- 13-c fell NX STALLS vmmjwsm mult huh •OWE NIMH KBMC JUtfM *«w wiw mm mom 4AKIFMLK STALL IMIMU •MM MEM AVAIAMi IT I MR . VISITORS WELCME RAJA ACRES HEBRON. L 11 £-441-4644 (From the Family Service ft Community Mental Health center for McHenry County). Is There a Drinking Problem in Your Family? Yes No 1. Do you worry about your spouse's drinking? 2. Have you ever been embarrassed by your spouse's drinking? 3. Are holidays more of a nightmare than a celebration because of your spouse's drinking behavior? 4. Are most of your spouse's friends heavy drinkers? 5. Does your spouse often promise to quit drinking without success? 6. Does your spouse's drinking make the atmosphere in the home tense and anxious? 7. Does your spouse deny a drinking problem because your spouse drinks only beer? PAGE 11 • PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4^1981 Mental Health Center for McHenry County comes in. We hope DonPAeAntnlluA through our educat ional and counsel ing effor ts to help RVprcSWIIUifrW families realize that there is another choice. At our Center we have been able to help many families get off this merry-go- round successfully. We have been able to do this even when KSTTICB only one member of the family comes at first. In fact, in the majority of families, we see the spouse several times before the drinker is willing to come. We hope that if some of this information "hits home" for you, you will call us at our nearest office. In the McHenry area the number is 815-385-6400; in the Crystal Lake area it is 815- 459-4900; and in the Woodstock area the number to call is 815- 338-4750. Just ask to speak to our alcohol counselor and we will help you decide where to go from there. If you are interested in obtaining a speaker on alcohol or other drug abuse, you can call Jackie ManshoH at 815-338-4750 and she will do her pest to provide < Please remember, the first step toward getting off the merry-go-round is up to you-there is help but you will have to ask for it. mmmm The public is invited to attend the opening of State Rep. Dick Klemm's district office Saturday, Feb. 7, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. The office is located at 3 West Crystal Lake avenue, on the corner of the five-way stop at Crystal Lake. Usual hours will be 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Saturday. The phone number is 455- 6330. HT1ATWS BMTE0 Licensed Day Care in my home, one mile East of McHenry off Rte. 120. Nutri t ious meals and snacks, quality care make an enjoyable day for your chi ldren. Lie . number 540239.815-344-5028 1-28-2-5C LICENSED BEAUTICIAN will do hair. Your home or mine. Call to make ap pointment. 815-385-6104. 2-4- 2-6c DAY CARE in my Lakeland Park home near Hornsby. Fenced yard, large playroom with lots of toys and activities. Lie. No. 536287 Call 815-385-8993 2-4-2- 13c Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT CQURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF ELIZABETH B RICHARDS Deceased, File No. 81-P-21 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of ELIZABETH B RICHARDS, of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on January 21, 1981, to PATRICK B. RICHARDS, 816 W Regner Rd., McHenry, 111. 60050 whose attorney is Cowlin, Cowlin & Ungvarsky, 20 Grant St., Crystal Lake, II. 60014 Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at 2200 N. Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60098, or with the representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the represen tative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clark of the Court (Pub. Feb. 6,11 It 18,1981) No. 810089 . Has your spouse i during a drinking period? 10. Does your spouse avoid conversation pertaining to alcohol or problem drinking? 11. Does your spouse justify his or her drinking problem? 12. Does your spouse avoid social situations where alcoholic beverages will not be served? . --- 13. Do you ever feel guilty about your spouse's drinking? 14. Has vour spouse driven a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol? 15. Are your children afraid of your spouse while he or she is drinking? 16. Are you afraid of physical or verbal abuse when your spouse is drinking? 17. Has another person mentioned your spouse's unusual drinking behavior? 18. Do you fear riding with your spouse when he or she is drinking? 19. Does your spouse have periods of remorse after a drinking occasion and apologize tor behavior? 20. Does drinking less alcohol bring about the same effects in your spouse as in the past required more? If you have answered (Yes) to any two of the questions, there is a definite warning that a drinking problem may exist in your family. February is McHenry County Alcoholism Awareness month and it is our hope that through information and education we can help individuals and families get the help they may need. If you were surprised or even shocked by the number of "yes" answers you had to the above questions, then you are in the majority of families where a drinking problem exists. You see, denial and rationalization are iust as strong with the spouse as with the drinker. In fact, that is why alcoholism is considered a "family problem" and is often spoken of as "A Merry-go-round Named Denial". It is called this because one person drinks in a way that is completely unlike social drinking. The spouse reacts to the drinking and its consequences. The drinker responds to the reaction and drinks again, this pattern becomes a merry-go-round which many families stay on for years. How do families get off this merry-go-round? Well, there are two main ways. One is separation and-or divorce. This is the mo6t common and usually is the result of years of frustration and trial and error attempts to deal with the alcoholism. The other is the death of tne drinker that often comes in the form of an automobile accident or a physical complication of alcoholism, such as a heart attack. In most families, the spouse would like to get off the merry-go-round by having the drinker stop drinking and stay sober However, this rarely happens without outside help. And that is where the Familv Service and Community Blindness A Major Concern "The growing problem of world blindness is one of the major concerns of the 1981 International Year of Disabled Persons," ac cording to Harold G. Roberts, executive director of Helen Keller International in New York. "Blindness and eye disease account for nearly 10 percent of all disability in the world," Mr. Roberts noted. "There are at least 42 million blind people out of an est imated 450 mil l ion disabled population When you add the number of family members, medical personnel , teachers and others working with the blind, you are talking about over 100 million persons involved in the problem of world blindness." he con tinued. The United Nations has designated 1981 as the In ternational Year of Disabled Persons to work toward "full participation and equality" for all persons with physical or mental impairment. The year 's pr incipal a im is to promote effective measures for the prevent ion of disability and appropriate rehabi l i ta t ion of d isabled persons Mr. Roberts stated that his organizat ion has al lot ted i n c r e a s e d f i n a n c i a l resources during 1981 to help more blind people become funct ioning members of their communities Working primarily in Third World countries, where the blind have little or no access to health or restorative ser vices. HKI has provided new hope to tens of thousands of blind people, their families and others. In India, the Philippines. Indonesia, Fiji and other developing countries, HKI has pioneered new rural rehabilitation programs for the blind. The key to success has been low-cost, self-help programs that employ traveling field workers who know their local com munities and their customs and taboos. V. These young, highly motivated workers are trained by HKI to teach blind persons such basic "survival skills" as orientation and mobility, personal hygiene, good nutrition, simple math (counting, measuring, and the like), cooking, reading and wri t ing and s imple trades (vegetable growing, poultry raising, etc.). The progress that HKI has made in reaching previously inaccessible blind children and adults is serving as a model to other national and internat ional agencies for the blind During 1981, HKI is pledged to serving larger numbers of blind persons in need, and to focusing in creased public attention on the needs of all disabled oersons For more information on Helen Keller International and its worldwide blindness programs, please contact: Ron Kozusko. Helen Keller International, Box N777, New York, NY 10011 BUDDY'S WORKSHOP Removing Grease Spots From Clothing Is Difficult. How do you remove grease from lipstick and ft-yon marks from clothing? These two substances manage to spoil oar family clothing, and soaking them with spot remover has not helped. Crayon and grease are difficult substances to remove from most materials. Two solutions that have had some success with removing crayon and grease from fabrics are carbon tetrachlo ride for lipstick and turpentine for crayon marks. Check how the solvent will work on the fabric first by dabbing a bit of it on an inside facing or hem. If the fabric does not change color or shape, the solution should be safe. Some fabrics react differ ently to the removers, so initial application of the solutions may not be enough to remove the stain completely, so repeat it. tJU Jlr v T» •V WBr yjfMi 51 VALENTINE LOVE LINES FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL ON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13th We Will publish a Special Valentine Greeting page in the classified section of this paper. Don't Forget! Valentines Day is Sntnrday Fab. 14th « - 4 : - y. Wssm USE THE HANDY COUPON AND COMPOSE YOUR AD AND BRING IT INTO OUR OFFICE. . .OR MAIL IT ALONG WITH YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, 3812 W. ELM ST., McHENRY, IL. 60050. MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 10th ALL ADS MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE "1 I •;Y" • v * ' pi •M 'M w. . I ADDRESS PHONE I I NUMBER I I If you use large amounts of grated cheese in your cooking, buy grating cheese in blocks and grate it yourself. You'll save half the cost and have double the flavor. Amt. Enclosed MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN FEB. 10th 1 Col x 1" *2.25 1 Col x 2" *3.50 HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO MY WIFE ThonkYou For A Fobuious 20 Yeort. Henry F. MESSAGE OF LOVE To Mom ond Dod From Mary b Jim 1 COL. X 1" -maximum 15 words 1 COL. X 2" -maximum 30 word*