Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1981, p. 13

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FOR SALE BASS GUITAR, (1969 Harmony) Roto-Sound strings, like new $70; Rock­ well Speed-Bloc sander 170 newgf^ell $45, excellent c omci i trfcn. 344-4992 toil RENT FOR RENT WANTED At Woodstock PAGE 13 • PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY «. 1M1 25 cent SLOT MACHINE, for sale $1250.815-385-8501 2-4-2- Camper truck cap, for pick up truck, n^easures 60x80. Call 815-338-5211 2-4-2-6c Snowblower, Sears 3.5 horsepower, self propelled, $65. or best offer. 815-455-2066 2-4-2-6C FIREPLACE WOOD, seasoned oak, face cord, $45 truck load, $65, delivered. 815-385-4859 or 815-455-1016 2- 4-2-13c Pottlan chain saw, LINE T R I M M E R A T ­ TACHMENT,, (for trim­ ming weeds, grass, etc) fits most models of any name brands of light weight chain saws. Brand new, never used. Sells for $89.95, will sell for $60. cash. 815-385-1969 after 5 pm. 2-4tfc Mans suede vest, very good condition. After 5:30 pm. 815- 385-2335 2-4tfc FIREPLACES, all brands, installation and or masonry available. Call Quality Fireplaces 815-385-7478 2- 4tfc WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE, pellet type only. 1st Saturday of every month. Huemann Water Con­ ditioning, 3607 Chapel Hill Road, Johnsburg. 815-385- 3093 2-4tfc WASHERS AND DRYERS r e c o n d i t i o n e d a n d guaranteed $60. and up. 815- 385-6431 2-4tfc INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality water sof­ tener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344 Quality Water Conditioning. 2-4tfc PROCESSED COAL for stoves and furnaces. We also sell woodburning stoves. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47, 815-338-4200 2-4tfc RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED refrigerators. 815-385-6431 2- 6 1973 FORD STATION WAGON $500; 36" Roper stove, white porcelain $75. 815-728-0973 2-6-2-13C HAVE YOU SEEN THE NAUGHTYCAL GOODIES AT •ANSm HARM! . SERVICE??? S«xy Bikinis Beautiful J«w*lry Dvtirobl* Decorator lt»m» and •oat Supplies • Acca««oriat 3311 W. Uaceta M. McHMry.N. 315-3340 , CERAMIC BUG SUPPLIES 17220 Garden Valley Rd. Woodstock, 11.60098 815-568-7663 GrMnware Sal* 50% OFF on all items Except Eastar pl*c*s. M. 6-9:30 lo S Feb. 7-9:30 lo 4 Bring your own boxes 2 4-2 6 J 5 HUtt VOLUME FANTASTIC SAVINGS Twin Mottr*ss $35.00 Full Mattress 345.00 Bunk Btdt $139.00 Qu«*n Six* Sats $139.00 Full Six* Sl**p*r $209.95 LENNY •15-455-4550 2/4TF m RENT FURNISHED APART- ME NTS and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates. Mature adults only 815-385- 8905 2-4tfc Modern, extra large, two bedroom apartment on waterfront, with cathedral ceiling. Carpeting, stove, refrigerator, walk to stores. $325. including heat. No pets. 815-385-6879v. 2-4tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, two bedrooms, Third and James Street, McHenry. 312-381-2059 2-4tfc 4 rooms, one bedroom apartment with heat, pool, a p p l i a n c e s , n e w l y decorated, no pets, adults preferred. $265. and up. 815- 344-4231 or 312-775-7000 2-4tfc O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE, ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and lVfe baths, $375. 815-344-1632 or 815-385-6566 2- 4tfc MODERN ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT on water­ front. Walk to stores. Car­ peting, stove, refrigerator. No pets $250. plus security deposit. 815-385-6879 2-4tfc 1,000 sq. ft. of office or retail space, zoned B-l, Route 120, separate utilities, ample parking. 815-338-0777 2-4tfc APARTMENTS IN TOWN, 2 bedroom $330. per month includes heat; one bedroom $240 plus heat, security deposit required. No pets. 815-385-2352 or 815-385-1035 2- 4tfc 3 BEDROOM RANCH in Foxridge, 2 car garage. $425. per month 815-344-1847 after 5 pm 2-4tfc RENT FOR FREE in February Save $360. New, 2 bedroom, garage, fuii kit­ chen, dishwasher, self cleaning oven, washer-dryer hookup, central air. 815-338- 0690 or 653-9395 2-4tfc RINGWOOD, upstairs large 5 room. 2 bedroom apart­ ment, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Newly remodeled fully carpeted, no pets, adults only, swimming pool, security deposit required $325. month 815-653-9324 2-4- 2-6c M c H e n r y , P i s t a k e e Highlands, 3 bedroom ranch, basement, appliances, train close by, Johnsburg School District, immediate oc­ cupancy. $365. month plus security deposit. 312-635-8343 2-4-2-6C WONDER LAKE, charming 3 bedroom Cape Cod, newly decorated, nice lot $370 per month. 815-455-0372 2-4-2-6C One bedroom efficiency apartment, 4 block from McHenry hospital, low utility costs $185. month. 815- 385-3192-815-385-7632 2-4-2-6C McHenry, 2 bedroom, 1 car attached garage, large fenced in yard, no pets, references and security. $335. per month. 815-385-9706 2-4-2-6C STUDIO APARTMENT, furnished, single person only $180. month. Utilities in­ cluded. 815-385-3685 after 4:30. 2-4-2-6C Two bedroom house, with garage, stove and refrigerator, security and references required. $300 month. 815-653-5526 2-4-2-6C L I G H T I N D U S T R I A L SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq. ft. Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 2-4tfc 3 bedroom, 2 story house, full basement, excellent for shop, with fireplace and central air, near shopping, church and school, McHenry area, quiet street, trees, garden $450. month, deposit required. 815-449-2894 1-30-2- 13c P I S T A K E E L A K E , waterfront home, 3 bedroom, 14 bath, 2 car garage, all appliances, no pets. $550.815-344-1970 1-30- 2-6C Female to share 7 room home in McCullom Lake. Own transportation. Prefer retired or semi-retired older lady. $150. a month. Everything furnished. 815- 385-2193 after 2 pm. 2-4-2-6c E F F I C E N C Y A P A R T ­ MENT, stove, refrigerator, d i s h w a s h e r , g a r b a g e disposal, $225. month, security deposit, 1 yr. lease. 385 5191 2-4-2-6C 3 bedroom apartment, West Shore Beach. Call after 5. 815-385-7852" 2-4-2-6C Two furnished bedrooms, available in new solar home. Washer, dryer, small storage space, prefer working female. $160. month. 312-639-0425 1-28-2-6c 5 room, 2nd floor apartment, with garage, newly decorated, new appliances, security, no pets. 815-385- 6900 1-30-2-6C CASH PAID for junk cars, running or not. Immediate removal 312-526-3116 2-4-2 6c Begin Fund Drive FARMLAND $65.00 per acre, Rte. 31 McHenry, Available immediately, Ventura Assoc. 312-669-5255. 2-4-2-6C 2 bedroom house on Vfc acre, washer and dryer, in Johnsburg school district, river rights $350 month. 497- 3541 or 497-4157. 2-4-2-6C Wanted a person 25 to 35 to share my 2 bedroom home. $185, share utilities. Call in pm. 815-728-0935. 2-4-2-6C INDUSTRIAL SPACE AVAILABLE Frltxsdw Industrial 15,000 sq. ft. 5,000 sq.ft. 815-385-1079 112 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Availabl* Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan, Coonay Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am A 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm 815^385-9019 »™ APARTMENTS FOR RENT REFERENCES AND SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED 015-385-1079 OFFICE/STUDIO in downtown Wood­ stock 20' * 28' room with 12' coiling plus office, bath, dressing room. May be partitioned and catling lowered. 338-0930 JJlLZL LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 ft 2 bedroom apar tments fully carpeted IS ceramic baths, color applian­ ces dishwasher, air con­ ditioning. laundry large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from downtown. 6entw Lake Apartnents 1321 W.MainSt. Lake Geneva. Wi. 414-241-4572 it vv 3 bedroom tri-level, 1 '/a baths, family room, garage, appliances. Rent is $425/mo. with one year lease. Credit check & security deposit required. REALTY WORLD, MJRBIN-STOVALL ASSOC., INC. 4213 W. Elm St. (Rte. 120) McHenry, II. 60050 (S15)3S5-S040 DELUXE 2 bedroom, 2 bath cor.dc with garage. Water? Edge, McHenry $395 month.° Appliances included. Call i 312-381-3307 or 312-526-3082 2- 4tfc * ,, ROOM FOR RENT, McHENRY, call anytime 815-344-0962 « 2-4tfc 2 BEDROOM APART­ MENT, situated in a country setting. This large apart­ ment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center $295. Mayline Apartments, Rich­ mond. 815-678-2861 2-4tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9 am to 12 weekdays or after 6 pm. 2-4tfc 4500 SQ. FT. cold storage. Ringwood area. Call Bill 815- 385-2639 1-21-2-27C 3 plus bedrooms, on Fox River in Johnsburg $375 plus security, no pets, immediate occupancy. 815-385-4897 after 5 pm or weekends. 2-6 4 bedroom, older home, in down town McHenry, good condition, living, dining, bath, sunroom, large kit­ chen, full basement, ap­ pliances $365 per month. 815-385-3192 or 385-7632 2-6-2- 13c 3 Plus bedrooms, on Fox River in Johnsburg $375. security, no pets, immediate occupancy. 815-385-4897 after 5pm or weekends. 2-6 3 bedroom ranch, family room, 2 car garage, in beautiful Edgebrook, corner of Clover and Timothy, McHenry. $425. month, immediate occupancy. 815- 344-5645 or 414-275-3394 2-6-2- 13c Possible 3 bedroom apart­ m e n t , 4 b l o c k f r o m McHenry hospital, large living, dining, kitchen, bath, two enclosed porches, garage, full basement. $370 per month. 815-385-3192 or 385-7632 l-30-2-6c 4 year old raised ranch. East Wonder Lake, carpeted. 2 baths. $400. 315-653-7966 2-6 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, in McCullom Lake, with option to buy. $400. 815-344-1726 ask for John. 2-6-2-13c Female age 25-35 to share living expenses in my 2 bedroom Condo in Waters Edge. 815-385-4649 anytime 2-6 PET COLUMN Male German Shepherd, with red collar found in Johnsburg area. 815-385-8229 2-6 To be given away to good home, Lab mixed puppies Call 815-385-9170 2-6 PUPPIES WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel. Homes guaranteed. 815-385-7897 2- 4tfc - PCTS m SALE AKC YELLOW LABRADOR p u p p i e s , e x c e l l e n t backgrounds, 7 weeks old Call 815-385-8434 weekdays after 4:30 pm 2-4-2-6c Miniature Schnauzer pup­ pies, black and salt and pepper males, ears done, shots, $200. Lhasa Apso puppies. Walnut Hinge Kennel 815-385-1757 2-4-2- 13-c WANTED TO IUV Two bedroom apartment, second floor on Main street in McHenry, newly decorated, no dogs, adults preferred. Security deposit, $225 month, plus utilities Call after 2 pm. 815-385-8387 1-28-2-6C THINKING OF MOVING STARTING YOUR BUSINESS IN McHENRY? We have highly visible office or commercial spoce available at M3 Front Street for rent. 3 Suites, 600, 900 or 1,200 sq. ft. High traffic count, excellent parking Lee Cooney • 15-315-4345 9 / <i ui »i Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on door units and lumber for its Building Trades House. Bids will be accepted until 11:00a.m. Friday, February 20, i58i. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office at 3926 W M a i n S t . , M c H e n r y , I L , 60050, 385-7900. James Tonyan, Secretary (Pub. February 6,1981) No 810093 Deaths MARC ELLUS SENNE Marcellus E. < Moe) Senne, 71, 405 Pleasant street. Woods tock , d ied Tuesday in Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Wood­ stock. He was the postmaster for the City of Woodstock from 1952 to 1974 Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in St. John's Lutheran church, with the Reverend Walter Geist of- • ficiating. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery Visitation was scheduled after 4 p.m Thursday in the Schneider. Leucht, Merwin and Cooney chapel Memorials may be made to the Cancer fund, Wood­ stock Rescue squad or the church Scatiohal C.ollege Honor- McHenry Man Graduates From Drake A McHenry man was one o f 2 3 5 s t u d e n t s w h o graduated from Drake 1 university in Des Moines, Iowa in December, the end of the fall semester Craig Anthony Hesch. 1012 Cherry Valley road, McHenry, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with an emphasis in marketing Two Make Dean's List At Dubuque Two McHenry students have been named to the Dean's List at the University of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa They are, Cheryl Johnson, the daughter of Carol and John Johnson, 3709 High street, and Susan Prust, the daughter of Lois and Ormel Prust, 610 N Green street. McHenry To be included on the A pledge of $150,000 by the Woman's Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry county has laun­ ched the capital fund drive on its way towards the 1.5 million goal, Chester Gould, h o n o r a r y c a m p a i g n chairman, announced. Pledges and contributions through January total $257,000, Gould said as he expressed appreciation to the Auxiliary for its pledge The additional $107,000 comes from contributions made by individuals and businesses during this first phase of the campaign Jean Smith and Mai Beilairs are co-chairmen for the campaign A com­ prehensive team of Volun­ teers has been organized to c o n t a c t b u s i n e s s e s , i n ­ d u s t r i e s , f o u n d a t i o n s a n d individuals. Vice chairmen FORMAL WEAR RENTALS " for ALL OCCASIONS SfoJt ....tilt jjM 1214 Y (irrrn Si.. NrHrnrv 6 Man pop up camper. 815- 385-1671 2-4-2-6C WANTED 10" or 12" woodworking band saw. call after 5 pm. 815-344-0972 2-4-2- 6c ORIENTAL RUGS WAN TED, immediate cash paid for rugs, Sarouk, Kashan, Chinese. Call collect 312-884- 6444 anytime. 2-4tfc MOVING? CLEANING HOUSE? Buying antique furniture, old toys, china, lamps, old advertising items, etc. 815-678-4141 1-14 2-27c are Dr. Margaret Phillips, Alan Cornue, Ron Huber and Kenneth Schuh. Jack Ruberry, coordinator of the capital fund drive, explained the im porta nee of raising funds voluntarily "For every dollar invested by volunteer donations, the less borrowing through the b o n d i s s u e w i l l b e necessary." he said "This means less principal and interest payments, resulting in a saving of at least VKso for each dollar contributed t6 this special campaign." The total amount for the expansion and remodeling now underway is estimated at $9 6 million In addition to the capital campaign un­ derway, investment banking firms have been selected to coordinate the sale of tax exempt bonds Legislators State Senators Jack Schaffer (R - 33rd. 56 N. Williams St. Crystal Lake, 111., 60014 Phone: 45S4309 Springfield Phone: 217-782-6525. Karl Berning (R) - 32 nd. 625 Deerfield Road Deerfield, 111, 60015 Phone: 312-945-3200 State Representatives Thomas J. Hanahan <D> '.801 W. Route 120 McHenry, IH., boubu Phone: 385-3427 Springfield Phone 217-782-6476 Richard Klemm 559 Kress Creek Crystal Lake. Ill 60014 Your Week Ahead Horoscope Forecast Period: 2/8 - 2/14/81 ARIES You feel a need for privacy; to retreat from Mar. 21-Apr. 19 the mainstream and reflect on actions - past and future. TAURUS Greater interest in understanding your fel- Apr. 20-May 20 low humans leads to involvement in group associations - perhaps a labor union. GEMINI Nothing ventured - nothing gained Why not May 21-Jaae 20 look to one in authority for a favor - like a substantial promotion. CANCER News from a distance puts you in touch with Jaae 21-Juiy 22 a person you were once very fond of. Pleasant memories. LEO Communication with a person long gone Jaly 23-Aug. 22 from your life is a distinct possibility It should bring back some good times VIRGO The minute you open your mouth, it seems Aug. 23-Sept. 22 that everyone is ready to do battle Be patient for a day or two. Thoughts of a healthful diet program should be put in to practice. Keep the bodv in trim Speculation would probably work out well but don't take the risk if you can't afford to lose. SAGITTARIUS Activities center around the home You may Nov. 22-Dec. 21 feel the family income must be supplemented and it's up to you CAPRK ORN Intellectual pursuits step ap lommurfica Dec. 22 Jan. 19 tions. There is a market tor vour original ideas and novel presentation AQUARIUS Financial affairs of others have a strong Jan. 20-Feb. 18 influence on your own dealings. Look for an increase in income PISCES Your feelings can be too easily hurt. Don't Feb. 19-Mar. 20 get involved with quarrelsome friends or business associates. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Dean's list at Dubuque, a student must earn a grade point average of 3 2 or better, on a 4 0 scale McHenry Girl Initiated In 4-H House Shelly VonBruenchenhein was initiated as an active member of 4-H House on the I niversity of Illinois campus in I'rbana Shelly is a sophomore majoring in Leisure Studies Program Management She is the daughter of Fritz and Sally VonBruenchenhein of McHenry 4-H House is a women's cooperative house located at 805 West Ohio street in Lrbana All of the .">4 girls are. or have been, in club work at least five years HONOR STUDENT Susan Jeanette Miller was among Winona State university. Minn , un­ dergraduate students who made the Dean's list for Fall quarter For inclusion on the Dean's list. studenLs must achieve a 3 5 or better grade point average out of a possible 4 0 ENTERS BRADLEY Lori Ann Kuczwara. daughter of Mr and Mrs Kuczwara of 1616 River Terrace. McHenry. has been Jill Zwick 554 Bonnie Dundee Road Box 4 East Dundee, 111 ; 60118 Donald E. Deuster (R) 32nd 510 N. Lake St. Mundelein, 111., 60060 Phone: 312-566-1972 Daniel M. Pierce (D) - 32nd. 580 Roger Williams Ave. Highland Park, 111., 60035 Phone: 312-433-2551 Betty Lou Reed (R) - 32nd. 927 Holly Court Deerfield, 111., 60015 U.S. Senators Charles H. Percy R> 230 S. Dearborn Room 3859 Chicago. 111., 60604 Phone: 312-353-4952 U.S. Congressmen Lynn Martin <R> 1318 E State Street Rockford. Ill 61105 1208 Longworth Bldg Washington. D C Phone 202-225-5676 Robert McClorv <R* 326 N. Genesee St Waukegan, 111,60085 I'horif. 312-336 4.->54 Sacco Makes Benedictine's Dean's List Jo Sacco. of 1814 Indian Ridge, McHenry. was one of 197 students named to the Dean's List at Illinois Benedictine college Lisle. IIL Inclusion on the Dean's List at Illinois Benedictine means the student has maintained a grade point average of 3 5 or better Grading at the school is based on the 4 0 scale .Jo Sacco is a senior at I l l i n o i s B e n e d i c t i n e majoring in psychology accepted for admission at Bradley university in Peoria A graduate of Good counsel high school. Lori plans to major in Speech Pathology at the university. Rental 9 75 PER MO *1980 rent soiN NO installation charge NEW fully automatic softeners TWO year option to buy with FULL rental fee deducted ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 FOX VALLEY DIVISION The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At Tho Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY • J ft t GAS •BELL LIQUORS *LAKEVIEW •REVCO DRUG «SUNNYSIDE FOOD •McHENRY PHARMACY • JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •BOLGERS DRUG STORE • ADAMS GROCERY •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES ft CO. •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART • J « R STORE •MCHENRY HOSPITAL •LITTLE STORE •FRED ft IRENE S TAP •HANDY PANTRY •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •MCCULLOM LAKE GROC. •HILLTOP GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •FOOD MART •BITS ft PIECES Getting settled made simple. Chonge-of-resideoce dilemmas fade after a WELCOME WAGON call With Welcome Wagon, it's my job ro help you make the most of your new neighborhood Shops. Community opportunities. Special attractions. Lots of facts to save you time and money. Plus a basket of gifts for your family I'll be listening for your coll. My W«N«c« Bevoriy 1w*ln L 344-3498 344-5333 344-1334

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