itatiK 20 - ri.AI\l>KAI.KK - KM IDA V. KKHMl'AMY 6. IWtl Twice Told Tales k FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 5, 1931) ' With few exceptions, most etrery city and village in the county will note an increase ii taxes for IKK) over 1929. the figures released in the cfc'jnty elejkSi office disclose UUli ttll ia cVluCTii over 1929. McHenry people should rejoice over the fact that their rate dropped from $4.06 in 1929 to $3.60 for 1930 taxes. The big drop in this rate is due to the corporation tax of 90 cents for 1930 as against $1.40 for 1929. Buss-Page Motor Sales, local Ford dealers, have installed a new hydraulic hoist and power greaser in their garage. This latest type AMiinmonf malroc it nnsaiKl* i for this garage to do better and quicker greasing at a lower price. Kent & Company an nounce the sale of a lot on Main street to John S. Ericson of Chicago, who is erecting a two-flat building on same. Mr. Erickson in tends to make McHenry his home and expects to drive to Chicago each day. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of January 30, 1941) Arrangements have been completed for the J.B. Rotnour Players to appear at the Bridge auditorium in McHenry for a series of MAn A 1" pica jo. a ills »v«u wvu uwivii so well known in McHenry and vicinity. It is safe to say that Mr. Rotnour's company is the only one in the midwest and north which has stood the test of time and showing SO weeks out of the year, lite cast of players include 10 well known artists and vod'vil entertainers. Mrs. Albertina Feltz of West McHenry celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday anniversary surrounded by four of her children. Exciting is a mild word for describing the basketball game at the local high school when the Reedmen went into two overtime periods in beating Richmond 40 to 38. TWENTY-FIVE YEARSAGO (Taken from the files of February 2, 1956) Bids for the propsed ad dition to the McHenry sewage disposal plant were received by the Council the past week and are being checked carefully in hopes of the City Council taking action in awarding a cm- tract at the regular meeting. There were five bids presented, ranging from $293,500 submitted by George Scheflow. DuPons Construction company of Kenosha bid $269,000. Mechanical Constructors, Inc. of Moline, $269,500 and Tonyan Construction company, $277,990. A meeting of business men of Wonder Lake was held at which time a Chamber of Commerce was formed. Of the 53 places of business, about two-thirds were represented at the meeting. A board of directors was selected with the following names: Walter Dean, Helen Reuter and Frank Schroeder, three-year terms; Dr. Ruggero, Allen Schimke and John VanKanegan/ two-year terms; Dr. Sturm, Thomas Mathews and Norma Sills, one-year terms. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the flies of February 3, 1971) In a news conference, Governor Richard B. Ogilvie and State Conservation Director Henry N. Barkhausen announced plans for an expenditure of $15 million to acquire over 5,700 acres of state park land. Lake Defiance State park, east of McHenry, will be created through acquisition of a new 1,515- acre park at a coat of $3 million. The area has been designated in recent months for a gravel mining operation. Camping, fishing and picnicking facilities are in the plans in a development aimed at ©reserving an untmijaH glacial lake which the state sayscontains several species of fish, a rare leather leaf bog and several natural *or%'ctlon SsatfS*-- mow-M Sevs J4% Asst. iebUts llfM, fluffy, always delicious and freshing meH-ln-your-movth texture. San 28% Candy Rifed Sssrti Mod and groovy • oi. candy filled heert by Zochory. 11-741. Sm 22% Candy FiiM iioarf mum Easy Iteller Curl Stttir Our Reg. Low Price 19.46 Loss Gillette Rebote"5 #00 Your Not Cost 14.46 After Robot* Coma* with cord lass curling hondla, smooth, no tonglo rallars. Mo.W0 VIM SaittM 1250 W MmsIsmI Dryer 22.46 Dual spaads-4 haat sattings VMal SaitNi 1500 W. Mwilwl Pry or Csftws samaana'a heert -- boko thorn cefce pan. 24.76 Designer styling dryar with high velocity air flow A removeaMe air filter for oosy claoning. Wafer Filter by Water Plli 19.97 For doonar, pwrar, calorar, frashar tasting watar. SmM% Center with Cassette Castor with t-Track 209a93 299.87 Both footuro om-fm starao ratalvar, 3 speed racord changar, front loading rocordar. Not. HMK-228 I HMK-229. Save 40% Oa 8 Pc. Caakwara Sat Nan-Stick Svrfaca 47.63 Rog.79.t7 This cook we re features tha smoothost non-stick surfoco ovoiloMo. Reg .4.45 Yau'ra going to hovo on Avlonca night I .4Sox. Save |J 41% All Warmth Sacks 1 1 . 7 6 Our Reg. 18.96-19.96 Sava onorgy now A stay comfy A warm. Asst. m V' 11 Ovr Entire Stock Eisctrk Slaaksts 40% OFF Regular Prices Slnglo or Dual Control medals. AH aro machino wash-tumbla dry. While quantitias last. ̂ | Reg. 4.53 An exciting naw fragraaca far man. %raaraa ai iraiy ay ravarga • 3 . 2 3 . CaNtnl seep an a rope -- part of a bond wiaa caaacivan ay r^aa»ja« •2 RtffiMl Fnm Suy 7.SS warth af Cachat. Avtence Wind Sang in any comblnatisw and I a MatchabaWi sand yaa $2 back. W. RTK. 120 DAILY 9 ta 9 SUNDAY 101a 4 Man's Tarry Rabat 14.87 Rag. 19.S7 Available In whlta or solid colors Sites S-Xl. , U OP only-whlia thoy last. Malta* a groat gift. Sava 25% leaded Meccaslas ^ac9wrlf%D kNHo o^y^tfiD OR^ jign^ogmg heeded trim In waman'i sisas. Saper Bay Haagry Jack Pancake Mix Save 44% Areetlag Cards 83c «•*.<<* Reg.57« Pillsbury® Hungry Jack Pane oka Mix Your choice of Extra Light or Sutter milk. |Svo26%| StilatMli Sorlglast Sot 33% Secretary Clutch Sflvt 45% KM's Wrap OAc fV Reg. 1.74 Reg. 4.32 Rag. 4.97 Reg. 1.74 A lasting gift that whispers of love for Valentine's Day and ail through the caslans. Koch sheet W a 4S". 12 sheets Cuddly seft throw pillows with white heart applique In the center Ruffles and flowers heert. 1 lb. candy filled heart by Zechery. 11-765 'Mi wtmWMlbi l/l Saw 20% AyitMi Sm 31% FancHwl Noart Pan Sflvo 33% •" Noart Pan Reg. 7.25 Reg. 5.95 Sava 10% marshes which provide excellent wildlife habitat and spawning grounds for nothern pike. s At a cost of another $1.5 million, Volo, Wilson and Brandenburg bogs, partially located in McHenry county, will be acquired for a total of 840 acres. Safety Hlpts By Jim Edjsr Secretary of State Driving in "rush hour" traffic is a harrowing daily experience for motorists in many Illinois cities. You may think if you drive bumper-to-bumper to and from work that these are the most dangerous times of the day to be operating a motor vehicle. But if you do, you're enly half right Statistics show that the peak times for fatal Oc cidents are between 5 and 9 p.m. and 2 to 5 a.m., when drivers should be par-v ticularly alert and careful. Late afternoon and early evening rush hours are especially hazardous during dark winter months, for motorists and pedestrians alike. Rain, spow and sleet are added risks. The high fatality rate during early morning hours is caused primarily by drinking and sleepy drivers. Light traffic on streets and roads encourages unsafe speeds. These hours are 50 percent more dangerous during winter months. Morning rush hour traffic tween 7 and 10 is not as perilous because drivers are more rested and visibility is better. (A copy of the Rules of the Road wil be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756.) HOLDSEMINAR A seminar on Self Assertiveness, by Jackie Mansholt, will be given at the annual brunch foe the Mental Health Resource League for McHenry county. Ms. Mansholt, received her degree in Social Work from Wartburg college, Waverly, Iowa. She recieved her masters in Human Development Counseling from Sangaman State university, Springfield. She has worked in child welfare for eight-and-one-half-yeers, both in state and private agencies in Illinois. Presently she is working for Family Service and Community Mental Health Center for McHenry county, member agency of McHenry County Mental Health service system as con sultation and education coordinator. A delicious brunch will be served of quiche, salad, dessert, beverage and wine, followed by the annual business meeting and in stallation of officers and the Board. For further information, contact Sandy Schmitt, 7310 Marlboro road, Crystal Lake, 458-6417. Reservations will close after Feb. 9. Hotel Dick: My eyes are plenty sharp. Manager: Yes, I noticed the doors are all scratched around the keyholes. unnsQhu the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the way professionals do. at a traction oi the cost ft SUN RTK. 47 A NO MINIMUM OVIRNIOHTSPCCIALI 6:00 P.M.-9:00 A.M. $10.00 4400W. RTf. 120. McHCNRY, HI. t