FAOat . Saturday Their finds tell a unique story of life on a 16th cen tury warship. (60 mins.) 01 Movie -(Comedy) •* % "Being There" 1970 Peter Sellers, Shirley Ma- cLsine. A childlike msn chances to meet impor tant, powerful people who interpret hia bewildered ailence aa brilliance. (Rat ed PQ) (2 hra., 30 mina.) 0® Millionaire (9)9 Life And Times Of Izzly Adams El Show Espec- tacular De Eateban SSI Human Dimension 0 Hocus Focus 0 Movie -(Adventure) "Laat Command" 1965 Sterling Hayden, Anna Maria Alberghetti. Jim Bowie and hia band of Texana make their atand at the Alamo. (2 hra.) 2:30 0 O College Baa- ketball '81 Minneaota va Northwestern 009 Pro Bowlers Tour Today's show will feature coverage of the $131,000 BPAA U.S. Open from Houaton, Tex- aa. (90 mins.) 0 Championship Wrestling S® Sports Afield ® One On One 0 Metroview Movie •(Science-Fiction) "Lost Continent" 1966 Eric Porter, Hildegsrd Knef. A trsmp stssmsr wsndering into unchsrted sees, finds sn isolstsd fresk civilizstion derived from Spsnish monsrchy. (90 mins.) 3:00 0 O ® Sports Spectscular Two of the world'a top-10 ranked heavyweighta- Qreg Page and Stan Ward- will aquare off for the United Statea Boxing Aaaocia- tion title in a 12-round match from New Jeraey. S)mina.) Bill Dance Outdoora ® Movie -(Drama) "Marines, Let's Go" 1961 Tom Tryon, David Hediaon. Four Marines on furlough to Japan turn T okyo upside down before returning to battle in Kor ea. (2 hra.) 99) 0 Programming Unannounced 0 Nova 'The Big IF' Known aa IF, interferon ia thought to be a cure for cancer by aome doctors. 'Nova' aearchea for the MCHENRY OPTICIANS Artistry at Work. no rims, clamps, or screws lens assembly held by a tough nylon lens assembly independent of bridge & temples an array of fashion-inspired shades NYLOR" RIMLESS FRAMES LOGO'S FROM SIMLA It FRAMES FROM *65 s45 answers about thia new 'wonder drug' in thia moat complete film on interfer on ever to appear on Amer ican televiaion. (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 Sins.) I 0 Good Earth Journal (9) 0 Alias Smith And Christopher Dimensionea I College Basketball University Of Illinois vs Iowa «® Careeracope What Will They Think Of Next? 3:30 0 In Search Of Hin- denburg Sabotage I America'a Top 10 0 Ancient Exodua Championship Fishing «® World Of Survival s Cloaeup 0 First Row Featurea 'Davev JonesLocker' 4:00 0 00® Andy WilHsms Ssn Diego Open 000 Wide World Of Sports 1) United Ststes National Figura Sksting Championships, featuring the Ladiea and Paira com petition. 2) Winter Nation al Drag Racing Champion- ahipa from Pomona, California. (90 mina.) I Soul Train )0 MKE At 7 Magic Of Oil Painting America Singa HBO Sneak Preview: February Jerry Stiller and Anne Meara highlight the upcoming moviea, sports and apeciala on HBO in February. 00Movie -(Drama) ••• "In Thia Our Life" 1942 Bette Davis, George Brent. Vicious womanruna off with her aiater'a hus band and then attempta to wreck her aiater'a aecond marriage-to-be. Baaed on Ellen Glaagow'a Pulitzer Prlzenovel. (2 hra.) .Twilight Zone Ayer, Hoy Y Manana 0Golf U.S. va World,Part {JBiHRogera va laao Aoki 0 ® A Better Way 0 Fiahing With Roland Martin «Outer Limita HeeHawGuesta: Bran- da Lee, Thraaher Brothera, Million Dollar Band, Kenny Price and JackiePhelpa. (60 mina.) 4:30 0O America'sTop 10 0 Pop Goes The Country S Victory Garden Women'a Channel Movie -(Adventure) •• "Baltimore Bullet" 1980 Jamea Coburn, Omar Sharif. A pool-hustling hero haa an eye for green- backs snd ths ladies Sated PG) (103 mina.) I Movie -(Comedy) •• "Scavenger Hunt" 1979 Robert Morley, Cloris Leachman. Even in death, eccentric tycoon Milton Parker haa the laat laugh on hia family and hou- aehold staff by forcing them to compete for his $200 million eststs in s gisnt scsvenger hunt (Rsted PG) (2 hrs.) S Outer Limits Dr. Jsck Vsn Impe Crafts With Emllie Dusty's Treehouae Fishing Hole O Climsts Puzzle I Let's Rock 10 News I® Target 23 Good Timea Partridge Family Wall Street Week 'Foreign Stocka: Hedging the American Dream' Hoat: Louia Rukeyser. 0 Julia Child And More Company 0 International Byline 0 Sha Na Na Q ® Today's Racing 0 ® Chicago (Paid Subacription Programming) jortsCenter Nancy Harmon's Love Special SHocus Focus Championahip Wreatling 0 Racing From Aqueduct Raceway 0 Movie -(Drama) ••• "Young Savagea" 1961 Burt Lancaater, Dina Mer rill. A alum-born diatrict at torney battlea atreet ganga in a queat for jus tice, following a murder in volving two juvenile gangs on New York's Eaat Side. (2hr^ ® CBS 5:30 Newa 00 NBC Newa 000 Newa 0 Welcome Back, Kotter ID ® Brady Bunch (9)0 Power Game 0 Sneak Previews Critiquea Roger Ebert and Gene Siakel review aome of the neweat filma, includ ing 'Altered Statea' and 'The Mirror Crack'd'. 0 Backatage At The Grand Ole Opry 0 Joe Burton Jazz (9) 0 Dance Fever 0 ® Outdoor Soortaman 0 NCAA Baaketball Duke va Maryland McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVtRSIDf OR McHENRY II Across from Fox Hole* 3859240