tunday MOIW Movie Presentation 'Hooper' 1978 Burt Rey nolds stsrsss the reigning king of the brawling, risk- taking, fun-loving Holly wood stuntmen. (2 hrs., 30 The Big Event 'Kent State* 1981 Stars: Jane Fleiaa, Charley Lang. The moving person- si stories of the key students, Ohio National Quardamen and school of - f icials, who were swept up in the four dsys of explo sive events-following President Nixon's deci sion to send Americsn troops into Csmbodia-that ended in a tragic confrontation on the campua of Kent State in May, 1970. (3 hrs.) • ABC Novel For Television 'John Stein- beck's East Of Eden' 1981 Stare: Timothy Bottoms, Jsne Seymour. The epic drama of the turbulent lives of four men end the beauiifui woman who haunted their livea for two generations comes vividly to life in the clsssic Amer ican atory of good andevil. (3hra.)(Pt. lofsthree-part History Of Spsce Travel m National Geographic 'Strange Creatures of the Night' 0 Don Kennedy's Spotlight 0 Cher In Concert Cheris featured in her own daz zling nightclub act, which featurea her hit songs, til Movie -(No information available)* "WhyShoot The Teacher?" No Other Information Available. (2 a& Variety (9)0 It's Your Buainess O <2$ Hellenic Theatre 0 ® Movie -(Animated) •• "Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown" Peanuts Gang. (Paid SubscriptionTelevi- sion)NoOtherlnformstion Available. (80mins.) 80 In Touch Livewire 9 Movie -(Orsms) •• to "Lincoln Conspirscy" Bradford Dillman, John Oehner. This drsmstic re- enactment of the trial of Preeident Lincoln's aa- aaaaina preaenta the murder aa 'a crime more ahocking than any version hiatory haa yet given ua'. (2 hrs.) 0 Kenneth Copelsnd PTL Club-Tslk And HOOPER Burt Reynolds, portraying Hollywood's most daring stuntman, consoles his worried girlfriend (Sally Field) in 'Hooper,' action drama to be broadcast for the first time on network television, as a special movie presenta tion. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8 on CBS-TV Hooper has always been quick to take on the most difficult 'gags' in the business, but suddenly, under pressure from a hot new competitor (Jan-Michael Vincent), an overly demanding director (Robert Klein), and a promise to his girl, he may be going much too far. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME 0 Movie -(Historicsi-Drsms) ••• "The Alsmo" 1960 John Wsyne.RichsrdWidmsrk. Historical orsms oepici- ing the gsllsnt men who csme to the sid of Texes in its fight for freedom. (3 hrs.) 7:30 (B)0 Alpha 0 Women's Channel ® til Jimmy Swsggart 8:00 til Lswrence Welk Show til<8 Movie -(Adventure) "to "Master Of Bsllan- trse" 1953 Errol Flynn, Roger Livesey. A swash buckler is involved ins plot to put bonnie Prince Chsrles on the throne of Englsnd. (2 hrs.) iOO Shock Of The New' Threshold of L iberty' Beginning with Sur- resiism, the lest genuinely revolutionsry art movement of the 20th cen- tury, host Robert Hughes sxplores ths strategies srt has developed over the Isst 100 yesrs for opening the repressed imagination. (60 mins.) Telefrance-USA iKoree:LsndOfThs Morning Cslm 9 ® Movis -(Comedy) ••• "Up In Smoke" 1978 Cheech Msrin, Tommy Chong. (Paid Subscrip tion Televiaion) Spoof of Southern California's spsced-out scene. (90 minr) 0 ® Old Time Gospel Hour 0 It Is Written 8:30 til Movie -(Drama), ••• "Death Wiah" 1974 Charles Bronson, Hope Lsnge. A man's wife and daughter are brutally at tacked by three muggers in their New York spsrt- mvni. He g««ka revenue after his wife dies end his dsughter is left s csta- tomic mute. (93 mins.) 80 Dr. Jsck Vsn Impe Professions! Team Rodeo Louisisns vs Tulss 9 World Tomorrow 9tfOjD9i O'Clock News (n!55 Masterpiece Theatre 'Danger UXB' Epi sode VI. Brian end Sussn slip swey for e quiet wee kend together. When she returns home, she is Do If yourself and save of... Jensens HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER & BADE BUTK • Hardware • Electrical & Plumbing Needs • Bath Towels, Curtains & Accessories • Kitchens & Accessories • Wallpaper & Draperies 338-6929 or 338-1936 670 Calhoun St. Woodstock, III.