monday eplcioue circumstance. (Repeat) THE NEW AVENGERS: Trap' Start: Patrick Macnee, Joanna yimley. (Repeat) • If The Tonight Show'The Beet of Cars on' Stara: Roy Clark, Charles Nelson Reilly. (Repeat; 60 f a.) Qunsmoke ABC News Nightline <9 Mary Tyler Moore Benny Hill Show Dick Cavett Show Masterpiece Thestre 'Dsnger UXB' Episode VI. Brian and Suaan slip away for a quiet weekend together. When she re turns home, she is stunned to find an unexpected visi tor. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) (00 mine.) • M A S H S Jkn Rockford: Private Inyeatigator 0 Movie •(Science-Fiction) •• "Humanoida From The Deep" mbO Groieaque moss-covered monsters come to life ss s DNA experiment goee awry. (Rated R) (90 mine.) • S CBS Late Movie QUINCY: Crib Job'Stara: Jack Klugman, Garry Wal- berg. After an elderly man Is killed. Quincy ia about to cloaethecaaeagainatthe Juvenile accuae of the alaying. But Roaey Greer, gueat atarring aa himaelf. pleada with Quincy to in- veatigate further in an ef fort to aave a Juvenile- aenior citizen'a project threatened by the murder. (Repeat) 'THE NEW AVENGERS: Emily' (Repeat) 9) 0 Independent M College Beeketball naaa va Missouri I Weetminater Kennel Club Dog Show (Replay) •9 PTL Club-Talk And Variety 0 Movie -(Adventure) "The Hunt era" 1068 Robert Mitchum, Robert Wagner. The atory of Kor ean War pilota with their peraonal and career prob- lema. (2 hra., 10 mine.) 0 College BaaketbaN Univereity Of Kanaaa va Univereity Of Miaaouri 10:46 0 33 Movie -(Comedy) •• "Fateo" 1070 Dom DeLouiae. (Paid SubecriptionTelevi- aion) Fat man goea on a diet and becomea miaer- able. He learna that he would rather be fat and happy. (2 hra.) 11:00 0 Fantaay laland A recreation of a apec- tacular amaah-up ia the deaire of a retired auto race driver; andabeeutifui lady of the evening looka for a weekend aa Juat another woman. (Repeat; 70mina.) #32 Wild Wild West • Movie -(Mystery-Comedy) "To Cstch s Thief" 1966 Grsce Kelly, Cary Grant. On the French Riviera, an ex-Jewel thief falls in love with s weslthy Americsn girl and finda he ie su spected of continuing his old thievery. (2 hrs., 10 11 Comedy Claeaics Odyssey 'The fa ces' Three srcheologists trsce the extensive network of rosds, towns* snd sgricultursl regions rssponsibls for the prosperity of this Peruvisn society. (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) 0 Odd Couple 9 Don Kennedy's Spotlight 0 Movie -(Comedy) ** "Starting Over" 1979 Candice Bergen, Burt Reynolda. A young writer, after a divorce, finda him aelf unmarried and in- aecure after eeven yeara of what he oonaidered a good retationahip. (Rated PG) (106 mine.) 0 0 CBS Late Movie 'QUINCY M.E.:Mattera of Life and Death' Stara: Jack Klugman, Garry Wal- berg. Quincy returna to a medical practice, but in- atead of decreaeing hia work load, aa he expect ed, he becomea deeply in volved with the peraonal crieee Of hia patienta. (Repeat) THE NEW AVENGERS: To Catch a Rat' Stara: Patrick Mac nee, Joanna Lumley. (Repeat) 11:)0MS Tomorrow Coaat-To-Coaet Gueat: Peeri Bailey. (00 mine.) 0 Movie -(Dreme) **% "Liberation Of L.B. Jones" 1070 Lee J.Cobb, Lee Majora. A wealthy 'black undertaker aeekato engage a reapected white lawyer to repreeent him in a divorce ection egainat hia young wife who is hav ing an effair with a white married cop. (116 mine.) S® Newatalk Who'a There For The 12 Niohtline HaH, Hail, Rock 'N' MM It mine.) • All Night Moviee 'Arizona Bound' Tim McCoy. 2) 'Fingerprint Myetery' Richard Byrd. 3) 'Outlaw Roundup' William Boyd. 4) 'Doctor'a Secret' Lealie Fuller. (6 hra.) 0 Movie -(Comedy) ••• "Up In Smoke" 1078 Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong. Spoof of Southern Celifornia'a apaced-out acene. (Rated R) (90 n̂ na .) ABC Newa NCAA Hockey Beenpot Tournament, Final 12:10 0 Movie -(Adventure) •• " Deeper- ate Miaaion" 1971 Ricerdo Montalban, Earl Hollimen. A man eecorta the wife of e wealthy lan downer to San Franciaco. (2 hrr. 13mina.) 12:30 0 0 Roae Begley Show 04.ife Of Riley 12:40 0 Movie -(Dreme) ••• "Spiral Road" 1962 Rock Hudaon, Burl Ivea. In Batavia, a Jungle doctor (ivmbaia SwpfOiy and witchcraft. (3 hra., 6 mine.) 12:50 0 Newa 0 ABC Captioned Newa 1:00 0 Health Field I go Rod 0 Fantaay laland An am- neeia victim due to inherit $30 million, and two chil dren eeeking to reunite their perenta hope to aee their deairee fulfilled. (Repeet; 70 mine.) 0 Fanteay laland A re creation of a apectacular ameeh-up ia the deaireof a retired auto raee driver; end a beautiful lady of the evening looka for a wee kend aa Juat another (Repeat; 70 Toni Term ills Show Joe Franklin Show Odd Couple * FEB. 10.1981 EVENING 6:00 8% ® ( Perapecti M.A.S.H. Barney Miller Marketing ivea MacNeil-Lehrer Tic Tac Dough Happy Daye Again FiaMa'WNh MNte And Rtttntion! to better serve the needs of our community, MCHENRY LUMBER: is open SUNDAYS 9:00 am to 1:00 pm miar 5209 W NORTHWEST HWY CRYSTAl 1 AK( IT KW MBOJYJUBB KIUJM1 \