I Wednesday 094 Movie -(Drama) ••• "Little Miss Marker" 1934 Shirley Temple, Adolphe Menjou. (Paid Subscrip tion Televiaion) A sweet little girl reforms a book maker. (lOOmins.) SM Chicago Special Delivery My Mom'a Having a Baby SMission Impossible Movie •(Musical-Drama) "Never Steal Anything Small" 1959 James Cag- ney, Shirley Jones. The story of a waterfront union racketeer who eventually changea his way. (2 hrs.) 0 Bionic Woman 7:30 CO)® Joker's Wild ® 9 Over Eesy ' Business of Dying' Quest: Jessica Mitford, author of the book 'The American Way of Death'. Hosts: Hugh Downs and Frank Blair. (Cloaed-Captioned; U.S.A.) t&Bk Ul I - At • vvuitwii D uiiamivi 0 Blockheads 'The Fourth Annual Adult Ven- triloquiam and Comedy Show' Mariette Hartley hoata theae masters of ventriloquism and their wiaecracking aidekicks with Jay Johnaon, Al Carthy, Willie tyler and Lester. 0 <2$ Aprendiendo A Amar 7:59 O ® Newacene 8:00ii9O CBS Wedneaday Night Movie 'A Gun in the Houae' 1961 Stara: Sally Struthers, David Ackroyd. A woman who, in aelf-defenae. shoots and killa an in truder who terrorized her in her home, ia prosecuted by a district attorney bent on making an example of her caae as handgun murder. (2 hra.) 800 Bob Hope Valen- tine'sSpecial TicTac Dough National Geo graphic 'Living Treaaures of Japan' In thia firat Na tional Geographic documentary devoted to the atra, nine artiaana and performing artiata of Japan are profiled becauaeofthecultural im portance their akilla entail within the structure of the contemporary aociety. (60 mine.) ID Telefrance-USA V Movie -(Comedy) •• "Die Laughing" Robby Benson, Linda Grovenor. A part-time cab driver ia caught in a web of murder and mayhem. (Rated PG) (2 hraj 0 & Movie (Drama) •••% "One Foot in Heaven" 1941 Fredric March, Martha Scott. A Minister and his wife face many problema aa church life and 20th century America claah. (2 hra.) La Hora Familiar MISL Soccer All-Star Game (Joined In Progreaa) © Special Delivery 'My Mom's Having a Baby' 9) College Baaketball Kentucky va Ole Miss 0 Streets Of San Franciaco 8:30 0 ® To Tell The Truth (0 Movie -(Science-Fiction) •• "Humanoids From The Deep" 1980 Grotesque moss-covered monsters come to life ss a DNA experiment goes awry. Sited R) (82 mine.) PKA Full Contact Kar ate U.S. Middleweight Championship OS! Bible Baffle 8:40 0 @ Movie -(Comedy) ••• "One Flew Over The Cuckoo'a Neat" 1975 Jack Nicholson, Louise Fletcher. (Paid Subscription Television) Free-spirited drifter feigns mental illneas to be transferred from a prison farm. Struggling against the wsrd's oppressive system he lends his fellow inmatea a sense of hope. (2 hra-j 20 mina.) 8:59 GD ® Newacene OOCB Quincy All In The Family ® Sylvia Fine Kaye'a Muaical Comedy Tonight II A star-studded cast, dancers, chorus and orcheatra join creator and hoat Sylvia Fine Kaye to re-create memorable momenta from four great American muaicala, 'Fin- ian's Rainbow,' 'South Pacific,' 'LadyintheDark' and 'Sweet Charity'. (60 mina^ Bowling Game Mi Dulce Charytin College Baaketball Kanaaa State va Ok lahoma State 0 <S> Visit With Suzanne SLivewire Newark And Reality M.A.S.H. 9:30 0 9 O'Clock Newa O® Honeymooners 0® Faith20 0 Meet The Mayors 0 Barney Miller 0:55 CD 32 Newacenc 10± , News O Prisoner: Cell Block ' H SO M.A.S.H. Movie -(Adventure) •• "Baltimore Bullet" 1980 Jamea Coburn, Omar Sharif. A pool-hustling hero haa an eye for green- backa and the ladiea. Sited PG)( 103 mina.) Movie -(Weatern) •••• "Little Big Man" 1970 DuatinHoffman.FayeDun- away. The atory of Jack Crabb, the 121 year old man who reflecta back on hia life aa a young pioneer, adopted Indian, drinking pal of Wild Bill Hickok, medicine ahow huatler and aurvivor of Cuater'a Last Stand. (2 hra., 30 mina:) GD ®D Independent News (31) © Dave Allen Show 03) @ Informacion 26 © This Week In The NBA €D ® The King Is Comming JTBS Evening News Benny Hill Show Undersea World Of Jacques Cousteau 10:30 B CBS Late Movie 'THE HOSTAGE TOWER• 1980 Stara: Peter Fonda, Douglaa Fairbanks Jr. A flamboyant criminal maa- PAOf S3 terminds an audacioua plot; he atakea out the famed EiffelTowerinParia and when the Pre8ident'8 mother viait8 the land mark, he kidnapa her and holda her hoatage. Q 0 CD The Tonight Show Gueata: Loretta Lynn, Charle8 Grodin. (60 min8.) SGunsmoke ABC News Nightline ® Mary Tyler Moore Show Odd Couple Benny Hill Show Dick Cavett Show Great Performance8 'Life on the Misaisaippi' 0 M.A.S.H. 0 Jim Rockford: Private Investigator 0 ® CBS Late Movie THE SWISS CONSPIR ACY' 1978 Stars: David Janssen, Ray Milland. A former U S. Department of Justice investigator is hired by a Swiss bank when five m their dspoai- tore, with 'secret' ac counts, are threatened with blackmail notea. (3) © Independent Newa I (8) NoTemas Al Amor SportsCenter PTL Club-Talk And Variety TERMS SUPER fir V 3/. 0/ /4 /0 INTEREST 10 7o DOWN B«outifully, Wooded, Rolling 1 ACRK PARCELS • Walking distance of school* • City of McHonry service* • Close to shopping from 26.900 , HARDING j C ' t t ( S T t T f HARDING REAL ESTATE Rto 47 A Calhoun St. Woodstock, II. (•15) 338-3S50