Pay-Back For Recyclers Recycling workers at the Market Place help unload cars of properly prepared papers, glass, cans, aluminum and used motor oil. The monthly recycling drive at which newspapers, cardboard, magazines, glass bottles and jars, flattened steel cans, aluminum and used motor oil are collected is scheduled for this Saturday, Feb. 21, from 9 to 5 at the McHenry Market Place. Beginning in March, changes will be made in the recycling operation, changes which the Defenders hope will encourage even more people to take the few minutes necessary to prepare materials and oecome involved in saving natural resources. First, recycling collection will be scheduled for two days per month rather than one. On both the first and third Saturdays of each month, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m , workers will be on hand in the regular location, the southeast corner of the McHenry Market Place parking lot. Citizens can bring in their bundled papers, glass, cans, aluminum and motor oil, and thereby saving landfill space, save themselves disposal charges, help the groups working on the drives earn project funds, and most important of all, put waste stream resources back to work Second, on the first Saturday of each month, beginning March 7, from 9, a.m. to 1 p.m., an aluminum pay-back program will be in operation. A pay-back program for aluminum is something the McHenry County Defenders have wanted to do for a- long time to encourage more recycling and it is finally becoming a reality. It works like this: anyone bringing in all-aluminum cans, separated from other aluminum products, will receive pay for them at the rate of 25 cents per pound. If „ over 100 pounds are brought in at one time pay will be at the rate of 28 cents per pound. Anything over $15 will be paid for by check. This project is being carried out in conjunction with an aluminum can recycling company, and provides an excellent money making project for both individuals and groups. The Defenders wish to remind everyone that at least for the first few months the aluminum pay-back project will be in effect only on the first Saturday of each month, and not on the third Saturday. If one wishes to become involved in the pay back program, please plan the recycling trips ac cordingly. Since the pay back program is for cans only, any aluminum scrap other than cans can be left at the drive as before as well as any cans brought in by people not interested in participating in the pay-back program. Proceeds from the sale of this aluminum will be divided between the groups working on the drive. The labor at this Satur day's drive, the last drive to be held only once a month and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., will be provided by National Honor society members from East campus high school. They and the Defenders urge conbributors to bring in their bundled newspapers (remove plastic , bags), bundled magazines, cardboard, clean glass bottles and jars, clean flattened steel cans and labels removed, aluminum products, and used motor oil. Labels from certain food containers are also being collected for Pioneer Center for the Exceptional. Anyone with questions regarding recycling should call 385-8512. • • • • Selfishness will break up any partnership ever formed. COME TO OUR Free Litton Microwave Cooking Demonstration SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 9:30 AM-1:30 PM • Learn how to cook 1. 2. 3 food*. and cook many complete meal* alt at once -- with Litton Microwave . Ovens • How to cook and defrost foods more evenly. • All the details of delicious microwave cooking. • How to grill a rtww sandwich in 90 seconds, cook bacon in 2 minutes, bake a potato in 4 minutes! • A trained home economist will answer all your questions about microwave ovens • Come taste the results for yourself! Litton... changing the way America Cookg. 2 DAYS ONLY, FEB. 20 ft 21 6 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ££ $2000 to $5000 Buy a Litton microwave built-in with a lot more built in • *0 . .ate. im • Memorymabc" microwavi ing Programs meals at • Solid statamicrowave oven with 1 2cu ft interior ave program cook- tte touch of a finger • Vari-Cook'* variable power oven control for time and cooking speed • Vari Temp* automatic temperature con trol and sensor for exact food temperature • Extra wide self-cleaning conventional oven -- ful 3.9 cu ft capacity. • Bronze see-thru glass door • One-piece, smooth ceramic ccoktop. CB LITTON Nkcrowav* Cookng CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 N. Green St. SALES&l8?'ce Bonnie and Edward Sch midt of McHenry announce the birth of their first child on Feb. 9. Michelle Lyn was born at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington, and weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz. Mrs. Margaret Schmidt of Palatine is the maternal grandmother. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chouinard of Hoffman Estates. Brooke Marie is the name chosen by Kent and Jill Ritt of McHenry for their second daughter. The baby girl was born Feb. 7, at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington and weighed6 lbs., 10oz. She has a sister, Christina Louise, age 20 months Maternal grandparents are LeKoy and Donna Haeger of Prairie Grove. Frank and Betty Ritt of Schiller Park are the paternal grandparents. A son was born to Lester and Patricia Graham of McHenry on Feb. 11. Michael Elmer arrived at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington, weighing 9 lbs., 13 oz. He was welcomed home by a sister, Lisa, age 2l* years. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koehn of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Graham of Algonquin are the paternal grandparents. Among births recently recorded at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock was the Feb. 11 birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Olson of McHenry; Feb. 12 births of boys to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Habich of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sobczak of Wonder Lake; Feb. 14 birth of a boy to Mr; *nd Mrs. Barry Bach of Wonder Lake; Feb 15 births of boys to Mr and Mrs. Michael Smith of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Metcalf of Wonder Lake. HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY Admissions: Michael Bobnic, Carolee Jensen. Jennifer Ricker, Serena Erjavec, Peter Jantzen, II, Ruth Rakestraw, Margaret Salata and William D. Up- miller, all of McHenry ; Elsie Fisher of Wonder Lake and Jeff Roberts of Pistakee Highlands. WOODSTOCK Admissions: Mrs. Carol Smith, Ruth Wohnrade, Mrs. Rosetta Justes, Mrs. Mae Meller and Elizabeth Hopp, all of McHenry; Mrs. Marie Henne and Mrs. Joy Young, both of Ringwood. BONDS SALE General obligation bonds totaling |90 million will be offered for sale by the State of Illinois, Bureau of the Budget Director Robert Mandeville announced last week. Sealed bids will be received until 11 a.m., Feb. 24, in Room 1122, at 205 W. Wacker drive, Chicago. Legal Notice IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION Manufacturers Hanover Mortgage Corporation Plaintiff, Bruce Miller, etal., Defendants. Case No. 80 C 6647 NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSIONERS ' SALE Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a aecree entered in the. above entitled Court in said cause on January 22, 1961. I, GLENN R HEY MAN Special Commissioner for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, will on Monday, March 16, 1981, at the hour of ONE p.m. at the Courthouse located in the Main Lobby of 2200 N. Seminary Street, Wood stock, Illinois, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash all and singular the f o l l o w i n g d e s c r i b e d TAX hsfanrtiis Make Sure You Pay The Lowest Legal Tax PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 18,1961 FEBRUARY, A D 1981. GLENN R HEYMAN Special Commissioner of the United States District Court. Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the COUNTY of McHENRY in the State of Illinois, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to satisfy said decree. Said sale shall be subject to 1979 general taxes and to any special assessments or special taxes levied against said real estate Upon the sale being made the purchaser or purchasers will receive a Certificate of Purchase which will specify the property purchased, the amount paid therefore and the time when a deed shall issue unless the property is redeemed according to law Said property is described as follows, to-wit: Lot 22 in Block 6 in W E K n i g h t ' s P i s t a k e e Terrace Subdivsion Unit No 2, a Subdivision of part of the S.E V4 of Section 7, Township 45 North. Range 9, E. of the T h i r d P r i n c i p a l Meridian, according to the Plat thereof recorded April 25,1956 as Doc No. 306804 in Book 12 of Plats, page 72 in McHenry County, IL., commonly known as 4413 Poplar Leaf, McHenry, IL Dated this 9th day of FISHER AND FISHER Attorneys for Plaintiff 30 N LaSalle St. Chicago, Illinois 60602 312-372-4784 (Pub Feb 18, 25& March 4 & 11,1981 No 810103 COMBAT INFANT MORTALITY As part of its ongoing campaign to combat infant mortality, the Illinois Department of Public Health has secured technical assistance from the National Association of State Boards of " Education (NASBE) to the Illinois Task Force on Adolescent Parent Support services The purpose of the task force is to focus on assessing and meeting the special needs of pregnant teenagers and adolescent parents Deciding on a Hearing Aid isn't Easy... Deciding where to Buy H should be I McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER ((15)385-4410 Pari A. Sdraraf*! 4410 W. Elm Str*«t McHenry. Illinois 60050 WEBNEStAY ONLY 10 TO 5 EVENINGS BY APPT. Robert Stentlond MGR 25 y*art Experience R o b e r t D * c k » r M . A . - Audiologist We Moke House Colls 1 FREE Hearing Tests 1 Batteries '/» Price! Sales ft Repairs All Makes-Free Loaners SfMOR CITIZEN MSCMNT CENTER!!! Now at CAREY APPLIANCE FEBRUARY 2 0 - 2 1 Y/Z '// HELP US CELEBRATE McHENRY. lU MAJOR APPLIANCES W" SALE. All Appliances Reduced From $2000 to $5000 2 DAYS ONLY - v % % V \ A Equipped for Automatic Ice maker 1 optional - extra coet) Energy Saver switch can help cut operating costs Ereah food life extension system Keeps fruits, vegetabl fresh longer This big 17.2 cu. ft. no-frost Refrigerator has a fresh food life extension system for fruits and vegetables. The Moist n Fresh sealed compartment, holds in more humidity for vegetables The Cool n Fresh compartment provides less humid storage for most fruits and berries 4 adjustable split level shelves 4 67 cu ft freezer section has a removable shelf, and 2 Ice n Easy trays with iop storage bin Reversible doors are easily changed to open either left or right TBF17D Model CB 16LA This self-cleaning oven range has an easy-to-read digital clock., oven timer and handy minute timer. ft ks.t. «.t WAS '5M" NOW ONLY *544" SAVE25 PUier Fk> Um trap* lint Smooth it-*re*> porceiAU enanwi imm This heavy duty 8-speed washer has 8 wash cycles, including permanent press and polyester knits. 3 wash rinse temperature combinations with energy saving cold water rinse 3 water levels Extra wash delicate and activated soa* sett itgs Durable porcelain enaine: finish on top tub, lid and basket SAVE $25 This heavy-duty dryer has 8-cycles including permanent press. Three drying selections include normal low heat for delicates and no heat fluff Has a 60 minute timer thai automatically shuts off dryer after pre-set tune •AS'ur NOW ONLY »J04" SAVE *25 was »*ir* NOW ONLY *594" SAVI s25 , Budget priced GE chest freezer 16 2 nj ft quality-built chest fmezer Up-front defrost drain BajuM "name; Uner SeJ-aV^sUng lid SpanCing whit*1 exterior Only 46 «" wide Efficient foam cabinet WAS '430" NOW ONLY *399" SAVE $40 GE Potscrubber HI dishwasher with Power Scrub cycle for added cleaning performance. WAS *450" NOW ONLY $429*s SAVE *30 CA16 EasU> temptretur* control This big freeser has 15.8 cu. ft. of storage space. Lets you stock up on food sales and save! 3 refrigerated shelves and •< refrigerated to;< plate for fast freezing and ifulorm temperature The upng'u lesig-, stakes foods easy to see and reach Dependable compressor is sealed in steei - sa'e fron - air dust and moisture Convenient like Having a super market ui your home. NOW ONLY >459" SAVE *30 'SERVING McHENRY AREA FOR OVER SO YEARS" CAREY APPLIANCE SALES 0 SERVICE 1241 N.GREEN STREET 385-5500 McHENRY, ILL.