Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1981, p. 10

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{DEALER - FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2». ltgl PAGE 10-PLA •n-(24S lOU* I m •• i m BGOKKEE »os: « wiotm m W ARIINGTON ». -1 FOIEST MIUS 4»M<; UT «ir\c •9&OH OCCI HI-1300 HW t No cosh refunds on prepaid ads Cards of Thanks In Memoriam' Situation Wonted Wanted to Rent Wanted to Buy. and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in classified ads after the first insertion Check your ad of ter the first ihsertion and coll our attention to any mistakes . OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI.8-.30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9-12 P.M. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPEii-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER-WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 815-385*0171) AUT0$ BUSINESS SERUICES 20% OFF Convert your unused basement or room Into a beautiful roc or -FAMILY ROOM- •Romodeling •Home Repairs *Wallpapering*Paneling •Electrical NO JOB TOO SMALL CALL HARRY VIEZENS CONST. 815-385-28471. SEHTIC SYSTEMS, new installations and repair of old systems. Sewer and water hookups. Free estimates, Mathison Septic Service, McHenry. 815-344- 3980 2-4tfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE, all breed professional dog grooming. Nails clipped, ears cleaned, fluff drying, scissor cuts. Call 815-385-2018 anytime. 2-4tfc EXPERIENCED TAX RETURN PREPARATION Established 26 Yaart With • An experienced staff to handle your individual problems. • Prepared and verified on our in-house computer • Prompt service it Year around availability for follow up Tax Counseling 385-4410 f o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t Paul A. Schwegel ft Company 4410 W. Elm Street, McHenry, II 9-9 Dally 9-5 Saturday Septic Service 815-385-7791 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, II. -t/i INCOME TAX SERVICE FEDERAL AND STATE In the convenience of your home or office. Frank D. Olesuk 6535771 Weekdays after 5 pm. all day Saturday and Sunday Tax. Accounting. Bookkeeping, Counseling 12 19-3 13TF2 CASA d« BARROSO CERAMIC STUDIO Classes-Adult-Youth Ceramichrome Paints Greenware and all Ceramic supplies 815-385-8535 RUSSELL RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE • PUMPING • REPAIRS • ELECTRIC SEWER RODDING Installation of new septics 815-385-6445 J «Tf ALL PRO HOME IMPROVEMENTS •SMiif (Aha, Viiyl, WmD •CoabiutiM Windows I Doors •Smtas Sitters "Expert* on Exteriors 4 Interiors too" 815-385-9427 815-653-9720 McHENRY \ WELDING SERVICE -ALL TYPES WELDING SPECIALIZING IN 'Boat Prop Repairs 'Custom Trailer Hitches 2712 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 815-385-4929 ^ Wood Decks Siding S. 3Cake Comtzuction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling needs ^ Free Estimates Call John Blake Roofing 385-5593 a f t e r 5 P . M . Concrete Patios •'2-TF-2 CHUCK'S 24 HOUR TOWING AND ROAD SERVICE For All Your T O W I N G * TOWING NEEDS * STARTING PROBLEMS * TOW BAR RENTAL PHONE FOR SERVICE! 385-5840 issnn 1969 VW Beetle, body in good condition, runs good $475.00 815-385-2360 2-18,2-20c 75 FORD 350, 360 engine $1500. Call after 5. 815-344- 3809. 2-18-2-20C V BUSIES* SfftUltES "You deserve the very best!" So, call us! For a free estimate on interior pain­ ting, call 815-385-7736 or, after 6 pm, 815-344-1722 2- 4tfc FREE PICKUP Junk cars and trucks, day or night. 815- 459-0081 2-4tfc HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALIST. Experienced in wallpapering, painting, decorating, kitchens, baths, electrical, plumbing and carpentry. Call us for free estimate, all work guaranteed 815-385-9385 2- 4tfc FROM THE BOTTOM UP- No job is too small. From hanging a door, to remodeling an entire home. Quality work at reasonable prices. Call Ken 815-344-2449 2-4tfc LOCAL MOVING AND HAULING, reasonable rates 815-385-9386 2-4tfc MARIA'S Alterations & Sewing, fast service & reasonable price. 4:30-7:00 pm weekdays, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday, 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 815-385-3269 2-18- 3-27c INCOME TAX SERVICE, experienced. Your home or mine, near Hilltop School 815-385-3007 after 2 pm. 1-28- 2-27C Seamless gutters and downspouts. Siding & trim. Experienced and local. All worK guaranteed Ask for Jerry 815-385-8020. 2-4tfc Carpet Installation. No job too small. Call for estimate. 815-675-2434 2-4-2-27C " TOM HUBBARD, award winning magician, is available for schools, auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312- 395-6006 2-18tfc BURGLAR ALARMS, in­ stalled in your home. Highest quality, all work guaranteed, free estimates. 815-385-2847 r 2-4tfc C U S T O M S N O W REMOVAL, 8 ft. snow blower and ~ plowing. Reasonable rates 815-385- 7568. 2-18-2-20C H & H CARES WINTER & Summer Maintenance, Snow-Plowing, Lawn-Care. For Free Estimates Call 815- 344-1544 or 815-728-0377 . 2- 18tfc S C H U E R R W A Y BUILDERS, all phases of carpentry, concrete work, e x c a v a t i n g , e l e c t r i c , plumbing, heating, tiling. No job too small. 815-385-4808 2- 4tfc SALE! Professional Carpet Cleaning. Living room and hall, steam cleaned and deodorized, only $44.95. Additional areas only 10 cents per sq. ft. We save you money! Baumans 815-943- 4793 v 2-4tfc NEED HOME REPAIRS, remodeling or an addition? Call Trim Construction, free estimates 815-385-5912 2-4tfc Now's the time to add on to your present home. Let CUNAT BROS. CON­ STRUCTION fulfill your dream. 815-385-3192 1-30-2- 27c ,\ "HOME MAINTENANCE" full service and home repairs. "Free Estimates" R E S. Unltd. 815-728-0702 2- 11-2-20C S E W I N G M A C H I N E REPAIR. Put your sewing machine in tip top condition. Tune up special. Clean, oil, adjusted and set timing, in your home, all makes, models, parts and service. 815-728-0672 1-27-2-27C 1973 OMEGA 2 dr, rebuilt engine, bucket seats, am-fm tape, runs excellent $475. 312-639-3715 2-18-2-20C Must sell 1980 Dodge Challenger, 32 mpg, low miles, mint condition, p.s., p.b., air, am-fm cruise, 5 speed. Asking $6000. 815-385- 5439 2-18-2-20C BUY MY 1975 Che7y Suburban and get all these neat things for free: 4 wheel drive/power steering, front and rear air, automatic transmission, HD radiator, AM-FM, trailer hitch, tilt wheel, etc. etc. AND 5 gorgeous almost new tires... The whole thing is yours at a rock bottom, " You could'nt get it cheaper if you were my own brother" $3500.00 and fella, it is mint! 815-4594322 ask for good ol' Harv 2-18,2- 20c OVER 55 YEARS OLD? Save money with Milwaukee Mutual's Pluss "55" Auto Policy. Call us for details and quote. Sunderlage Insurance Agency, Inc. 815- 338-3328. * 2-18-2-20C 1977 AMC Hornet 28,000 miles, new brakes, snow tires, and tune up. College student must sell, asking $3400 or best offer. 815-385- 4148 or 815-385-3369. 2-13-2-20 1978 Blazer, low mileage, loaded package $5,000 or best offer; 1976 GMC Win­ dow Van, clean $2800 or best offer; 1973 Chevy pickup truck $1,000 or best offer. 815-344-5595 2-13tfc 1974 PINTO Runabout. 4 speed, good condition. $550. 385-5353 2-18-2-20c 1977 DODGE KARY VAN, 10 ft. enclosed body. Auto, p.s., p.b., am radio, excellent mechanical condition. $2450... 338-2125 2-18-2-20C Must sell, 1979 Ford F 150, 4x4 with plow, all heavy duty, and all excellent condition. $5700. or best offer. 312-639-0274 2-18-2-20C MUST SELL 1980 JEEP CJ7, low mileage, excellent condition. Call 815-3444443 or 344-5454 after 5 pm. 2-18-2- 27c 1974 GMC 4x4 heavy duty 4 ton, with hydra turn plow. Needs transmission work. Call after 4:30.648-2018 2-18- 2-20c CLEAN, 1974 Wagoneer with plow, $2300. 728-0258 2-18-2- 27c 1976 GRANADA, four door, 6 cylinder, automatic, 35050 miles, very good condition. $2250.385-4858 2-18-2-20C VW 71 SUPER BEETLE, Looks and runs great, needs minor repair. $1,000. 815-385- 3421. ' 2-20 Alsetta GT, 1976, like new, red, 19,000 miles, garage kept, Ziebart, $8,000 firm. 312-639-7544 . 2-20-2-27C 1975 CJ5 Jeep with snowplow. $3,200.00 1975 Ford 1 ton $2250.385-7472 after 4 pm 2-20-2-27c WE BUY CARS We will pay off your bolance and give you the difference in cash. Any year, make or model. M & D V I L L A G E M O T O R S 926 N. Front McHenry 385-9303 I 29TFG I 3<W2 SNOiPIHOIIl t 1 9 7 9 K A W A S A K I SNOWMOBILE, 780 miles, new condition $2000. After 4 p m , w e e k d a y s , a l l d a y weekends 385-9114 2-20 1980 Artie Cat 340 J. Asking $1200 or best offer. Must Sell. 385-1169* 2-13-2-20C 1978 CHEETAH 5,000 fan- cooled $1,000 many extras. - 815-385-0225. 2-20 BOATS * MOTORS" ToRCED™TO™SELL™171(r Delta Deluxe Sportboat Runabout, 50 H.P. Mercury and ^trailer, Garage kept, beautiful boat, engine runs great. $650.00. 344-5838. 2-20- 2-27c Kkm IKTHOAV NOTICE ft£AL ESTATE HAPPY BIRTHDAY "MOM" Mike, Be*, Ken, Tracy, Todd Mike & Friends Thanks for everythiig HAPPY 30th HONEY All our Phyllis, Christine ond Jeffery 2» HAPPY 15th MIKE LOVE FROM US ALL INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Accordion, and Organ Lessons 1st lesson free with this ad. Phone 815-3854070 Thank You St. Jude for prayers answered. D.M. 2- 20-2-25 CARD Of THANKS MAY WE EXTEND OUR heartfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your s y m p a t h y i n s o m a n y thoughtful ways during our recent bereavement. Your kindnesses have meant much to us. FAMILY OF MARTHA H. FREUND 2-20 ,WE WISH TO EXTEND a sincere "Thank You" to all our friends, relatives and neighbors for their cards, and other expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bereavement. We are truly grateful. The Family of Dolores Malsch 2-20 PERSONALS THANKS TO ST. JUDE for request granted. B.N. 2-18-2- 20c INSTRUCTIONS R I D I N G L E S S O N S : O u r Farm, McHenry Bull Valley. All levels, also boarding. Call days 312-639-6630 evenings 815-385-8553 or 344- 0951 2-4tfc Stolen from Coxy Cottogo, In Volo, II. 4 MOUTH 0L»m MALE Ears still taped. Children* pet. Generous reward offered. If you tee or find this dog. - please call >15-315-06*9 2/18-2/20 Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969, it is a misdemeanor to care for another person s child in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to advertise for such services in on unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well-being of the child. For information and Licensing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN 4 FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa. 111.60046 312-356-1011 A Career in Real Looking for a job that offers: • Freedom to set your own schedule • Unlimited income potential • A challenging and rewarding opportunity to help people, with important decisions. Then consider a career in real estate. You'll learn the specific knowledge and skills needed to become a successful sSles associate through our professional training program And, you know you're working with the best because we are the Better Homes and Gardens* member in our area. For a successful career in real estate call _for more information ASK FOR: GARY Holing A A Afiil 10 10TF2G 10 I6TFG REAL ESTATE $4,000 PRICE REDUCTION 3 bedroom with partially finished basement, stove and refrigerator, wot $47,000. Now $43,000. m TOWN U VMS 3-4 bedroom older home, utility room on 1st floor, has basement, VA or FHA welcomed. $52,900. 21 Choke Realty Ask for Loretta •15-453-2211 2/18 2/20 2 19 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES From $49,900. including lot Come in and find out how you con save with good old fashioned hard work. Owner completion plan by LANCER HOMES 1 '/a miles west of Route 31 on Route 120 McHenry. Call 815-385-9615 ' 312-894-1500 2/»8 2 20 2/19 HISINCSSOEmTUIUTV AMBITIOUS PERSONS who want to earn but whe can bnly work part time. Opportunity for good extra income. Assistance^ given. Call for appointment bet­ ween 5-7 pm. 815-344-1188 2- 4tfc Custom MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM QUAD-LEVEL with full basement and large deck on 15 fenced acres with barn, pens and paddock for variety of stock, completely functional. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. Shop nearly new. $184,500. CONVENIENCE PLUS! This roomy, in-town Cope Cod offers 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement, central air. beautiful hardwood floors and trim. Aluminum sided for minimum maintenance. Close to evervthina $54,900. GRAND OLE HOTEL" Excellent income op­ portunity. 14 furnished rooms, plus 2 BR apar­ tment ond 1,500 sq. ft. of commercial stores (Could be 4 separate shops with own entran­ ces). Owner offers terms-coll for more details I ONE-YEAR-OLD custom built ranch, only minutes to shopping and schools! 3 bedrooms, large eat in kitchen, close to beach and Petersen Park. Bath is ceramic tile. Excellent starter home. $49,900. PRESTIGE & QUALITY describe this spacious 3 bedroom home with DR, family room and fireplace. Oversized 2 car garage, large sun deck, oil on 4/5 acre. Johnsburg schools. Just $97,500. OPERATE YOUR OWN BUSINESS from home I This 3 bedroom ranch has large bedroom with own entrance tor shop or office. Or run a business from the extra large garoge. Ex­ cellent location. Central air. Contract possible. $69,900. Two names you can trust 4507 W. Rt. 120. McHenry Call 815-385-6900 V.

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