Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1981, p. 11

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REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER, 3 bedroom ranch, with at­ tached garage. Small den with fireplace, all appliances including built-in Microwave and dishwasher. $53,900.00. By appointment after 5pm.815-344-1067 3-4-3-6c HIGH & DRY LOT, 95x135 ft., trees and nice view. City water. Oakwood Shores, Wonder Lake. $12,900.00. 815- 853-7516. 3-4-3-Ar 3 bedroom ranch, full basement, 2Vfe car garage, 3/4 acres, financing available with 5 percent down. 3 percent below market rate financing $57,900.00. 815-385- 7983. 2-25-3-6C FOXRIDGE, 3 bedroom 2 bath, raised ranch. F i r e p l a c e , c e n t r a l air,$72,900.00. Call 815-385- 0343. 3-4-3-13C , ASSUME 8'/j% MORTGAGE 3 bedroom, 2 car garage, 3 .year old home, city water and sewer $15,000 down, $329. monthly paymen- ts 385-2976 HAIR STYLING SHOP 65% Men, good income. Reply to: Box FE No. 2 c/o McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050 LAKiFRONT SELLERS Wait! If your home is at least 3000 to 4000 sq. ft., in an area of other quality homes and on the water, it may be the home our client will buy. Call us and you may have your home SOLD within the week Bob May Century 21 R.E. May Realtors •15-315-5220 2 v 3 4 COUNTRY LIVING IN INI CITY 2 bdrm, alum, siding, parquet flooring living rm 1 "» car gar. w opener, double lot, per­ manent screen house, city sewer & water, gas heat, private party $47,000 By appt. only 815-385-5172 ATTENTION11 -^Realtors • Builders •Developers "WE'RE LOOKING FOR A QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE IN THIS AREA TO SELL THE FINEST OF MANUFACTURED HOUSING ON THE MARKET TODAYf For more informa^ t ion contact: «i<i • »i ( iaHH 1141. J ) Sales Manager IBC HOMES (217) 235-3151 A Division of The Reasor Corporat ioi P.O. Box 4o0, Charleston, 1L 61920 3 4 3 13 HELP WANTED CHEMICAL LARORAIORY TECHNICIAN For analytical section in research center. 2 years college chemistry or appropriate ex­ perience required. Full fringp benefit program. Please phone for interview. Ask for Dr. Marshall Nl^vcome 815-338-1800 (Mortal ClMMical Research Cuter 1275 Lake Avme Woodstock, II. 60696 An equal opportunity affirmative action employer M/F Head Nurse Memorial Hospital hot on excellent opportunity for on in­ dividual with progressive critical car* nursing ax- parlance, pot lent cara manogement and experience of ot toast 1 yaar as a Hood Nursa or Assistant Hood Nursa. A UN in prof or rod. The nursing professional we ara soak­ ing will have damonstratad laadarship and manogamant ability, demonstrated effectiveness and communication •kills and will bo rasponsibla for nursing practica/stan- dords of patiant cara. unit manogamant. professional growth and davaioomant. and parson no! parformanca. Wo off or o vary competitive salary commensurate with axparlanca ond o comploto benefits package which in- dudos o retirement program, fraa moals. free parking ond morel CALL KtSONNEl fVlemorial Hospft^al HELP WANTED HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL. 2 bedroom, bath, newly remodeled, needs carpeting, painting, taping. Phone 312- 931-0166 3-4-3-6C C O U N T R Y C L U B ESTATES, fireplace, built in bar, HBO, 4 bedroom. 2 baths, 400 sq. ft. family room with natural fireplace, newly carpeted throughout, garage door opener, dishwasher, enormous deck all situated on beautiful acre site. $85,000. Ventura, 312-669-5255 3-4-3-12c EXPERIENCED MOLD MAKERS We ore located in Cary. Good company benefits. Call or stop in to see us. iKhtiMld Tool, loc. 500 N. Cary-Aliaoqoio M. Cary, IL NATIONAL COMPANY Immediate openings available. Students con­ sidered. Can earn part time $120. pter week. Full time $1,440. per month. Mr. Drager 312-232-6550 LaMARQUE & COMPANY is expanding operations to this area. Several good c a r e e r o p p o r t u n i t i e s available $270 to $490 per week. Prefer recent" High School graduates. Part time considered for some positions. For interview appointment call Mr. Reyes 312-695-3237. 3-4tfc UNBELIEYABf-K BUSINESS Opportunity. No initial investment. All we require is 2 hours of your time for us to explain the marketing program to you. Call Nickie for ap- pointmeent. 815-653-5876 after 5pm. 2-27-3-6C PERSONNEL r CLERK We are presently in need of a personnel clerk. The suc­ cessful candidate must possess a stable work history, good typing skills, good phone technique and the ability to be o self starter. If you enjoy variety, challenge and a great deal of PEOPLE contact, this is the opportunity for you For an interview apply in per son or call 815-385-7000 Ao*i PA«M% COMPANY l#>00 \. Industrial Drive Mrllenrx. II h not* fiOOSft \n I qua I < ^jportunfv \ mployer M f 2 27 3 6 REAL ESTATE BROKER Century 21 Lake Region has an immediate management opening in our McHenry office for an individual who possesses strong leadership ability, imagination and per­ sonal drive. All inquiries in confidence. CALL DAVID TEBERG at 455-1114 3 43 6 SECRETARY NEEDED Must type with reasonable speed and accuracy, enjoy working with people and able to handle responsibility. For interview call 815-385-6900 BYRNES BROS. INC. BETTER HOMES A GARDENS > 2 26TFG ENERGETIC PERSON needed for mail handling and delivery throughout building with mail cart. Cash register assistance switchboard relief, filing typing and miscellaneous office duties Excellent fringe benefits. Interview by appointment only Morton Chemical Research Center 1275 Lake Avenue, Woodstock, III. 815-338-1800 An equal opportunity affirmative action employer M/F 1 27 3 4 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Opportunity for secretory with ot least 2 years experience, to work in Executive Directors office. Will be working with medicol staff and hospital directors on o daily basis. Must hove excellent shorthand ond typing skills. Previous medical experience heipful. For further information contact Personnel Department McMory Hospital MCHENRY H^R HOSPITAL 3516 W.Wakifai Read lirMmirv 815-385-3535 ACCOUNTANT We have on outstanding opportunity for an accountant with a manufacturing background. Job responsibilities will include the following: •Provide reports and ossist management on decisions relating to price set up. additions or deletions relating to product lines etc. •Preparation of Journal vouchers. •Analysis of financial reports and records. •Special projects to develop and recommend improvements and various accounting methods and procedures. •Coordinating accounting matters with other departments locations and divisions Candidates may apply in person or call 815-385-7000 Bwawi Pahts 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 60050 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F l"-,L EXECUTIVE MANAGER The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Industry is seeking applicants for the posi­ tion of Executive Manager. The successful candidate should be an enthusiastic self- starter familiar with the broad scope and variety of chamber operations. The in­ dividual must be skilled in directing, budgeting, membership and detail work; w h i l e p o s s e s s i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n a l , managerial and effective communication skills. * In return Woodstock offers a great living environment and the Chamber offers a rewarding and challenging position, a gbod benefit package, expenses and a salary commensurate with ability, educa­ tion and experience. a Please direct your confidential reply with resume to: Search Committee Woodstock Chamber of Commerce and Industry 105 E. Judd/P.O. Box 725 Woodstock, Illinois 60098 an equal opportunity employer HELP WANTED DRAG LINE OPERATOR, need experienced individual to operale drag line. Must know all aspects of dragging and of making pond Good work background necessary. Call and ask for Pat Crown. 639-5658 3-4-3-6C W O R K I N G L O C A L L Y making $190 week in telephone sales. Good work necessary. Call Mrs. Npwjiirpjr i»> >»» •»!•» ntn 5658 ' 3-4-£OC B A B Y S I T T E R , M a t u r e woman live in or out No weekends, 3!/2 and 7 year old children Good pay Call after 4pm 815-385-6444 3-4- 3-6c TRI-CHEM, Leader in ballpoint painting, needs someone to help as part time Craft Instructor or to train as leader. Free paint kit. For Interview call 815-544-6600 3-4-3-27C 2 27 3 6 A/ SALES POSITION We need an aggressive, courteous & responsible individual, to fill a new/ used car sales position immediately. Sales experience necessary. Interested persons should apply in person. Payton Chevrolet, Inc. Route 31 South McHenry, III. 1 ?8,t Queen's Way To Fashion Introduces 6 week trial plan. Earn $1,400. in money and clothes For information coll 815-385-8488 312-658-6427 BARTENDER Waitress Wanted Port time, some experience desirable. For interview call 815-385-1002 between 9 am ft 11 am Ask for Tina OFFICE OF MCHENRY AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Skills required: Typing, Bookkeeping, Receptionist. Send resume and salary requirements to 1257 & Grew St McHenry, 11.60050 LICENSED J PLUMBER Must be state licensed. Non Union Call for Appointment CrifltlTt Kitchens t Baths 3012 W. Rt«. 120 344-1 ISO CAFETERIA HELPER 5 hours weekdays 8:30AM to 1:30PM , CALL 385-9233 TAILORING Tailor or seamstress needed. Men's clothing store in McHenry Coun­ ty. Must be able to do all men's alterations. Must have own trans­ portation. Good pay. Write c/o The Daily Sentinel P.O. Box 709-F6 Woodstock, IL 60098 AVTOMOnVI Ford experience a must Knowledge of DCCS computer helpful but not necessary Good benefits. Send Resume to: AAA-1 c/• 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry, ll. 60050 $245.M to $411.40 WEEKLY working part or full time. National Company. Start im­ mediately. No experience necessary Very little outside work No selling. Send name and oddress for complete details to> 4414 CMtorvltw Pejt. 2*4 Sea AatMk, Texas 7S22S M KENT McHENRY, 4 bedroom ranch. 312-541-3220 3-4tfc LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15.000 sq.f- t. Immediate occupancy 815- 678-2861 3-4tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400 Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 3-4tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, situated in a country setting. This large apart­ ment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center $295 00 Mayline Apartments, Rich­ mond 815-678-2861 3-4tfc A P A R M E N T S I N TOWN,two bedroom in­ cludes heat, one bedroom plus heat, reasonable rent Security deposit required, no pets 815-385-2352 or 815-344 1035. 3-4tfc UPSTAIRS FLAT at 1502 N Richmond Road, in city of McHenry Includes heat,- stove and refrigerator. 815- 385 4349 3-4tfc MODERN EXTRA LARGE two bedroom apartment on waterfront, with cathedral c e i l i n g . C a r p e t i n g , stove.refrigerator, walk to stores $325.00 including heat. Adults, no pets 815-385-3493 • , 3-4tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE AVAILABLE Frifzsclw Industrial Park, Inc. 15,000 sq. ft. 5 , 0 0 0 s q . f t . 815-385-1079 WAREHOUSE Spring Grove Area 42 x 100 with office s p a c e , 2 w a s h r o o m s loading dock paved p a r k i n g , 2 0 0 f t . o f f R o u t e 1 2 o n B l i v e n . S p r i n g G r o v e . 815-675-2383 RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY BRItMT NEW NOME 1820 North Avenue, McHenry 3 bedrooms, l'i baths 11» car garage $425 month Security deposit and references 312-929-2121 TAGE11 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4. I t t l --nra?---- WONDER LAKE. 1 bedroom house, ideal for couple $245 00. 815-653-6741. 3-4tfc A T T E N T I O N H O R S E FANCIERS, 4 bedroom, 3 bath hillside ranch home on one acre in Val Mar Country Estates,large family room with fireplace,alf bedrooms newly decorated, all kitchen a p p l i a n c e s i n c l u d e d . I n ­ cluded is access to 12 acre h o r s e l o t . b u r r . a n H recreation house with pool $700 month Reeferences and security deposit 815-385- 4472 „ 3-4tfc MODERN ONE BEDROOM Apart|nent, on Waterfront Walk to stores, carpeting, stove, refllgerator. Adults, no pets $250.00 plus security deposit 815-385-3493 3-4tfc NEED 1 or 2 PEOPLE to share house with me til June $115 00 month each person Deposit required 815-653-9700,815-459-9743 Rita < work) 2-27-3-6C A P A R T M E N T S F O R RENT, two bedrooms. Third and James Street McHenry 312-381-2059 3-4tfc 1 1 2 B E D R O O M A P A R T M E N T S Available Now Close to shopping center within walking distance 704 Logan.Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt 31 CHAR-MAR APTS. Call between 9:00 am I 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm 815-385-9019 " APARTMENTS FOR RENT REFERENCES AND SECURITY DEPOSIT REQUIRED 815-385-1079 FOR RENT Business Zoned-6 room house and large screened-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In addition-2 story 3100 square foot barn-plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and im­ mediate occupancy. For complete details, please call Mr. Jim Marinangel 385-3000 2 1 att ? !9ttG ONE BEDROOM APART­ MENT, convenient to shopping, ideal for older woman All utilities paid. 815-385-1115 3-4-3-6C 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, fireplace, fenced yard, pier or river $300 815-344-4295 3- 4-3-6C WONDER LAKE, 5 room rustic log cabin, one block to beach, family room with fireplace $285 month ""plus damage deposit. April 1st occupancy 312-397 2498 3 4- 3-6c to ' ' • 3 BEDROOM RANCH, family room, two car garage, in beautiful Edgebrook, Corner of Clover and Timothy, McHenry $425^)0 month immediate occupancy 815-344-5645 or 414-275-3394 ' " 3-4-3-6C F U R N I S H E D E F ­ FICIENCY APARTMENT for single person only $180 includes utilities 815-385- 3685 after 4pm 3-4-3-6C TWO BEDROOM IN McHenry,basement, garage, fireplace, central air con­ ditioning $365 00 Call 815- 385-3490 3-5tfc TWO BEDROOM HOUSE In M c H e n r y , b a s e m e n t , garage, fireplace, central air conditioning $365 00 Call 815-385-3490 - 3-5tfc R E N T F O R F R E E I n March. Save $360 00 New 2 bedroom, garage, full kit­ chen,- dishwasher, self cleaning oven, washer-dryer hookup Central air 815-338- 0690 or 815-653-9395 3-5tfc F U R N I S H E D A P A R T ­ MENTS and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates Mature adults only 815-385- 8905 " 3-4 tfc 4 ROOM. One bedroom apartment with heat. pool, a p p l i a n c e s . n e w l y decorated, no pets, adults preferred $265.00 & up. 815- 344-4231 or 312-775-7000 3- 4tfc O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAI L A B L E . I d e a l f o r retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city - of McHenry Two bedrooms, living room, dining room k i t c h e n a n d 1 1 2 b a t h s $375 00 815-344-1632 or 815- 385-6566 3-4tfc 1,000 SQ FT of office or r e t a i l s p a c e , z o n e d B - l , Route 120, separate utilities, ample parking 815-338-0777 3-4tfc DELUXE CONDO. Waters Edge, McHenry 2 bedroom 2 bath, TV' room, garage, all appliances includes washer and dryer $400 per month No pets 312-381-3307 3-4-3-6t S H A R P 3 B E D R O O M HOUSE, appliances, wall to wall carpeting, garage $350 month, security deposit 815- 385-6536 " 3-4 3-6c RINGWOOD UPSTAIRS, large 5 room, 2 bedroom apartment,stove, refrigerator. dishwasher washer and dryer Newly remodeled, fully carpeted No pets Adults only, swimming pool Security deposit required $325 00 month 815 653-9324 after 4pm 3-4-3-fic LAKEMOOR across from lake. 3-4 bedrooms, stove and refrigerator $375 00 per month plus security . 15-344 0448 2 25-3-6C McHENRY. 2 bedroom home. 1 car garage, in tnu- $350 per month plus security deposit, no pets, available 3 1-81 Ask for Ken 815-385 5290.815-385-6900 2 25-3-fir 3 BEDROOM HOME, for rent, fenced in back yard gas, grill, patio, central air, 1 car garage $400 per month plus utilities, no pets 815- 344-2455 2-25-3-6c 3 BEDROOM HOME for rent on West side of Wonder l^ake Fully carpeted No pets Available im mediately $350 (X) month 81.>385-5610 3-4-3-Bc 6 ROOM APARTMENT for rent Call after 5pm 815-38S 7852 " 3-4-3-6c ' J' J- • ^ L A K E M O O R . I p p e r 2 bedroom apartment $250 00 plus security deposit, no pets, references, heat fur nished 815-653-2211 .3 4 3-6c HOUSE FOR RENT.- 3 bedroom. 2 story central air, and fireplace, full basement in Wonder Lake $375 per month, deposit required 815-449 28VM 3 4 3 13c CONDOM I NT M 2 3 bedroom. 1'2 hath, ap pliances included $395 per month plus utilities 815-344 0727 3-4-3 13c WANTED 25 to 35 vr old person to share my 2 bedroom home $185 per month and share utilities 728-0935 or 815-385-01112 in pm 3-4 3-6c BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom air c o n d i t i o n e d . M c H e n r y C o n d o . w i t h g a r a g e A l l appliances $350 per month 459-6381 3-4-3-fit' I N M c H E N R Y . c l o s e t o schools, hospital. 3 b e d r o o m s . l ' v b a t h s , s e c u r i t y d e p o s i t a n d references 312-587-0758 2- 25-3-6C OFFICE STUDIO in downtown Wood­ stock 20 x 28 room with 12 cei l ing plus off ice, bath, dress­ ing room. May be part i t ioned and ceil ing lower­ ed. 338-0930 FOR SALE L I F E . H E A L T H , A l l T O , Renters, homeowners,we have it ail Prudential In­ surance. Jim Smith 312-426- 5432, George Kingos 312-658- 8621 or call the office 312-695- 1711 ask for Jim or George. 2-25-3-13c

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