IVl iikijmim; paws ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 205 • Crystal Lake. Illinois 60014 • (115)459 244) -- - .a. > m i>» 11 -Ui female, small lump on left rear leg, one crooked ear, byPattiCane "Volunteers are like yachts...No matter where they are, they arouse your curiosity. Who are they? Where do they come from? Why are they here? They have style. If you have to sak how much they cost, you can't afford one. "They are human beings who reflect compassion, unselfishness, caring and just plain loving. Their very presence ti^fccends politics, religion, ethnic background, marital status, even smokers and non-smokers. Volunteers are a luxury." These lines are an excerpt form a piece that Erma Bom beck wrote on volun teers. Did you know that almost the entire Helping Paws organization is made up of volunteers? "Paws" is a waitress, factory worker, vet's assistant, garden club member, teacher, Girl Scout leader, secretaries, crane operator, an eighth grade girl. Together they pick up and deliver Helping Paws collection cans in over six towns, set up our booth sales, coordinate our fund raising, reunite a wandering puppy with its owner, check out a report on an abused collie, take a waif-like small kitten into their homes and make him ready to love again. Helping Paws is, indeed, always in need of new volunteers. We are in need of foster homes - a situation where you would take a strayed or abandoned dog or kitten into your borne and shelter him until he was ready to be adopted. We are in need of mail stuffers - people who could get together and give one afternoon getting a mailing ready to go. We are in need of people who perhaps cannot give their home for shelter, but would be willing to take a foster home animal to be vetted out. This would require only part of an af ternoon. Where do you fit in? Please call the Helping Paws office at 4504641 and see. All pet adoptions must be validated by the signing of a contract along with the adoption fee which includes - the cost of the spay or neuter surgery from a vet of HP's choice, or a deduction from the cost of the surgery if done by a vet of your choice. When adopting a pet through Helping Paws please, for your future reference, keep name, ad dress and phone number of the person from whom you adopted. DOGS FOR ADOPTION Hound-Labrador mix, 2- year-old Mack female, very gentle, shots, 338-0132 or 455- 4999. Labrador, purebred, 3- year-old black male, 338-0132 or 4554999. Staffordshire Terrier, 7- month male, fawn and whie, short hair, medium size, shots, good with children and pets, 497-3058. Irish Setter. 8-month male, good with children and pets, 344-2807. Collie purebred, 5-year-old female, sable and white, shots, good with children and pets, 312-658-8759 after 4 p.m. Golden Retriever-Water Spaniel mix, 1-year-old male, neutered, 815-943-6348 or 815-943-4857 up to 6 p.m. Labrador-Retriever, 5- year-old male, golden color, medium hair and size, shots, housebroken,. neutered, good with children and pets, 385-2750. Doberman mix, 5-month male, tan with black and grey spots, good with pets and children, friendly, 815- 544-4335. Old English-German shorthair mix, 13-month-old male, black and white medium hair, large size, shots, housebroken, good with children and pets, call collect: 312-948-8114. CATS FOR ADOPTION Young adult male, black and white long hair, large size, 459-2641. Black and white, short hair, l-year-old male, af fectionate, good with pets and children, 344-0448. Orange and white, small size, semi-long hair, lMr year-old, female, good with children, 459-5597. Black, 6 V f e -month-old male, short thick hair, 455- 2306. Male, 7Vb-months old kitten, various shades of tan short hair, shots, neutered, good with children and pets, 385-0666. Adult female, short hair tortoise; two 64-month-old male kittens; Mack-white; orange-white, 338-4154. Four 3 4-month-old kit tens: orange tiger, two black, black-grey tiger, 455- 2575. Shorthair, young adult, yellow tiger female, shots, spayed, good with pets and children. Short hair, 1-year- old brown and black tiger female, shots, good with children and pets, 312-639- 6603 after 3:30 p.m. Short hair, 2-year-old female tortoise, spayed, good with children and pets. 338-7188. Adult female Calico, short spaynl. gt?d with children and pets, 338-7188. Female, short hair, 2Mr year-old grey with white feet, face, spayed, 312-689- 5921. LOST DOGS Labrador, 5-6-year-old black male, wearing choke chain (?), Bull Valley, Woodstock, 338-8925 or 338- 3398. Small Border Collie, 4- year-old black female, long hair, white legs, wearing rabies tag, McHenry, 385- 7094. Shore drive, Crystal Lake, 459-8274. Poodle, 7-year-old, very small, black male, wearing chain and rabies tag, McHenry, 385-2975. Doberman, 7-year-old " lump i crookc Crystal Springs road,' 459- 4098. Short hair Terrier mix, 6- year-old, medium size female, short hair, brown with white spot on chest, Crystal Lake and McHenry avenue, 459-4948. FOUND DOGS Black Labrador mix, 2-3- year-old female, Doty road, Woodstock, 459-6115. Beagle, young male, tan- brown-white, Bull Valley and Queen Anne road, Woodstock, 459-9010 or 455- 0484. Black, mixed breed, female puppy, long hair, curly ears, feathered legs, choke collar, Pistakee, near McHenry, 497-4037. LOST CATS Long hair, 7-month-old female, white-orange-black with recent spay marks, McHenry near Stuc's Pizza, 385-7629. Medium size, black short hair, 2-year-old female with white diamond under chin, spayed and declawed, Lakeland Park, McHenry, 385-3647. Domestic, 5-month-old shiney black with patches of white, yellow eyes, Lakeland Park near Horn* sbys, 3850477. Tiger stripe, brown-black, 6-month-old, short hair male, Lakeland Park, 385- 5213 or 312-658-4129. Please call Animal Control when you And or lose a pet. They will not pick up pet unless you wish. Animal Control has kittens, cats, puppies, dogs, available for adoption. Call 338-7040. For information on Helping Paws lost and found and adoptions, call 459-2641. • • e • No two lawyers agree on anything, it seems* Initiate Study On Road Improvement SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 13,1981 improvements to Illinois Route 47 at Russell court, * our pood's tmsbe.* Illinois, 20, Irving street, Illinois 173, St. Charles road, Raycraft, Thayer and O'Brian-Vanker Koas. The Illinois Department of Transportation has an nounced that it has initiated <a study for the improvement of Illinois Route 47 from U.S. Route 14 to the Wisconsin state line in McHenry county. The study will in vestigate widening and resurfacing of the present roadway with drainage improvement. - The following structures ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. P9SSibl Illinois^ will be investigated for Bkible improvements: 147 over Slough creek ; Illinois 47 over Birch creek; Illinois 47 over Nippersink creek and Illinois 47 over Silver creek. Also involved in the study are possible intersection • • • * A symbol is worthless unless you know what it stands for. *••• Some wives are like fishermen. They think the best got away. Popalatlee It has taken at least a million years for the world's population to grow to what it is today. At the present rate of increase it will double in the next 40 years, some experts predict. A possible food source, oceans cover 71 percent of the earth's surface, and produce only one percent of man's food at the present time. BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN •6RAJMMER CABINETS •ANDERSEN WINDOWS •PRE-HUNG DOORS •NORD SPINDLES •JIM MARTIN PAINTS •LINCOLN WINDOWS •GAF SHINGLES •BUILDERS HARDWARE •PREFINISHED PANELING •CHAMBERLAIN GARAGE DOOR OPERATORS Phone 385-1424 909 N. FRONT ST., McHENRY £ 4 A (312)223-2700 (PODIATRIST) SAVI25% ImHm' Tour Da Franc* ••aim Jmm 11.96 Our *•* IS W Tour Do Franco pro-waihod donim jooni. A fan tastic fit. Slxo* 5/4 to IS. / SAVI30% Ladles' Flannel Lined Coaches' Jackets 6 OA 0 Our Rag. 9.94 Savo |S on our Hannol lined lodiot coochoi jackal Nylon. a«tt. color*, tiiot S M I. Ma Hssasa Jackets Our Rag. 10.94 on our (Mt1 |adi«tt wlffc Of wttHowl lioidi tal»n and patterns. VIM 7-14. SAVE 25% Ladies' Long Pirmo-Priss Gowns 4.32 Our Rag 5 74 Savo 2S*« on this group of ladiai long granny gown*. Throo beautiful ttyla* to chooto from and in a largo asst. of booutiful colon All ara permanent prott and roquiro no ironing No I7SOR Ladies' Long Terry Loungers Our Ra9. *.97 5.82 Our 7 » Seve 25\ en Han cemterfeWe terry lewwpef. tfce iWitf to lit* into after work or efter e ionf -wHfc ttio kid* Pwre cendeit )• the word far lounger Eesy cere Jl Site* I te XI No 903 SAVE OVER $3 On Women's Cork Fashion Sandals Streppy wndait (aahionsd atop contem Q porerv cork bottoms Terrific with skirts Q 9 orttec*. !»(."» i ""1 Ou. R., 1199 •AVI UP TO 30% Man's •ays'. Children's Sneakers Cenves sneakers with remfo'ced •yel»«» end p»o»e<*«»e toe (apt Men » suds boys sues 2 4 children s sues » >0 10 2 Owr Ref S H I 4 H BEGORRA! HORNSBY GIVES YE 'O' DOLLARS BUYING POWER Labrador purebred, black, 2-4 year-old male, thin hind quarters, wearing brown leather collar, with rabies tag (?), McHenry, 455-3011. Airdale mix adult male, medium size with long wiry hair, brown-black-grey, wearing choke chain, North H&R BLOCK TAX TEST Question No. 4 Medicare 'B' payments made by persons receiving Social Security benefits are deductible. • True • False For older persons on a fixed income, H&R Block has the right answer to this and other questions regarding special tax credits and deductions for those taxpayers. If you itemize, the answer is TRUE. Because these payments are simply withheld from benefit checks during the year, they are often overlooked at tax time. WEIL MAKE THE TAX LAWS WORK FOR YOU H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 30? W. Own HARVARD PNont 943-4410 OPEN 9-4 ffEERDAYS, 9-5 SAT. EVENINGS IT APPOINTMENT 220 S. State Si MARENGO PIwm 5414343 OPEN NEERDAVS M, SAT. 9-5 APPOINTMENTS ANYTIME SlOlW.EIn McHENRY PIwm3«VMM OUff OFFICE HAS MOVED TO SERVE YOU BETTER OPEN WEEKDAYS H SAT. t-S APPOINTMENTS AVAIIAHE uow.cdhoM WOODSTOCK pimm 3343330 OPEN KER0AVSM. SAT. 9-5 APPOINTMENTS AVAIIAMI m i&T* " 2 SAVI 19% Beway Faally Slza SAVE 27% 15 0s. W endra Skia LeMea SAVE 37% Mr. Claaa 4 Ox Trial Size 18' Tasty Savings Chef Bey-Ar-Bee Spaghetti Sauce SAVI 22% Biz Betergeat Baastar 30 Oz Sapar Saviags Chef Bey-Ar-Dee Pizza Mafic 67* Save 20% Our Rag 3 24 Owr Rag 27C With Moot Or Mushrooms € Our Bog 2 37 Our R09. 2.42 Wondre glvot your skin Trial liieiei bottle o* Mi Clee tog.. Soutofo Or Popporoni Spieed on any tread mates piise 11*'. 01 doterfont booster will ell leOric Deiktow» Chef SoyArOee spaghetti sauce Choose writfc meat a# mesh IT'S FISHIN' TIME Volour Print owol Sots 2.32 Safer Savings Zehce Omega Bltra Ufa Baal 10.87 Safer Saving Slgasa Skirted Sfeel Beal POTTED SPRINGTIME TREATS SAVI BP TO 24% I'PetHd 74* The leiMtlM 1 ta# Dflacaot. 9m. 171. 4" Tletae SAVI 20 SfriatB Car Wan SAVI 20% Shert Length 1st Oanllty Fabric SAVE 24% Ivarandy C Or B ( Oor Bog 2PAK 4,< The energy seorce el the 90s Our Bog V4 107V4 Choose; from e lerfe essortment of heewttfwl iprlnf plant* FootMl «««» ara groan end all the eteve come wMfc e It Patrick s Day pkk end all are fall Our R09 2.42 Mnw'i H u. Vftm l* Ik* R«f. 21.938 21. H iAH.YtH9 Title*