PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - When spring clean-up time rolls around: equal work for equal pay "Man Power'" Is it a new washday miracle, the rallying cry itf a men's rights organiza tion or a solution to the energy crisis? Actually, it's none of the above It is, however, one solu tion to another kind of energy crisis the superwoman's con stant pressure to juggle home, family and"job With 51 percent of American women now in the work force and more en route, this spring will find more men cleaning up around the house-- supplying some of the power needed to scrub the tub and wax the floors. For an orderly home Establishing a timetable that corresponds to a spring cleaning plan is key to an orderly house hold With this advice in mind, Bon Ami, the cleaning product See the 1981 Olympics •NftMruMuy -Tvrnrm woooH oiyyMP STAINI WrrOMrtf PAINT oosMF&anoMii (^cowlg^Ki Semi-Ttansparent Stain Olympic Overcoat* Color Stain Penetrates to give new The tough, acrylic latex ™ Penetrates to protect, wood beauty that's more house paint that really '-atex 'ets you stain over than skin deep. beats the weather. P^nt- And both last for years Now performing at: Ooast to Goast MdflRYMMKT PUCE KTL1* NcNEIRV 3ft«55 EXTRA SPECIAL DISCOUNTS OR SAMPLES b DISCONTINUED MODELS! V © Mmwt Counter S»w'* WcrewaN Otm fmtUmt: I Installs easily under cabinets. I Built-in exhaust fan and light, i Extra-wide 16" oven interior. S*K CI*on Built-in Ovm $4VOOO ALMOND W FINANCING AVAILABLE I I o Lp_cri_nJb USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN LEE Er RHY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front (S. Rte. 31) 385-08BZ McHenry, Illinois FRIDAY. MARCH XI, IM1 that has scrubbed up American homes for almost a century, of fers these suggestions to the duo who find "togetherness" one way to stamp out grime mofe ef ficiently. Concentrate your efforts. Do one room at a time before mov ing on . However, before getting down to the nitty-gritty, first remove the messy clutter. Start by emptying wastebaskets and clearing furniture tops, then proceedMo dust, wash 01 sham poo. Share and share alike Although housework should be a shared affair, try keeping out of one another's hair by tak ing on your "own" rooms. You'll be less tempted to criticize your partner's cleaning methods. A good rule is to start at the top. Clean chandeliers, light fix tures and pictures first, then work your way down to tables, chairs, window sills and finally the floor. Gather together all the clean ing supplies ahead of time. A large bucket is ideal for holding cleansers, rags, sponges and other essentials. To make the job more economical as well as easier, use a multi-purpose cleaner such as Bon Ami Polishing Cleanser, that cleans and shines everything from chrome to porcelain without leaving a scratch or streak. Rather than shuffling furni ture from one room to another in an effort to shampoo the carpet, save time and back-breaking ef fort by covering each furniture leg with a small plastic bag. Then, simply move the furniture aside to clean the area and then return to its original spot. Pick a day and time that's convenient for the two of you. While some prefer a Saturday morning blitz, others unwind by conquering one major mess per night. THE TRADITIONAL AREA of "women's work" is getting done a lot faster as husbands are teaming up with wives to make housecleankig a joint effort. According to cleaning ex perts at Bon Ami, America's good friend since 1886, a duo cleaning plan works beat if: you pick a day or time of day that accommodates both spouses' schedule; concentrate dual ef forts on one room at a time and start at the top working down; keep all supplies close at hand; use an all-purpose product such as Bon Ami which cleans everything from windows to stainless steel; and stay out of each other's hair to ensure household and cleaning harmony. When the husband pitches in, he not only saves his working wife precious time and effort but also helps create the cooperative household spirit that's crucial when both partners work. Using Bon Ami, a household friend since 1886, a good amount of elbow grease and these handy tips is one plan that's hard to beat. One of the most important elements of a well -built w indow is the sash and frame , Since wood is a natural in sulator it will not conduct heal as easily as a non thermal metal sash and frame. In fact, com parative tests show that wood insulates 400 times more effec tively than steel and 1.770 times better than aluminum m Satisfy Your Construction Needs with the Services G of B CUNAT BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS * Experienced in: 'Residential •Remodeling •Commercial •Agricultural •Industrial Brian John B CUNAT BROTHERS G E N E R A L C O N T R A C T O R S 3200 W JUSTEN RD McHENRY ILL. 60050 (815) 385-3192 Free Estimates! (815) 385-3192 BUILDING SITES AVAILABLE!.