Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1981, p. 13

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Gifts For Rescue Squads Dick Bowe, left, of the Johnsburg Rescue squad and Mark Diedrich and Carmon Hodges, both representing the McHenry Rescue squad, are shown with Norman Liedberg, president of the McHenry County Health Improvement association, who made the presentation of $250 to each of the squads to use in ahy manner they feel has priority. Norman Liedberg. president of the McHenry County Health Improvement association, has presented donations to Valley Hi Nursing home. MCESDA. and the Rescue squads from Harvard. Hebron. John­ sburg. Marengo. McHenry. Richmond and Woodstock There was also a donation given to the IHIA foundation, which will go toward both doctor and nurse scholar­ ships in three area com munity colleges as well as in Southern Illinois university. MCESDA's director. .John Shay, requested that a Resusi Anne, a training device used in CPR classes throughout the entire county, be purchased A short demonstration was given so that all preserrt would have a better un­ derstanding of just what can lx' accomlished with this type of equipment >. William M Morefield. administrator of Valley Hi Nursing home, stated that their check would be added to the existing chair lift fund for their vehicle, which will greatly facilitate the tran sportation of their wheel chair patients Each Rescue squad had its own priorities and assured HIA that the donations will be put to good use in their local squads The McHenry county HIA was organized in 1954 and was originally sponsored by the Farm bureau. Home bureau and the County (irange group, in an effort to provide adequate health protection on an individual basis In 1957 they became an independent group and have continued to grow giving service to the entire county, currently having* a membership of over 3,500 members In addition to the type of cash donations previously mentioned, the McHenry county HIA has an annual nurse scholarship, which in 1980 was given to Victoria D Arter of Crystal Lake Due to the many requests received last year, the Scholarship committee is considering giving two scholarships in 1981. one for a college age individual and a new scholarship for someone who has raised a family and wishes to start a new career by entering the nursing profession in their middle years The heart of HI As success is its dedicated volunteers They provide the time and talent to make the organization work For more information regarding the McHenry County Health Improvement association, contact the HIA office located at 226 W. .Judd street. Woodstock Lakeland Park & Lakeland Shores Carol Cominsky 385-7246 Little League Needs Manager The Lakeland Park Little league is looking for someone to take over the job of manager for the new season Most of last year's coaches plan to return If anyone is interested in the job. please call Jack Bucaro at :144 3494 after 5 p.m. NEW NEIGHBORS We would like to welcome Jack and Linda Bucaro to Prairie avenue They moved into their new home last weekend with their four m o n t h - o l d d a u g h t e r Heather Jack has been busy managing i»ur little league but he wants to retire this year so he can have more time to get settled in the new house Lmda is kept very busy tending to the needs of their tiny daughter. Good luck to these new home owners PHONE RINGS Someone finally answered my plea for phone calls. N'orb Lewakowski on Bonner road called to let me know it was his son Daniel's bir­ thday Mar 23 Dan's wife Tricia had the family over to their house in Wonder Lake that evening for cake and coffee Good to hear from you Norb Next week I'd like to hear from someone on Glen drive. Park and Hunter. BROWNIES AND GIRLSCOUTS The girls in Brownie Troop 464 wrote letters last week to the residents of our local nursing home Each girl enclosed her return address in anticipation of getting herself a new pen pal Girl Scout Troop 320 went on a tour of the cable tv studios last week While there, they met Dr. Farmer, who was taping an interview and they learned about the interesting things cable television can do Look for your neigh­ borhood scout in the next week; she has the cookies you ordered VOTING Don't forget to go out and vote Tuesday. April 7, in our local election If you plan to write in your vote please be sure to put all the in­ formation in correctly HOSPITAL NEWS Sharon Gacek has been in McHenry hospital for the last week and a half with back problems. I hope she's home right now taking it easy so she doesn't have to make a return trip. Barb Borchardt is back home, recuperating from her recent surgery I'm sure she's lying next to the CB, monitoring channel 9 all day long Good girl Barb I send my condolences to Pat Buhrman who has strict orders from the doctor to keep her mouth shut for two weeks She's having throat problems th?' won't henl unless she does as he says If that ever happened to me it would be like getting the death sentence BIRTHDAY WISHES Happy birthday to Butch Dowel I, Apr 1 David Wayne Kreutzer will be one year old Apr. 2 and he shares his day with Debbie Koczor and Charlene Mueller Good wishes to Scott Lasko and Kristina Freund on the third Apr 4 is the special day for Adele Arndt. Karen Schmedberg. Lisa Mayer and I^ee Dolan. On Apr 5. Carol Laehel turns 3, Billy Michaels will be 10 years old and Flaine Worth. Ron Meurer and Dan Drake add another year Joe Parisi will hear the birthday song Apr. 7 ANNIVERSARY WISHES Many good wishes to Ken and Kathv Maxson on their 7th anniversary. Apr 5. Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 Recertification PACiE 13 - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1.1981 BIBLE VERSE "But first they gave - their own selves to the For Paramedics 1 1. Who was the author of Going Up Our national bill for guzzling imported oil had soared from a trickling $3 billion in 1970 to a staggering $80 billion by 1980. And the price of a barrel of crude oil -- less than S2 a dec­ ade ago -- is well on its way to the projected S80 by 1985. Slate Next Road Meeting The second installment of the Road Assessment meeting, which had started Mar 10. was held Mar 24 It is to be continued Thursday, Apr. 2. again at the Alliance Bible church. 3815 Bull Valley road, at 7 p.m. Many residents were heard so far. and if you have not had a chance to speakout. be sure to be at that meeting BOARD MEETING I apologize for an error in the announcement of the Board of Trustees meeting All the board meetings start at 7 p.m., not 7:30 p.m as' erroneously stated I hope nobody missed too much of last night's meeting CANDIDATES NIGHT On Friday. Apr 3. you will have a chance to meet all the candidates who are running for the board of trustees of McHenry shores, at 7:30 p.m at the Alliance church Please be sure to come to listen and talk to Farl Buck. Andrew Diedrich. Rose Lillegard. Richard Panerali. Raymond Rigsby. Sara Sozinski. Donna Tobeck, Wayne Warren and Charles Werth ELECTION NEWS Election day is Tuesday. Apr 7 Your polling place is the Alliance Bible church, 3815 Bull Valley road, and the polls are open from fi a rn to 7 p.m Voting is a great privilege. Please be sure and use it The McHenry Shores Citizens for Better Govern­ ment are offering rides to the polls for the handicapped and those without a car For a ride at any time the polls ure open. call Deanna Lytner. 385-8646; Mary Hanson. 385-0655; or Donna (hinder. 385-0574 In addition, the following people may be reached at specific times: Alice Law son. 344 1259. before 4 p m ; Al and Sue Kapp. 385- 7542. after 3pm; and Pat Einweck 385 8449 before 9 a m and after 1:30 p m INTERESTED-PEOPLE For anyone coming into our village at this time, we must be presenting a terrific picture Citizens who come to meetings by the hundreds, people who normally belong to the 'Silent Majority', speaking out not only for the mselves. but worrying also about their friends and neighbors; it is good to see such togetherness That is what life in a village like ours should be all about So. let us not go back to our "nobody cares" at titude. to empty chairs at board meetings, to the belief that our votes and opinions don't count Let us show the municipal government that we care, that we want to know what is going on. that we appreciate what they are doing They are giving a lot of their own personal time, and they VOTERS WARD 4 "YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE" INSTRUCTION FOR WRITE-IN 1.) WRITE IN ON BALLOT ENVELOPE I I I I I 2.) BELOW I I I I I I I I ( INFORMATION MUST BE ENTERED AS SHOWN ALDERMAN WARD A H CECILIA SERRITELLA (BE SURE TO DRAW BOX WITH IB ) THANK YOU P.M »y CANDIDA TlCKCIUA MMOTfUA Income averaging can save you money. But only if you make more than §30,000 a year. • True • False \XTut vou don't know about income averaging could cost you money H&R Block knows that no matter how much you make, if your income went up substantially last year you may he able to income average We'll take advantage of this if it's to vour benefit The answer is FALSK, since there is no minimum amount of income required to qualify WE LL MAKE THE TAX LAWS WORK FOR YOU H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE J02 W Di||ini OPEN 9 6 WEEKDAYS. 9 S SAT HARVARD Phone 943 6410 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 770 S SUI« St MARENGO Phone b6« 6363 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 9*. SAT 9 S APPOINTMENTS ANYTIMt 5101W Elm McHENRY Phone J»S M30 OUR OFFICE HAS MOVED TO SERVE YOU BETTER OPEN WEEKDAYS 91 SAT. 9 5 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MOW Calhoun WOODSTOCK Phone 338 3330 OPEN WEEKDAYS 91. SAT 9 5 APPOINTMENTS AVAMJtBLf would like to hear from us when we are satisfied, too. not only when we have complaints BIRTHDAYS Penny Bain will celebrate her birthday Apr :i. .Jackie Bow les on the 4th; and Dawn Bixler will be 12 years old Apr 7 Have a nice day. all you bjrthdav people and many happy returns of ih«* day' - . . HOOK CHRIS Chris Coote who had a very bad accident Ipng. long ago. is still not quite recovered She has just had surger> on her-mouth thai was necessary as a result of that mishap (let well soon. Chris, and we are all hoping that this u;is really the last of your troubles' FOR LOVKOR MONEY O n e o f o u r f a v o r i t e talented people. Yvonne Alton is currently starring three times a week. Tuesday Wednesday and T h u r s d a y , a t 1 M ) p m . i n the hilarious comedy. "For Love or Money" at Crescent Bay Landing The play will be running through May 31 How is that for a suggestion for a luncheon with a little bit extra" CONSUMER VCHECKIIST Knowledgeable emer­ g e n c y - t r a i n e d s t a f f members at v Memorial hospital in Woodstock are conduct ing recert if icat ion sessions for McHenry county's paramedics who are, m fin hers of rescue squads or F ire departments in Woodstock. Wonder Lake. Crystal Lake or Marengo Memorial hospital and .McHenry hospital'personnel cooperate in these training sessions, the most recent h e l d l a s t ' w e e k * a t t h e Woodstock Opera House in tjr1 cbmmuniU room A similar recertification op port unity will b<> provided April Hi Mrs- K1 vera Boswell. R N Memorial h o s p i t a l e m e r g e n c \ department supervisor said the paramedics must be recertified annualh As observers watched, paramedics were given assignments in which to d e m o n s t r a t e t h e i r a b i l i t \ and knowledge This practical test followed a 45 minute written examination Demonstration tests under s i m u l a t e d e m e r g e n c y conditions that txirdered on r e a l i s m w e r e h e l d o n a i r w a y m a n a g e m e n t c a r diopulmonarv resuscitation ('PR . trauma assessment, and arrythrriia identification and drug therapy The program is part of the Mobile Intensive ('are t nit system MICC1 Marge Zuzewski. MIC! coordinator at McHenry hospital, was in charge of the recertification at the Opera House Mrs Boswell is the Memorial hospital MKT! coordinator Mrs Boswell reminded p a r a m e d i c s s e e k i n g recertification that the final opportunity at Woodstock will t>e April 16 The next one. when held later this summer, will be at McHenVv hospital the above statement? 2. Of whom was he speaking? 3. What particular virtue does this statement praise? 4. Where found? may it be Proper Use Relate wall hangings to your furnishings. They should not be wider than the furniture arrange­ ment beneath them. Save Heat - When cooking, match the size of pots to the range units. Heat is wasted when the pot is smaller than the unit. Answtrs to Bible Vtrse 1. Paul the Apostle. 2. The Christians at Macedonia. .3. Their liberality in tak­ ing care of those in need. 4 II Corinthians 8:5. Golden Gleams A pleasant companion re­ duces the length of the journey. -Publilius Svrus. INCOME TAX Paul A. Schwegel & Co. ACCOUNTANTS • TAX CONSULTANTS 4410 W. Rte. 1 20 - McHenry (815)385-4410 Year Round Accounting & Tax Office* For Over 25 Years Silver products have risen as much as 400 percent, this newly acquired value may noi be fully covered in the family's homeowner policy Silverware can be insured under a personal articles floater for about 20< per $100 in most areas. Rental 9 75 PER MO. '1980 rent soft\ • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • uNE puuntf Luii con answer any questions 312-259-3393 FOX VALLEY DIVISION • i M°fatlaUef' SHOP AND COMPARE! SPECTACULAR U.S.O.A. CHOICE BEEF SIDE WIN A FRH Weber Kettle ENTER NOW! Enter Every Time You Stop Drawing Held June 1st - CAN BE SEEN AT OUR STORE - •400°° VALUE 1 17E I ho WITH 300 LBS BEEF I / J IKJO. PURCHASE OR MORE 75 lbs . Chicken fryers 20 lbs. Vegetables 30 lbs. Port 50 lbs. Potatoes Extra Bonus! Electric OVENette" Baker and Grill BIG 6Vî WEST BEND QAA I QQ U S O A. CHOICE cUU LOO. SPECIAL (X AM PIE 10IN b ROUND 1W*» BEEf 11 It PfR LB PIUS to IB BONUS NO CHARGE T O T A L . . . * 1 6 2 . 4 0 No Charge for Cutting and Wrapping! •GHHIS • PA«fS • ROAStS • Mr ARMS •SfRVfS F R E E ! PLUS ... Regular bonus for open­ ing your charge account with 300 lb. beef purchase or more. Al4 MEAT SOLD HANGING WEIGHT According to Weights Available Buy with confidence from a state inspected and approved establishment! F/tt timts vM art USD* \k» tms Pnrw tonpng «U Krtr+% * 9** on end nM«» OM* no MCUfn turdta o> tw.afi orttoi U tlM« < M w WWfM T«i M*T r(W KMT Xtf *Mtt tn fima cui mwoo* and "Mrtad ft mm VM ipwnrn •« TO uta '0 «*. VM n ** y mi to ***> m*** aarftajt to pack aft itonnMi' he *** *»»t AM tmnuMi m t ID wfci oor mt j* Omp tnitnm pnr%» MC %> (>»• I kit <* i louf U CM*" *0 '«•#*> Hd drw (nw JMt • than cr»*t MPteaoor • cMfrdh ** *•*> *"** L £ Sow or piBtm b* i Ma ID mmf art am) •* «uM*vn a r m m H tv tw--Mnm to yoM lurwr--"ct Sny tWiwio A\A H i FREE! Coffeo and Donuts| While You Watch Your Meat Cut U.S.D.A PRIME PRE-TRIMMED BEEF SIDES 350 LBS. AND UP '2.39 i U.S.D.A PRIME For Those Who Want the Vary B«sC Steak and Roast Section TOP PRICEI wauofs T Bonr •XXJJ* >3** Sink Sirtmr Ti(i Ro«s1 and G'nunfl Bw* a-tr i no usd a cMoict 475 LBS. special EXAMPt f no b SI0EBEH 9H PER IB PIUS 175 IB BONUS NO CMARGI TOTAL ... *297.00 CHARGE IT! 3 MONTHS SAME AS CASH Fox Valley Meats 697-2616 Elgin, III. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT.... 920 Villa (Bus. Rt. 20) TUfSOAV THRU FRIDAY II to 7 SATURDAY AN0 SUN0AV I to ( HOUR •ANSWERING! ClOSfO MOMMY /

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