Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1981, p. 24

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PAGE 24 - PI. UMH M.I.'K • WEDNESDAY, APRIL I, 1981 U . S . n e w s p r i n t c o n s u m p t i o n , w h i c h e x c e e d e d 1 0 . 8 m i l l i o n t o n s i n 1 9 7 8 , i s p r p n c t e d t o r e a c h 1 2 . 5 m i l l i o n t o n s a n n u a l l y b y 1 9 8 5 . Package of Color Portraits You chootc your favorite ityk for your package at time of titling Twelve - Deluxe Wallets One - 8x!0 Portrait Two - 5x7 Portraits Additional Portrait* may be added to your package at time of tilting Add • w«ttn« 14 •$ Add 2 1 • 7 Add I • • 10 ta e\ No Additional Charge For Group* (Limit 4 or le»%) l imn One Prt W«t*< • Fatt delivery on finished portraits Parent* «rtM be notifird by '•« pestreM drli>ti* dill st tloff «nd mutl hr i wht* Niw»r> «* phaiagraphtd Johnsburg Diane Berlin 675-6291 n U<rtnlr*tf m Drpmi Hefyeded r"irr, H> 30 e m. to 4:00 p.m. I' 1" i ft« to I p m. 8 2 p.m. to 5 p.r rsi SAT & SUN. i "VH 3rH 4th S 5th FAMILY CENTER 1400 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY, IL. Board Accepts Resignation Dr Kenneth Falkinham has announced his resignation, to be effective July 1. He has been a great asset to District 12. as assistant superintendent of Business Affairs and the school board regretfully accepted his resignation at a special meeting to discuss the budget Dr Falkinham will replace Roman Miller, as Waukegan's associate superintendent. We of District 12 extend our best wishes for his continued success and are grateful to him for giving so much during th#» nast spvf»n years Friday (Teachers' In­ stitute) the staff held an all day conference, including the team of specialists from the North Central Evaluation. Special guest speaker was Dr. Bernice McCarthy, who has been working with District 12 throughout the year and she presented her expertise on various learning styles. The teachers who have used her techniques gave their Hearing Loss Is Not A Sign off Old Ago Anyono who has trouble hooring or understan­ ding conversation is welcome to have a hearing test with modern electronic equipment. Even people now wearina a hearing aid. The free hearing test will be given by a Audiologist. Weds. 10 to 5 Evenings by Appt. McHenry Hearing Aid Center 3 9 3 7 W M a i n M c H e n r y 385-7661 • "" . .iiTli MORE vow WVVWB WW* . 7.ebcoH Med. Light Spin Reel 6020 ™ 16.76 Internal bail trip/manual override. Interchangeable folding handle Number 6020. NewZebcs® 20/20® Rssl opinion of its usefulness. Dr. McCarthy has deeicated her book, "The 4- Mat" to the Johnsburg School District 12 and we are very proud to have this honor. Welcome back to Mrs. Jocelyn Booth, who has been on maternity leave. She now has a new addition to her busy schedule. Jennifer tipped the scales at 8 lbs., 5 oz. Best wishes to your family. Mrs. Buulii. JUNIOR HIGH Michelle Bowe and Kathy Carroll have been selected to attend the 7th annual Illinois Young Authors conference. The girls were chosen as a result of their participation in a contest for writing their own book. Congratulations, Michelle and Kathy...keep up the interest in writing. You never can tell who will be our next Hemmingway! JAMES C. BUSH Last week the second and third grade students presented a concert "Music Express." The children were excellent and Mrs. Belcher, General Music Coordinator, should be applauded along with the children, on a thoroughly entertaining evening. PACK 454 ...held its March pack meeting last Wednesday. Opening the meetihg was the Webelos. posting the colors. The pack had sold all of the candy for the fund raising. Mark Fenwlck 3 Tray Deluxe Tackle Bex 9.76 15.76 Features wide-range •traight-llne™ drag system. Ceramic pick up pin. Number 20/20. Save 34% 5 Lbs. Buss Bedding 1 *53 Buss worm bedding keeps live worm bait alive longer. Croat (or the fisherman in your family. Med size 3 tray box 28 compar tments. Lockable 15 3/8" x 8 3/4" x 8 1/8". Number 1080. Mark Feawick 3 Tray Tackle Bex 6.87 Features: Compact, 3 tray box, 23 comportment lockable, 12 7/8" x 7 3/8" x 7 1/4". Number 1060. Prices ifffocthro Wod., April 1 tkrwFrt., April 3 *2 REBATE FROM SIMONIZ Shinif' Super My Paste 6r Liqeld 2.96 .V.." 4.96 ,1 Slmenis® Shines 1.81s® Tk- Cms? 1.76^,3.76 S A. Simenli® 16 Oi. Cor Was I #97 Our R.g 2.Si • Sineals®12es. Car Wash 1.37 Our Rag. 1.76 c SImonii 12 Oz. Chrome Cleaner 96* Our Rag. 1.17 You'll finish first whan you Simonii your car. Protects your car. savas you monay. chroma CLEANEP ""St hii vftr*? NO FOOLING . . . H0RNSBY GIVES YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! Soffsocii) YOU CAN WIN A G IGANTIC f ASH H BASKET OH RABBIT Hcq is te t he re ( i w in an fas te i Baske t u i Dud ley B rand Rabb i t Save 3 * * Plastic Basket W/Can H * foy< Save! Save! Softs oap" Liquid 10.S Ox Save 31% Sani-Flushl Save 23% eld lafplleli Fwrn. Polish 14 Oz. Save! Save! Pvffs atoct. Family Pack 1.14 °u,'»a 1.16 °T«s* 1.31 °u- Cleans and doodoriies Fights Eliminotos mossy bar soap. No MP ^Or/8 rd Ui/iin! Save '• Li l t * s > k o 9. •v 74 Save 41% Li l t* Spoc ia l Or Lilt" Body Your Choice Our Reg. mm u 1.83 Choose tho ight lilt' for your f yp * p.f h o • r Save 23% Sylvaala" Magicvboft e Our Rag. ewA 172 Ce* SI Refund frcn Sylvonia' with the porcho«« (I) Ho»h Product ond (2) Glllett.' Swivel ditpotabi. rotor Ent.r lilt Smile N So*. Swoepttoket You cen win up to S2S 000 Complete Save 23% Woollto0 Spray 1.74 Our Rag. 2 21 Safely cleent anytime you vacuum. Save 33% Wiser# Air Freshener S OK. 61 Our Rag. 92< Save 21% Asst. Print . Plllowcaeoe w* 2.32 Cheese from e veriety of print pillowcetet. Peckefe ef 2 sten- derd piliowcetes slightly Irref tiler. Cheote from four diffarent srenc Save 25% Girls' Spring Sports Jackets SAVE 24% Save 30% 10 Ct. MarshmalUw Pnps Save! Srvvef 't Poanwt •o t t er Koa Our Ra«. 11.93 Girls spring (achats . Choose from 3 diffarant am broidarad backs. Sisas 7-14. Our Rag. 52< Reese s del" ' 4 covered noonu4 bott#> egg Stock up now in time for taster mm HOURS: DAILY 9 til 9, SUNDAY 10 til 6 Our Rag. 4.17 Fraa 22 Ox. bottto of moonlight scontod all with tho purchaso of Homostoad lamp. No. 144 MT. >W. ML l it Mcf-tY 47 4 COSMRY CLUB IS. Wollot Slsa 10-1.99 2%" x J'/*" color prints mada from any color print up to • n 10. OWHIXMMS4 »H this coupon mutt ectempeny order. -COUPON- Prices effective while a* titles lest. We reserve Joey Bosnic was responsible for selling over S300. All of the boys did a fine job selling and turning in the money on time. (Awards are as follows: Wolf, Danny Walker, Denny Brown, Chrjs Setzler, Tommy Smith, Ray Klotz; Bear, Julio Rosario, Karl Natschke; Webelos, Joe Moniger, Jeff Briggs; Arrows, Joey Sullivan-G, Matt Bonus-GOne S, Jack Christie-G-three S, Rodney Luiikeisiieiiiief, two S. R«y Klotz-G two S. Chris Setzler- G one-S. Tommy Smith-G, John Briggs, one S, Gary DeWulf-one S, Mark Garlinger-G two S, James Cornett-G two S, Ken Gallo- two S. Arnold Boedecker received the Arrow of Light at a special service, with his parents presenting him the award. It was a very nice service and all of the boys watched as Arnold received the highest -award a Cub Scout can receive. The meeting was closed with retiring of the colors. Don't forget the Pinewood Derby in Rockford, Apr. 4. If you need information regarding participation, times, please contact Don Berlin, Assistant Cub- master, 675-6291. The committee regretfully announces the resignation of Cubmaster Jerry DeWulf. He has accepted a new position with his company, which requires relocation. We are sorry to lose such a fine man. Best wishes to you and your family. ST. JOHNS The Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of St. John's will hold its annual rummage sale Thursday and Friday, Apr. 23 and 24, 9 a.m. to S p.m., at the Johnsburg Community club, east en­ trance. Misses, women's, men's and children's clothing household Items, linens, etc., may be brought starting Monday, Apr. 20. All should be in good, clean, usable condition. Be sure ty keep this date in mind. ^ DATES TO REMEMBER • Apr. 3 Dist. 12 report cards issued. Apr. 4 Cub Scout Pack 454, Pinewood Derby, Rockford, III. Apr. 13, 14, 15 St. John's Home and School Shop and Share program. Apr. 23, 24 B.V.M. Sodality, St. John's, Rum­ mage Sale, 9 to 5; Johnsburg Community Club; east side entrance. May 3 The New Oratorio Singers; concert St. John the Baptist church. May 7, 8, 9 High School, Spring Musical "Dfemn Yankees", auditorium. Pre-Natal Lectures At McHenry Hospital Expectant parents are invited to attend a series of pre-natal lectures and films presented at McHenry hospital on the evenings of April 6, 8,13, and 15. Classes will be presented as follows: Monday, April 6. 7:30 p.m. - Class I: Anatomy and physiology, nursing lectures, coping with pregnancy, pre­ natal exercise and body mechanics; speakers , T . Jegglie, R.N. and J. Weber, N.T. * Wednesday, April 8, 7:30 p.m. - Class II: Maternal nutrition, dietary lecture, "Eating for Two", film; speaker, I. Brody, R.D., Labor and Tour; speakers, T. Jegglie, R.N. and J. Weber. N T. Monday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. • Class III: Delivery, obs te t r i c ian l ec ture "Emotional Aspects of Pregnancy" film "Birth of a Family" film; speakers, J. • VOTE * APRIL 7th FOR BILL AUSTIN ALDERMAN * WARD 2 * A I. i' (i • I H, ' I' • : 1•• Dickstein. M.D., T. Jegglie, R N and J. Weber, N T. Wednesday, April 15, 7r30 p.m. - Class IV: Baby care, pediatrician lecture "A Gift- An Obligation" film, "Hie Newborn" film; speaker, D. Halstead. M.D. ; Dental care lecture by R. Kirchoff, D.D.S. These programs are an integral part of McHenry hospital s "Family-Centered Maternity Care", which focuses on the mother, father, and baby as a family unit. The program is designed for fathers as well as mothers. The above lectures win be given at McHenry hospital in the cafeteria. Those who would like to attend should contact McHenry hospital between the hours of 8 a. til and 10 p.m. at 815-385-2200, extension 716. Please respond by April 1, so the hospital may arrange for the number of persons attending. There is no charge for these classes. Editorta Quote Book Simplicity, honesty and sincerity are qualities that give character to people and to things produced by people. William Feather GETA>20 FACTORY SHAKE HANDS AND COME OUT SAVING ON THIS GE AUTOMATIC WASHER* Original Price Rebate ur' Original Price Rebate 29- Final Cost 41tM Get two washers in one with this GE Wbshcr. With its exclusive Mini-Basket™ . tub, this GE Washer lets you wash both small loads or large, depending on your needs. (WWA8350V) Rebates effective on retail purchases from Mar. 1 thru Apr. 30. GE brings good things to life. "SitVIMO THf McHENRY ASIA FO* OVKR t§ YIAKS" CAREY APPLIANCE SALES l SERVICE 1241N. Green St. 3S5-5500 McHenry, III.

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