Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1981, p. 3

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Offer Baby Care Class PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1.1M1 The Childbirth and Parenting association of MeHenry county will offer a "Baby Care" class Tuesday, Apr. 7, at 7:30 p.m. The class is for expectant parents and parents of newborn babies and will demonstrate newborn care such as bathing, feeding abreast, bottle and solids), diapering. temperature taking and the appearance and behavior of a normal newborn. The Crystal Lake Jaycee Auxiliary will also provide a demonstration on child safety The public is invited to attend For details, contact Mrs Thos. L. (Mary Jo) Farrell of MeHenry. The sponsoring group is an organization that offers opportunities to make childbirth and parenting a shared and enriched ex­ perience. The association strives to help many cope with their important roles as parents and offers support, information and educated approaches to birth and parenting. For more information, call Mrs. David A. (Colleen) Zeiger. Ladies9 Guild Shows Slides Program chairman Susanna Gierloff has arranged for a slide presentation of Jerusalem to be narrated by Alida Wirtz at the Monday, Apr. 6,1 p.m meeting of St. Patrick's Ladies' Guild in the church hall. Guests are invited. . There's An Answer (by Norman Vincent Peale and Ruth Stafford Peale) Not Much Self-Confidence Q. I am 24 years old and a very nervous person. I worry about everything. I don't talk very much and could be labeled as shy. The problem is, I don't want to be this way. The confidence that I have in myself is not very much. How can I get this confidence that I need? I believe in God and He has helped me so much already, A. Well then, deepen your belief and practice believing that God is with you at all times, helping you. Since that is true, and you have Him on your side, you don't need to be shy or worried or nervous because you have the greatest strength of all going for you. Replace your negative self-image with a positive one. Visualize yourself as confident and serene. In time you will become that kind of person. We are sending you our booklet Help Yourself With God's Help, which is free to any reader of this column. Write to us at Box 500, Pawling, N Y. 12564. Love Has Died Q. For many years I have struggled with an incompatible, unhappy marriage. I know I have accumulated resentments causea by my husband's uncontrolled temper, his meanness and deliberate acts of unkindness. I feel he aoesn't respect me as a person. My love for him has been destroyed. How can you love someone for whom you have no respect? How can I forgive when all the wrongs are continually repeated? How can I make myself love the unlovable? A. You have stated a difficult question but we will make a few suggestions. Look for one good trait in your husband and write it down. Then look for another one. Perhaps after much effort you can add up several. Then in your own mind forgive him and work at emptying out the resentments, for they are poison in your mind. mention them to him but simply send them out. This will create a powerful new atmosphere and, if persevered in. is Next, beam love thoughts in your husband's direction. Don't but "" per bound to affect him. We have known miracles to happen by use of this method. Don't write this advice off. It works astonishingly. Doesn't Like The Answers Q. I am a professionally trained clinical social worker and a religious person. I am sometimes concerned about the way you answer letters in your column. Many people in extreme stress are unable to pray or even if they can pray they need professional assistance, it seems that you encourage people to stay in what sounds like destructive situations ratner than ^helping them find alternatives. 1 am quite surprised you do not refer people for therapy. ou also seem to feel the woman should carry the whole burden in those situations. I believe the Lord expects us to use medical and psychiatric help if it is needed, and I do not believe He condemns people to lives of complete misery. A We shall thoughtfully consider your criticisms in our future answers in this column. The other side of the picture is that we too believe in medical and psychaitric help and often recommend them. But our specialty is helping people find strength within themselves ana with God's help to stand up to tough situations. Thank you for vour letter. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale, write to them at Box 500, Pawling, N Y. 12564. RECIPE Best Of Press By Sarah Aane SkerMaa The average person can digest pork without diffi­ culty. Pork is now leaner than it used to be. But as you know, pork must be thoroughly cooked, always remember that. Try this delightful way of serving pork. Pork TenderlolB Hot-Pot V/t lbs. pork tenderloin l'/j c sifted tomato pulp 1 chopped onion 6 mushrooms Vi green pepper chopped fine „ 1 t of kitchen bouquet 1 t salt ' '/i t pepper potatoes turnips Split the tenderloin in half or cut into slices. Grease lightly the bottom of a cas­ serole and fit into it the pieces of meat. Brown on both sides over high heat, then add the tomatoes, onions, pepper and the kitchen bouquet. Cover and let cook 1 hour on low. Add the salt and pepper and cook 15 more minutes. Serve on a large platter surrounded by a border of potatoes and turnips, mash­ ed together in equal parts. Good Deed Make someone happy today. Mind your own business. -Record, Columbia, S. C. A wise traveler never de­ spises his own coun­ try. -Carlo Goldoni. Parental Discretion Advised The Woodstock Musical Theatre C ompany wishes lo ad­ vise parents that some portions of our upcoming production of "GREASE" may not be suitable for younger family members. We ask that you ox- ercise discretion in allowing them to attend. Frank E. Harrison President WiKMMmk Mattral Thratft ( ». BINT KMSQllMC the professional do-it-yourself carpet cleaning system First Hour of Rental $1.00 per hour . . . for every hour thereafter. (Example 2 hours . . . total charge $1 plus tax.) NO MINIMUM Speciol Rental Rate Good Monday„thru Thursday R l H S E H V A C deans the professionals Oo at a I rachon of the cost A SUN NO MINIMUM OViltNIGHT SPECIALI 1:00 P.M. • 9:00 A.M. $10.00 4400 W. RTE. 120. McHINRY, ILL. Diana M. and Jeffrey W Haddick, 2811 Magellan, MeHenry. became parents of their first daughter March 24, and named her Amy Lyn. The baby girl was born at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan and weighed 9 lbs., ll>a oz. She has a brother Jeffrey W II, age 16 months. Maternal- grandparents are Mr. an^-Mrs. John L. Clemens,- of AnHoch, Mrs. Dorothy Haddick of MeHenry is the paternal grandmother Mrs, Herman (Clara) Riffel of Rock Island, 111. is the baby's great-? grandmother. Kourtney Elizabeth is the name chosen by Laurene and Michael Grant,- 2205 W Fairview, Johnsburg, for their second child. The infant arrived at MeHenry hospital March 23, weighing 6 lbs., 12'a oz. She has a brother Kristopher Maternal grandparents are Feme and Leonard Triggs of Chicago. Betty and Mel Grant of Morton Grove are the paternal grand­ parents. Nick and Jan Groh, 606 N Devonshire court, MeHenry, announce the birth of their first son on March 19. Nicholas Raymond, Jr. was born at Condell Memorial hospital, Liber- tyville and weighed 7 lbs., 5'2 oz He was welcomed home by his sister, 22-month old Rebecca. The maternal grand­ mother is Dora Auston of Mundelein. Vivianna Groh of MeHenry is the paternal grandmother Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for MeHenry county. Woodstock, are the following area births: March 26. a girl to Mr and Mrs. Raymond West of Wonder Lake and March 27, a boy to Mary Schaid of Wonder Lake From The Desk Of Illinois State Council On Nutrition by Virginia MIfl HOW MUCH DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT NUTRITION? Nutrition today has become an issue of great controversy and debate. With the increasing amount of literature on 'good' and 'bad* components of nutrition, it is very difficult to sift out what is Tact and what is fallacy. Some of this literature tries to portray scientific facts of nutrition, but other literature may aim at selling a particular product. And even if scientific facts are presented, they may be presented out of context. Another factor to consider is that some sources are inclined to believe they do know a great deal about nutrition, but actually they do not. Surveys have been conducted to see how per­ ceived knowledge matched with factual knowledge. Results show that people do not know as much about nutrition as they think they do. Since March was Nutrition month, it is a good time to check out the facts and become better informed about nutrition. Below are a few questions taken from some of the studies con­ ducted. Try the questions and see how accuate your knowledge is about nutrition. 1. Does an ounce of butter contain more calories than an ounce of polyunsaturated margarine? 2. Is drinking water fat­ tening9 3. Does synthetic vitamin C added to fruit drink give the same benefit as an equal The battle of the hemline continues into spring. Skirts will be shorter in some de­ signs, but the well-dressed miss will wear the length that is most becoming. FAT? OVERWEIGHT? AffttotaMteSwSTe MHaa Just one Time Capsule a day helps curt your appetite You eat less -- you weigh less -- without the torture of constant hunger pangs E-Z Trim con­ tains the maximum dosage of the strongest, most effective appetite sup­ pressant available direct to the public Clinically tested, it's been approved by a U S Gov't appointed advisory panel as safe and effective when used as directed And unlike other Diet Aids E-Z Trtm Capsules contain no caffeine to make you nervous and irritable E-Z IHm-- The highest potency no caffeine hunger tamer Sotd with money back guarantee by: B*tf«r't#rv§ Sfer* 1259N. Green St. MeHenry rrar HAIR STYLING Get ready for spring! Our operators specialize in creating new hair styles for men and women. Perhaps a curly Uniperm with fullness, vitality, bounce! Or a gentle body perm. Of course, we use and sell beauty products by Helene Curtis. Appointments are not always necessary but be sure it's a good idea to call 385-4520 Haling Curtis Untperm" amount of vitamin C from fresh oranges? 4. Can people stay healthy if they never eat meat, poultry, or fish1 5. Nutritionally, is honey significantly better than sugar? 6. Large doses of vitamin C will cure the common cold 7. Vitamin E will slow the aging process and increase virility B. Gelatin is an excellent source of protein and promotes the growth of fingernails 9. Lecithin should be taken daily to avoid heart attacks and lower cholesterol 10. Athletes need more protein than the average person Answers: 1. No. they have the same number of calories 2. No, water contains no calories 3. Yes. but in an orange, there are several trace minerals and fiber that you would be missing if you depended on a synthetic vitamin C. Depending on the type of fruit drink, it probably would have rjiore calories than an orange 4 Yes. but it takes careful, knowledgeable planning to get adequate, high quality protein And certain foods need to be combined to supply the body with all the essential amino acids which make up protein 5 No Honey does rfot contain a significant amount of additonal nutrients and actually has more calories per tablespoon 64) than table sugar <461. ,6. No Scientific evidence is lacking to support this idea, and excessive doses of vitamin C Jor prolonged periods of time could be harmful to the body 7 No; There is no concrete scientific evidence to prove that vitamin E alone can perform such miracles. 8 No Gelatin is not a complete protein because it lacks some essential amino acids which make up protein Gelatin does not actually make nails grow 9. No. Lecithin could add unnecessary calories to the diet.Tnit there is no scientific evidence that it prevents heart attacks But. too much lecithin could cause you to gain weight, which could contribute to heart problems 106 No. but athletes may need more calories than the average person Another fact to keep in mind is that muscle mass is developed by conditioning and exercise and not by a particular food. If you answered all of the questions correctly Congratulations! But for those of you who did not do so well, you may need some advice on separating fact from fiction Check the source of the material you read. see. or hear about nutrition Are there exaggerated claims" Is it a cureall'? Does it demand large quantities" Is someone trying to sell you something? Articles from the govern­ ment. universities, extension services, and accepted organizations are usually good sources of accurate nutrition information Check out the facts and become better informed about nutrition HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY Admissions: Donald Turville and Daniel O'Brien, both of MeHenry. WOODSTOCK Admissions: Thomas Blair. Loraine Forester, Triddi Conway, Master Brian Gates and Jack Smith, all of MeHenry; Kevin Stott, John Gustek. Maacel Bounds and Mrs Patricia Zerbicki, all of Wonder Lake; Mrs Anita Prouty of Ring wood Better city three Jin with it's citizen ELECT Lynne Donarski Alderman-Ward 1 City of MeHenry htfFelrl t TNE CAMDYMANS CLOSET * TNE TODDLER SHOP 3430 W. Elm Street MeHenry, Illinois 3S5-0746 Cl&tt And Jfte Jodi&er Stap lo invite lo reg&bcr yw ixpuXci Our ttgCsLnj ^ vow ytfefo. ZiofeuMj jmuani to Semi tp The MeHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At Tho Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY ej f L CAS •BELL LIQUORS •LAKEVIEW •REVCO DRUG •SUNNYSIDE FOOD •McHENRY PHARMACY •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •ADAMS GROCERY •BEN FRANKLIN •LITTLE STORE •OSCO DRUGS •FRED ft IRENE'S TAP •JEWEL •HANDY PANTRY •HORNSBY'S •SUNRISE GROCERY •HERMES ft CO. •STEINY TAP •LIQUOR MART •MCCULLOM LAKE GROC. •VILLAGE MART •J ft R STORE •MCHENRY HOSPITAL •HILLTOP GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •FOOD MART •BITS ft PIECES HtdlRHRY'S NEW HOURS: MONDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 TUEDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, & SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 12-5 RICLINERS s219" AND UP DINETTE SET Formica Top 7 Piece Naugahyde Set VALUE $299.00 3 PC. BEDROOM SET WITH TWO MIRRORS REG. $1395.00 $89995 ROUND 7 PC. DINETTE SET Solid Wood. Maple Pine Table. Six Chairs, Two Leaves VALUE $630.00 s41995 *Jhr; i X \ CM LOAD SALE ALL COLORS CONTEMPORARY SOFA i LOYESEAT VALUE $995.00 s54995 SPECIAL PURCHASE SLEEPERS PICK UP PRICE •QUEEN SIZE VALUE S499 •FULL SIZE. VALUE $450 EVERYTHING'S REDUCED Look For Our Red Tag Specials •BEDROOM SETS •DINING ROOM SETS •LIVING ROOM SETS 'CHAIRS -SOFAS •CURIO CABINET* •HIDE-A-BEDS 'LOVESEATS •BOOKCASES "RECLINERS *LAMPS •BEDDING *DESKS -ROCKERS "SPECIAL OF THE MONTH" 3 NICE MINI Pll VALUE $1499 WtOI DEEP HHSH IOVESEAT 67" 35" 30" ARMLESS 54" 35" 30" (other options available) ALL SOLID OAK DINING ROOM SET BY AMERICAN DREW ONLY *2495 SUGGESTED PRICE $3500 ALL WOOD CURIO CADINETS REG S449 00 m 299 95 & UP l i Large Selection TABLE LAMPS Buy One At Our R»§el«r Lew Price Receive 2nd FREE NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAND 5 VR WARRANTY BEDDING /: fiTL TWIN SIZE Mattress & Bo* Spring REG S21 <5 95 MOW 5129" FULL SIZE Mattress & Bo* Spring REG $289 95 NOW $ 1 7 9 * 5 QUEEN SIZE Mattress & Bo* Spring REG S329 95 NOW $209*5 All Bedding On Sale "TW Store The* Care# To Save Yew «*»»•* SEE OUR Decorator Pieces FttESCT# I mmxf US£ °UR LA YAW AY PLAN IH SIMILAR)

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