HELP WANTED HELP WANTED McHENRY OUTDOOR CONCESSION & LOT ATTENDANTS Apply in person crft*r March 30 b*tw**n 6:00 p.m. ft 7:30 p.m. iWWH 4 R1CIIVHK Growing forging company needs ex perienced Supervisor Scef Ferge Sprit <rwi Call Ken DeArvil 312-597-1000 for interview 4/M/i 4/9 HELP WANTED MONDAY THRU FRIDAY McHENRY THEATRE 'CONCESSION & * CASHIER Apply in Person after 1 *00 p.m. McHenry County College Hwy. 14 and Lucas Road Crystal Lako, III. 60014 M.C.C. is seeking applicants for the following hood coach position. Moms basketball-19tl-t2 season Womens besketboll-19fll-t2 season Womens vollyball-lftl saason Womens Softball-19t2 saason For additional information contact Personnel Offka « I1S45M7N An aqoal opportunity affirmative action amployar M/F ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Wa ara presently in naad of an individual to handle simple accounting functions. The successful candidate should be familior with matching invoicas with racaivars ond purchase orders, at laast one year axpariance in this area. Good salary and bonoift package ^ppty I* parson or phono S15-3t5-7000 ,Bi»M CoWKNT lMt N. Industrial Drhra loteted behind the Homsby Shopping Cantor off Kt. 130 Nwal Opportunity Employer M/F 4/3 TWO ARTOS CS 6 MACHINES need loving care in setups and operating ALSO >9* HOLLIS 12 WAVE MACHINE looking for someone to take care and set me up. 815-385-4900 EXPERIENCED DIE MAKER Work involvas light stamping dias. jigs and fixtures. 3-5 years axpariance desired. COMPLETE MNM1 PACKAGE: •Free Insurance 'Excellent Storting Rata Autotrol corporation 815-459-3080 365 E. Prairie St, Crystal Lake, II. Walk to RTA An equal opportunity employer 4/1-4/10 TOOL MAKER Exparioncad tool moker needed for 1 st shift. Job ontails tool making and fixture and repair work. Must have own tools. We offer excellent wages and benefits packoge plus job security. Apply in person or call •15-385-7000 BlAHi PMH CpM»AMT 1400 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, H. 40050 Located bahlnd the Honwby Shopping Cantor off Rt. 120 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F 4/3-4/10 4/t SECRETARY FINANCIAL We have an immediate opening for a Secretary to our Compt/oller. A financial background with statistical typing ex perience is required. We offer competitive salary and ex cellent fringe benefits. Apply In Person l ; 1 Woodstock Die Casting 555 N. Wheeler Woodstock, II An equol opportunity employer M/F "MSTURE LOVING-PER SON wanted to do babyitting in my home, on l Saturday a month, some weekends and nights. 815-497-4157. 3-27-4-3C DOES $13,000.00 A YEAR sound super? Earn as you learn. Sell on phone. Good job record and typing skills necessary. Call Danielle at 312-639-5748. 3-27-4-3 To Begin April 12th Excollent Fringes Contact » SCMM. BISTMCT 19 815-648-2886 4/1-4/3 4/2 UN. OR LPJL We currently hove a full time opening on our day shift. Use your skills in a beautiful, professional atmosphere, where our geriatric resident is your prime concern. We offer higher starting salaries than any health care facility in the area. Call Woodstock Residence I15-33S-17M and see what we can of fer you. SALES Needed to soil 'Solar Hooting Systems to Consumers. Work for Northern Illinois' loading Solar Hooting contractor. Training provided Good opportunity Call SONNY OAT 815-385-8557 4/1-4/3 4/2 spurgeons HAIRDRESSER WANTED Ni^wlv Stop Needs experienced Hairdresser with a Following Full Time or Part Time Evening Hours Available Full Time Benefits •Paid Sick Days •Paid Holidays •Paid Vocations •Paid Profit Sharing •25% Store Discount •Liberal Commissions with S25.00 guaranteed each day. •Hospitalization insurance avoilable APPLY IN PERSON We Feature Helene Curtis Professional 4400 W. Bit. 120 JL 4/1-4/3 Y o u and your real estate eareer ...deserve the best of growth climates. You know you're working with the best when you work with us because we are the Better Homes and Gardens member in our area. We have sales positions open in our Woodstock, Crystal Lake and McHenry offices. Call Gary at 815-385-6900 for more information. Byrnes * MOTHf M, wc 4/3TF3 BABYSITTER, in my home 2 to 3 afternoons per week, 2:00 to 6:00 pm. McHenry. 815-344-5757. 4-3-4-8 NEED 2 SALESPEOPLE Full time and 1 Part time person. No, experience necessary. Must be 18 and have automobile. 815-338- 3960 between 9am & 3pm. Ask for Jim. 4-3 MAIL ROOM, HELP WANTED. Run Machines plus other duties. Good Job record a plus. $3.50 per hour. Call 312-639-9130 ask for Josephine. 4-3-4-10c CREATIVE CIRCLE needs Needle Craft Instructors in your area. Top earnings. Flexible hours. Car necessary. No Quotas. 312- 658-7198. 3-18-4-3C WOMAN TO RUN snack bar Four Winds Golf Course. 312- 566-8502 4-ltfc APPLIANCE REPAIR TECHNICIAN, Wanted. Minimum 3 years ex perience: Knowledge of refrigeration a must For appointment call, Dave Wahl 815-385-1896. 4-l-4-3c F R E E L A N C E Photographer wanted, to shoot on location for Decorating Company. Must be reasonable. Call Larry, evenings 815-385-8252. 4-1-4- 3c WOMAN TO TEND bar. Four Winds Golf Course. 312- 566-8502. 4-ltfc SALAD LADY EXPERIENCED DAY WAITRESS Apply in person after 1:00PM COUNTRY CLUB 820 N. John St. McHenry 4/1-4 3 NATIONAL COMPANY Immediate openings available. Students con sidered. Can earn part time $120. per week. Full time $1,440. per month. Mr. Drager 312-232-6550 WANTED Part Tlm« or Full Tim* Waitress for day or night. Call for appointment. 815-3854)600 HELP WANTED To deliver Chicogo Tribunes for 2 to 3 hours before 7:00 a.m.. 7 days a week in McHenry. Sunnyside areas. Call 815-385-3643 before noon CRYSTAL PINES 335 H llliNis St Crystal Uto Registered Nurse or LPN 8-11 Shift Nurse Aides 3-11 Shift Must be Certified 815459-7791 3/27-4/10 4/2-4/t I I REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS NEEDED In our busy Woodstock, Crystal Lake and McHenry of fices. Rynws Brti. Ink. 4/3TF2 ft Call Gary at •15-3S5-49M m RENT PAGE 11 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 3.1881 m mm FOfi SALE MODERN 2 BEDROOM, V2 bath condo, no pets, $340.00 per month, plus utilities and security deposit. 312-763- 8935 3-27-4-22 NEWLY REMODELED STUDIO. & one Bedroom apartments, available immediately. Downtown McHenry Area Ask for Paul 312-486-0466 . 3-25-4-3c 2 BEDROOM HOME. 2 bath, garage In town McHenry 815-455-5690 4 l-4-3c ROOMMATE WANTED. Single individual looking for, a room mate to share ex penses. Must have stable work record Two bedroom Condo. r in McHenry Recently re-decorated Possession April 1st $225.00 per month, which includes heat.air Call John at 815-728- 0404 during days, or 815-344- 4473 evenings 4-1 tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE. Available, Fritzsche In dustrial Park, Inc.. 5,000 sq. ft to 15,000 sq ft 815-385 1079 4-ltfc WOMAN CASHIER Must be dependable and reliable. Weekends only 9 to 5 VOLO SALES McHENRY OFFICE. New carpet, air conditioned, includes all utilities $105 00 Call 815-385-3490 . 4-ltfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and security deposit required 815-385-1079 4-ltfc LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apai tments fully carpeted I : ceramic baths color applian ces dishwasher on con ditioning laundry large storage area gas heat. By lake, several blocks from downtown. Genevi Lake Apartments 1321 W.Moin St. lake Geneva. Wi. 414 2414572 < 3TFJ ATTENTION HORSE FANCIERS 4 bedrooms, 3 bath hillside ranch home on one acre in Val Mar Country Estates, large fomily room with fireplace, all bedrooms newly decorated, all kitchen appliances in cluded. Included is ac cess to 12 acre horse lot, barn and recreation house with pool $700 month. References and security deposit. 815-385-4472 FEMALE TO SHARE 7 room home in McCullom Lake. Own transporation. Prefer retired or semi- retired older lady. $150 month, everything fur nished. 815-385-2193 after 2pm 4-l-4-3c TWO BEDROOM HOME, Like new. fully carpeted, stove, refrigerator, attached garage, no pets 815-385-7193. 4-1-4-3C AIR CONDITIONER, 19,000 BTU. with 9 32 E.E.R., 5 years old $200 or best offer. 815-653 9243 3-25-4-3C 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. McHenry Large Family room, carpeting throughout, deck. 2 car garage, large backyard $410.00. 815-385 6870 4-1-4-3C 2 BEDROOM HOME, Lakeland Park, stove & ...refrigerator, fenced yard, available May 1st $375 month, plus security. 815- 385-7951 after 1:00 pm 4 1-4 3 c CHOICE 4 CEMETERY Lots, will divide. Memory Garden. Arlington Heights. 815385-3172 3-25-4-10C r£ ^MODELED 2 bedroom house, with garage. Wooded double lot. near Pistakee, Bay $350 per month, call after6pm 312-428-4949 4-M-. 3c < 2 BEDROOM HOUSE.Panelled basement References required. 3808 I^ake Shore Drive, Wonder I^ake $300 month 312-358- 9026 4-1-4-3C SPACIOUS 3 Bedroom Home, in country on 2 acres, private lake One mile from McHenry $550 month. 815- 344-1120 4-1-4-3C BODY SHOP or GARAGE and used Car Lot. excellent corner, McHenry Call 815- 385-3490 *- 4-1-4-3C rt ROOM APARTMENT For rent Call after 5pm 815-385- 7852 4-1-4-3C DELUXE CONDO, Waters Edge. McHenry. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, TV room, garage, all appliances in cluded. washer & dryer. $400 per month No pets. 312-381- 3307 4-ltfc OFFICES FOR LEASE 7432 Hancock Drive, Wonder Lake Suites from $75.00 per month. New, modern, fully carpeted and air conditioned building Letizia Financial Corp Realtors 815 728-0404 3-25-5- lc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, two bedrooms Third and James Street. NlcHenrv 312-381-2059 4-ltfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, In a country setting, overlooking a 110 acre corn field and the Nippersink creek This large apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal, and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center. Mayline Apartments. Richmond. 815 678-2861 4-ltfc LARGE ONE BEDROOM Apartment, second floor, c a r p e t i n g , s t o v e , refrigerator, heat furnished, walk to stores Adults, no pets Available April 10th, $280 00 815-385-1275 4-1-4-3C LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15.000 sq f- t Immediate occupancy 815- 678-2861 4-ltfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent Seating capacity for 400. Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm 4-ltfc 5,000 Sq. Ft. Industrial Building 19* Ceiling 2-14' Overhead Doors Large Parking Area located in the City of McHenry Contact r Mr. Elberson 385-5700 ii2KM0M«runarc Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logon, Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR ARTS. Coll between t:00 am A 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm I1MC-N19 « • 815-385-3894 Ask for Kevin or Mar 9 to 4 ************* *** -v FOR RENT Business Zoned-6 room house and large scieet»«.d-in rear porch-2400 square feet-2 baths and central air. Ideal for professional offices. In addition-2 story 3100 square foot barn-plus 2 car garage Located on busy Illinois Route 31. Plenty of parking and im mediate occupancy. For complete details, please call Mr. lis Marinangel 385-3000 ETHAN ALLEN Maple bar and stools 312-587-8293 after 6pm evenings, 4-1-4-3C WONDER I^AKE, East side. 6 room apartment, family room, living room. 2 bedroom, kitchen., dining room. $250 month plus utilities. No pets/After 6pm 312-299-5168; 4-14-3c LAtfGE 4 BEDROOM House, Waterfront, well insulated, garage, spacious yard, security deposit and references required 815 385 3486 or 312-541-8255 evenings 4 l -4-3c TRADE Wood burning stove, value $400 00, takes 24" logs, almost new Trade for 8 or 10 hp riding mower or a cap for a Dodge Pickup. 8 ft.bed. 312-587-1805 4-1 19" ZENITH COLOR TV. excellent condition $165 00; 25" Solid State RCA color, console model $200.00 or best offer Call after 5pm 815-385- 1097 4-1-4-3C ONE BEDROOM APART MENT. Convenient in town location All utilities in eluded $240 00 month 815 385-1115 4 1-4-3c ROOM FOR; YOUNG WOMAN. In house $25 00 per week rent. 312-671 5086 4-1-4-lOc LARGE 2 BEDROOM Apartment in Wonder l>ake. across from beach Available May 1st $280 00 heat included 815-728-1498 or 815-455-1144 4-1-4-3C 5 ROOM FARMHOUSE. 2 bedrooms. 2 car garage. acre, gas heat, available immediately Security deposit required $400 month 815-385-5700 4-l-4-3c HOUSE SALE Bedroom set; sofa; antique chest; linens and household items 1919 North Sunset Ave., McHenry April 4th and April6th, 9 00am to5:00pm 4 1-4-3C 14 ALUMINUM FISHING Boat, with trailer and 54 hp Johnson motor, extras in cluded. $475 00 815 344-3215. 4-1-4-3C FIREPLACES, all brands, installation and or masonry available Call Quality Fireplaces 815 385 7478 4- ltfc RENT FOR FREE In April Save $360.00 New 2 bedroom, garage, full kit chen, dishwasher, self cleaning oven, washer-dryer hookup Central air 815-338- 0690 or 815-653-9395 . 4-ltfc FURNISHED APART MENTS and sleeping rooms, weekly or monthly rates Mature adults only 815-385- 8905 4-ltfc O N E A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE. Ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and 14 baths $375 00 815-344 1632 or 815 385-6566. 4-ltfc LIVING ROOMS For M a t u r e . R e s p o n i b l e . working people Cable TV T e f m i n a l s , k i t c h e n privileges, linens, carpeting $40 to $45 week 815-385^633 4-1-4-lOc NEW 1 BEDROOM Ef ficiency. private apartment One Adult. Appliances, utilities paid, extras $295 00 month 815-385-6235 4-3 OFFICE 13x20 ft plus Reception area, off street parking. Central McHenry 815-385-3365 evenings 4-3-4-8 4500 SQ FT Cold Storage Ringwood Area. Call Bill at 815-385-2639 4 3-4-29c 1 BEDROOM APART MENT, Carpeted, stove refrigerator, dishwasher air c o n d i t i o n e d , $ 2 6 0 m o n t h Also 2 Bedroom Apartment, $300 month Security Deposit and references 815-385-5194 4-3 H I G H L A N D S H O R E S . 2 b e d r o o m h o m e , 2 c a r garage, stove, refrigerator, security deposit required No pets.$325 00 McHenr\ Realtv 815-385-5922, ask for Ellie 4-3 m SALE WATER SOFTENER SALT SALE. Pellet type only. 1st Saturday of every month Huemann Water Con ditioning 3607 Chapel Hill Road. Johnsburg 815-385 3093 4-ltfc AAA SWIMMING POOL DISTRIBUTOR must sell oil brand new left over 1980 big 31 ft family size above ground pools Complete with deck fence filter and warranty Full price now only $995 com pletely installed Con finance Call Dee Collect 815-562 7027 BLACK DIRT 12 yards $78.00 20 yards $110.00 815-6752582 HUGE VOLUME FANTASTIC SAVINGS 1 win Mattress *35.00 Full Mattress $45.00 Bunk Beds $139.00 Queen Size Sets $139.00 Full Size Sleeper $209.95 LENNY FINE FURNITURE 815-455-4550 SPRING SALE FORSYTHIA (Yellow flowering shrub) 4 to 6 tall balled and burlaped $12 50 to $16.00 regular price WHILE THEY LAST $8.00 each Many shrubs $1.39 ond up Cash £ Carry ACORN RIME NURSERY 1522 S. Darrel Road, McHenry (Volo) . 120 east to Oarrell ltd. then South 1 % miles to nursery) We grow a complete line of evergreens ^ n trees ond shrubs J 18* } IWO SAVE!!! ON OAK MEDALLION CABINETS Do It Yourselfers! Beat Inflation TOP FORM COMPANY Has special savings on discontinued or slightly damaged kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, counter tops, and cultured marble vanity tops. Bring room j re a mar CTtm^nfci ions for free estimates. Cash and Carry All Sales Final Monday through Friday 8 to 4:30 815-728-0203 or 815-72841624 3 13TF2