Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Apr 1981, p. 17

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| College Honors | U ° f 1 Diplomas To Wendy Wohnrade In McHenrY Graduates Mortar Board Society Wishing For. . .? Wendy Vtfohnrade. 7216 Bull Valley foad. McHenry, has been selected for membership in the Drake University chapter of The Mortar Board society • The Mortar Board society is an honorary society for seniors who are-selected for membership in the spring semester of their junior year on the basis of scholarship, leadership and service Drake students will be initiated formally on April 2 into the Drake chapter of the national organization Diplomas for 1.704 January graduates of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have been mailed to recipients. The diplomas represent 1,006 u n d e r g r a d u a t e a n d professional degrees and 618 advanced degrees N o c o m m e n c e m e n t is , held in the ceremony winter Graduates include Brett Decker. 2611 N Villa lane. Kenneth Graef, 3913 W Grand. James Harrer. 112 S Ridge road, and Thomas Hutchinson. 3804 W Lee s t r e e t . M c H e n r y A l l received B S. degrees Stephen Murray On Dean's List 7 Times MCHS Graduate Will Accompany Choir Tour Stephen J Murray, son of \ Sylvia and Joe N Murray. 5418 N Thelen drive. McHenry, and a graduate of Marian Central Catholic high school, has again been named to the Dean's list at Ix>yola university. This is the seventh semester of academic achievement In recognition of his outstanding scholastic record, he has been elected to membership in Beta Gamma Sigma, the highest honor one can achieve in the national scholastic honorary society for students of business and management The formal initiation will be held in the Penthouse of Henrici s o Hare Inn April 1 1 John Frett Performs With Valparaiso Band T h e C a m p b e l l s v i l l e college Baptist Student Union choir will begin its annual choir tour March 14 v i s i t i n g T e n n e s s e e . Mississippi. Louisiana. Alabama and Georgia through March 22 The 30-member choir will be performing the musical. "Believer", by Dallas Holmes There will also be a multi-media presentation with slides, skits and pup­ pets The group will tour during the college's spring break Jay Robison. a junior from Marengo, will accompany the choir on the tour The son of Mrs Darleeen Hyde. Marengo. and James Robison. Litchfield. Ill . Jay has a double major of psychology - Christian st­ udies He was a 1978 gra­ duate of McHenry Com­ munity high school and attended Richmond First Baptist church in Richmond \< ( EPTEI) \TSSl Mary Rehberg of rural Tyler, daughter of Donald and Patricia C.attone of McHenry and a graduate of McHenry high school, has been accepted at Southwest State university for the spring quarter 1981 Her planned major field of study is accounting .John W Frett. son of Mrs Carol F Godina. Wonder I.ake. and Walter Frett of McHenry. will travel to Wisconsin and Minnesota with ~ the Valparaiso university choir for concerts at the Pabst theatre in Milwaukee April 3 and at the Buetow Memorial center on the .Concordia college campus in St Paul April 4 O John plays the French horn with the Valparaiso universitv band Senior Hot Line Pamela Miskoci Stars M NEIU's "Candida" McHenry resident Pamela Miskoci. a senior at Nor­ theastern Illinois university, will star in the university's upcoming production of George Bernard Shaw's "Candida" Considered a masterpiece of modern drama. "Candida depicts Shaw's comedic views of the "battle of the sexes" The play will be performed April 2-4, and 7-11 at Nor- theastern's Stagecenter, 5500 N St Louis avenue in Chicago Ms Miskoci. a graduate of Chicago's Steinmetz high school, will appear in the title role of Candida She described her role by saying. "This is the biggest challenge I've ever had as an actress It 's ex­ citing to portray one of theater's classic' female roles " A senior majoring in English. Speech and Per­ forming Arts, she is ap­ pearing in her first Nor­ theastern theater produc­ tion At Steinmetz high school, she appeared in "Guys and Dolls . and she performed in both "You Can't Take It With You" and "Once Upon a Mattress" at Chicago's Wright college For reservations or ad­ ditional information ~ on Northeastern's production of "Candida", call 312-583-4061 Earns Master Degree Diane I Dimon. of 7204 W Route 120. McHenry. has earned a Master of Science degree at the Graduate school of Purdue university. West Lafayette. Ind Ms. Dimon was one of 1.881 students who received graduate or undergraduate degrees at the university There were 501 advance degrees awarded An undergraduate at the university, Lisa Ann Najdowski, of 502 Livingston street, McHenry, made the Purdue university List of Distinguished Students In order to qualify, Ms Najdowski had to maintain a grade point of at least 5.5 on a scale of 6 0 and carry at least 14 credit hours. She is majoring in social science and education Graduates From ISU Renee Ann Freund. of 4210 Crystal Lake road. McHenry. has graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Illinois State university. Normal. Ill Ms Freund was one of 803 students to graduate at the end of the first semester of the 1980-81 school year SORORITY OFFICER Lisa Toole, daughter of Mr and Mrs Don Toole of McHenry, has been elected vice-president of the local chapter of Delta Delta Pi at Eureka college She is a sophomore at the college. By Lt Gov Dave O'Neal On Jan 1. 1981. the Social Security tax rate and the a - mount of annual earnings on which Social Security taxes are paid-the wage base- were increased The in­ creases translate into hikes in payroll education for employees of from $7 45 per week to less than $1 The following information was provided bv the Social Security administration Q I earn $16,000 annually Will an increase in the wage base affect me° A No Previously, Social „ Security taxes were only assessed on the first $25,900 of a person's annual income This year, that wage base went up to $29,700 If you earn less than $29,700 Social Security taxes will apply to your entire yearly salary An estimated 8 million workers will earn the taxable maximum of $29,700 or more in 1981 That's about 7 percent of the 114 million workers who will pay into the Social Security system Q My husband earns $20,000 How much will our taxes increase because of the hike in the tax rate0 A An employee making $20,000 a year will pay $1,330. up from $1,226 That is an increase of $104 a year, or $2 a week Those earning $10,000 will pay total taxes of $665. up from $613 That's an increase of $52 a year or $1 a week Last year's tax rate of 6 13 percent each for em­ ployees and employers will increase to 6 65 percent Q I am self-employed <>\ DEAN'S I.IST Diane Ziemba of 2802 N Ringwood. McHenry has been named to the bean's list for Fall term, announced Dr David E Fry. chancellor of N'orthwood institute To achieve Dean's list recognition, students must earn a 3.0 grade-point on a 4.0 scale \Ql \( I I.Tl RE Illinois farmers could boost their agricultural output significantly by farming the water as well as the soil, according to a study conducted for the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources There are a number of possible a q u a c u l t u r e c r o p s ; f i s h , f r e s h w a t e r p r a w n s , crayfish, frogs, eels, aquatic plants, algae and micro­ organisms The aquaculture report is available at no charge to the public from the Illinois Institute of Natural Resources. 309 W Washington. Chicago. Ill 60606 ft IHOW will the increases affect \me° A On self-employment income, the tax rate will increase to 9 30 percent, up from 8 10 percent Self- employed persons earning the taxable maximum of $29,700 will pav total taxes of $2,762 10. up from $2,097 90 That is an increase of $664 20 a vear Those earning $20,000 w ill pay total taxes of $1,330. up from $1,226. an increase of $240 a year Q What has prompted these increases" _ A The increases stem from legislation enacted in 1977 The law also provides for additional raises in the tax rate in future years in order to keep pace with benefit increases After 1981. the wage base will rise each year in proportion to in­ creases in average wages Write or call Senior Action Centers at 160 N LaSalle. Chicago 60601. or 3 West Old Town Mall. Springfield 62701. with questions or comments about any state government agency or program, or. call statewide toll free 800-252-6565 Deep in thought at the city's new Wishing Well is 8-vear-old Christopher Novak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Novak. He has just thrown in his penny and is pondering what wish he would most like to come true. With designation of April as Beautification month, "posie pots" will be available for counter top donations to assist in making the city more attractive. About 200 Aloe Vera plants are now waiting to be given away at the Chamber office, 1257 N. Green street to the first persons donating a dollar or more to the Beautification fund. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Apri l in McHenry is Beaut i f icat ion month, proclaimed by Mayor Joseph Stanek at a recent Counci l meet ing Now that spr ing has of­ f ic ia l ly arr ived, the snow has t ione and buds on t rees are beginning to appear , the t ime has come to c lean up -weep out and begin to plan for the plant ing of f lowers The McHenry Beaut i f icat ion commit tee , a volunteer urnup whose a im is to make McHenry a pret t ier place to l ive and shop, encourages everyone to think clean, neat and pret ty" Fol lowing las t year 's program, the MBC. with the help of the Gir l Scouts . wtH-br- plant ing f lowers a t var ious -pots throughout the i ty So that everyone may have a jvir t in the effor t . "Pennies For Posies" containers wil l lx> p laced throughout the ci ty Contr ibut ions wil l be used to purchase plants for the program Accept Fund Bids For Use In Mental Health The McHenry County Mental Heal th board has announced that appl icat ions for funds for services are now being accepted for the FYK2 Grant appl icat ion ki ts for current contract providers , as wel l as new appl icants , are avai lable a t the Mental Heal th f>oard off ice 457 Coventry lane. Sui te in . Crystal Lake, or by- calling 455-2828 Completed grant ap­ pl icat ions should be for­ warded to this off ice by Apri l DOIXiE CITY Illinois Department of Insurance Director Phi l ip R O ' C o n n o r c a l l e d o n t h e Illinois General Assembly to erase the state's image as the Dodge City of insurance pricing". by enacting legislation to permit the state insurance department to prevent excessive rates in markets where there is no competition 20 Any quest ions concerning the appl icat ion process should be directed to Dennis G Smith, execut ive director a t the above number • VOTE * APRIL 7th AUSTIN ALDERMAN * WARD 2 * Adv Pa d For By ( n-Hidn*. Johnsburg Girl Chosen For Collegiate Band Ingeborg Dschida. who resides at 4003 Spring Grove road, has been accepted for membership in the United States Collegiate wind band, a highly selective musical organization which will make a concert tour of England and seven European countries next July and August Her parents are Mr and Mrs Martin Dschida Ingeborg,,plays the B flat clarinet in the local John­ sburg high school hand, conducted by Hal Thompson The invitation to tour with the United States Collegiate wind band was received from Prof Al G Wright, director of Bands at Purdue university and conductor of nine previous I'nited States Collegiate wind band tours. T h e b a n d w i l l t r a v e l f o r three weeks in England, France. Germany. Austria. Italy. Holland and Swit­ zerland Concerts will be performed in the cities of London. Paris. Lucerene. Innsbruck. Lugano. La Chaux-de-Fonds. Munich. Amsterdam. Montreaux. Cologne and Heidelberg Acceptance for mem­ bership in this highly talented group of college and high school musicians is considered a musical honor of national importance The members of the 100 piece w ind bands are chosen from all over the entire United States once each year Students from all 50 of the United States and seven Canadian Provinces have part icipated m past USCWB tours The previous nine European concert tours made by the USCWB. were received with great cri t ical acclaim Standing ovations were the rule rather than the exception whenever they played -RIVERSIDE RETAIL OUTLET^ NEW SPRING PANT SUITS Five Styles in Pretty Pastels SIZES 14% • 24% Riverside Retail Outlet 1402 N. Riverside Drive 385 5900 Bettor City I with it's citiZMs. ELECT Lynne Donarski Alderman-Ward 1 City of McHenry PtftvlTl CAROL PERSCHKE INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR McHENRY TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE NO. 4 ON THE BALLOT APRIL 7,1981 I BELIEVE THAT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS PROVE ME TO BE A PERSON FROM OUR COMMUNITY THAT IS AGGRESSIVE ENOUGH TO TAKE ON MATTERS CONCERNING THE EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF OUR TOWNSHIP--A PERSON WORTHY OF YOUR VOTE THANK YOU •McHENRY TOWNSHIP RESIDENT SINCE 1958 •AS VILLAGE CLERK IN McCULLOM LAKE DURING 1970 * 1971 ESTABLISHED AND IMPLEMENTED AN EFFICIENT RECORD SYSTEM WITH AN ACCENT ON TAXPAYER SERVICES •AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF WHISPERING HILLS PISTAKEE HILLS AND PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS AP PEARED IN PROTESTING THE INCREASE IN WATER RATES BEFORE THE ILLINOIS COMMERCE COM MISSION ON 1/6/81 •AS AN ACTIVE PROPONENT OF THE TWO PARTY SYSTEM I HAVE BEEN ELECTED TO REPRESENT THE 1BTH PRECINCT OF McHENRY TOWNSHIP AS A DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEEMAN •EMPLOYED SINCE 1971 WITH A LOCAL HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT DISPOSABLE MANUFACTURER AWARDED DIVISIONAL PRESIDENT S AWARD1980 FOR CONSISTENT OUTSTANDING SERVICE •MARRIED TO JOHN SINCE 1965 AND MOTHER OF ROGER. 14, AND COLLEEN 11 THIS ADVWmmtWT fAIQ KM IV CAMMOATt YOU CRN BRNK it! Presented By STATE BANK of RICHMOND Member F.D.I.C. C o n s i d e r i n g t h e monumental proportions of the problems inflation is causing, is there really anything the individual can do to fight it? A. Since inflation affects every individual, each person is almost in­ voluntarily committed to the battle and, as simplistic as it may seem, your most effective weapon is your own personal budget Personal financial problems are most prevalent in in­ flationary times, primarily because of the illusion that we have more money More dollars does not necessarily m e a n m o r e , m o n e y . However, the tendency is to buy more and improve our personal standard of living - a tendency which can have disastrous effects In budgeting for the present, plan for the essentials In planning for the future, if you really want to get ahead, try budgeting at least 5 percent of total income in savings. Next, add the comforts and finally, what's left for luxuries It isn't easy, but if you can stick to a budget for three months, you may turn the tide of battle. PAGE 17 - PLA1NDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL 3,1W1 THE LUMBER STORE WITH SERVICE AND MORE 7:30 to 5:30 DAILY 8A0 to 4.-00 SAT. IkOO to 1:00 SUN. SPRING GROVE 815 675 6666 \

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