H&R BLOCK Question No. 9 averaging can save you money. But only if you make more than $30,000 a year. • True • False I SERVICE NEWS I Airman In Training Airman Douglas R Wisner. son of Mr and Mrs. Charles J Wisner of 1204 River Terrace drive. McHenry. has been assigned to Chanute Air Force base. 111., after completing Air Force basic training. During the six weeks at Lackland Air Force base. Texas, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization and customs and received special training in human relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force The airman will now receive specialized in struction in the vehicle maintenance field ^ompieres course Timothy K Combs, son of Mr and Mrs. John L. Terry of 4710 Cumberland circle, McHenry, recently com pleted a tracked-vehicle mechanic course at the U S Army Armor shcool. Fort Knox. Ky During the course, students were trained to repair engines, tran smissions, and the fuel, electrical and hydraulic systems of the Army's tracked-vehicles They also learned to prform recovery operations for abandoned, damaged, disabled or mired vehicles Completes Training Pvt Joseph J LaGray. son of Mrs James D Horton of 603 N Egner road McHenry. recently com pleted One Station Unit Training <()SUT> at the U S Army Infantry school, Fort Benning, Ga OSUT is a 12-week period Parental Discretion Advised The Woodstock Musica l Theat re Company wishes to ad vise parents tha t some por t ions of our upcoming product ion of "GRKASE" ma> not be su i table lor younger fami ly members . We ask tha t you ex erc ise d iscre t ion in a l lowing them to a t tend. Frank t. Harrison President V* IMNKLMI MUVMII Ibealrr (O which combines basic combat training and ad vanced individual training The training included weapons qualifications, squad tactics, patrolling, landmine warfare, field communications and combat operations. This qualifies the soldier as a light-weapons infantryman and as an in direct fire crewman Soldiers were - taught to perform any of the duties in a rifle or mortar squad AT FORT HOOD Army Private I^aurie G Short, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Hartjes of 5215 N. Ridgeway road. Ringwood. has arrived for duty at Fort Hood. Texas Short, a driver, was previously assigned at Fort Dix, N.J." Mauer Graduates Air Maintenance Training Airman Ronald J. Mauer. son of Mr and Mrs. Ronald F Mauer of 1631 Park street, McHenry. has graduated from the U.S. Air Force aircraft maintenance specialist course at Chanute Air Force base Graduates of the course were trained in aircraft engine maintenance, repair and service, and earned credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force Mauer will now serve at Carswell Air Force base. Texas Graduates From Air Force Training Airman L.au> u rvOunuc, son of Mr and Mrs. Martin I. Romme of 4722 Hilltop drive. Wonder Lake, has graduated from the U S Air Force aircraft maintenance training course at Sheppard AirForce base. Texas Graduates of the course Graduate Income ROY BKEEDE Roy H Breede, P F.C. has completed basic and ad vance training in the U S Army Martial Police at Ft. ^IcClellan. Ala. While in Gasic training he was platoon guide and in advance training he was squad leader His affiliation with the McHenry county auxiliary deputies enabled him to graduate two weeks early. Currently he is stationed at Fort Ord. Calif Roy resided in McHenry until the time of his enlist ment He is the son of Mrs Walter Kuck of McHenry maintenance, repair and service, and earned credits toward an associate degree in applied science through the Community College of the Air Force. Romme will now serve at Aviano Air base, Italy. PROMOTED Daniel J Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs Robert D Mitchell of 2205 Mill lane„ McHenry, has been promoted in the U S Air Force to the rank of senior airman Mitchell is a computer repair specialist at Offutt Air Force base. Neb PROMOTED Ernest M VonOepen. son of Mr and Mrs E VonOepen of 7155 Johnsburg road, Spring Grove, has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of airman first class. Von Oepen is an administration specialist at McConnell Air Force base, Has Crewman Course Ends For P.P. Olsen Pvt. Peter P. Olson Jr., son of Mr and Mrs Pete Olson, Sr., of 8511 Memory trail. Wonder Lake, recently completed a Vulcan crewman course at the U.S. Army Air Defense school. Fort Bliss. Texas During their training, students learned all phases of the firing and tracking systems of this air defense system The Vulcan is a 20mm automatic six-barrel gun mounted on a self-propelled armored personnel carrier and is designed primarily for anti-aircraft defense. PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY. APRIL 3,1981 COME TO THE RESCUE OF OUR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY Ad Paid for by the obove named people Dr. C.J. Ludford Butch Meyer Eileen Zurblis Edgebrook P.T O. Dick Robbitt Marge Robbitt Kay Halverson Dave Halverson MiCki Becker Judy Pederson Bill Landis Richard F. Former Mr. t Mrs. M.J. McCarroll Jon Klontz Valley View P T O Mr. & Mrs. D.K. Porter Karen Faruzzi Richard Faruzzi Tim Althoff Dan Paul Ted Johnson Tom & Holly Tucker Bonnie Panerali Rich Panerali Ann Schweder John Sytsma Mrs. Bob Fowler George Van Liere Donna Brown Carolyn ft Frank Buittner Joyce Michoels Gfne Michaels Frances Pruszynski Anne Uttich Dorothy ft Bud Uttich Pat ft Bob lyborger Tom ft Linda Brady Daina Sornson Dianne Carl Kathy Lundquist Flo ft Art Newbrougb uee noover Cecilia Serritella John Nilles Pete ft Marisa Merkel Lynne Donarski Vic Freund William A. ft Wynne Roy Karen Pierce Laurie Doherty Karen Douglass Chuck ft Barbara Larson Jerry ft Connie Bunting Dorothy M. Cusack Larry Wolf Jean Natoli Linda Hoffman Pat McQuode Fran Glosson Diane Boss Tom Low Susan Schaefer Tom Tonyan John Bolton Nancy Glosson , Gene Glosson Lino Miller Kathy Freund Lynnda Eldredge Linda Freund Colleen Blankenhorn Bonnie Gaza * David R. Awberg A. M. D'Sousa Kathy Glob Tom ft Peg Thorne Ruth Armstrong Gary Garde Judy Garde Lucille Gravel Kim M. Perkins Vi Abbink Mary Kuemmel Edward T. Curran Ursula Youngwith Leslie Schubert Jeanne Ludwig Nancy Beste Vincent H. Adams Karen Sarabio Robert W. Jessup Julia S. Jessup Kathy Herdrich Dianne Kappen Sharon Shafer Joseph S. Dickstein, M.D Goil Anderson Dick Anderson Mike Bunting Jenny Beam Denise Moejal Julie Dodges Dan Jannotta Mr. ft Mrs. George Kort Les ft Betty Smith Ron Glosson Janet Conway Jean Gudauskas John C. Regner, Sr. Auuivy nv^nvi Elfriede Neumeier Mary Parks Bill Appleby. Jr. Gary Salman Karen Salmon Hans Larsen Fritz Lorsen John ft Sharon Gocek Kathy Cichonski Walt Cichonski Sharon Holwax Don DeRoche Leith ft Gene Honning Bob Swartzloff Don ft Twila Weichle Sheila A Bruce Wiedenhoeft Don ft Shirley Toole Trish ft Jerry Eiserman Terry ft Elyse Harth William G. Buhrmon Bill Toalson Don Seaton John Leighty James J. Blum Ginger Fikejs Mr. ft Mrs. Bill Winkel Joe ft Pat Schlender Dave Luckett Mary A. Johnson Tony Stumbris Jock ft Dorothy Vick Muriel Jannotta Debbie Baldwin Tom Eickenberg Kathy Everitt Ken Kraft Cis Morner Mary Osterman Donno Bailey El Partenheimer Marilyn Munz Gene Rosio Bill Blankenhorn Ken Ludwig Delores Mourer Chuch Cuda Bev Aweve Mr. ft Mrs. Dave Mihevc Sandy Vitale Don ft Gaye Bo I and Earl ft Joyce Kyle Dale ft Morcia Maule Gary Trembly Ted Novak Kate Hamilton Bruce Montressor Bob Ludwigsen Ron Schmitt Bill Hutchinson Jocie Smith Jeff Varga Beth Marcello Bill Day O.G.Johnson Bob Hendricks A. Friend Dean Glosson Greta Larsen Connie Freund Merle Freund Bernadette Cummings Bill A Marcy Busse Doug A Jockie Glosson Mike A Jane Maliszewski Pot A Tom Bittermon Janet Cody Mary Ellen Karp Ginny Bailey Betsy A Tom Les Joan Miller Jim LaShelle Mr. A Mrs. Edmund Sobotkiewicz Don A Glenna House McHenry Junior High P.T.O. Mr. A Mrs. Jerry Shanholtzer Landmark Parents Group Hilltop P.T.O Oscar Sola Curtis Hoover Pom Brackmann Tom Brackmann Janet Wotkins Mr. Mrs. John Beam Woyne A Bev Martin District 15 has been forced to cut the following programs: Vocal Music Art Elementary Band Home Economics All Counselors Industrial Arts Custodian Staff Cut by Vs Gifted Program Intramural Sports Program Junior High Track Junior High Softball Junior High Soccer Cheerleaders & Pom Pon Squad All Teachers Aids French Wins Model Car Contest What you don't know about income averaging could cost you mono* H&R Block know> that no matter htm much you make .if your income went up substantially last year you may be able to income average We'll take advantage of this if it's to your benefit The answer is FALSE, since there is no minimum amount of income required to qualify WE'LL MAKE THE TAX LAWS WORK FOR YOU H&R BLOCK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 302 W Difgim HARVARD PImm 9434410 OPEN 9 T WEEKDAYS. 9 5 SAT EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 220 S Stale St MARENGO Phone 56St3*3 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 9. SAT 9 5 APPOINTMENTS ANYTIME 5101 W Elm MCHENRY Phone 38516JO OOT OFFICE HAS MOVEO TO SERVE YOU BETTER OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-1. SAT 9 $ APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE 110 W Calhoun WOODSTOCK Phone 33A3330 OPEN WEEKDAYS 94. SAT 9 5 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE •BELL LIQUORS •REVCO DRUG •McHENRY PHARMACY •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •BEN FRANKLIN •OSCO DRUGS •JEWEL •HORNSBY'S •HERMES t CO. •LIQUOR MART " I •VILLAGE MART • J t R STORE •MCHENRY HOSPITAL •LAKEVIEW •SUNNYSIDE FOOD •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •ADAMS GROCERY •LITTLE STORE •FRED A IRENE S TAP •HANDY PANTRY •SUNRISE GROCERY •STEINY TAP •MCCULLOM LAKE GROC. •HILLTOP GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •FOOD MART •BITS t PIECES STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At The Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY • j g L GAS The first place winner of the annual Model Car contest held at the McHenry Junior high school was Mike Streicher. Mike, shown above, it a seventh grade student at the school and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Streicher. Contestants were judged on neatness, originality of model composition and creative use of materials for the diorama.This year's contest was sponsored by the McHenry Junior high school Parent-Teacher Organization.