Remote convenience! $70 off. 19"-diag has electronic tuning, too HRernotc functions control on/off fend volume, scan favorite channels. ® Regularly 519.99 Change channels either remotely or on the set with electronic touch tuning. 1-button Auto Color retrieves the best possible con trast, brightness, tint and color settings for a great picture. Automatic room light sen sor adjusts contrast and brightness to variations in room light conditions. Slotted mask picture tube with in-line electron gun; lighted channel indicators and more. Outstanding VALUE! *60 off. 19"-diag color TV. Other 19"-diag color low as Wards low price 12900 ® Regularly 429.99 Selective circuitry balances color levels automatically for natural fleshtones and vivid color. Slotted mask picture tube; in line gun; light sensor; lighted channels. All TV antennas now 20% off. Includes strap, ear phone. Battery extra. SAVE NOW AT WARDS LOW PRICES--CHARGE IT 3 WAYS--WARDS CHARG-ALL, MASTERCARD, VISA TV* show simulated reception. Simulated wood cabinet*. nmulated reception. 17465 12350 Buy 0^O88 now. Console with 8-track play, cassette recorder. Contemporary-design cabinet holds builtr in speakers with extra room for records, tapes. AM/FM-stereo; semi-auto turnta- ble; cassette recorder; 8-track player. Ullt IBV 1# 349.99 Our 13"-diag color TV-- it's truly portable. Compact size and light weight make this the ideal set for bedroom, kitchen or den. Fold-down carry handle and more. KT-diag color, reg. 289.99 «... 259.88 4-in-l stereo: 8-track and cassette recorders. AM/FM-stereo receiver with rotary controls; semi-automatic 2-speed turn- table with cue lever; 8-track, cassette recorders; and two 18"-high speakers. Big-screen console TV: touch-control tuning. 12-position electronic tuning gives you quick selection of your favorite chan nels. 1-button Auto Color control; cable-ready TV jack; auto light sensor. •30 off. Reg. 239.95 Open aim with Blttitchei. »uicl 5 stretch. Machine's built- in tray adjusts to flatbed position. AM/FM-stereo; gSssette record | and 8-track play.'* LED output Its. Outstanding VALUE! Outstanding VALUE! *20 off: *40 off. # f 11988 ~ Reg. 159.95 Off. Upright vac has headlight and 6-way nap adjuster. Revolving bristle bar loosens dirt and grooms nap. Edge cleaner. Wraparound furniture guard. Attachments included. Other upright vacuums as low as 49.88. i AC/DC stereo. I ̂M/FM-stereo; W Bessette recorder F^with air-damped eject door, cue and review, more. 2-motor steel vac team cleans at 2.2-peak hp. Floating powerhead automatically ad justs to nap height. Revolving bristle Open arm with 4 stitches. Pfccl 2 stretch stitches. Slide-on tray adds handy flatbed surface.