Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Apr 1981, p. 2

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V Salon Partners Meet At Crystal. Lake Home Twenty-three Partners met recently in the Crystal Lake Legion home for the monthly meeting The meeting was called to order as possible. They were to be taken to Pouvior at Jacksonville, 111 Chapeau Wappler asked the chairmen if they would by Chapeau Agnes Wappler /-* like a gift from her at the end and inasmuch as the year of the year, or if she should end is nearing, the Salon did not have much business to discuss. - Chapeau Wappler ex­ tended a welcome to one of the Salon's out of state partners, Edie Myefs. Children and Youth chairman Arlene Mattfngly explained the "Ring Toss" and also asked for all the stuffed toys to be in as soon make a donation to the Nurses' Scholarship fund. They all agreed she should give the donation Delicious desserts were thflo sefved by the Crystal Lake partners The next meeting will be April 27, at the home of Iolene Riangardi. of Fox River Grove. Woman's Club Hears Speaker At Meeting The McHenry Woman's club will meet April 9, at 12 p.m., at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church. Following a business meeting presided over by Mrs C* rover Elmore, president, Mrs. Robert F O'Brien will present Marge Zujewski from McHenry hospital, who will speak on "Emergency Medical Services" She will stress the ambulance ser- food may be made to the landing of St. Patrick's hall, all day on Saturday, April 11. and Sunday, April 12, during the Masses to 11:30 a m Baskets will be packed and delivered by early af ternoon. We still have calls for various items of furniture, etc. for homes. If you have anything you no longer need. \ GIRL SCOUTS IcipipipiprfripipipipiprfripipipipiFipipipit vice and answer questions from the audience * This promises to be an interesting program for all members and everyone is urged to attend and bring a guest Prior to the business meeting, a sandwich lun­ cheon will be served and Mrs William Tonyan, Jr. is chairman of the refreshment committee. but it is still in good, usable condition, please call FISH at 385-0258. A very happy and blessed Easter holiday is wished to everyone. M G * • * • Sin may be pleasure but not every pleasure is a The Girl Scouts in Valley View neighborhood (McHenry area) are busily engaged in a variety of activities. Members of Troop No. 143 are learning about han­ dicaps and have studied braille. Their next endeavor will cover signing for the deaf, demonstrated by Mrs Hale It is in the plans of Troop No 41 to take in the play, "Grease" at the Woodstock Opera House. While there, the girls will have an op­ portunity to go back stage and this outing will help them earn an Interest Project patch They are also going to Don Robert's Beauty school to learn more about the care of hair. Troop No. 414 was visited by a forest ranger from Moraine Hills, who gave an interesting talk. The girls have signed up for a Little Folks First Aid course given by Bev Hoffman Another group benefiting from the Little Folks First Aid course is Troop No. 406. The girls will add to their knowledge even more after a day of learning how to operate appliances and use tools. They recently en­ tertained the residents of Carestoel Care Center with a program of singing. While earning the Theatre patch. Troop No. 190 will enjoy the performance of "Grease" in Woodstock. The girls are decorating eggs and baskets for Easter and plan an outing at the park for a little kite flying. Sally Joosten is scheduled io visit Troop No. 150 in April to explain the dangers of picking up wild animals and possibly keeping them for pets. She promised to bring some of the orphaned and injured animals to the meeting. The third graders of Troop No. 480 went on a bridging activity with Troop No 88 They have also been prac ticing no-bake cooking Svbaquay Girl S c o u t council is now accepting registrations for the summer resident camping program C a m p P o k o n o k a h H i l l s , located in northwestein W i s c o n s i n , i s o p e n t o a l l g u t s who have completed third through twelfth grades regardless of race, creed, color, nationality, or socio^ economic factors. Non- Scouts are invited to attend Four 12-day sessions offer girls an opportunity to ex­ plore the camp's 600 acres of woods and lakes. Activities include swimming, boating, hiking, arts and nature crafts and lots more. Girls are placed in units by age and experience. Bus transportation from Elgin is included in the camp fee Special opportunities are available for Junior and Senior high school girls, including a 6-day bicycle trip in northern Wisconsin, a You Name It session for sailing, backpacking or canoe trips and Counselor-In-Training progam More information is available by contacting the Sybaquay Girl Scout council, 15 Ziegler court, Elgin. 111. 60120, 312-741-5521. Glenda Wiley Publicity SPONSOR FASHION SHOW Bethel 98, Job's Daughters, now located in Crystal Lake, but formerly of McHenry, will sponsor a Spring fashion show and salad luncheon Saturday, April 11, at 1 p.m., in the Crystal Lake Masonic temple, 200 Ellsworth. Tickets may be secured by calling 385-1000. spurgeons McNtary Mtrkil Plac« • a 1 Community • m * • « : jCalendar I m m '•i,inn.nnnmti PAGE 2 - PLAIN DEALER - WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8,1WI •cA4o±t[y <Socia£ J Homemakers Group Holds New Members Reception The McHenry County Homemakers Extension association held its New Members Reception recently. The evening's program was on the theme. "Do Bee A Good Homemaker". Louise Dom, who attended the Triennial Conference in Germany last year, gave a very interesting slide presentation. In the United States, the Homemakers' symbol is the home, but in Germany it's the bee Alberta England, M c H e n r y C o u n t y Homemakers Extension association (HEA) county Sodality of St. John's-- annual Rummage sale- east entrance-Johnsburg Community club-9 a m to 5 p.m.- APRIL 24 Country West Fest-First United Methodist church-6 p.m. APRIL 25 Country West Fest-First United Methodist church, McHenry-5 p.m. Salad Luncheon-Faith Presbyterian church. McHenry-sponsor. GALS -Gospel group singing, 11 a.m.-lunch, noon-reservations, Rita Gealow. 385-2329. St Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Potluck and meeting. 6 p.m.-Montini Middle school. APRIL 26 NAIM conference-St Thomas church. Crystal Lake~Loras Hall, 2 to 5 p.m.- -host, St Margaret Chapter APRIL 27 McHenry Senior Citizens- Meeting. 7 p.m.-East campus cafeteria. McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library APRIL 28 lakeland Park Women's club-First annual Dessert Card party-St Patrick's church hall, McHenry-noon Chapter 547, O E S-- Stated meeting, 8 p.m. APRIL 30 Catholic Daughters- monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m-- K of C hall MAY 2-3 40th Anniversary Program of McHenry Choral club- 8:15 p m--West Campus auditorium 1 Jenfent OWN home , ̂ IMPROVEMENT ' CENTER & flFlMMnk BADE BUTIK 7-̂ ZZUHJZSG* 670 E. Calhoun SI. Woodstock 338-1936 or 338-6929 president, had a bee in her bonnet that was dying to get out and tell the new mem­ bers about the Homemakers Extension Association Board worker bees of the organization Ms. England stated. "We would like to look upon each of you as flowers from which we gather pollen You provide us with food for thought and growth " Each of the. worker board bees were introduced and stated what their responsibilities are Louise Dorn informed the new members that an Ex­ tension Homemaker also carries membership in the T.H.E.O.S. Members Welcome Newcomers APRIL 15 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-annual meeting. 1 p.m APRIL 16 U.M.W General meeting. 10:30 a m - Communion brunch-hostesses. U.M.W. Mission team. APRIL 19 Scout Troops 452 and 455- Pancake Breakfast--7:30 a m to 2 p.m--Johnsburg Community club RICK MADSEN AND SHIRLEY HANEY SUMMER WEDDING - Shirley Haney and Rick Madsen wish to announce their forthcoming marriage at St. Benedict's Catholic church in Fontana, Wis. The future bride, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Haney of Johnsburg, is a 1980 graduate of Johnsburg high school. Her fiance, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Madsen of Harvard, III., graduated from Alden-Hebron high school in 1975. An early summer wedding is planned. APRIL 20 THEOS-dinner, 5:30 p.m.- -Henny Penny restaurant- then to First United Methodist church--fun- fellship . APRIL 21 Whispering Oaks Garden club-installation of Officers- Luncheon. noon-members only. APRIL 23 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus tour. "Man of I>aMancha"-Leave McHenry Market Place, 11 a m -park S.E corner along route 120 APRIL 23-24 Blessed Virgin Mary FISH can be your hands, but FISH cannot do it alone... come share with us! Easter baskets will be prepared Sunday. April 12, at St. Patrick's church, 3500 Washington street, McHenry, in the basement hall, west side entrance of the church. Nonperishable food items, paper and cleaning products, are needed, as well as money orders, checks or supermarket certificates for the perishable necessities. Mail these to FISH, Box 282, McHenry, 111., 60050. FISH is grateful to those who have already answered the invitation to share with us. Delivery of non-perishable COLOR TV MAGNAV0X 13 *350°° VALUE IF YOU ORDER YOUR HEIL CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING BEFORE JUNE 30. r,.:::.::;: your Heil dealer s pre season pricing on Heil central air con ditioning And if you install now, you can buy this 13 Magnavox portable color TV for |ust $99' Be ready tor those blistering hot summer days ahead with a new Heil air conditioning system or for yeor round comfort a Heil heat pump that cools your home in the sum mer and heats it in the winter1 For complete details coll Jensen s and osk obout the $99 color TV offer. Offer expires June 30 1981 HEATING & COOLING PRODUCTS Illinois Homemakers Ex­ tension Federation. National Extension Homemakers Council, and Associated Countrywomen of the World, with the purpose of im­ proving the quality of life and promoting international understanding Dolores Pribyl. Mem­ bership chairman, an­ nounced that 46 new members joined McHenry County Homemakers Ex­ tension association this year. She passed out membership cards to all the new mem bers. and also gave them each a bookmark with the Homemakers' Aim on it. The T.H.E.O.S. group met for dinner recently at a local restaurant. After enjoying the leisurely dinner, they went J\o the First United Methodist church and a warm welcome was ex­ tended to three newcomers. Julia Karpinski. Leona Weber and Mary Nolen Games were played and prizes awarded, followed by discussion groups T.H.E.O.S. (To Help Each Other Smile) is for widows and widowers, very casual, non-denominational, with no age restriction, meeting the third Monday of each month at a local restaurant for CALIFORNIA HONEYMOON - Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith. Jr. are residing in McHenry after a wedding trip to southern California. The former Patricia R. Raica, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Raica of Crystal Lake and David L. Smith, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith, Sr. of McHenry, were married Feb. 14 in St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry, at a 3 p.m. ceremony celebrated by Father Petit and Father Kearney. A reception was held at Old Towne hall, Crystal Lake for 115 guests. APRIL 8 McHenry-Fox Lake La Leche league-meeting, 7:30 p.m.-call Mrs Richard McGowan. McHenry APRIL 9 Priscilla Circle-9.30 to 11:30 a m -First United Methodist church parlor- babysitter provided Lakeland Park Women's club-meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Lakeland Park Community house. Rummage sale-9 a m to 7 p m --Zion Lutheran church McHenry Woman's club- meeting, 12 p.m -Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church- speaker from McHenry hospital. M c H e n r y C o u n t y Genealogical society- meeting. 7:30 p.m.- McHenry library. Woodstock-McHenry league of Women Voters- annual meeting, 9:30 a.m.- St Paul's Episcopal church- babysitting available. APRIL 10 Rummage sale-9 a m to 3 p.m.-Zion Lutheran church APRIL 11 Friendship club-potluck dinner and meeting. 5:30 p.m -Fellowship hall-First United Methodist church. Bake Sale-McHenry Lioness club-Hornsby's, 9 a m to noon. APRIL 13 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting. 9:30 am American Legion Post 491- -meeting. 8 p.m -- Nomination of officers. C ĉdaltMCL dinner at 5:30 p.m. and then going to the First United Methodist church for an evening of fun and fellowship. \ This is a pleasant way to combat lonesomeness and have a good time The name and location of the restaurant is always listed in the local newspapers under the Community Calendar. The next get together will be Monday, April 20, starting at 5:30 p.m.. at the Henny Penny family restaurant, 1709 W. Route 120. Newcomers are always most welcome THOMAS CALAHAN AND FRANCINE MARKE ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Marke of Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Francine E. Marke, to Thomas F. Calahan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Calahan of Skokle. The bride elect graduated from Northern Illinois university with a B.S. degree in Education. The prospective bridegroom received B.S. degree in Business Administration from Loyola university. The couple will exchange vows at Christ the King Catholic church. Wonder Lake, on July 18. We will accept children ages 2 -12 during Easter school break while you are working or shopping. Lowest rates in town; Weekly rate or daily rate to please your needs. Also, why not ask about our summer day camp program. CALL YOUR T.L.C. HO. TOOAY 815-395-2499 Hours 6:45 - 5:30 1 HI t MR. AND MRS. DAVID SMITH. JR. APRIL 14 Chapter 547 OES--stated meeting. 8 p.m. Whispering Oaks Garden club- Board meeting, 1 p.m - -Community center. Save 20% on soft ana sheer underalls pantyhose and panties all in one for a smooth comfortable fit and save 20% on Slenderalls pantyhose and panties all in one with added support for a smooth, comfortable fit. fTQlSrr 1216 N. Green St., McHenry, II. 60050 HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9:00 am. • 5:30 pm. SAT. 9:00 am. • 5:00 pm.

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