Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1981, p. 2

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PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. APRIL IS. 1*1 MRS. LLOYD SMITH Taylor-Smith Exchange Promises In Florida St Raphael's church in Lehigh Acres. Fla was the setting for the marriage of Patricia J Taylor, dughter of Mr and Mrs James Bliss Taylor of Youngstown. Ohio and Lloyd L Smith, son of Mr and Mrs Leo F Smith of McHenry. Saturday. April 4. at three o'clock The Reverend Thomas P Gillissie performed the double ring nuptial Mass The bride chose a floor- length. cream colored Irish linen suit of her own design. The long sleeved, fitted jacket featured a Peter Pan collar covered with alencon lace and this treatment was repeated on the cuffs and buttons Her short mantilla fell from an alencon lace covered crescent-shape cap She carried a bouquet of orchid chrysanthemums, lavender and purple silk violets and baby's breath Attired in a cream and mauve Irish linen suit was Mrs James B Tayjor. Jr . the bride's sister-in-law, attending her as matron of honor She carried a similar bouquet to the bride's and baby's breath adorned her hair The duties of best man were handled by William C Jorgenson of Fort Lauderdale. Cal:, a friend of the groom since childhood and also, originally from McHenry Following the ceremony a poolside reception was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Chrisopher Young of Fort Myers. Fla . former residents of McHenry and lifelong friends of the groom The couple will be living in McHenry following a motor trip through Florida and a visit with the bride's brother. Julian Taylor, in Clemson. S C. The bride, a graduate of Youngstown State univer­ sity. with an Associate degree in Advertising, will be working as a waitress in the McHenry area The groom graduated from McHenry high school and the College of Artesia. Artesia. N.M and is a merchant in McHenrv Offer Two Programs The Childbirth and Parenting association of McHenry county is offering two programs for mothers of newborns and one need not be a first time mother to attend Time and place of meetings for Mothers Are People Too may be obtained by calling Mrs Donald i Joan i Bean of Woodstock. The purposes of the prog am are to focus on new mothers as women; help women experience their new- feelings of the postpartum months as normal; discuss feelings openly and create new friendships at a time when isolation can be a problem All mothers of children, newborn to four months, are welcome. The New Moms Discussion group will meet Monday, Apr 20. at 10 a m This group strives to help mothers deal with the new responsibilities and feelings that accompany motherhood during the baby's first year. OCLU Prepare For Luncheon Select Contest Winners j u i i n i i n i i i i i i w • > • I Community I m • Calendar \ III • J I.1.I J.I Those interested may contact Mrs Carl 'Debbie) Wright of Crystal Lake CPA offers opportunites to make childbirth and parenting a shared and enriched experience For more information, call Mrs David A (Colleen) Zeiger of Wonder Lake NAIM Chapter Plans Outing An outing is being planneg, for the members of Sl Mary's chapter of NAIM. to attend the play. "Play It Again Sam", at the Wood­ stock Opera house Performances are scheduled for May 1. 2. 3, 8 and 9 Anyone interested in going is requested to call Sue Wruck tomake a reservation and determine the most popular date. APRIL 15 Whispering Oaks Woman's club- annual meeting, l p m APRIL 16 U.M.W. General meeting. 10 30 a m --Communion brunch -hostesses." U.M.W Mission team APRIL 18 Easter Egg Hunt- Pistakee Highlands Com­ munity center--10 a m -- sponsor. Pistakee Highlands Woman's club APRIL 19 Scout Troops 452 and 455- Pancake Breakfast-7 30 a m to 2 p m -Johnsburg Community club APRIL 20 THEOS-dinner. 5:30 p m - -Hennv Penny restaurant- then to First United Methodist church--fun- fellship APRIL 21 Whispering Oaks Garden club- installation of Officers- -Luncheon. noon-members only. First Ringwood Get- Tf>gether-Ferrara's home-- 4909 Barnard Mill road--7:30 p m --everyone invited APRIL 22 Pistakee Highland Woman's club--Spring Luncheon and Card party- Community center-noon- public invited APRIL 23 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus tour. "Man of LaMancha -Leave McHenry Market Place. 11 a m -park S E corner along route 120 Girl Scout Neighborhood- meeting. 9:30 a.m.-- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-404 Green street. McHenry St Clara Court 659 - Installation of Officers and potluck -Mary hall. 6 p.m - Montini Middle School. APRIL 23-24 Annual Rummage sale- Blessed Virgin Mary- Sodality of St John's-east entrance-Johnsburg Community club-9 a m to 5 p m APRIL 24 Country West Fest-First United Methodist church-6 p m APRIL 25 Country West Fest-First United Methodist church. McHenry-5 p.m Salad Luncheon-Faith Presbyterian church. McHenry-sponsor. G A L S -Gospel group singing. 11 a m -lunch, noon-reservations, Rita Gealow. 385-2329 St Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Potluck and meeting. 6 p^m -Montini Middle school APRIL 26 NAIM conference-St. Thomas church. Crystal I>ake -Loras Hall, 2 to 5 p.m.- -host. St Margaret Chapter Polish Legion of American Veterans-Post and Chapter meeting. 3 p m--Spojnia camp APRIL 27 McHenry Senior Citizens- Meeting. 7 p m.--East campus cafeteria McHenry Woman's club- Board meeting, 10 a.m.- McHenry Public Library JOIN US AT CHAPEL HILL IH A JOYOUS CELEBRATION Our Famous Sunday Brunch Is All Decked Out In Easter Finery Served From 10.00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 1L95 Adults aid '4.50 for Childrea 8 years ui infer EASTER DINNER IS A FAMILY AFFAIR AT CHAPEL HILL FEATURING A SPECIAL MENU INCLUDING Roast Leg Of Lamb Roast Loin Of Pork Old Fashion Roast Turkey Also Many Beef And Seafood Items CHILDREN'S MENU Served From 3:30 P.M. CALL EARLY FOR RESERVATIONS 0TEH FN LMCN AM INK r TIESIAY THOUGH{ MAY (,()LF CIL-B Chapel Hill Golf Club 2500 NORTH CHAPEL HILL ROAD McHENRY, ILLINOIS 60050 PHONE 815/385-0333 Members of the Pistakee Highlands Women's club are busy preparing for the an­ nual Spring Luncheon and Card Party to be held Wednesday. April 22. at goon, at the Pistakee Highlands Community center The menu - features Swedish meatballs and an array of delicious salads and desserts and seating is limited For further in­ formation call Mrs Fritz <Saliv) VonBruenchenhein The Women's club is also sponsoring the annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday. April 18. at the Community center Everyone is invited. MCACE Sponsors Film MCACE • McHenry County Childbirth Educators >. is sponsoring a showing of the film. "Nan's Class", T h u r s d a y . A p r i l 1 6 . a t 7 p m . at the McHenry Public library. 1011 N Green street The movie portrays the labors and deliveries of five couples and a single parent using the Lamage method It depicts some of the newest approaches to childbirth Early pregnancy classes. Lamaze classes and Cesarean childbirth classes are offered by ASPO cer­ tified instructors. For futJ»er information concerning the film or classes, please call Mrs John J. (Janet) Smith. Ponca street, or Mrs John 1 Ptiyllis > Passarelli. both of McHenrv St Patrick's Ladies Guild Board meeting. 1 p m - McHenry Public library APRIL 28 Lakeland Park Women's club-First annual Dessert- Card party--St Patrick's church hall. McHenry-noon Chapter 547. O E S -- Stated meeting. 8 p.m APRIL 30 Catholic Daughters-- monthlv meeting. 7:30 p.m -- K of C hall McHenry Grandmother s club- annual card party. 12 30 p m --St Patrick's hall- dessert-coffee served- reservations. Esther Heard. 385-7984-public welcome MAY 2 Rummage-Bake sale-Mt Hope church-1015 W Broadway-Pistakee Highlands-9 a.m to 2 p m MAY 2-3 40th Anniversary Program of McHenry Choral clul> 8:15 p m --West Campus auditorium MAY 4 St Patrick's Ladies Guild- meeting. pot luck, election and installation of officers- church hall. 12:30 p.m MAY. 11 St Patrick's Ladies Guild- Day of Recollection- following 8 a m Mass - church hall -bring bag lunch McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting. 7 p m -West campus MAY 15 St Mary's Chapter of NAIM-meeting. 7:30 p.m -- Oak room-Montini Middle school MAY 17 NAIM Council meeting- pot luck St Mary's church. s p o n s o r s - M a r y r o o m . 2 p m - Montini Middle school- bring table service MAY 21 St Patrick's Ladies Guild- luncheon and play-noon. Crescent Bay-members and guests. There's An Answer (by Norman Vincent Peale and Ruth Stafford Peale) Wondering and worrying Q Do you believe that someone who has not been told what a terrible crime abortion is car* he forgiven by God-even wJien she can't forgive herself. noWtnt she realizes what a crime it is? Please answer, for several of us are wondering and worrying A. Of course God forgives when we are genuinely sorry for our misdeeds and ask His forgiveness And I'm sure it is His hope that we will forgive ourselves for something we honestly believe to be wrong We cannot undo what we have done, but we can walk away from it For when God forgives us and we forgive ourselves the matter is erased and ended. Perhaps you will find help in our booklet Faith Builders, wliich is on its way to you. Anyone wishing a free copy may write to us at Box 500. Pawling, N.Y., 12564 Hard lump to swallow Q. When my husband recently returned from the hospital after a nearly fatal accident he told me God had told him he must confess to me that he has spent 15 years in a continuous adulterous relationship. This revelation absolutely stunned me and is still incomprehensible. He is "a pillar in the church" and I too have been an active church worker His paramour is our pastor's wife and my (supposed) close friend. My husband says the Lord has forgiven him and asks me to forgive him. I've said I forgive. Infidelity is a hard lump to swallow. Please help me cope with this heartbreak. There's no one* I can talk to. A. The relationship which you describe ia, of course, rotten in the extreme that a pastor's wife and a so-called "pillar of the church" should so conduct themselves. That you are willing to forgive proves that you are a great woman and certainly a Christian of high order. And that is the only method by wtiich this fracture of your marriage can be healed Perhaps your husband's brush with death has helped him get his values straight Let us hope that with God's forgiveness and yours ne will devote himself to winning your confidence and healing your marriage. Daughter is a stranger Q. Our two sons respect us and cause us no problems, but our daughter turned into a complete stranger when she was 16. She was introduced to "pot" while attending a camp. She eventually graduated from nigh school and moved out, taking all her furniture without our permission. After working as a waitress for several months she quit and hitchhiked with a friend to the West Coast The last we heard from her she said she and her boyfriend were moving to Texas That was 4 months ago. Needless to say we are heartbroken. Do you think these children will eventually mature and tire of their way of life? A. Let us hope so. And the record of many such unhappy cases is that they become fed up with such life and want out of it. Follow your daughter with your love, prayers and faith. And that she will get with it and return to sane living, I have no doubt. If there is something you would like to ask Dr. and Mrs. Peale. write to them at Box 500, Pawling, N.Y., 12564. "One of the most difficult things I've ever done," was the comment voiced in unison by the three Judges of the little Miss McCullom Lake contest Saturday, April 11, and they all agreed each entry was a 'winner'. But a tally of the combined points revealed (from left to right) the second runner-up is 4-year-old Tiffany Krumwiede, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Krumwiede; first runner-up, Julie Laws on, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lawsoo, Sr.; and the winner. Nicole Curran, I, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Curran. Eight-year-old Heather Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Nelson, is shown crowning her successor. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Set New Date Slate Fair Diddley For Gathering It was necessary to change the date of the first gathering of the residents of Ringwood from April 14 to April 21. The meeting will be held at the Ferrara's home, 4909 Barnard Mill road and those attending are asked to bring a small plate of cookies or goodies to pass. Punch will be served One of the main topics of discussion will be the "park" or "town square". Suggestions are needed as to what can be done to renovate it and how it can get started. If anyone has done research and acquired information on this, it would be beneficial to the group Someone familiar with the old "community club" will be present to talk about what was done with it. Ideas will be welcomed from everyone concerning what can be expected from a cumminity effort such as this one Hold Annual Rummage Sale St John's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality's annual Rummage sale will be held Thursday. April 23 and Friday. April 24. from 9 a m to 5 p.m. both days, at the Johnsburg Community club Donations of rummage items may be brought any time during the week of April 12 through 21. For further information. please call Mrs Michael (Eva) Schaefer, Johnsburg. or Mrs. Alfred (Marie) Oeffling of McHenry Sign-Up Time Is Extended In order to complete the bus tour to the Wayne King concert at the Sabre room. May 12. the sign-i#> time has been extended to the next meeting on April 27. Ruth Fradell reports that there are some openings to fill the bus Due to the Easter vacation, there will be no meeting April 13 Clowns will be on hand to add to the fun at the 13th annual Fair Diddley, Sunday, May 17, at the Woodstock square from noon until 6 p.m. Sponsored by the Mental Health Resource league for McHenry county, Fair Diddley attracts craftsmen from all over the country. Craft Rental chairman, Suzanne Beam, announced that the fair is already closed. There is something for everyone at Fair Diddley, including free entertainment in the bandstand, a kids' show in the Opera House, games end plenty of food. PWP Schedules Next Meeting Parents Without Partners will hold the next general meeting Friday. April 17. at the American Legion Home. Oak and Woodstock streets in Crystal Lake The evening will begin at 8:30 p.m., with a short business meeting, followed by refreshments and dancing First time guests are urged to attend the orien­ tation session beginning at 8. where they will learn more about Parents Without Pamters and receive a 45- day courtesy card allowing them to attend any P W.P function To be eligible for mem­ bership in Parents Without Partners, one must be a parent and be single by reason of divorce, death, separated or never married. For further information, call 459-5262 Secretaries Hold Brunch The Fox Valley chapter of Professional Secretaries International (since 1942 known as the National Secretaries association) will hold its 1981 Secretaries' week brunch Sunday, April 26, at the Hunter Country club. Richmond, 111. Brunch will begin at 11 a.m.. and all secretaries and their guests are invited. For futher information, please, call Mrs.- C. R (Virginia) Kleinfelter of Crystal Lake. Join Us For Dinner EASTER SUNDAY We Will De Serving Our Special Menu From 1 iOOPM • 9:00PM ROAST LEG OF LAMB 4** CHICKEN KIEV on herbed rice 5 HAM with champagne sauce ST# TENDERLOIN TIPS w/mushrooms 5** We WiH Also De Serving Our -- Regular Menu -- LDKCHDRK STE2K HOUSE Route 120 - t/t Mil** t«it «# McHenry - 385-9869 M&M BODY SHOPPE Shape Up For Spring! •SPECIAL* 6 Week Membership Plus 1 Body Wrap NOW ONLY $75 Offer Good For 2 Weeks Only! Something New... WEIGHT CONTROL CLINIC Call Now For Information! AEROBIC BANCS CLASS Starts May 11 Regristration: May 4 - May 9 2908 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY 385-5690 DAILY 8:30 TO 8:00 SAT. 8:00 TO 4:00

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