FAOa M MONDAY, AMft M 88 Al Nolo Vivo 9® Fleetwood ftubecrtptton Pr 9 Polo U8PAI Match 2. 09 Chicago 0 Movie -(Bui Mec (Peid Pole USPA Rolex Qotd Cup. 2. Movie -(Suapenae) •••* "Arebeeque" 1M6 Qragory Pack, Sophia Loran. An American exchange profeaaor, In England, kidnapped by a Middle Eaat prima minieter, la aidad In Ma aacape by tha mlatraaa of an oil magnate whom the prime minieter feara. (2 hra., 10 mine.) 01 Claudhia "Some Justice' • nmnen'e lelanrl 7:20 999©The Two Of Ue NaniebeeidehereetfwhenOldAlf, Brentwood'a oenMe aoccer refer ee, foNowa her home on the day of t moat important interview. Joker'eWMd Over Eaay Quest: Chita Rivera. Hoat: Hugh Downa. (Ooeed-Capt toned; U.S.A.) 9 Woman'e Channel • 9 AprancNando A Amar 9 What WW They Think Of •P ~(M.A.S.H. While driving to Seoul on a two day paaa, Ibwfceya la embuahed and cap- IlIrM Dy I NOnn KOfHn SOlQlfr, •we:...:..- .. . _ •ewncneo ititf&vr. Monday Night At The MovteeThe Rival* 999Dyneaty Blake ehocka the teneely emotional courtroom when he takee the etend in hie trial tor murder; Claudia la badgered Into revealing the detalla of her affair with 8teven and than drivee off with Lindsay to a randevoua i, Jat. I. m naili i ti-llli •in witn >> iQviiyi rmiihWw 0O9i d9» eerk in court andeevagetyettacka Blake. and a wrprias idlsa®a for the proaecution at una the Carrlng- KiNy. (60 mtaa.) nteCerio Tic Tec Dough 9 thakeapeare Pleye 'Antony and Cleopatra' Jonathan Miller direct a Colin Blakely and Jane Lapotaire aa the exotic cou ple. with Ian Charleaon aa Oc- tavhia. Tha production featurea coetumea and eat deeign baaed on the work of Venetian painter Veroneae to oreate Rome and Egypt aa 8hakeapeare Imagined rii. (3 hra.) TelePrance U.M. 'Araene Lupin' 2) 'Chronlquee De Franca' 31'Un Crime De Notre Tempa' 9 9 Mevie -(Drama) *"H "ThaLetter" 1940 BaNeDavia. Herbert Marahall A wife, on trial for murdar, muat retrieve a certain lefterincrtminating her. (2 hra.) 9 9 Movie (Myatary) •• H "Moment to Moment" 1916 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE t Michael Landon's real daughter, 16-year-old Leslie Landon (wearing snood), is shown with her father and his television daughter, Melissa Sue Anderson, as she guest-stars on NBC- TVs "Little House on the Prairie" in an episode titled "The Third Mirade," MONDAY. APRIL 20 Leslie portrays a young expectant mother who is a passenger on a doomed stagecoach. Adam (Linwood Boomer) gets pinned beneath the stagecoach when it overturns. Mary (Melissa Sue) then sets out on a frantic search to bring help for him and for Leslie who goes in to labor. (CtoMdcaptionBd) CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME. t« compuloc Mftvicn. me Jim SetoorQ, Honor fHecfcmen A murder mystery eet on the French Riviera.(2hra., ISmlna.) 99 LuchaUbre 9 09 Movie -(Animated) • "Wtzarde" 1B77 (PaidSubecrip- tlon Televielon) Science-fiction tale otthe future woridafterdevaa tatlon, with warring factions that conjure up Hitler'a armies. (90 VnmL Stanley Cup Playoff* (Joined In Prograw) Teams Unannounced * 9Mevt> fClaoMcM)*"* "Ri chard IN" 1MB Sir Laurence Olivier, Claire Bloom. Shake speara'a olaaeic story of the med King. (3 hra.) 9 BNeofaOf BanFrandeco 8JpV990tfowaeCade 9 « To Tea The Truth 9 Movie -(Weetem) "Wan da Nevada" 1B7B Pater Fonda. Brooke Shields. A runaway from an orphanage and e wild weat poker player develop a love-hate relationahip that bioeeoms into . (Rated PQ) (2 hrs.) romance. 9 Htah ef Dan Claaaic > Lou Grant Juat how far to go to gat an important atory becomes a problem when the Tribune can't nail dowa what'* McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from the Fox Hole) McHENRY, ILLINOIS Metol or Plostk SENIOR CITIZENS Metal or Plostk MOB •IB PRRM1S WITH LENSE PURCHASE MT . . m [ 8 1 5 ] 3 B 5 S 2 4 0 r CiiniflQ I rnytt9fk>ui n9tf > smell town dump site. (Repeat; 60 Mo Seep Jesetoe torevety feoeee MeMoeeyenflrtne OQued, Burt puraaea a phony tip lea big drug tranaaotlon. and Cheater d>e- covers usnny in d^o wit n ni 9 dtkjv (BO mine.) 9 BO'CtockNewe 99 AJM The Fend* 9 Movie -(Thriller) "The Fob" 1BB0 Adrlenne Barbeau. Hal Holbrook. A boatful of lepera are turned away from California and drown In the ooean. tOOyeare later a tog comet and gate revenge. (Rated R) (BO mine.) tSar-" B: 10 ( TBS Evening News 9:90 99 Honevaaoonera 9 ® Movie -(Fentaey) • 1B71 Malcom MacDowell, Patrick Magee. (Paid Subaoriptioa Taieviaion) Tha heed of a gang of toughe.lnanlneenelttvo.tmerietlc society, is conditioned to beoomo physically W at aex and violence during a priaon sentence. (2 hrs.) 99 FaNh That Uvea 9 Barney MMer liyiffi>99ll toner. CeaBlock N M.A.B.H. Love Bona To The hewkere" 1SBB Jeff Chendter, FeeePeriter. i860: Story oftwo mea-the Jayhawk leader who dreama of power and hie would be captor apurred by private van- 1.(2 hra) 10:10 9 I 10:IS Wf "Vii 10:10 9 MpMOaNary M 9^^»ir Mill 9linmi 9v B99ly W»WW iMiOrant 9 The Tonight Show Queat hoat: David Letterman. Queata: John Matuzak. Paul WH- Ina. (60 mine.) Bob Newhart Show ABC Nawa NtghtRne 9 Mary Tyler Moore Show OddCoapla O Benny HM Show Ibi aatluatnr hra.) •KlMsWDmrnl "IBM- 99 tes*fl̂ Ma Norton. A sieve-breeding planta tion of pre-CtvtWerLoelalena and the atrange people arfwMve there. »ted R) (2 hra., 6 mine.) Movie-(Adventure)** "fjdt Tha DraBon, Inter Tha Tlsar" Bruce Lee. BruoeLi. 'TheDragon* la myatarioaaly found deed and hie protege, 'The Tiger, aweara to »the murdar. (Rated R) (SO avenget Mo > CBS Late Movie CHANCY: T||a nj MIA MaaiMA' A weaMiu Ifi9 cyt or inf ntvoif wwwtnny sociaMtedieawhHe under the cere of a controveraial physician and Oeincy muat prove the dead woman wee murdered or (he doc- tor'a career wMI be ruined. (Repeat) 'HARRY O: Mayday' A plana oraahee leaving only a eoie aurvtvor the pflot'a widow cade It murdar and hirea Harry to inveo- NHL Stanley Cap Playoffa fttSKS! 9 NHL Stank. VtoStaCenter 9 9jta Bekker 0:409 Movie •€ 10:40 9 Movie -(Draaae) "Neked Street" 1BBS Anthony Qetan, Anne Baworoft. A reporter expoaea e vicioue crime aynd)cate.( 110 mine.) 0:46 ® 9 in<igan<in 140 9CBB« MeMovteOUXCY " [ Klug- ncy la 10:46 I 11390 M.E.. man, Qarry Walberg. Qainoy I convinced that taieviaion news- women JeeetoeRoee wee klied In e motel Hre under wiyilertoyi dr- cemetencee, yntM she coatee to ® eewe conference to chellenge Mm. (RepeeO 'HARRY O: Book of Clie noes' Store: Devid Jeneen. MiTnony^eiN. nnpunfowiwoi a pfeeh gambling caalno la mur dered. Harry triea to find her WNer. || • nsea v mery v yver Moore enow 9 FantaayMand Fourdaprae- aion era bank robbera who went to pull one laet Job and a pretty girl with eepirations of becQming a tTvovte eter fotfiflm^^nt of tf̂ r̂tr dreama oa Fantaay laland. it;70mlna.) (Reoeat; 1 99 wi 9 Movie »-(BtoBr«pMcel)**« Joodman Story" 1B66 8trva Allen, Bawny Qoodman'a Ufa etory from hla i ,n ••ibi ikm,irA e/̂ eaeaî eftlaMena yow u«i> w vugn euei iieyiv i ••cow- cert. HU oourlehip with a girt who ooeen i ime jexz is tmerwoven. u KllaaatSd