PAMM WBNBDAY.APtH.22 General. (2 hrs.) 1:47 W WaWgaBona tOO • Movie-(Adve 2:47 a.-OO • Movie-(Adventure) "The tun M»»ir Sato" 1939 Douglea Fairbanks. Jr., Basil Rathbona. British brothers try to prevent the outbreek ol war In Africa. (110 mine.) # Nawe Day'a End 2:10 • I dNorta»-TV Chapel 3:18 • Mo via -(Myatary) •• "Ortya Hart, Drtw Part" 1060 BrienKeMy.JoonCoNine.Aachem- ing wife invoivee an innooent man in herhusbsnd's piin. (2 hrs.) 4.-00 m Prayar 4.-04 (Nam 4:20 9 Movia -{Adventlire)" "RatoeTheTttanfc" 1060 Jaaon Robarda. Richard Jordan. Two man undartaka an eweeome un- daraaa mission to claim tha precioea contenta of tha famoue •hip's vault bafora tha Rueeiana do. (Ratad PQ) (2 hra) H Daniel I 4:25 • Ral 4:60 • AN! 6:16 SMa 8:20 • Movia -(Thriller) ••• "Laat Wava" 1076 Richard Chambariain. Auatralianlawyaria caught up in Aborigine tribal beNefe amid atranga avanta f ore- t ailing civWzetion'e hit ura. (Ratad ~ (2 hra.) i Rat Patrol ANNttaShow ((thurwdwy)) APR. 23.1661 tf'lUUnltoFamNy "HotLead And CaM Paat" 1676 Karon Valentine, Don Knotte. Otd Jaapar PARK PLACE A blizzard traps David Ross (Harold Gould, pictured) and his legal staff overnight with a roomful of unusual clients, including an irate owner of a 'depressed' turtle, a disturbed drunk and a strange young man with an even stranger appetite, on "Park Place," THURSDAY. APRIL 23 on CBS TV New York's worst blizzard in 50 years causes police to ask everyone to remain in their buildings because of the storm conditions. The lack of food and proper sleeping accomodations, plus a failing elevator that traps Jo (Mary Elaine Monti) and Mac (Lionel Smith), adds to the mounting woes as 'cabin fever" develops in midtown Manhattan. James Widdoes is introduced in the role of Attorney Brad Lincoln, newest addition to the legal aid staff. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME HRVICII INC Blood shy Is founding fathar of a cowboy town that ia aa moan and rickoty aa ha ia. inhabitants of tha town inckida a vary narvoua sher iff, a crook ad mayor and old Jaapar'a favorite a on Wild Billy, who epeada moat of hia time terrorizing the town. (Rated 0) (2 Aim* • •• NBC M Magazine With David Brink ley This weekly ser ies off era a blend of current news atorlea, topical reporta and profilea. Hoat David Brinkley ia joined by contributing report era Qarrick Utley, Jeck Perkins. Douglas Kiker and Betoy Aaron. I Mork And Mlndy Mork bravee a shootout when he facea a formitable opponent in a ghost town saloon, a email boy armed with water balloona trying to emulate outlaw hero BHfy the kid. (Repeat) (H Movie -(Weetern) tana'altold" 1672 BurtLan- caater, Bruce Daviaon. Apache rebels leave the reeervatton and are aft on a rampage of kiliinga. TheCaveiry lain pursuit, led by an ideaHetlc young lieutenant and an experienced scout with an Indian m At 7: I Lord Mown tbatten : A Men For The Century As Qhawdi emergee aa a new leader who preachee non-cooperation with the British. Mountbstten tours Indie, Burms, Ceylon, Malaya and Japan, and aleo meeta and merriee Edwine Aehley. • tt'e A Great Idea ̂Munis -(Drama)** "Marriage Of Marie 6r awn" HenneSchygul- la. A woman from tha lower classee marries, loses her hus band, and muat meke e go for succees on her own. (Rated R) (2 Mike Doaglaa Co-Hoet Neil Sedaka. Quests JosnRivers. Rosemery Clooney, Rip Teylor. The Walter Hswkins Singers WW BowNngOame 99 Ayudal © 39 Movie -(Muelcel) •*•* "ONver" 1666 RonMoody, Oliver Reed. (Paid Subacription Teievi- eion) A young boy is swept into e gang of youthful thievee led by e ecurrilous pick pocket. (2 hrs.. 30 mips.) • fBPN'a 6porto TMk •8 Chicago • Movie •< Adventure) ** "The Raver" 1671 Anthony Ouinn.Rlte Hayworth. in tha aftermeth of the FrahchRevokition. a former pirate on a naval mission rescuee s young woman from a revolutionary mob. (2 hra.) tfl Movie-(Drame)*** "Away AN 6oata" 1666 Jeff Chendler. Qeorge Nader. W.W.H drame of the U.8.8. Belinda who provea heraeif indomitable and her green but couregeous crew. (2 hrs) blizzard trape Devid Roea and hts legal aid ataff overnight with a roomful of unueuel cilenta indud Ing en irate owner of a depreesed turtle, a disturbed drunk, end a young man with a etrenge iBoeomBwddtoeKipend Henry's friendship teeters on the brink when Kip ineiete thet ths beaetiful, sexy Sonny live with them efter her roommate. Amy. throws her out of the epertment . (Repeet) Joker's WWd i Over Caey Queet Eleenor Steiber. Hoet: Hugh Downs 1U.8.A) l Women's Channel ixt? What WM They Think Of Nfltame tf8CMagnam. P.I. BamayMNIerNoeooner doee Dietrich embark on a new cempeign to a void women than ths equed room iefiNed with gorgeous SAVE ON WALLPAPER OVER 400 PATTERNS PRICED FROM *1.98 DOUBLE ROU •FLOCKS -VINYLS •FOILS •GRASSCLOTH IN STOCK - TAKt IT WITHI Plywood Minnesota WOODSTOCK 1230 Davis Rood (Bypass Rt. 14 I 47)" '15-3M-1440 Misini Km Tkendaj I sjr.4 sjr.