ueiaiu d. i^arey Duuaing Richmond Rood of Pearl Strool Mon. Two*., Thurt. 9:00a.m. to3:00p.m Frl. 9:00a.m. to3p.m. t 4:30 to 7 30 p.m Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon DRIVE-IN Mon.. Tuos . Wed.. ThurtS.OOo m. toSp.m Fri. 8:00a.m. to7 30p.m. Sot. 8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Whispering Point Office Crystal Laka Rood at lillion Street Mon . Too*.. Thur* 8:30a m to4:30p.m Fri.. 8:30a.m. to 7:30 p m. Sat . 8.30a.m. to IJNoon Main Building 3510 W. Elm St. Each dapoailor Inauradto 1100 (00 FDIC Walk Up Mon.. Twos.. Thur*. 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m Fri. 3:00 p.m. to 4 30 p.m lobby Sot. 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon MON.. TUES THURS 9:00o.m. to 3 00 p m Fri 9 00a.m. to 3 p.m 8 4 30 to 7 30p m A FULL SERVICE BANK McHENRYSTATE BANK i rnsj I Pulse (Lsft to right) Joyce DeWttt, John Ritter SomBrs. and Suzanne by Steve K. Watz Every week this column reviews the merits or demerits Of a network series, miniseries, movie or special More importantly though, we'd like you. the viewer, to get involved with the col umn by sending in your opinion about a certain show so we can register your tele-pulse. We'll pass on some of the more in teresting comments to the network honchos in New York. THREE'S COMPANY Everybody thought that when Suzanne Somers decided to press for a substantial hike in pay. the producers would give in just to keep the show in the 'top ten ' But the producers decided not to cave in to Suzanne's demands and, instead, brought in a new character, reducing Somers' role to a mere cameo Jenilee Harrison, who was added to fill the vacuum as Chrissy Snow's (Somers) cousin, Cindy, has done a reasonably good job The ratings might not be as high as they once were, but never theless, "Three's Company" is still considered a hit show While it's true that many people did tune in to see Suzanne traipse around in a short nightgown and bear the brunt of all the sexual innuendoes, John Ritter is actually the key to the show. Without his bright wit. his insatiable charm and good looks, "Three's Company" would be just an ordinary series. Joyce DeWitt has also played a crucial role in the show's development as Janet, the cerebral florist and all-around nice girl. If "Three's Company" returns, as expected, next year, rest assured the scripts will continue to be as provocative as they always have been, with or without Suzanne. But here's to hop ing that the "Three's Company" cast and crew members resolve all of their differences during their hiatus so that this cutesy ABC bonanza gets its proper sendoff in 1981-82. Send your comments to Tele Pulse, do TV Compulog, P.O. Box 123, Lyndhurst, N.J. 07071. WHO; ^oxotfiy <cRunitCi. ^?uwilutz jCtcl. WHAT: Custom Cover Sale On Fine Flexsteel Traditional Living Room WHEN; April 10th thru April 17th WHERE: WHY: 4507 Highway 120 - McHenry Across Th« Street From Dunk in' Donutt We've Qualified For Soma Vary Speciel Savings And Wo'ro Passing Thorn On To You 111 THURSDAY. APRIL 23 if* call girls, and ha has to stool him sow against temptation. (Ropoat) Captioned) : Tec Dough Sneak Previews "The Life endDeeth of the Block Movie' Hosts Sana 8iskal and Rogar Ebort discuss why wo'va coma to the end of an oraoffilmeby. for and rit black Americans. TeloFrance-U.S.A. XVIIth Contury Fronoh Paintors 2) 'Tha History of the Automobile' 3) 'Lot's Spoak French With Tele- Franco' 4) Cine-Club: 'Droto Do Movie •(Drama) Devotion" 1040 Ida Lupino. Olivia da HavMand. Tho lives and loves of tho Bronte 8isters form the basis for this him. (2 hrs.) (39 • Movie -(Musical) ••• "Damn Yankeea" 1BSS Tab Hunter. Owen Verdon. Avid middle-sged baseball fan makes deal with the Devil and is trans- lormed into a young first-clasa ball piayer who leada hia team to the nt. (2 hrs., 16 mins.) Mochs A Nochi Thursday Night Baaeball (Joined in Progress) Cincinnati Reds vs Houston Astros (Due to blsckout regulations this game may not be aired in your srea. Please check local station.) 0 Too Rank Boxing From Fort Worth Wtt <^a" Fr*nci*co 8:30 Taxi Strango romantic sparks fly whon spaced out Reverend Jim falls for Tony's Mm wi sister. (Repeat) (Truth r ToTeNThai With Oeale And Ruby'Mira. Mirs' Poets Felipe Luciano and Plri Thomas, both ex-convlcte who are now politically active, talk freely of their formatlvs years and read selections from their poetry. (Closed-Captioned; USA.) • This Old Hauae Bob Vila reviews plans for the interior of the barn unit. In tha main houae ho decidea which floora muit go. (Closed-Captioned: U.S.A.) 0 HBO Sneak Preview: May Jerry Stiller and Anna Mears high - light the upcoming movies, sports «(specials on HBO in May. Si Teach Ua To Pray 9:69(O Newocene 900 tito Nurse Mary's depreaaion at turning 40 oom- plicatea herreaction to theroman - tic atteattona of a younger man. a doctor at the hospital. (60 mins.) M# 20-20Hugh Dowas an chor# this weekly magazine profil ing noteworthy events In news, science and entertainment. (60 mins.) S gO'Clock News Bfi AN In The Famtfy 99)0 Black Frontier: Exodue- tars This program focuses on the movement begun by Benjamin 'Pap'Singleton to carry the newly- freed alaves from the South to search for the freedom of new land and spirit in the West. V Vie Bradan's Tennla For The Future 'The Serve' Coach Braden repiacea bad imagery with win ning form. (Cioaed-Captioned; USA.) H Movie -(Comedy) •• "Odd Angry Shot" 1979 A look at the Vietnam War through the eyea of an AustrsHan volunteer (92 mlm.) • Movie-( »)• The Titanic" I960 Jaaon Robarda. Richard Jordan. Two men undertake an aweaome un dersea mission to claim tho precious contents of the famous ship's vault before the Ruesians do. (Rated PQ) (2 hrs.) US El Sho w Do Eduardo k IS Adventures In Learning • TBS Evening News <y