Ring wood-News Doris Low Koty Christopher 653-9262 385-8037 Reservations Needed Today Ladies from the Ringwood area who are interested in attending the Spring Lun cheon at Greenwood church Wednesday, April 22, should have their reservations to Marge Evans (653-3294) today, so they can be turned in to the Greenwood U.M.W. The luncheon is at 12:30 followed by a musical p r o g r a m e n t i t l e d , "Broadway to God's Way" presented by Mrs Lynn Wallin of Rockford. EASTER SERVICES The United Methodist Youth group of Greenwood- Ringwood parish will be presenting the Sunrise service Easter morning, at 6:30 a m in the Greenwood United Methodist church. The service will be followed by breakfast, sponsored by the UMY The regular Easter ser vice will be held at each with Ringwood church at 9:15 and Greenwood church at 11 a m There will be no church school classes Easter Sunday, so we ask that you bring your children and STOP & SEE FOR 1981 PRICES! CADILLAC PONTIAC (815)385-6000 COME TO THE BIGGEST CADILLAC-PONTIAC DEALER IN THE "COUNTY" HILARY RODENKIRCH PONTIAC SALES MANAGER OVERTON Rt 31 and Rt 120 McHenry worship together as a family. REGISTRATION A c o m p r e h e n s i v e registration for all children in District 12 born prior to Dec. 1,1978 will be held April 22 and 23 at the Middle school in Johnsburg. This applies to all pre-school children ages three through five even if the child has been registered in previous years BUS TRIP The Ringwood United Methodist Women are planning a bus trip to Milwaukee Thursday. May 14 Those interested may call Marge Evans for more details Mark your calendar to keep this date open ENJOY CRUISE It was a most interesting and enjoyable trip for Ila Hogan and Christine Blake when they took an ocean cruise along the coastline of California and Mexico, making stops at Baja. M a z a t l a n . A c a p u l c o . Zihautanejo and Puerto Vallarta Besides a great deal of sightseeing, they also saw the high cliff divers at Acapulco and the famed "Aztec Flyers." These men climb a pole 130 feet high, attach ropes to their ankles and "fly" in a series of slow spirals to the ground. The whole trip was just great but Ila thought she enjoyed Mazatlan the most, with its interesting Arts and Crafts center, Indian FORMAL WEAR RENTALS for ALL OCCASIONS ^ Jul.£ Stovd Ov dV. W. I i i t V. (>rrrn S.. MrHrnr* market, cathedral and just the beauty of the whole city. LOCAL MAGICIANS 1 The town of Ringwood is honored with two great magicians, Ricky VanEvery and Scott Miller. These two young lads presented a fine magic act at the P.T.O. Talent show Tuesday, March 31. at the Johnsburg high school They won second prize in the Primary grades and we think their teacher was just as thrilled as the boys and their parents were Nick work boys! MEETING POSTPONED The Community club meeting that was planned for Tuesday. April 14 had to be postponed until Tuesday, April 21 It will be held, as planned, at -the home of Chris and Linda Ferrara, 4909 Barnard Mill road at 7:30 p. m All interested folks of the community are asked to come with ideas and suggestions as to how we may have a successful community group again. Some would like to see the park renovated, with some picnics and community activities going on. So folks please join us and help plan a future activity group for Ringwood A plate of cookies or goodies would be ap preciated to go with the coffee and punch that will be furnished See You! HOW TO GET FILM SAFELY THROUGH MAIL The local Ringwood Post Office has given us a release on "How to Get Film Safely Through the Mail." That increased clicking you hear is the sound of shutters as the vacation season ap proaches and the family camera comes out of winter hibernation to record travel and leisure time activities. All of which means that there's a big jump in the number of film rolls traveling via mail to photo processors across the country. " I t ' s t o o b a d . " s a y s IN H RNA IIONA1 DIAMOND CORPORA HON WE 1 MINK \X> HAVE SOME ANSWERS YOl"VI BEEN I (X)KINCi EOR . . . IDC wants to answer the inflation challenge that can threaten the saungs ot a lifetime IDC wants to answer the investment planners'dilemma in the I9KI economv \ es! We are certain we have some answers you have been looking lor »»»»»----i-- IDC wants to present a story A stor\ that explains why so manv investors both large and small are turning to diamonds in 1981 Return to Northwest District Office or call: 1813 North Beach McHenry, 111. 60050 Ye. I want a local IDC Diamond Account ReprescnaOve to Mhcduk a iKMibligation educational presentation on diamond invest men! opportunities P o s t m a s t e r M a r y S w e a r i n g e n , " t h a t thousands of films wind up in dead letter' offices annually because they are poorly packaged or carelessly addressed." This can be avoided, she said, by following these mailing tips: Wherever possible, use the envelopes supplied by the film processing companies. If none is available, make sure the envelope you use is big enough and strong enough to carry your film safely through the mail. The processor's address and your return address should appear, accurately and legibly, on the outside of the envelope Equally important, tape your name and address to the film roll or cartridge itself, so it can be returned to "you should it get separated from the envelope If you're mailing photos instead of film, it's a good idea to put your name and address on the back of each. That's also good for your own historical record many years later. And remember. Post master Swearingen advises, proper postage and ZIP Code help avoid delays in getting your film to where it's going. GREETINGS FROM CALIFORNIA WAY A note was received this past week from our friend and past neighbor Anna Shadle. She moved to California many years ago to be near her two sons and their families but always keeps in touch by way of the Plaindealer She sends best wishes to all here in the area, and hopes to keep hearing from you all. BIRTHDAYS We want to wish a few people a belated birthday! Dick Malsch and Chris Ferrara, April 12; Linda Low Billikas, April 14 and Ray Nolan on the 15th. The 16th was a full day with Ingelborg Jacobsen. Tim Malsch and Gloria Mack celebrating April 17 was a special day for Sherri Cristy and then along comes neice. Theresa Anderson, on the same birthdater "Happy Birthday". Those special people with birthdays coming up include John Klapperich and Roberta Bowling, April 19; with Lavern Thomas adding another candle April 21. Darrell Barker and Wm. (Billy) Beaman will .. celebrate their special day April 22; with Roger Barker doing his thing on the 23rd. ^^v^oril 24 is the day that Clara Tonyan, Jeannie Parsley and Lois Dust will add another candle, as will Mary < Hogan) Sonnemaker, Larry Harvey and Brett Reinhardt, April 25 "Happy Birthday" to all of you wonderful people and we do hope that you'll have many more DATES TO REMEMBER i April 17 -- Good Friday -- check store hours before traveling to McHenry. They may be closed for Good Friday in the afternoon. April 19 - Easter Sunday -- Sunrise services at Greenwood -- 6:30 a.m.. Breakfast immediately following. April 19 -- Regular ser vices at Ringwood -- 9:15 a m -- No Church School. April 19 -- Regular ser vices at Greenwood -11 a.m. April 21 - Choir practice - 7 p.m. -- Ringwood church. April 22 & 23 - Pre-school registration April 22 - Spring Luncheon 12 30 p.m. -- Greenwood church GOD BLESS Legal Notice The Private Industry Council of McHenrv County CETA is accepting bids for a person or agency to coor dinate the implementation of recommendations developed from it's Child Care survey. Bid specifications will be sent to those interested. Please call or write: McHenry County CETA. 2200 N. Seminary Ave.. Rm. 107, Woodstock. IL . 60098. (815) 338-2040 ext. 134. (Pub Apr 8.10.15 & 17.1981) No 810178 PLAINDEALER INTE-RNATIONAl l;IAMOM> CORPORA! I< )N (815)344-3355 moot McHENRY 1 $2 50 ADULTS FREE*(HILD (11 & under vninKNn I I 385-0144 $1.50 A l L S E A T S $1 .00 TUESDAY ALL SHOWS-ALL SEATS SI .00 $1.00 ADULTS FREE CHILD (11 & under) TUESDAY STARTS 7:30PM (1.00 BARGAIN MATINEE FRI THRU MON WED ft THURS TILL 5PM OR CAPACITY CARRIE FISHER TIM CONWAY DON KNOTTS THE FORCE WILL BE WTTU YOU NEW TIMES STARTING APRIL 17TH FRI THRU THURS 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:00 McHENRY 2 JAMES CAAN AS STARTS 9:21 385 0144 S I . 5 0 A L L S E A T S S I . 0 0 T U E S A L L S E A T S A L L S H O W S $1.00 BARGAIN MAT. FRI THRU MON- WED ft THURS TIL 5PM FRI & SAT 1:45-4-6:30- 9-11 SUN THRU THURS 1:45 -4 6:30-9 !!)• SHOWPLACE 5 DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKE 455-2000 SHOWPLACE 1-2-3-4 tits. 14 1 31. CRTSIA1 LAKE 455-1005 DOUBLE FEATURE •OWf AK A CAVE MAN GOING APf FRI THRU THURS 4-8:30 CAVE MAN FRI « SAT 2.15-6 45-10 SUN THRU THURS 2.15-6 45 FRI ft SAT 2-4-7-9-10:30 SUN THRU THURS 2 4 7-9 [PGj EXCALIBUR FRI THRU THURS 1:30-4 6:30-9 15 FRI ft SAT-2:30-4:30-6:30-8:30-10:30 SUN THRU THURS-2:30-4 30-6.30 8 30 $1.50 BARGAIN MATINEE AT SP 1-2-3-4-5 FRI THRU MON-WED ft THURS TILL 5PM $1.00 TUESDAY ALL DAY - ALL SEATS $3.00 ADULTS • $2.00 YOUNG ADULTS (12 16) 1.50 CHILDREN (lift UNDER) SAT ft SUN 2-4:15-7-9:15 FRI-MON THRU THURS 7-9:15 PRESEASON Mil CONDITIONING SALE •lVa ton •2 ton •27a ton •3 ton •3Va ton •4 ton 840.00 880.00 965.00 1042.00 1210.00 1255.00 Completely installed irregular installations will cost extra Creative Kitctas ft Baths lee. RiuiitiAa neiiing Division 3012 W. Rt. 120 McHenry 344-11*0 CALL NOW A SAVE SALE ENDS APRIL 24th WE ARE NOW TAKING ACCOUNTS FOR THE 1981 SEASON mam UMTS Weekly Lown Mowing Fertilizing Power Raking Leaf Clean Up Bush Trimming Light Tree Cutting Light Hauling DEAN SMITH LAWN CARE Two Numbers for Service (815)385-4847 or 385-7434 Den't Delay Call Teday1 ,11 'Residential •Commercial •Industrial EXPERIENCED DEPENDABLE SERVICE Letter to the Editor Public Pulse ,Tho Ptomdooio* invito. tho public to an thit tolumn •• on «• »*»•*' IIMI on tubtoctt .1 fonorol mt.r.tt in our community Our only roquott it Did Hi. writoM fiv. tifnoturo lull o44totk ond phono nwmboi Wo otfc too Kioi ono • nAvidu.l not onto on tho torn, tubioit mo>. thon onto o month Wo r.»Of». tho riflw to <ol.to any motoric! which wo donndoi libolowt 01 •« objottionoblo lotto • ^educational ('.olle{je4lonor> A ugustana Dean's List Rick Szumlas. of 3314 Cove court. McHenry, has been named to the Dean's Honor list for the winter quarter at Augustana college, in Rock Island. HI Inclusion on the Dean's Honor list means the student maintained a grade point average of 3.5 or better on a scale of 4.0. Flood Named To Dean's List At Monmouth James P. Flood, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Flood, of 1336 Old Bay road, McHenry, has been named to the Dean's List at Monmouth college, Monmouth, 111. To be included on the Dean's List at Monmouth, a student must maintain a grade point average of 3.66 on a scale of 4.0. The Monmouth freshman is one of 159 students to be cited for academic achievement in the winter term of the 1980-81 school year. A 1980 graduate of Johnsburg high school, Flood is majoring in medical technology and biology. He is also a member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, the Student association and the Community Activities board. • * * * The greatest show on earth-nature at work in Sports "Editorial" "Dear Editor: "I have taught and coached for several years and I have never had the notion to make a reactionary comment to any paper. "However, Joel Wakit- sch's editorial, Local Tur moil in the Midst of Change, in your April 10 paper has, in my opinion, overstepped the right of sports editorializing "My coaching career at Johnsburg for the last three years has been focused with wrestling with a group of r e m a r k a b l e s t u d e n t athletes. "I think a little background is in order. Wrestling was exposed for the first time to Johnsburg students at the Junior high level under my direction The first year we numbered 35 and we won two out of 10 meets and came in last in the Fox Valley conference tournament. "The second year we were five and seven and came in sixth out of 10 in the Fox Valley conference tour nament with 41 athletes. "This year while I was head coach at this high school Bill Hauck, an out standing coach, drew a total of 53 athletes in the Junior high for a six and four record and fifth in the Fox Valley conference. "This season saw 22 out of 41 wrestlers finish the high school's first varsity season. My assistant. Coach Mike Roberts, and myself started six to eight freshmen on the varisty team most of the year and came up with a dual record of three and 10. We lost four meets by four points or less and, yes, we were also outscored t r e m e n d o u s l y f o r humiliating losses during the year. "But where do you get the notion that wrestling barely survived its initial season'? All coaches would like to see more fans, myself in cluded, but why would any sports writer make a generalized statement that the fans wouldn't miss' this sport or that9 Do you know for sure? What about the 75- plus parents of the wrestlers already in the program" "I enjoyed your analogy of local athletic supporters hating to see a 6-foot 8-inch center make an idiot out of himself because he hasn't touched a basketball in organized play since eighth grade. It is not an amusing picture "What do you think of 53 athletes who love a 'sport that doesn't exist for them after eighth grade? This is not an amusing picture either. Is it quality athletics? Truthfully though, the worst picture 1 can come up with are the faces of 22 returning athletes along with others who want to join them with nothing to go to. "I can't speak for golf or the individuals in it, but I'm sure they could write a letter like this one. "I also believe that my board and administration try to do the best job possible with the present economic problem. "Nothing has been decided yet. and as Joel puts it, 'No one can tell the future'. "But how can a sports writer in good conscience condone a statement such as 'cutting whole programs like wrestling or golf seems to be the prudent thing to do'? "In my opinion, denying any student in any subject or sport exposure to it. after they have shown interest, is imprudent, especially when that sport has grown by leaps and bounds every year "Don March "Head Wrestling Coach "Johnsburg High School" BACKS BOTTLE BILL "Editor: "Every day new op portunities arise for the American voters to help shape the laws that they live by. But seldom do taxpayers get a chance to save tax dollars, reduce industrial energy consumption, and increase employment with a single piece of legislation HB 343, the proposed Illinois Beverage Container act now in the Illinois House, would do just that "If you feel that you aren't paying too much for taxes, that gas prices aren't high enough and unemployment in our county shouldn't be reduced, then don't write to your legislators, because if they don't hear from yoii, the only voice they'll hear will be that of the container manufacturer lobbyists. "It's more profitable for the container manufacturers to keep making containers, having you throw them away, having you pay tax dollars to clean up the resulting solid waste, and having you pay for a new container each time, than to make returnables. "You can help yourselves. Speak up Tell your legislators in Springfield, Thomas Hanahan, Richard Klemm and Jill Zwick, the time for an Illinois Bottle Bill is now! "Lawrence K. Fergen "Legislative Chairman "McHenry County Defen ders "2510 Michael Street "Wonder Lake" Wonder Lake Actor In Comedy By Allen In the battle of the sexes, Allan Felix is losing both the battles and the war in Woody Allen's comedy, "Play It Again Sam." which will be presented April 24-26 and May 1-3 and 8-9, at the Woodstock Opera House. Cast member Gerald Sch- melcher. Wonder Lake, has done theater work in McHenry and Antioch Roles included Charley Stewart in "Gramercy Ghost", Jeffrey Merideth in "Curious Savage", and Nels in "I Remember Mama". The role of Dick Christie will be his Woodstock debut. Curtain times are 8:15 Friday and Saturday evenings, 6 p.m. Sundays. Reservations can be made by calling the Woodstock Opera House ticket office at 338-5300 • • • • The more time you spend with your children, the better they will be trained and broadened. IP® CITIZENS OF WARD 4 My Gratitude For Your Support At The Recent Election. Please Be Assured, I Will Serve As YOUR Alderman. Sincerely, Cecilia Serritella )