PAot ta SUNDAY, APRIL 2* Warwick. Gold record winners Korm their hit eonge. 3) Italian Variety Show 6:05 9®0 ParaUated 6:30 0 America Still 0 Mo vie-(Adventure)** "Ralae The Titanic" 1080 Jason Robarda. Richard Jordan. Two men undertake an awesome un dersea mission to claim the precioua contents of the famous ship'a vault before the Russians do. (Rated PQ) (2 hra.) 9 SportaCenter 0 $1 Oral Roberta • Uvewke 6:35 ®0 Film Feature 6:48 ®®iSpeak Eaay 7:00 0 0 0 ® Archie Bunker'a Place Archie's ex traordinary reaction to the insin uations of his lodge's bigoted Grand Potentate involving Mrs. Canby may cost him his member- ship in the lodge (Repeat)- SM CHIPe The greatest rob - bery getaway driver in the Weat is released from prison and no one, including Jon and Ponch, ia safe thereafter. (Repeat; 60 mina.) I§S Sunday Night Movie Double Feature 'The Phoenix' 1981 Stars: Judson Scott. Fer nando Allende. Bennu, a god-like being with extraordinary powers, is discovered by chance in an an cient sarcophagus in the Andean plain. Brough to life by scientific means, he must learn to cope with humanity today aa he tries to bring hope to a world that has lost its innocence. (90 mins.) 80 When Havoc Struck Battle Born: MX In Nevada A documentary report on the giant MX missile system located in Nevada, thiafilmexploreathecon- troversy over the impect the site willhaveonNevada'alifeatyleand economy. (60mina.) SDon Kennedy'* Spotlight Movie -(Adventure) ** "Big RedOne" 1980 Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. A man turna four raw re- cruits into tough soldiers during WWJ. (Rated PG) (113 mins.) Jim Bekker It'e Your Buaineaa Hellenic Theater WCT Tennis Preview 'The Road to Oallaa' • S In Touch S 0. James Kennedy O Movie -(Drama) •*** "Ser geant York" 1941 Gary Cooper, WalterBrennan. Apacifiat drafted during W. W. I learna the purpoae of fighting and becomea a hero. (3 hra.) 7:15 0 (14 Movie -(Thriller) ••• "The Changeling" 197B George C Scott. Melvyn Douglas. (Paid Subacription Televiaion) A widowed muaician movea into an old house inhabited by the apirit of a child who lived there 70 years ago (2 hra.) 7:30 0003S One Day At A Time Barbara ia convinced that if she doesn't follow through with the plan to save a young man from deportation, she will never beable to commit herself to anything. (Repeat) 35)® Over Eaay Gueats: Henny and Jim Backua Host: Hugt^ Downs (Closed-Captioned; U S A ) IB Women's Channel <9)S Jimmy Swaggart • What WIH They Think OI it? Championship Wrestling 8:00 0BO9S Alice Mel se cretly givesTommyhisfirst boxing lesson, which results in suspen sion from school and a round with Alice and Mel in the principal's of- fjcoJRopeat) MMThsMfEvsnt'TlwCaa- aandra Croaeing11977 Stara: So phia Loren, Richard Harris Su- •'< CASSANDRA CROSSING Sophia Loren and Fausta Avelli star as passengers on a famed European train, directed to a bridge that has been shut down for decades after a deadly plague is discovered on board, in "The Cassandra Crossing," a suspense drama on NBC-TV's "The Sunday Big Event," SUNDAY, APRIL 26 When the Transcontinental Express arrives at Nuremberg, the decision is made to direct it on a new route over the Cassandra Crossing. Concerned that the train will surely topple the old bridge, a passenger, Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain (Richard Harris), tries to convince the engineer to stop. When he refuses, Chamberlain desperately tries to work out a way for the nearly 1,000 passengers to escape. (Ctosad- captioned) CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV C0MPU10C SERVICtS INC spenae thriller about a famed Eur - opean train traveling towards Geneva with more than 1,000 plague-infested passengers on a near-certain date with death. (Repeat; 2 hrs.) (Closed- Captioned; U.S.A.) 0 Lawrence Welk Show (10) ffl Meeting Of Minds Leonardo Oa Vinci, William Blake and Niccolo Paginini rejoin host Steve Allen for the conclusion of their animated discussion, touch ing upon artistic vision, religion, srt criticism and the 'Mona Lisa', and featuring an impromptu jam session. (60 mins.) 0 Couateau Odyaaey Blind Prophets of Eaater Island' Cap tain Couateau and hia crew probe the puzzle of the island's giant sculptured heads which stand as mute witnesses to this ancient society 's history. (60 mins.) 0 TeleFrance-U.S.A. Les Chevaux' 2) 'Henri Rousseau' 3) Sunday Cinema: 'Le Maestro' 4) Variety' It'e Your Buaineaa Korea: Land Of The Morn ing Calm 0 NFL Draft Preview 036 Old Time Goapel Hour 0 It la Written 8:30 0OOS$ The Jeff ereons The Willises' continued presence in Hawaii threatens to destroy George's plan for a dream vaca tion with Louise, but hishigh blood pressure drops anyway and George begins to consider remaining in the i8landa perman ently^ (Repeat) 0 0 0 S u n d a y N i g h t M o v i e Double Feature American Dream' Members of a young Mid western family leap into an adven ture that changes their lives when they become modern dey pion eers in reverse, trading the com forts of suburbia for the vibrant challenge of an emergingChicago 'inner city' neighborhood Stara: Stephen Macht, Karen Carlson and Hans Conried (90 mins ) 0 Movie -(Science-Fiction) * "Invaeion UFO" Ed Bishop, George Sewell No Other Informa tion Available. (2hra.)' 03§ Independent News 3D 0 Dr. Jack Van Impe 0 Rat Patrol 0 World Tomorrow 9:00 000® Trapper John, M.D. The effects of an earthquake leave Trapper, Gonzo and Or. Stanley in contrastingly different jams, Trapper, with an injured shoulder, is trapped in a mountain cabin. Gonzo is held at gunpoint in a nearby hamlet. andDr Stanley is supervising the evacuation of a hospital (Repeat. 60mina ) IK 9 O'Clock Newa 9 32 Billy Graham Crusade <1<5) 0 0 Masterpiece Theatre Therese Raquin' Episode III The spirit of Camilla. Theresa's deed husband, poisons every aapect of her marriage toLaurent. Camilla's invalid mother makaa up the domestic triangle aa all three are forced to passionate deapera lion (Closed Captioned:U S A ) (60 mins ) 0 Movie -(Comedy) •• "Fien dish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" Peter Sellers. Sid Caeaar. A 168 year old evil mastermind matchea wits with Scotland Yard, the Krem lin and the Queen of E ngland (Rat ad PG)(101 mina) 0 3t Old Time Goapel Hour It My View 0 3i> Grecian SpotNte NFL Football It'a Tough to uuernu SAVE OYER 50% OF CUSTOM SHUTTER PRICES CUSTOMIZED READY TO FINISH •#- SHUTTERS • MADE TO EXACT SIZE • HINGED, READY TO INSTALL • CUSTOM FEATURES • REMEASURING t INSTALLING • SHUTTER PANELS IN STOCK Guaranteed Quality & Service FOR ESTIMATE 815-344-1MS Daily 9-41-5:30 Rt 12 & 120, Wei, 9:3IMIooi Volo, III.