Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 May 1981, p. 34

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PAOC It SUNDAY. MAY 3 Bonanza ) O Kitty: 6:30 W Kitty: Return To Auach- wlti Kitty Hart, a housewife and radiographer now living in Eng­ land, spent almost two year* as a young girl a prisoner in Auachwitz This moving document records whathappened when ehe decided to take her aon Da vid to Auschwitz to try to explain to him the lull hor­ ror of what ahe had seen and experienced (90 mins ) ® ® Movie -(Science-F Ictlon) •H "Star Trek - The Movie" 1970 William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy. (Paid Subacription Televl- aion)Thafurtheradventureaofthe U S S. Enterpriae and its crew (2 IS mins.) WCT Tannla Championships From Dallas: Singles Final 9 98 Oral Roberta © Live wire 7:00 ® ® ® ® Archla Bunkar'a Place Murray'a mar­ riage plana come to an abrupt halt whan the audden death ol hla mother leavea him devaatated with guilt tor ha ving left her 'alone' (Pertoneof a two-part epiaode.) BSO CHIPs Jon and Ponch face angry citizena who have taken the law into their own handa by forming a vicious and reckless vjailantecommittee. (00mins) 090 Ripley's Believe It Or Not! 0 Don Kannady'a Spotlight ® Movie -(Weetern) ** "Long RMers" 1080 DavjdCarradine, Keith Carradine Story of the Jamaa-Younger outlaw band, one of the moat feared, notorioua and admired ganga of the Old Weet IatedR) (2 hra.) I® Jim Bakker )® It's Your Business I ® Hellenic Thaatar 1(8 In Touch ® Movie -(Comedy-Horror) •• "Monster Qo-Homa" 1966 Fred Qwynne, Yvonne Da Carlo. A mon­ ster family goealo England to claim a caatlethey' veinherited. (2 ® D. Jamaa Kennedy ® Movie-(Weetern)*** "EIDor- ado" 1967 John Wayne. Robert Mitch urn. A rancher with a par­ alyzed right hand from a apinal wound and his friend, a drunken aheriff on crulohea from a leg wound, join forcaa to rout a killer and his qano. (3hrs.) 7:30 IIBV0 One Day At A Time Nlck'a moving into Ann's building and everyone la over­ joyed at how cloae the two are becoming, except Alex, who aeema to be developing violent iatility towarda Ann. I Woman'a Channel ® Jimmy Swaggart > What Will They Think Of Next? 8:00 ® fll fll 0 Alice Inatant motherhood befalla an overjoyed Vera when ahe diacovera an aban­ doned baby girl in the laundromat; her high hopes for adoption begin to f ade when thebaby'a roota aud- SViCY The Big Event 'Murder In Texaa' Part 11881 Stars: Farrah Fawcett, Sam Elliott. A two part dramatization of the aenaational late 1960'a murder caae in which Houaton plaatic aurgeon Dr. John Hill waa accuaed of cauaing the death of hla socially prominent firat wife. Joan. (2 hra.) (Closed Captioned; U.S.A.) Sunday Night Movie The Seduction Of Joe Tynan' 1979 Stars: Alan Aide, Meryl Streep Story of a Senator from New York, torn between his family in the auburba whom he lovea, and hia career in Waahington, where he la having an affair with a vouno Do It yourself c and save at ^JWN jentent HOME; IMPROVEMENT CENTER & BADE BUTK • Hardware * Kitchens & • Electrical & Accessories P l u m b i n g N e e d s , . . * Bath Towels, * Wallpaper * Curtains & Accessories Plumbing • Heeting • Air Conditioning SpetlaLUff "«_ 338-6929 or 338-1936 670 Calhoun St. Woodstock, III. attorney. (2 hra.. 15 mine.) • Lawrence Walk Show O® Movie -(Drama)Vfc "City Acroaa The River" 1B49 Staphen McNally. Thalma Ritter. From Brooklyn'a Redhook comes a story Of wayward youth, based on Irving Shulman'a novel 'The Amboy Dukes.' (2 hra.) 99® Auction Continues fll Couateau Odyaaay 'Diving for Roman Plunder' Off the ahore of the barren Qreek ialand of An- tikythera. Couateau and hia crew explore an underwater site where art traaauraa were ahipwrecked 8centuries ago. (flOmina.) TeleFrence-U.S.A. La T amps Das Cathedrales 2) paris By Night MLaFolie Dea Qrandeura 0® It's Your Bueineea 02C Korea: Land Of The Morn- WSoh Old Time Gospel Hour fll A.R.T.S: Paris With Olivia da HavNand'ParisOpera'2)'Artist s Studio' 3) 'Bonnard's Car" 4) A Frenchman'sHonor' 5) 'LaTravia ta Act I'6) 'A Ceramic Shop' 7) La Traviata Act H' 8) Maxim'aDelica teaaen'g)'LaTraviata Actlll' 10) 'AntiqueDoilShop' 10'LaTravia ta Act IV' • ItlaWrttten 8:30 fll®®® TheJefferaons Enthuaiaatic about his idea of remaining in Hawaii with Louiae permanently. George tries to en­ list Tom Willia' help in perauading her. (Repeat) (Pt III of a four-part episode) 0 ® Independent News (3) ® Dr. Jack Van Impe ® World Tomorrow 8:48 ® Si Movie -{Comedy) "High Anxiety" 1977 Mel Brooka, Harvey Korman (Paid Subacription Televiaion) A aan iterium where you can't tell the pa - tientyrom the staff. (90 nwns ) 9:00 ®®®® Trapper John, M.D. Dr Gonzo Gatea ia pitched into a maleatrom of emotions by the sudden reappearance of hia long-lost father who abendoned little Gonzo end hia mother more than twenty yeara ago (60 mine.) 0 9 O'Ctock News ® Masterpiece Theatre The Golden Bowl' Episode I. Henry James applied his unique talent for deteiled character analyais in hia laat full length novel, The Gol­ den Bowl,' the atory of a tether and deughter whose spouses were fqrmer lovers. In this first episode. Prince Amerigo meets his old love. Charlotte, a few deys before his wedding to Meggie (Closed- aptioned; U S A ) (80 mins ) Mumbo Jumbo, It's Magicl Tom Boaley hoata the world'a maatera of illueion in thia spell- binding evening of entertainment Featuring Mark Wilaon, Shimada. Diana the Enchantreaa. Dick Zim merman, and apecial gueat star David Copparfield 0 Movie -<No information avaii- abie) "Small Circle Of Frianda" No Other Inf ormetion Available. (2 Old Time Goepal Hour My View Grecian Spotlit# Chicago Goepal Hour TBS Weekend News v»f Milwaukee 0 1981 1 9:30 aggart Milwaukee, 1981 Top Ace Handball ChamploneMos Match 4. 10:00 r king Fu ' Baxters Auction Contlnuea Vic Bradan'a Tennia For The Future 'The Volley' Coech Braden helps overtom# your feer of going to the net during a rilly, and shows you what to do once you get there ( C l o e e d - C a p t i o n e d . U S A ) ®7< ® p» O Movie -{Drama) "Luna" 1979 Jill Clayburgh. Matthew Berry. An American opera ainger haa an incestuous affair with her drug addicted son. (Rated R) (2 >0mins.) I Sound Of Trumpeta I World Tomorrow > Korean Gospel Hour SportsCenter ® Bible Hour Ruff Houae Morecembe And Wise lMovte-4 Comedy)*** "Return of the Pink Penther" 1978 Peter Sellers. Christopher Plummer French inspector Clouseau is called upon to reacue the Pink Panther diamond stolen from s mu seum by s famous thief 'a wife (2 10J6 fll® ® CBSNewe A N«WI ffl'W Movie-(Drama) •** The Inheritance" Anthony Oumn, Dominique Sanda. (Paid Subs cription Television) A rich baker disinherits his fsmiiy but his daughttn- in law will atop at nothing togeteverything. (2hra.) 10:30 ® Two On Two ® Movie-(Drama) *** "New Centurions" 1972 George C Scott Stscy Keach The exper tencea and tenaions of rookie cops in Los Angeles (2 hra) 0 Ironside O ® Solid Gold Host Dionne Werwick Gold record winners irform their hit songs. ® Rex Humbard Dave Allan At Large JgonteCarlo 700 Club Public Policy Forum Open Up After Benny 10:45 ® NBC Lata Night Movie Three 'HelioLarry episodes, 'The Protege.' 'The Rock Stsr' Psrts i id ii (Repeat) " ABC Newa M.A.S.H. Niaht Gallery 11:00 ® Movie -(Romance) *** "For Love Ol Ivy" 1988 Sidney Poitier. Beau Biidges A family wanta to keep their meid ao they find her a lover but theirplan back firea (2hra.6mina) 0 Hollywood Squares 0 Movie-(Western) **•• "Had River" 1948 John Wsyne. Mont gomery Clift A young man rebels against his foster-fether, e csttle Bsron. during sn important roun duo (2 hra . 30 mins ) 0 ® House Call 0 Dr. Who Joe Burton Jail Show ®Movie-(Comedy)** "Muppet Movie" 1979 Kermit the Frog. Miss Piggy The emezingly lifelike puppet creetions of Jim Henson tskeanadoringlooketHoilywood. while apooting every cliche from the ahootout to the love acene (Rated G) (2 hra.) 0® Slater E.R. Allan ® Gymnaatka USGF National Junior Championship* Qualifying Comoetition 0 ® Public Policy Forum ® Movie -{Hlatortcal-Drama) **H "Sacco and Vamettl" 1971 Cyril Cuaack, Gien Maria Volonte. E xploaive atory baaed on actual evente of the 1920'a when two Italian immigranta ware felae- ly accused, convict edendexecut ed for murder. (3 hrs.) 11J5 0 Odd Couple ® Jim Bakker 11:30 ® Maverick 0Movle-{Weetern)** "PatGar- ratt end Blily the Kid" 1973 James Cob urn. Kris Kriatoff eraon Sheriff Pat Garrett warna Billy the Kid thet he muat do hia duty and capturehim.inspiteoftheirformer friendship (2hra., 12mine ) O® Face The Nation 0® It'a Your Bueineea ® Tale a Of The Unexpected r tu\ |

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