.w&W- •» dm . * CALL INI! SEE INSIDE FOR COMPLETE PROGRAM LISTING LOOK TmhTo PANORAMA CHANNEL 3 "CHAMBER SPECTRUM" MAY 19th £00 PH Join Fron Olson of Tho McHonry Aroo Chambor of Com more* to find out whats going on with Businossos in our community. "PRIMARY SOURCE" MAY 2ttt HO PM Host Lorl Shulo talks to tho Pooplo who grow and procoss tho food you oot. Shoro Homo molting Hints, Rocipos and Crafts. "YOUR CHANCE TO U«E" MAY 21st MO PM Join John Shay • Diroctor of McHonry County Emorgoncy Sorvicos t Olsastor Agoncy- Informing voiwors on what to do in caso a disaster strikos. r a PANORAMA" MAY 22nd 540 PM . - _ . . . Our guost will bo Congressman Robert McOory. Cad In and talk to your congrossman first hand. SEASM TICKET For scores and schedules, analysis and interviews, color and commentary, tho most comprehensive sour ce for sports information on television is the ESPN SportsCenter--with up to four hours of sports news every day. Super sportcasters like Sol Marchiane, Greg Gumbel. George Grande and Sob Ley team up to bring you in- depth discussion of sports topics in half-hour and hour-long programs, plus updates as they break, seven days a week. Catch SportsCenter at the times listed at right- exclusively on your ticket to sports action, ESPN. Only on your Coble TV system. mm lake/ cobievi/ion. inc. SPORTSCENTER! NMIEPTI SWTS NEWS EVERY MY EIQUSIVELYfll GS3 AM 1:30. 4:00 »:00 MM 0:00 10:00 AM 1:00 4:00 0:00 MM 4:00 10:30 AM 1:00 4:00 0:00 PM4:00 10:00 AM 1:10 4:00 *:00 PM 4:00 10:30 AM 1:30 4:00 *00 PM4:to 10:30 AM 1:00 4:00 PM 4:00. 10:30 AM 2:00 4:00 0:00 PM 4:00 10:30 (&*) cmmii #3Q Cable Available in tl|oso aroas LAKE COUNTY McHENRY . WOODSTOCK (312)446-0011 (115)344-3150 (•15)333-9393 »Ulm< l«>i« . »*«yiid imkm Pari' lali* HatfkH ••mmdUka •PWNieeHlehiwir *Holidoy Hills 'lokfMNr