PAGE 14 - PLA1NDEALER - FRljMY^IAY^jjgi. UIMC k{ b% FOR RENT 1 53-- KT CtLUMN G A RACE SALE, Friday, May 22 & Saturday, May 23. 9am to 5pm. 1506 North Green St., McHenry. Kit chen set, typewriter. Lots of infant and toddler clothes, Fischer Price toys, Single bedand much miscellaneous. IF RAIN - May 29 & 30. 5-20-5-22C FIVE FAMILY YARD SALE.Thursday and Friday, May 21 & 22. 10:00 to 4:30, • no early birds).801 W. Oak Grove Road. Oak Park Hotel on Pistakee Bay. (RAIN DATE: Saturday, May23.) 5-20-5-22C MOVING SALE, 28 years of Building Contractors attic and garage. Doors; Tools; Assorted nails; Screws; Lock Sets; Cabinet hard ware; Formica pieces; Glass; Dishwasher and much Misc. 9am to 5pm, Saturday & Sunday, May 23 & May 24. 2111 W. Fairview Avenue, Johnsburg. Cash Only. No Checks. 5-20-5-22c MOVING SALE, Furniture, Gas Stove, Mens & childrens clothing, including a good variety of snowsuits, Kit chen gadgets. Electrical parts. Plumbing odds and ends and toys for all ages, including an old (tollhouse and Howdy Dowdy puppet. Friday & Saturday, 9am to r>pm. 3706 West Timothy Lane, in Edgebrook Heights. 5-20-5-22C MULTI-FAMILY Garage Sale. New and used childrens clothing; Kawasaki 125 cc; Professionally built *log splitter; Antique buffet; Furniture; Many misc. items. 3708 North Weingart. Friday & Saturday May 22nd and May 23rd. 9am to 5pm. Cash only. 5-20-5-22c GARAGE SALE, -Saturday only 3709 Bull Valley Road, 9am to 5pm, No early birds, cash only. Girls clothes size 4-6; Chairs; Radios; Tape players; Cameras; Many miscellaneous items. Rain or Shine. 5-20-5-22c SUPER 7 Family Garage Sale New and used items, I-ots of goodies. Thursday through Monday. 4704 East Wonder Lake Road. Wonder l.ake 5-20-5-22c GARAGE SALE. 5313 W Shore-Brittany Park, 21st and 22nd, 9am to 4pm. Adult's and children's clothing. housewares, mixer, camera equipment, record players, poker table, misc. 5-20-5-22C GARAGE SALE, 7316 Boston Road, Wonder Lake. Saturday 9am to 5pm Copper fittings, pipe fittings, =?lobe and gate valves, electrical equipment, tools, misc. 5-22 GARAGE SALE, Multi- family, Saturday May 23rd •>nly. 4104 Spring Grove Road, Johnsburg, off Wilmot Road. Household items. Clothes, misc. 5-22 GARAGE SALE, Friday & Saturday 9am to ? 4222 Crestwood, McHenry. 5-20-5- 22c fOft fttNT 48x40 FT METAL Storage building with 13 ft. overhead door, near McHenry. $175.00 per month. 815-385-5878 . 5-20- 5-22c LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq.f- t.Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861. 5-1tfc HEARING AIDS For rent. McHenry Hearing Aid Center, 3937 W. Main St., McHenry Wednesday 10am to 5pm. 5-1 tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400. * Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 5-1 tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, stove, refrigerator, air conditioner, no children, no pets $295 per month. References, lease and deposit required. 815-385- 7065 5-lStfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS, Daily or weekly rates. 815-385-8905 or 815-385- 0266. 5-15tfc ROOMS With Private bath. Downtown McHenry, on the river, to responible male or female, $45.00 week. 815-385- 7738. 5-15-5-22C FURNISHED APART MENTS, for 1 or 2 persons. Weekly or monthly rates. 815-385-8905 or 815-385-0266. 5-15tfc McHENRY OFFICE, new carpet, air conditioned, includes all utilities $115.00. Call 815 385-3490. 5-8tfc ATTENTION NORSE FANCIERS 4 bedrooms, 3 bath hillside ranch home on one acre in Vol Mar Country Estates, large family room with fireplace, all bedrooms newly decorated, all kitchen appliances in cluded. Included is ac cess to 12 acre horse lot, barn and recreation house with pool $700 month. References and security deposit. •15-385-4472 FOR RENT STORE SPACE; In the heart of Green St. McHenry, II. TWO FLOORS: 1540 sq. ft., up per level and 2400 sq. ft. lower level. EXCELLENT CON DITION. Equipped with burglar alarm system. Write la Hi. MA-2 Au M-M RM-» »-era MctiMry rUHMHSiir 3112 W. Eta St V II M5I 5/8 5 22 it. »5/,4V2, GARAGE FOR RENT, 815- 344-5264 . 5-6tfc 112 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Available Now Close to shopping center, within walking distance. 704 Logan. Cooney Heights McHenry NEW APARTMENTS < Ready for leasing on Rt. 31 CHAR-MAR ARTS. Call between 9:00 em ft 4:00 pm 815-385-5965 after 5:00 pm 815*54019 1-5 BEDROOMS, central air conditioned ranch, with attached 2 car garage. 13x15 areenhouse. $390 per month, plus utilities, and security deposit. Available June 15th. K15-653-3243. 5-20tfc LIVE IN BEAUTIFUL LAKE GENEVA Deluxe 1 & 2 bedroom apar tments. fully carpeted "I ceramic baths color applian ce*. dishwasher air con ditioning. laundry large storage area, gas heat. By lake, several blocks from down town. Geneva Lake Apartments 1321 W.Main St. Lake Geneva, Wi. 414-248-4572 s/"ra Business zoned professional property for rent. 6 room house and large screened-in rear porch, 2400 square feet, 2 baths and central air. Previously used as. professional offices. In ad dition, 2 story, 3,100 square foot barn, plus 2 car garage. Located on busy Illinois Rouie 31 • Plenty of parking and Immediate occupancy. For com plete details please call: Mr. Marinangcl 115-3*5-3000 LIVING ROOMS for mature, responsible, working people. Carpeting, linen service, cable TV terminals, kitchen privilages, weekly $40 and up. McHenry Depot Hotel, call 385-6633, Mon, Tue, Thur, or Sat am. 5-13-5-22c O N E - A P A R T M E N T AVAILABLE. Ideal for retired, semi-retired or middle aged, in city of McHenry. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and l'<j baths, $345.00. 815-344-1632 or 815- 385-6566. 5-ltfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, In a country setting, overlooking a 110 acre corn field and the Nippersink creek. This large apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove and garbage disposal, and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center. Mayline Apartments, Richmond. 815- 678-2861. 5-ltfc McHENRY AREA, 1 & 2 bedrooms, ready now, fully carpeted, stove and refrigerator. 815-385-2181. 5- ltfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche In dustrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-385- 1079. , 5-ltfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT. References and security deposit required. 815-385-1079 5-ltfc OPTION TO BUY, im mediate occupancy, McHenry 1 bedroom fully carpeted house, $285 per month. 815-455-6765. 5-22-5-27 SMALL 2 BEDROOM HOUSE close to McHenry, includes stove and refrigerator, $275. Call 815- 385-3490. 5-22-5-29C 3 BEDROOM RANCH, country kitchen, basement, central air, 2' j car garage. NO PETS. $395 per month. Available Immediately. Durbin-Stovall. 815-385-8060, 5-22 2-3 BEDROOM, brick home, basement, 2 car garage, large yard, kitchen ap pliances included. McHenry School District, Security deposit and references required. $450 per month. Available June 1. 815-459- 2300 or 312-526-6286. 5-22-5- 27c FURNISHED Kitchenette Apartment, lease, security deposit required. No pets $265. month includes utilities. 815-385-5324 . 5-20-5- 22c HIGHLAND SHORES, clean 2-3 bedroom home, $375.00. Central air, basement, garage, no pets, security deposit. McHenry Realty, 815-385-5922 ask for Ellie or 815-728-0626. 5-20-5-22C 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2014 West Route 120, McHenry, $350.00. 815-385-1287 or 312- 838-0125. 5-20-5-22C UNIQUE Apartment, with utilities, separate building on 10 acres, pets, children O.K. $350.00 month. 815-344- 0951 after 5pm. 5-20-5-22c STORE SPACE 1313 N:o Riverside Drive. Formerly occupied by Weather Vane Yarn Shop. Also perfect for Office space. Parking ad jacent to building. Call 815- 385-0721 after 6pm. 5-20tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT. $265 month, includes heat and appliances. Lease and Security Deposit required 815-385-8489. 5-20- ">-22c RENT FOR FREE In May. Save $360.00. New 2 bedroom, garage, full kit chen, dishwasher, self cleaning oveh, washer-dryer hookup. Central air. 815-338- 0690 or 815-653-9395. 5-ltfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, two bedrooms. Third and James Street, McHenry. 312-381-2059. 5-ltfc WHISPERING OAKS. McHenry. 2 bedroom house. I bath. A-C. all appliances, dishwasher, washer-dryer, deck, fireplace, garage. $400 per month, includes water & garbage: security deposit & references. 815-385-5234 after 4pm Available July 1. 5-20- 5-22c COZY 2 bedroom cottage near McHenry. Carpeted, stove, refrigerator, 1 year lease, security deposit. References available. June 1st. 815-385-0825. 5-22-5-27 wwiTtD t< nar WANT TO RENT.furnished I or 2 bedroom apartment, Condo or house in town. McHenry for months of July and August. Call after 6pm. 815-648-4328. 5-6tfc WANTED TO RENT, Condo or house in Whispering Oaks area. I am single, 59 years old and have excellent references. Please call 815- 344-3913 evenings. 5-20-5-22c WANTED TO RENT Garage space to store car. Call 815- 344-3129. 5-20-5-22C WANTED: 2-3 Bedroom house, Johnsburg School District. Rent or rent with option to buy or contract. Excellent references. Call 497-4146 or 497-3573. $-20 SITUATION mum W I L L D O HOUSECLEANING Reasonable, References. 815-344-1928. 5-13-5-22C WILL DO ROTOTILLING, Lawn Care and Cleanup. 815- 385-3269. 5-6-5-29C QUALITY PAINTING, Interior and Exterior. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Call Russ, 815-344-4195 evenings. 5-20-6-i2c JOB WANTED - Let me do your weekly housecleaning. Very reasonable and dependable. Call 497-4338. 5- 20-5-22c EXPERIENCED Licensed Day Care. Fenced yard, lots of toys. Lakeland Park area. Full time preferred. License number 536287. 815-385-8993 5-8-5-22C PET COLUMN GIVE AWAY. Male miniture black poodle, 8 years old soon, neutered, adults only. 815-385-7033. 5-20 GIVE AWAY - 2 part Siamese cats, blue eyes, very 'pretty and friendly. Call 815-344-4461, or 728-1307 after 5pm. 5-20 GIVE AWAY Malamute- Shepherd puppies. 4 weeks old Call 815-385-7623 . 5-20 FREE to Loving home, loveable, gray-brown-white small female cat. Kids allergeric. 815-344-3462. 5-22 LOST Male, reddish-brown, German Shepherd Golden Retriever, Lost May 15th, vicinity of Chapel Hill and Lincoln Road. Reward. 815- 344-2617. 5-22 S'ISTW y I4TFO MOVING to apartmefft, forced to give up beautiful black and tan. 4 year old male Keeshond Husky. Excellent watch dog, housebroken, good with older children, very gentle and well-trained. Free to good home with fenced yard. 815-385-3108. 5-20-5-22C PUPPIE6 WANTED: Small breeds for our 11 year old licensed kennel. Homes guaranteed. 815-385-7897. 5- ltfc KTS m SALC A M E R I C A N S T A F FORDSHIRE TERRIER puppies. Excellent com panion and home guard. Beautiful colors and huge bone. For information, 815- 385-3415. 5-20-5-29C ALASKAN MALAMUTE. 5 year old black and white male. AKC registered. 815- 344-2469. 5-20-5-22c WEST HIGHLAND Terrier, 9 weeks old. Registered, $250.815-728-1212. 5-20-5-22c LABRADOR RETRIEVER Puppies, AKC Born 3-30-81. Black, yellow and chocolate $200 and up. 312-658-8320 or 312-885-1517 . 5-15-5-22C A K C R E G I S T E R E D Black German Schnauzer puppy. 8 weeks, has puppy shots $125. 815-385-4718. 5- 20tfc Past 65 wNOW^ ^C'£NT & HOURS 1] TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY LUNCH 11:30 am - 2:30 pm DINNER served from 5:30 pm SUNDAY BRUNCH 10 am - 2:30 pm THEY'RE BACK! The Baby Ducks are Cruising Our Lagoon 385-8899 M0t N. Chapel Hill ltd. HOUSES QUARTER HORSE. 9 years <»ld. Sorrel mare, excellent disposition and confirmation *450 815-675-2072 . 5-20-5-22C 16.2 Hands for pleasure, 9 years old, $1,500. 815-344-0951 after 5pm. " 5-20-5-22c DIVORCES 1 I Judgments for dissolution of marriage were granted recently in 19th Judicial Circuit Court, „ Woodstock, for: Roberta G. Strauel and Edward L. Strauel; Paul C. Smith and Patricia A. Smith: KatherineE. Hill and Thomas R. Hill. Gloria J. Morris and Kenneth A. Morris; Kim- berlee K. Bishop and Frank L. Bishop, Susan K, Heal and Josiah S. Heal Jr. Robert Svec and Diane E. Svec; Ingeborg Kipping and Rolf Kipping; Deborah G. vanPeski and Sander van- Peski. Catherine A. Lewis and Gene C. Lewis; Evelyn W. Larson and Robert Larson; Susan E. Hoy and Gary L. Hoy Mary E. Money and Jay E. Money; David J. Johnston and Judy A. Johnston; Erika Frey and Lester Frey. Pygmy Moakey The smallest monkey on earth has a body no longer than a toothbrush. Indigenous to South America, the tiny pyfc my marmoset monkey lives on insects, fruit, birds and eggs, National Geographic World magazine reports. byCarlRiblet Jr. Q. - "We are an old couple living in a small town. Last winter we lost everything valuable we had to a burglar. He was arrested later after he had disposed of our possessions which the police said were worth more than $30,000 - solid silver, four old gold watches, old jewelry and three diamonds from my husband's mother. "When time came for the burglar to go on trial, his lawyer got the trial moved to another town 150 miles away. The lawyer said there was so much publicity here because the defendant was well known and that the defendant couldn't'get a fair trial here while memories are fresh. We are old - .78 years each - and it is hard for us to travel to the new trial place. Does that seem fair? The courts care more about the burglar than they do us." -- Mr. and Mrs. Willis F. A. '- The courts that delay and move trials of those charged with crimes in order to escape the glare of publicity and to allow memories to fade, overlook an inescapable point: if yte the people have the right' to know, which we do, then don't we also have the right to remember? Q. - "I am a senior 75 years old on a small pension and cannot afford the big premium I am paying for supplementary insurance. For years, when my husband paid it after taking it out at his wprk. We paid $16.50 every three months for the two of us. Then they started raising the premiums every now and then. I paid $27.50 for me alone right after he died in 1973. Now, the next insurance premium with the same company for the same coverage will be $114. for the quarter. I can't afford it on my pension. "I could write 10 books about the rip-off us seniors are getting from the in surance companies. Most of us are getting such small pensions that we have a problem to keep alive from day to day. We seniors are lonely people who can't get around very much anymore. So we sit in the window and watch the world go by, wondering what we can do to help the young people not make the same mistakes we did. Can you help me about my insurance by telling me where I can get some that is cheaper?" -- Helen R. A. - It is awful the way premiums have jumped. In Helen's case, apparently faster than the national inflation rate. I will send her my list of reliable companies and the rest is up to her. However, without seeming to sound too strident, I must say that if the insurance underwriters don't soon do something to lessen the expense for senior citizens insurance, the government will have to do some painful arm twisting. It is strange that as of now there does not appear to be a' single insurance company that has what could be described as an ideal sup plementary hospitalization policy for elders-one that covers all reasonable claims, one that does not have strange loopholes that outrage and frustrate the policy holder, one that is entirely understandable, and one that is affordable. Q. -- "We are senior citizens with a daughter who is handicapped. She has a severely damaged brain. We have been in California two years after moving her from Delaware. They called us in The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At Tho Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY •JILGAS V •BELL LIQUORS * v •LAKEVIEW •McHENRY DRUG •SUNNYSIDE FOOD •BOLGERS DRUG STORE •JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •BEN FRANKLIN •ADAMS GROCERY •OSCO DRUGS •LITTLE STORE •JEWEL •FREDA IRENE'S TAP •HORNSBY'S •HANDY PANTRY •HERMES I CO. •SUNRISE GROCERY •LIQUOR MART •STEINY TAP •VILLAGE MART •McCULLOM LAKE GROC. •J BR STORE •HILLTOP GROCERY. •McHENRY HOSPITAL •NORTHWEST TRAIN •FOOD MART •BITS! PIECES for five different talks. Those talks upset my daughter. Last talk they told me that her S.S.I, check could not be deposited in our bank account and that they will check the past 15 months to see what the balance is in her finances. They demand a separate account for her. But she cannot add and she cannot write her name legibly. "At the bank, when I told them what Social Security demanded, they said they had never heard of such idiocy. We want to take our daughter on a trip to Alska but S.S. said her monthly check would drop from $256 to $48 while we are in Alaska. Our home has been in spected and passed with flying colors. Our daughter gets the best of everything, from designer clothes to gourmet food. What can we do?" - E M C. A. - The S.S. office has a rule about checks. Nobody but the payee is opposed to endorse them. And that's a good rule. Otherwise, there could be some improper cashing of checks. Q. - "One of your readers wrote that she got quick action in settling a small estate by contacting the county court in the heir's state. I have been established as the sole heir of my aunt's small estate and it is handled by the same county court. As far as settlement is concerned, all I have been getting is buck passing. Would you tell me the name and address of the reader who had no trouble with the county court so that I can ask her advice? I want this to be settled without hiring a lawyer." - John A.B. A. - This column never reveals identities of those who write for advice. John should understand that cognty courts are generally slow-moving, that without a lawyer the process of set tling the estate he inherited is bound to take longer than if he had legal represen tation. John can gel help from the Legal Aid society if he can't afford a lawyer, or from a legal clinic if he can pay a modest fee. Q. - "My husband is 57,1 am 51. He receives a Social Security disability check each month. Where can he get a supplementary in surance policy with a company that will carry such a person?" -- Mrs. R.D., A. - Read on, please. Q. - "I will put in for military reserve retirement when I am 60.1 have 28 years in the military, 28 years in federal civil service, and I am on Workman's Com pensation for a back injury. Do I have any options as far as income from these sources is concerned: work man's compensation plus military reserve retirement, diability plus the same, and straight civil service plus the same?" - A.A. I A. - Read on some more. „ Q. - "I retired in March at age 55. Is there a way I can freeze my Social Security benefits? ~ Don T. A. - This column is principally for those past 65. Mrs. R.D. should inquire at the local S.S. office. A. A. can get full information at civil service headquarters. Don can get the same from S.S. I am no expert on retirement benefits for those as young as 55. As George Bernard Shaw said, "Youth is wasted on young people." Write to Carl Riblet Jr. with self-addressed, stamped envelope for advice and information on problems of the aging. All letters are answered if possible, either direct or in this column. Write to P.O. Box 40757, Tucson. Air., 85717. No' identities are revealed. DID YOU KNOW? ey RUDOLPH \MUlNTINO LEG£NC*RY MCME HERO OF THE 1920CT WORKED AS A GARDENER IN NEW YORK CITY AFTER HE ARRIVED FROM ITALY. HE THEN BECAME A BALLROOM DANCER, AFTER WHICH HE TOOK BIT PARTS IN FILMS UNTIL HE t/V«S GIVEN THE CHANCE TO BE A STAR. THE HANDSOME MAV NEE IDOL WAS ADORED 9/WOMEN. HE MADE AND SPENT MONEY FAST. IN 1926, AT THE AGE OF 31, HE WAS HOSPITALIZED WITH A RUPTURED APPENDIX AND A PERFORATED ULCER. WHILE 7HERE, VALENTINO RECEIVED ABOUT 100,000 TELEGRAMS AND 2jOOO PHONE CALLS AN HOUR FROM FANS. VALENTINO SOON DIED AND MOURNERS LINED UP FOR II BLOCKS TO RAY v THEIR LAST RESPECTS TO THE LATIN LOVER.. j 65TH 10:00 AM SNNDAY