Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1981, p. 18

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PAflK III - PLAINDEALK •;R . UV.PNfcSDAY, MAY 27.1M1 Wonder Lake Anne Sowers 653-9549 Memorial Day Parade May 30 Robert Blatzheim, Commander of the American Legion Post 1169, is extending an invitation to any groups or individuals to participate in the annual Memorial day parade which will be held on the traditional observance of Memorial day, Saturday, May 30. The parade will be for­ ming at the old Co. 1 firehouse on Wonder Lake road and will begin at 10:30 a.m. heading south to Hancock drive and then west to the Triangle. A memorial ceremony will be held at the Triangle with members of the National Guard presenting the colors. You are asked to call the Legion Post at 653-9948 after 12 (noon) any day to confirm your position in the parade. This year, we will be commemorating forty years since the beginning of World War II in 1941, so the Legion is hoping to have a large turnout for the parade both as participants and viewers. On May 23. the members of the Legion visited all the cemeteries in our area, placing flags on the graves of any veterans. The Rifle Squad visited the cemeteries on May 25. OPENING CEREMONY Wonder Lake Boys baseball held the opening ceremony on Monday night. May 25. All the teams were there in uniform surroun­ ding the field as Dr. Jones and Jay Cristy threw in the first balls to the teams who were playing that night. Dr. Jones, superintendent of Harrison school, has been a supporter of the league by allowing the minors to play at Harrison school and by being so cooperative with all the wishes of the officers. Jay Cristy was one of the earlier presidents of the league and did much to help the league grow to the point it is now with over 200 boys involved. The season began with the Angels taking on the Yankees and the Indians against the White Sox. SPECIAL DAYS Happy birthday to one of the Tigers, Rich Sullivan, who will blow out twelve candles on his birthday cake. May 27. Sherman Spencer will be blowing out a few more candles than that on May 27. when he celebrates his special day! Happy birthday on May 29 to Bar Rizzo, who is the flower lady of Wonder Woods! It is a joy to live next door and be able to see all the varieties she has around her yard. JAYCEE NEWS The Wonder Lake Jaycees are still in the midst of their membership drive hoping to recruit at least ten new ( members. They meet on the second Thursday of the month, 8 p.m., at Dusty's Pizza. The next meeting will be June 11. They have many events that will be coming up such as a CPR course and a blood drive. . The Fourth of July will be a fun one for all Wonder Lake because the Jaycees are planning the Miss Wonder Lake contest foi1 that day at the old firehouse building on Wonder Lake road beginning at 1:30 p.m. and then a street dance in the evening. Sounds like a great way to spend the holiday. If you would like more information on the Jaycees, give Wayne Kreutzer a call at 728-0404. WONDER LAKE GARDEN CLUB April's meeting was held at Mrs. Matyll Banky's home with committee reports the agenda for the Pop! I ! ' / / / < evening and plans for­ mulated for the succeeding months. May 2, Mrs. Doris Lockerbie called for a work meeting which was held at "Ostend Acres" to package candy tray favors for Valley Hi residents for Mother's day. This is a project that has been a favorite of the Garden Club for over thirty years and is still going strong, through the cooperative effort of all - "the gift is in the giving." May 14 was our regularly scheduled meeting at Betty Alderson's home "Ostend Acres", with installation of officers, Mrs. Marge Dugan, first vice-president; Mrs. Doris Lockerbie, second vice-president; Mrs. Junice Unverzagt, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Ruth Kinzie, treasurer ~ lovely corsages were presented to each with our best wishes. Greg Alderson was our guest speaker for the evening. Mr. Alderson gra­ duated from McHenry County college in 1979 with an Associates of Arts degree and received his Bachelorof Science degree in Art Education from Northern Illinois university. He showed his drawings in graphite, pencil and colored pencil -- showed sculpture in various kinds of woods, tools used and effect achieved. Being his number one fan and mother, I remain very prejudiced and proud and found his program in­ formative and interesting - hope our members did too! Thursday, June 11, is our next Garden Club meeting at 8 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Vi Kopp, 4323 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. Again, anyone interested in gardening is most cor­ dially invited to attend. Mrs. B. Alderson Publicity Chairperson COMMUNITY CALENDAR May 30, Cocktail party for Yacht Club May 30, Swim registration; 10-2 p.m. May 30, Memorial day parade; 10:30 a.m. May 31, Registration for swim lessons; 10-2 p.m. June 6. Woman's Club House Walk; 12-4 p.m. June 10, Wonder Woods W o m a n ' s A u x i l i a r y meeting; 1 p.m. Playing the Shirt Circuit Dr. and Mrs. Ray Jones from McHenry were among more than 650 "Illinois dignitaries who attended the 1981 Lincoln academy convocation and ball in Springfield recently. The Order of Lincoln medals were presented to four of the five outstanding Illinoisans by Governor James Thompson in the House of Representatives 7 / > ? U / • . / ; / / k if ! ; ! hi i! / p, i l I f I ' V / 7/, „• [-111 i, I !-*'! Vh<! r'> mU:^l Whether his game is softball or high finance Arrow keeps score... --Arrow fomCluertt i L How To Subscribe to The McHenry Plaiidealer Th® McHvnry Plaind*al«r 3812 W. Elm Street McHenry. II. 60050 [ 3 Years -$40.00 • 2 Years - $28.50 • l Year • $15.50 • 6 Months • $8.50 • Payment Enclosed Nome Address City Prices good in McHenry County. Vacation Plans Long before the vacation begins you can make plans to keep your home safe. Burg­ lars see piles of newspapers, mail and an overgrown lawn as a sure sign your house is empty. So before you go, arrange to have your news­ paper delivery stopped temp­ orarily, your mail picked up by a neighbor and your lawn mowed regularly. From front to back: The Boardwalk in an assortment of go-with-anything plaids. Short sleeves. Machine washable polyester/cotton. S,M,L,XL. 14.00 Action accented Pin-Hi knit for the utmost comfort on or off the field and court. Made of polyester and cotton in a special pique stitch. Machine washable. Extended tail. Beige, It. blue, maize, ecru or aubergine. S,M,L,XL. 14.00. The Kent collection. Easy-fitting regular cut shirts for summer. First, the Summer Lights in a polyester and cotton no-iron weave. Short sleeves - smart under suits. Solids in yellow, blue or ecru. Necks 14^-17. 15.00. Then, assorted stripes in no-iron sanforized polyester/cotton. Short sleeves; fused collar. Necks 14^-17. 16.00. So that's the roster for Father's Day 1981! Men's Furnishings, Elgin on 1, Crystal Lake and St. Charles Dennis Conway 3319 W. Elm St. McHenry 385-7111 "See me for a State Farm Homeowners Policy with Inflation Coverage." Like a good neighbor, Scale Farm is there. SUM fvm I,It •n0 CMirtity Company HOT* WtiCt fcoominglor* The McHenry Plaindealer Newspaper Available At Th* Following Locations: •WHITE HEN PANTRY *J t L GAS •BELL LIQUORS *LAKEVIEW •McHENRY DRUG «SUNNYSIDE FOOD •BOLGERS DRUG STORE • JOHNSBURG FOOD MART •BEN FRANKLIN • ADAMS GROCERY •OSCO DRUGS •LITTLE STORE •JEWEL > • FRED t IRENE'S TAP CHARGE It! Your own Spiess Charge, Visa and MasterCard. We welcome iuem all! Elgin Fountain Square' Plaza (3l2)>41-4300. Crystal Point Mall (815) 455-3600. St. Charles Mall (312) 377-2570. •HORNSBY'S •HERMES t CO. ' •LIQUOR MART •VILLAGE MART • J ft R STORE •McHENRY HOSPITAL •FOOD MART •HANDY PANTRY •SUNRISE GRQCERY •STEINY TAP •McCULLOM LAKE GROC. •HILLTOP GROCERY •NORTHWEST TRAIN •BITS ft PIECES McCullom ft Lake Dawn Miller 385-4901 McHenry Couple At Academy Convocation C h a m b e r . G o v e r n o r T h o m p s o n p r e s e n t e d President Reagan's medal to him later. The five Illinoisans receiving the award this year were the President Ronald W. Reagan, civic and business leader. Thomas G. Ayers, past chairman and chief executive officer of Commonwealth Edison; nuclear physicist, Dr. James W Cronin, of the University of Chicago; Adlai E. Stevenson III, former U.S. Senator; and social service volunteer, John T. Trutter, vice-president of Illinois Bell Telephone company. The Lincoln Academy of Illinois was created in 1965 as a private, non-profit, non­ partisan organization in­ tended to honor present and. former Illinois citizens whose contributions to the betterment of humankind have brought honor to the state in the tradition of A b r a h a m L i n c o l n . Laureates are selected each December by vote of the academy trustees. First Holy Communion For Four In Area On Sunday, May 17, four special children received their first Holy Communion at St. Mary's church. They were Amy Svoboda, Michael Mass, Ryan Miller and M i c h a e l T u r n e r . Congratulations, kids! On that same afternoon a double party was taking place at the Turner h o u s e h o l d c e l e b r a t i n g Michael's Communion and brother Peter's fourth birth­ day. Twenty-two relatives were present for the festivities. A delicious buffet supper was served. Michael received a watch and with monies received,, he pur­ chased a new red dirt bike. It turned out to be a beautiful day for the boys. CONSERVATION CLUB A Conservation club meeting was held on Wed­ nesday evening. May 19, at the Lakeland Park Com­ munity house. This fine o r g a n i z a t i o n < h o l d s i t s meetings on the third Tuesday of every month in rotation between Lakeland Park, McCullom Lake beach house and Spojnia barn. The purpose of this club is the - preservation of McCullom Lake, your lake. Very few people come to these meetings, but they would welcome old and new faces. This club also holds a state licensed fund raising event every Wednesday evening in town. VILLAGE CLEANUP The village cleanup is scheduled to start Monday. June 1, at the west end and continue to the east end All material placed out at the roadside for collection should be ready for pickup on Monday. Areas not completed on Monday will be picked up on succeeding days until the entire village has been covered. Items to be included: 1. White goods-stove, refrigerators, etc., furniture, bundled brush - not to exceed 5 ft. in length or 18 in. in diameter, containerized debris - i.e. cans, boxes, etc., not to exceed a reasonable weight, approximately 75 lbs. each. Items not to be included: construction debris not containerized, concrete, tree limbs and logs, dirt, sand and gravel, liquids, chemicals, asbestos, or any other materials that may contain hazardous or toxic waste as defined by local, state, or federal laws. CPRCOURSE Don't forget to call me if you want to register for the CPR course. It's a very informative course which also deals with choking. The date for this is Wednesday, June 10, 7:15 p.m at the beach house. Since we will be kneeling on the floor, you might like to bring an old blanket or rug to kneel on. The course might run aboift four hours BIRTHDAYS First off, I would like to extend a belated birthday wish to Sherry Scarbrough on May 22. We hope it was a happy one Birthday wishes this week go to Danny Brand on May 28, Les (Fester) Venable on May 29. Ben Gates. Don Lasco, Peg I^oewe and Marge Olson on May 30, Jack Morris, Robert Sarabia. Pat Mayer, and Ashley Lasco celebrating her first birthday on May 31, and Adam Reid celebrating his second birthday on June 2. There are so many bir­ thdays this week, and we hope they are all happy ANNIVERSARIES We extend anniversary wishes to the following couples; Eugene and Kathy Kalsch on May 27; Ron and Barb Svoboda on May 29; Matt and Rose Ilick on May 31. and to our June first couple. Julian and Joan Seifert May all your an­ niversaries be exciting CONSUMER VCHECKUST Slate Public Hearing On 82-83 Aging Plan Region Two Area Agency on Aging will hold a second public hearing on tis two- year area plan for 1982-1983, Monday, June 1, at 10 a.m. at the McHenry County college board room, 8900 Rt. 14, Crystal Lake. This hearing is being held to afford the public the op­ portunity to comment on proposed programs and services for older persons as outlined in the area plan which covers the counties of D u P a g e , G r u n d y , K a n e , Kankakee. Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will. « During this two-year period, Region Two will allocate approximately $2,750,000 for Social Services and $2,820,000 for Nutrition Services from Federal Older Americans act funds. While not a part of this plan. Region Two also has responsibility for the Senior C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e E m ­ ployment program, which p r o v i d e s e m p l o y m e n t f o r Pregnant, NEED HELP? Call BIRTHRIGHT O t f i C I O P t N « I I I A W ANUHfOV't v fw MON . I Kl 14 HOUR ANSWERING SEtVICf 15-385-299' income-eligible persons. Directions to the public hearing location can be obtained by calling 815-939- 0727. Written comments may be mailed to Region Two Area Agency on Aging. P.O B o x 8 0 9 . K a n k a k e e , I I I . , 60901 The hearing officers will be Region Two board of directors and advisory council members. Copies of the Area Plan are available for review prior to the public hearings at each county board office in the eight-county area, as well as at McHenry County Senior Citizens council, 113 Newell street. Woodstock. ™ -- THE 6A§ PUMP Heat Riser The heat riser is a thermos­ tatic valve located at some point along the exhaust man­ ifold. It must move freely to ensure maximum perform­ ance from your car. A stick­ ing or frozen heat riser caus­ es rough idling and poor re­ sponse from a cold engine and gas mileage suffers. Custom looks and less. 1981 CB650 Custom *2395.00 It has performance to match its looks, but not the price* From the powerful OHC four, to the dual front disc brakes Come in for a test look soon GOOD TIMES CYCLERY 1039 lake m. Woodstock, il. 338-4620 HOUJOW I HI I IAI)| K

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