Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1981, p. 19

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Johnsburg Diane Berlin 675-6291 Tell Names Of ,0 you and your fami,y Pom-Pom Squad Miss Christie has an­ nounced the names of the new Varsity Pom-Pom squad, who take part in all sport events, as follows: Rene Aldenbrook. Kelly Beitz, Jodi Beutel, Lisa Byer. Sherry Bruce. Debbie Caifado, Linda Davidson, Sue Freeland. Megan Hall, Wendy Hansen, Michele Horton. Kim Jacques; Eileen Koch, Terri Olenick, Janie Pecucci, Linda Pfendert. Dawn Poteracky, Darcy Relle, Toni Rendo, Gina Rittomo, Carol Schmidt, Laura Schratt. Bridget Thorne and Paula Wroblewski. Junior Varsity squad names will be announced next week. NEW ARRIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gough. vice-principal of the high school, announce the birth of a baby girl, 8 lbs., 10 oz., who has been named Robin Lynn. Congratulations to the parents and Robin Lynns two brothers. Ryan. 5, and Brandon. 3 JUNIOR HIGH Graduation exercises for the Johnsburg Junior high will be held on Monday, June 8, 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg high school gym Ad­ mittance by ticket only More details to come. CUB SCOUTS Donl'i forget the Pack 454 meeting. Wednesday. May 27 , 7 p.m.. to be held at Harrison-Benwell Park, McCullom Lake road, in Wonder Lake Bring your finished Rain-Gutter Regatta boats It will be interesting to see who the winners will be If you have just registered, you are not expected to have a boat, but please attend this meeting, as it will be a very good way to see some of the pack activities In case of rain, we will meet at J C Bush school ST JOHN'S Tbe Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality of St John's is busy planning for its annual party, salad luncheon and cards. Wednesday. June 10, 11:30 a.m.. at the Johnsburg Community club. 2315 W Church street Tickets are available at the door Be sure to mark your calendars and do not miss this high point of the social year If you have any questions call Mrs Michael (Eva) Schaefer CONGRATULATIONS The following received their First Holy Communion. Kenneth and Shawn Calhoun, on Sunday. May 17. at St John the Baptist Catholic church. May God bless them and their parents. Raymond John Schmitt. received his First Holy Communion at a home Mass. on Saturday. May 23. Best wishes and God's blessings CONDOLENCES Mrs. Sophia Sobel. mother of Mrs. Jackie Tobin of St. John's, died recently and the funeral Mass was held last Thursday. May 14, at St. John's, with burial in the church cemetery. Our sympathy and prayers for her and her family. Jerry Tobin is a Deacon,-at St. John's APPRECIATION Sister Barbara Jean celebrated her Silver Jubilee Sunday. May 24. at St. John's church, and the "Johnsburg Community club. Best wishes for many more years in His service. Sister! ST JOHN'S SCHOOL The eighth grade graduating class went to Great America, on Tuesday. May 26. for its class trip The students had been working hard to earn this treat and deserved a fun day. GRADUATION The seventh grade class will honor the graduates on Wednesday, May 27, at the Johnsburg Community club. Graduation ceremony will be on Friday, May 29. 7:30 p.m in St John the Baptist Catholic church All of Johnsburg extends best wishes to the class of 1981 of St John's HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Brian Olenick celebrated his thirteenth birthday on May 10. Best wishes. Brian, from your family and friends! DATES TO REMEMBER: May 27. Cub Scout Pack 454 Pack Meeting & Rain- Gutter Regatta. Harrison- Benwell Park. McCullom I,ake May 27. High School Sports banquet. 7 p m in the auditorium May 29. High School Junior-Senior prom at In­ ter lochen May 29. St. John the Baptist School Eighth Grade Graduation. 7:30 p m. June 5. Johnsburg High School Graduates Honors Assesmbly. 8 to 9 a m Auditorium June 5, Johnsburg High School Baccalaureate 8 p.m.. school auditorium June 6. Johnsburg High School Graduation 3 p.m in High School Gym Ad­ mittance by ticket only. June 8. johnsburg Junior High Graduation. 8 p.m. Johnsburg High School Gym Admittance by ticket only June 10. Annual Salad Luncheon and Card Party, St John's Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality. 11:30 a m Johnsburg Community Club In Fire Command Class Completing Fire Officer Command Course at MCC are, left to right, front row, William Gitzke, Cary; Tim Shepard, Cary; Bob Holek. Crystal Lake; Robert Baur, Nunda Rural ; Bill Ueber, Woodstock city; and 3ohn Sulok, McHenry; middle row, Terry Haak, Wonder Lake; Lloyd Laufer, Nunda Rural: Rick Nebel, Crystal Lake; Bill Hansen. Woodstock city; Katny Romanus. Nunda Rural: and Dick Woellert, McHenry; back row, Robert Hahn, Woodstock city; Bob Miller, Cary; Bill Sergaent, Hebron; John Braun, Hebron; Ed Olsen, Algonquin; and Mike Reed, McHenry. McHenry County college, through its fire science advisory committee, offered a five session. 15-hour course titled "Fire Officer Com­ mand" during the spring semester The course was attended by 18 fire officers and firemen from eight county fire departments or fire protection districts During the spring semester. MCC served 140 local firemen, rescue squad personnel and hospital emergency personnel in the following courses: Fire Officer Command. Basic Fire Fighter II. Emergency Rescue Technician <ERT>, Kmergency Medical Technician 'EMT-Ai and l \ i ra Medic <EMT P> The teachers for the Fire Officer Command course included Glenn Peterson, chief . McHenry Fire Protection distr ict Increase Storage Loan Best Of Press Interest, Downpayment Unlocking Universe Radiotelcscopes have un­ locked information about the universe that other kinds of tele­ scopes couldn't detect, the Na­ tional Geographic Society says. Using radar, they can "see" through Venus's dense cloud layer to map the planet's sur­ face. Recent changes in the farm facility loan program increased the minimum down payment, raised the interest rate, decreased the maximum loan amount and lowered the repayment term on new loans, according Susan A Maraccini. acting county executive director of\ the McHenry County! Agricultural Stabilization* and Conservation service (ASCS*. f The program provides loans to farmers to help them buy. build or remodel on-farm storage facilities and to obtain drying and handling equipment To Jielp cut federal spending. ASCS lowered the maximum loan limit from $100,000 to $50,000 The cash down payment was in­ creased from 15 to 25 percent and the interest rate was raised from 12 5 to 14.5 percent The agency also shortened the previous 8- year repayment term to 5 years. "These changes will not apply to facility loans already in effect," Maraccini said The 14' percent interest rate is also applicable to 1981-crop loans She said storage needs will be based on one year's production instead of two years as before "All existing storage space will be considered in deter­ mining storage capacity." the ASCS official said In the past, space already in use to store grain under the far­ mer-owned grain reserve was not counted in f iguring storage needs Changes in the farm facil i ty loan program are expected to save the federal government about $29 mill ion for the remainder of f iscal year 1981 and $145 mill ion for f iscal 1982 What you put off today vou'll probably put off again. How True Blessed are the poor. They can tell their cre­ ditors that they are broke without lying about it. -Democrat, Little Rock. Explained Home Rule: Where dad is chief executive and mother is the speaker of the house. -Enterprise. Lisbon, Me. NOT A WEIRD HAPPENING - BUT THOSE NASTY LOOKING THINGS THAT PROFESSIONAL PAINTERS TRY TO KEEP FROM HAPPENING WITH EVERY JOB THEY DO! ^ Hlf AN HIRE A PRO! Look in Your Local Yellow Pages under Painting NORTHERN ILLINOIS PAINTING & DRYWALL INSTITUTE - caH 312-742-4144 LIFT YOUR SPIRITS WITH THE LOW DDinr nr rninirc at GREAT VoluSt GOOOTHItU JUMf Hi) FREUND'S SPECIAL OF THE WEEK LONS SLEEVE V-NECK TEMYS Reg. $24.00 NOW $ 1350 1214 N.GREEN ST McHENRY STORE FOR MEN FRIttot SAT 9 to 5 tmmmzs ( nivntfion DISCOUNT DRUG CENTERS MILLER 6 PACK 12 OZ. N/R BOTTLES $175 -X~ TEN MIG« TEN HIGH Bourbon Whiskey Liter • 80 Proof REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE GORDON S GIN Distilled from 100% grain L i t e r • 80 Proof $599 REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE $5" KAHLUA Product of Mexico 750 ML • 53 Proof REVCO S LOW. LOW PRICE *8" BOONE'S FARM WINES 5 flavors to choose from qevrrve 1 nw 750 ML • 7° 0 Alcohol LOW PRICE $129 A ea LANCERS WINE Ros6 or Ruoeo 750 ML • 12° 0 Alcohol REVCO'S LOW LOW PRICE $059 W ea GORDON'S VODKA .... Distilled from 100°c gram jyjj 1 75 Liter • 80 Proof hwbup* © McHenry • 4400 W. Rte. 120 ••365-1125 Formerly May's Drug x Pnres • n »<1ecl Wed thru 'uev ;? June } Hems available while quantities 'ast COP> RIGHT '981 RE VCO 0 S INC Village of McHenry Shores Inge Aide 344-1984 Village Board Meeting News At the last meting of the Board of Trustees on May 12. committees were set up by the President and the Board of Trustees Following is a list of chair persons for the respective committees Finance - Rose Lillegard Public Health and Safety, combined with Parks and Public Buildings - Martin Koleno Water and Sewers Donna Tobeck Streets and Roads - Richard Panerali Ordinances and Licenses Bill Wilson A new special committee was also established to deal with the police The chairman of this committee is Charles Werth. the members are Bill Wilson and Donna Tobeck In ad­ dition. there is a citizen member. Earl Buck, the former police chief of the village BOARD MEETINGS Let me remind you once again that the meetings of the Board of Trustees are now scheduled for the second and fourth Tuesday of each month In June the dates are the ninth and twenty-third Please mark your calendar Remember, the trustees work for your village and for you They want you to know about village business, they need your feedback The attendance at the board meetings has been so terrific latelv that it is PAGE 19 • PLAINDEALER • WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1001 week, since there was not enough information with the few birthdays that I have in my file I am trying really hard to write everyvweek. but you cannot blame me if I feel funny about putting nothing in but three bir­ thdays What I need is more birthdays, more vacations, more "happenings" at your house or in your family Please help me in my en­ deavor to bring the people of this village closer together L a r r y C s a j a g h y celebrated his birthday on May 20 The most popular date this week is the twenty- ninth which is shared by Joyce Lexow. Marcia Hen shall and Tony Einweck Tony will be 11 years old on that special day On May 30. there will be celebrations for Gene Kurowski and Agnes Schweikert. and on June 1 John Ferbrache will be 12 years old Marion Barrows' big day is the second of June A very happy birthday to all of you and .lots of good luck suggested you bring a folding chair or stool just in case there are not enough chairs to go around Until better provisions have been made, it is surely easier than having to stand for the duration of the meeting ' VEHICLE STICKERS The village vehicle stickers are now on sale at the village hall Please be sure to buy them soon, since there will be a penalty for stickers purchased after the deadline. June 30 For in­ formation on prices, please call the village hall The number is 385-8500 BIRTHDAYS I hope you noticed that 'here was no column last Hamil Paintings Displayed At MCC A collection of paintings by Diane Hamil of McHenry will be on display through June 12 in the learning Resources center at McHenry County college Ms Hamil . who was this year 's recipient of the James Gratton Kenna Memorial award for outstanding achievement in humanit ies. wil l be transfenng from MCC this fal l to at tend Rock ford college Ms Hamil , who hopes to teach art in high school after completing her college work, worked for eight years as an advert ising art ist 4 The public is invited to visi t the college to view the art is t 's works Start losing weight today Begin losng weight immediately with maximum-strength Super Od- rfnei reducing tablets and Diet Plan It takes over where your will power leaves o^ A government appointed panel ot medical and scientific e* perts has ifeviewed the clinical tests oHhe ma/imum-strength ingredient m Super utornei a-1 "is termed H sate and effHtive tor appetite con­ trol and weight loss You eat less and turn tood and excess tat into bumed-up energy instead ot extra weight Use only as directed Try Super Odrinei today It works or your money back R..C.SL0. 50 TABLETS-$2.7ft ExnrOi __ Discount PrtCN 110 TABLETS -- S4 .59 VOll need all "REVCO >ou can get H ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS! FIRST INSTALLMENT OF YOUR McHENRY COUNTY Real Estate Taxes Are Due Thursday, June 4th Payments May Be Made At Any Of Our 3 Lobby Facilities McHENRY STATE BANK THREE LOCATIONS: 4 3510 W. Elm Richmond Rd. at P*arl St. Crystal Lake Rd. at Lillian St SALE ENDS MAY 31 Qne-Coat Acrylic LalB* House Pain* The Ultimate Exterior Finish! "Personal Pride" Latex ONE COAT HOUSE PAINT Reg $15 99 SAVE *10! 2-Gallons Latex White ONE COAT HOUSE PAINT J TP 2-Gals. Reg $29 98 Vou save $5 00 p*» oanon n sconce size 2 gaion parts Top grade aN wealth nvtvte appfces 'as! -- saves a second coal -- whtcf saves time *ork and paint A beautiful buy' (528 8022' Our Finest for Interiors! "Soft Touch" Latex FLAT ENAMEL A txghty washable vetvety son (lit Irnsn tor wa*s and woexftworfc ot kving and cfcnng room*, bedrooms and haftrays Warranted one coat 1 coverage' (550-8001 8019 8027) J "Soft Touch" Latex T SEMI-GLOSS Scnjbbabte sNam resistant -- ideal ten woodwork and mrato of Mohan bam utHy rooms and other araaa which need frequent clearing One Coat' (5488021 8013) ifyToudt tav« L<*e> Coast to Goast 9 A<"-"ylc j l" t rum? McHENRY 4400 W. RTE. 120 to Coast PLACE 345-4455 McHENRY 0PEN7NAYS I

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