SUNDAY. JUNE 7 S8 Human Dimension • Video Cornice 0 Three Stoogea And Frlendi 9 Jan-'. i Robleon 7:26 • In The Newa 7 :30 8 The Magic Door • Thia la The Life 8 Kidding Around S Today's Black Woman • 89 Mr.Muatacha 9 Three Score And Communit Catmdf 8 ® R e Rav. Arthur Da Kruyta {fprahlp Service ! Woman's Channel IS Amazing Qraca-Blbla )8 Cartoon Carnival 18 World Tomorrow 18 Tranaformad 7:46 6:00 H?MoWa r Of Dtac ovary CBS 8unda< I Movla-(Comady) * "Blocl Buatara" 1944 Eaat Sida Klda The 'kida' ara at work again, taar ing up thetown...and getting in am out of troubla. (90 mine ) • Conttgo 8 JubWaa Showcaae 8 Maaa For Shut Ina 8 ® Robart Scholia tC«otton ad) ®88 Ml Mlatar Rogara • HouaaCall 9 Sunday Maaa • Don Konnody'a Spotlight • Movla -(Fantasy) Badk noba And Broomatlcka" 1971 Angala Lansbury. David Tomlin son Amateur witch haips Britisl csusa in W W II (Rat ad Q) (2 hra Jmina) pi Hum bard K anna th Copaland FNntatonaa Evar Incraaalng Faith Old Time Goapel Hour Brothor Dava Lombardl Loatln Spaca VRoberta Everyman HotFudga I CMcagoland Church Hour 18 Saaama Straat i® Rax Hum bard Oral Roberta BMy Jamoa Hargls ?weH Lundatrom 1 Tha Laaaon fOn Now Joraoy Day'a Ba ginning Qamut • Olgglaanort Hotai 8 Robart SchuHai i) Woody Woodpackar Straa i) 30 Mtnutaa With Fathai »6 Day Of Dlacovery Kenneth Copotand | Horaid Of Truth • D. Jamea Kannady )8 Munatara I w Program Fill It la Wrtttan I SportaCenter 18 Tha Kin Tha King la Coming 4 i For Tha Pentecoat l Weatbrook Hoapital I 0 Kldaworld Suparman i Of My Boot Frlanda Oral Robarta Klda AroPoopIo Too ' Fualon Sorgoant Praaton Of Tha KWayToQo Mlatar Rogara rte-(Weetern)**H "Lane R«ldora" 1B6B Tolly Savalaa George Maharia A ruthlaaa towr boaa in Arizona territory who buy c tha acalpa of murdarad Indiana cauaaa tha alaughtar of a wagor train from which only hia brothai and a young woman aurviva. (J _ I Lovo Lucy Joe Rayoa: Philippine Revue 8 TennlaWCTHallof FameClas aic I -Lavar va Roaawsll 88 Lloyd Ogllvla 0 Plnwhool (Contlnuoa) 8 Movla -(Myatery)*** "Par- adinoCaaa" 1946GregoryPeck CharleaLaughton.Theatoryofthe lagai battary angagad in tha dafanaa of a woman accussd of frdering har husband (3 hrs.) Point Of View Robort Schuller (Captioned) lOiflO 8 BaaebaH Bunch 8 Sergeant Preaton Of The Yukon 8 Tony Brown'a Journal 8 OldTlmeOoapelHour 8 8 Robert Schuller Tom And Jerry i Burton Jazz Show - I Movie -(Adventure) * H "ActionMan" 1S67 JeanGabin. Robert Stack. Reformed criminal andanAmericanadventurer plana daring bank robbery which goaa off exactly aa arranged, but then muat uae the loot to ranaom tha criminal's wife whan aha ia kid- . (2 hra.) Loot In Space Day Of Dlacovery 30 Mlnutea With Father Manning 8 Ufa Of Riley 8 Face The Notion 10^> Lone Ranger OnO The Ana war la Love 8 8 Animals Animate, it'&Z 0Movie-(Drema)** "ActOf Violence" IfdBVanHeftin. Janet Leigh. A reapected businessman ia aought by a war-buddy who aeeka revenge for a cowardly war deed. (90 mina.) 8 Electric Company 8Movte-(Thmker)** "The Shin ing" 1676 Jack Nicholaon, Shal lay Duvail. An extra aanaory gift called 'The Shining' terrorizea a family man. (Rated R) (90 mina ) • 8 Old Time Ooapel Hour 83* Faith For Today 8 1661 Top Ace Handball Championahipe Match 6. 88 Monument Of Faith 8 Rex Hum bard 8 Day Of Dlacovery 10:46 8 Judaism In The World 10:66 8 Dear Alez And Annie 11:00 8 No warn ak era Bowling With The Champs City Deak Public Conference jfeuaa And Anawera 8 Panorama ico KM Studio See Once Upon A Claaeic Movie -(Romance) "Talent For Loving" 1666 Richard Widmark. CaaarRomaro. Story followa two generationa of a family curaed with overactive tdoa. (2 hra.) WreatHng Dance Connection Dieco 8 Voyage To The Bottom Of flK*^Changed Uvea 8 NCAA BaeeboN Diviaion III Champion ahip 8 Robert Schuller (Captioned: 8 QralRol WRoberta I 11:30 m Movie -(Adventure) ** "Tom Sawyer" 1674 Jane Wyatt. Buddy Ebaan. Baaed on Mark Twain'a atory of a boy living the Miaaiaaippi River. (90 WBtu n^n ̂ Meet The Preaa •AVTUTRUa Ml KFnsm KMR CMMTMMt UIV1K •IIMMSTATS I NOSES •SYSTEMS FLUSHED *WATER PUMPS •CAS TANK KPJUtS MA SHouaing For The 60'a Dkectlona ® Car Care Central Do It Youraelf car care series 8 Lone Ranger ® 8 Once Upon A Claaalc Carrie'a War' Aa Carrie and Nick leave for Scotland to join their mother, Carrie sees a fire at the farm and blameaheraelf (Closed iptioned; U S A.) fntOroom Program Fill WreatHng Anointed Word Plnwhool (Contlnuoa) Rex Humbard AFTERNOON 12:i !j00 • 8 A I Meet The Preaa Return To Freedom Thia documentary telle of tha journey by tha noted black jazz guitarist Tom Whitfield and hia wife to an laraeli community, where thay first experienceddiaillusionmentbut then regeined their faith and found in freedom (Repeat; 60 mine) Streete Of San Francleco OfCabbageaAnd Klnga ® Truth About Country vMight Zone Movie -(Drama) "Wlngaof Fire" 1667 Suzanne Pleahette, James Farentino A headstrong flier enters an air race to save a floundering freight ear vice run by har father and his aa- aociaia (2 hra) 39) 8 Waahlngton Week In Review ID Once Upon A Claaalc 'Carrie'aWer'CarrieandNickviei< Mr Evana' sister (Closed f p t i o n e d . U S A ) Forum 13 Hietory Of Spece fnp Wllderneaa Mercua Welby, M.D. Movie -(Comedy) ••• "Where There'a Life" 1647 Bob Hope, SigneHaaeo A radio atar is taken to amall European country and made king. (90 mina ) 8 ® Yugoalav-Amerlcan Itr 10 Championahlp KeetHng Movie -(Mualcal) ••• "Sum mer Stock" 1660 Judy Garland. Gene Kelly A show biz Iroups takes over a girls fsrmhouss and aha ia bitten by tha ahowbiz bug (2 Jve) 8 Herald Of Truth ) 8 Open Oueatlon I Face To Face | ® Program Unannounced i Step Beyond l WeN Street Week 'Economic Growth and Where to Find It' Gueat: A. Gary Shilling. Host: Louie Rukeyaer 8 leeuee And Anawera 8 Financial Inquiry 8 Thia Week In BaaebaH 8 ® Norman Vincent Peala 8 Duety'a Treehouaa 8 Leaf Of Tha Wild 8BaaobellPitt8burghPiratesvs San Frencieco giants 1:00 888® French Open Tennla CBS Sporta provides coverage of the firat leg in the Grand Slam of Tennis from the RolandGarroa Stadium. Bois de ulogna. Paria, Franca (2 hrs ) Young Wleconaln Artiats Ambaaaadora Of Hope Oreeteat Sporta Legenda sod Off Men . I Thia Old Houee Bob Vila mapacta tha cuatom-made hard wood apiral ataircaaa in the barn and toura the factory where it was made (Cloaed Captioned U S A ) 8 6th Von Cltburn International Piano Competition America s most prestigious piano compel < tion. bearings $12.OOOcsshprire snd s worldwide concert tour for its winner, will be captured in an innovative mix of preproduced segments snd live coverage culminating in tha announcement oMtie winner (90 mina ) (8 11th Annual Senior Olympics 8 Softball Spec lei 8 Bill Dance Outdoors 8 Movie-(Comedy) ** "Smo key And The Bandit II" 1960 Burt Reynolda, Sally Field Further ad vent urea of a trucker, hia girlfriend I the law (Rated PG) (2 hra ) 39 Public Affaire Town HoN Telecast Show My People D. Jemea Kennedy Matt And Jenny Beaaball Atlanta Braves vs Philadelphia Phillies 1:16 8 8 Baaaball Chicago Cuba va Loa Angelea Dodgers 1:30 8 The MWa 8 Outdoor Ufa W 8 Victory Garden 8 Movie -(Comedy) "Ska- tetownU.S.A." 1979 ScotlBaio, RonPalillo A atreelakatar cornea to a roller dlaco to win a champion ahip conteat. but ia threatened by a local gang leader (Rated PG) nine ) Jim Bekker Baaabell Kanaas City P. va Milwaukee Brewera Emeat Angley Hour Sporta Afield Adventurea In Rainbow County 2:00 8 8 Sportaworld NBC Sporta providea coverage of the college baaaball NCAA World Senea game from Omaha. Ne braaka, and a SportaJournel report. (2 hra . 30 mina.)