Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1981, p. 3

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Cesarean Birth Film Offered At Hospital Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Wood­ stock, is sponsoring the showing of the film, "A Shared Cesarean Begin­ ning", Thursday, June 11, at ft p.m., in the hospital cafeteria. This film documents the experience of a young couple as they prepare for, and share together, the cesarean birth of their second child. The viewing is free of cKarge^ and open to the public. A registered nurse, who is a certified childbirth instructor and cesarean mother, will be on hand to answer any questions. For futher information concerning the film or cesarean preparation classes, call Mrs. John (Janet) Smith. R N . Ponca street. McHenry. i i i i i i i i i i i i i u i m Community Calendar *HHII ••tll.ll.llHU JUNE 10 Luncheon-Cards, 11:30 a.m.-B.V.M. sodality-St John the Baptist church- Johnsburg Community club- -2315 W. Church st.--Tickets at the door JUNE 11 McHenry Senior Citizens- Driver Refre«her course--10 am to noon-Council chambers-McHenry City hall. JUNE 11-12 Rummage and Bake sale- St Mary's Catholic church- 9. a.m. to 8 p.m. JUNE 12-14 McHenry hospital Country A r t F a i r - s p o n s o r s , McHenry hospital Auxiliary- Parkland Junior high s c h o o l - p a i n t i n g s , 3 - dimensional, photography- pgraphics and crafts-for information, call Joan Teichmiller. 385rl3l8. JUNE 13 RummageSale-9 a.m. to 4 p.m -Faith Presbyterian church -Lincoln and Chapel Hill roads JUNE 13-14 Rummage and Bake sale- St. Mary's Catholic church- 9 a m to 2 p.m JUNE 14 Roast Beef dinner-11:30 a.m. t® 5~p.m.-American Legion home-tickets on sale at Legion and at the door- flag burning ceremony, 5:30 p.m. JUNE 15 THE O S -meet for dinner. 5:30 p.m -Circle R restaurant-2214 W Route 120-then to First United Methodist church for fellowship JUNE 16 McHenry Lodge 158 AF&AM-Stated meeting. 8 p.m JUNE 18 McHenry Area Separated and Divorced Catholic group-meeting. 7:45 p.m - Montini Middle School-Oak room Catholic Daughters-- potluck dinner. 6:30 p.m.- Regular meeting follows - new officers installed- Knights of Columbus hall. JUNE 19 N AIM--St. Margaret C h a p t e r - m e e t i n g a n d elephant sale--7:30 p.m.-- Montini Middle school-Oak room. JUNE 20 Rummage sale-sponsored by "Birthright"-9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-3709 W St. Paul street. JUNE 21 Pancake Breakfast-8 a.m. to 1 p.m.-Johnsburg Community club-sponsor, Mt. Hope United Methodist church. JUNE 23 McHenry Chapter 547 O.E.S.-Stated meeting, 8 p.m.-Father's night. JUNE 27 N A I M - - S t . M a r g a r e t chapter-cards. 7:30 p.m.~ Montini Middle school. JUNE 28 Chicken dinner and summer social-serving. 12 DAT CAMP GIRLS AGES 7 to 11 AVAILABLK limited Enrollment I Low Rates FANTASY f AIM 385-2499 t o 3 p . m . - S t . P e t e r ' s h a l l - Spring Grove. Polish I^egion of American Veterans and Chapter Social meeting--3 p m-- Spojnia park-call .385-1383 JULY 1 McHenry Grandmothers club-picnic, noon-Petersen park-bring covered dish and prize A g i r l w a s b o r n a t Memorial hospital for McHenry county. Wood­ stock. June 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ^rodin of Wonder Lake A girl was born at Harvard Memorial hospital. Harvard. June 4. to Mrs Diana Katt- ner of McHenry. HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY A d m i s s i o n s : J e r r y Chuprinskas. Alice Hughes, the Rev Herman Graef. John Cunat. Catalina Chavez a n d R u b e n A R o e l t e r . a l l o f McHenry WOODSTOCK Admissions: Geraldine Schiller. Mrs Jean Preston and William Bennecke. all of McHenry; James Jeffery of Wonder Lake: Mrs. Julia Thompson of Spring Grove and . Robert Mough of Ringwood, Grandma Sez . . . A lot o' folks need ex­ planation o' why our traditional holidays re bein' celebrated on any but th' correct calendar date, e'en when th' special day falls on a Saturday. We understand th' trend toward long weekends, but we. still, don't like th' idee o' manipulatin' our holidays f suit someone's convenience. We got along nearly two- hunderd years, wi' observin' our special days on the' calendar date, set by folks who cared a bit about traditions o' our American society. Irate feelin's fill our hearts wi' resentment. when Memorial day, 1981. May 30, falls on a Saturday, an' th' day set aside f celebrate, one o' our national holidays is celebrated on a Monday, near a week ahead. We don't like it one bit B'cause most business observes th' inconsistent dates, folks 're forced t' take th' holiday designated <>n the' calendar, an' somehow th' feelin' o' sentiment seems lackin'. Th' crowds that used I' fill <h' local cemeteries ha' thinned, an' in many in­ stances. th' Memorial day parades are no more. Young rhilHorn 'm n bein' reared wi'out th' reverent attitude, taught in th' past. It's no wonder there's so much' antagonism from Jh' young, these days All th' things we were taught, in generations past, about traditions o' our America, were good f'r th' social structure. They built a regard f'r our country, an' a love f'r th' history that brings us to this day We. who ha' lived through many years o' trials an' tribulations, wi'out all th' things en joyed by folks these days, feel that too many people, an' their offspring, look to our nationally ob­ served holidays as just another day for fun-time, another day «»ff from work. When vounguns are asked what th' holiday is for. they don't know It's a pity parents don't care enough t' teach, an' in so doin' plant th' seeds o' patriotism in th' childern We didn't learn, in school, th' love f'r country, f'r this America We learned from our parents, an' our fathers who ne'er missed a puttin' 'h' beautiful flag out. and traditional American holidays, an' not some substituted date Grandma Radtke From The Desk Of Illinois State Council On Nutrition by Virginia Hill BIBLE VERSE ' 'Rebel not ye against the Lord, neither fear ye the people of the land... The Lord is with us: Fear them not. " 1. Who made the above plea? 2. To whom were they speaking? 3. Upon what occasion? 4. Where may this state­ ment be found? Aiiswtfs tt Blbta Vtrso 1. Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh. 2. The children of Israel. 3. When the ten spies made their report and frightened the children of Israel with their tales. 4. Numbers 14:9. TO BE AN OR NOT TO BEAN It has become somewhat fashionable around these parts to have jelly Jjeans sitting around-because of you know who It is not an earthshaking discovery that our president's fondness for the colorful little bean has lead to some letters to this office asking. "What are you going to do about it?" Well. I'm not going to do anything I suppose ( could write t he President a note saying that I hoped he ate his fruits and vegetables, grains, and meats first, as we all should. I suppose if the President wants to indulge in jelly beans, someone is watching over him to see that he gets all the essential nutrients in a day We all have that problem, don't we9 If we eat a well- balanced diet and aren't counting calories, perhaps a piece of candy won't hurt us The important thing here for all of us is that the candy doesn't replace more nutritious foods I'm sure most nutritionists would have been happier if the President's snack was fresh fruit. But let's face it. you can sneak a jellv bean or jelly belly whereas chom­ ping on an apple is a bit more noticeable I can visualize a meeting of the cabinet with baskets of apples being passed around rather 'han the beans. Someone has said the President even looks to see what color is picked Well you could have green, red. or vcllow apples! At any rate, we a II like to snack, from the top on down. But let's remember to eat 'he more nutrient dense foods first Then we can all indulge our "sweet tooth" whether it be with chocolates, fondants, or jellv l>eans There never was a person who did anything worth do­ ing that did not receive more than he gave. Henry Ward Beecher BEN FRANKLIN \J> 1 2 5 0 N G R E E N S T M c H E N R Y 385-0806 *f>lf FAN SALE On Every Fan In Stock ' PRICES GOOD THRU SAT.. JUNE 13 20-Inch Portable Wind Machine Lightweight, turbo stream Jet Prop Fan with 3-speeds. 4-positions. Uses only 150- wattsl 12** Reg. 14.99 •-In. Air Circulator Special pivot adjustment directs air m any vertical angle Removable chrome steel grills On-off switch 27 24.99 Brttit Box Fan Our Low Pric* Keep cool with a 3 speed 4 position tan With removable sately grills Our Low Price Reg 19.99 Reg 31.99 ri72 UNra quiet operation with h»« SO" oscillation Re movable safety grills ver bcel adjustments JO JI DAILY 9 TO 5:30 FRI.9TO 8:30 4>$.v PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10.1961 Set 4-H Horticulture Demonstrations June 11 4-H'ers entered in the A r t i s t i c A r r a n g e m e n t competition will demon­ strate their talents June 11 at 7 : 3 0 p . m . a t t h e F a r m Bureau building. Woodstock The public is welcome to attend Each contestant has 15 minutes to make one arrangement using live or dried materials A complete narration must accompany the demonstration The winning demonstrator will participate in the Illinois H o r t i c u l t u r e D e m o n ­ strations contest to be held .June 30 at the University of I l l i n o i s T w o c o n t e s t a n t s w i l l t»e selected to represent I l l i n o i s a t t h e N a t i o n a l J u n i o r H o r t i c u l t u r e Association convention, Colorado Springs.^Tolo Cut State Payroll State Comptroller Koland W Burris reported today that there were "119.512 employees on the State payroll in April, a decrease of 312 from the previous month Burris said that the number of employees in the various state agencies ac­ tually dropped by 522. but the number of employees in the higher education system increased by 210 for a net overall reduction of 312 For perspective the state payroll is still 856 higher than one year ago in April and total payroll costs in­ creased $12,326,653 in that one-vear period Currently, there are 79.574 employees in the various state agencies and 39.938 employed in higher education Payrolls for all agencies totaled $157,542,359. a decrease of $1,704,907. or 1 1 percent from March Payrolls for all agencies, except educational in­ stitutions. were $111,341,320. a decrease of $1,455,315. or 1.3 percent SUSAN ISAACSON Search On For Coveted Title Fabulous prizes, glamour, travel, excitement and a modeling career await the winner of the 1982 fMiss Illinois Teen All American pageant which will be held in Miami Beach. Fla . Nov 18- 21 Teenage girls between the ages of 14-18 are eligible to enter the state preliminary to the Miss Teen All \merican pageant fudging is based on scholastic achievement, personality, poise and ap­ pearance. and judges in- tervi#*vs There is no talent competition The 1982 Illinois pageant will tie held at Pioneer park in Aurora Sunday. Aug 16 The reigning Miss Illinois Teen All American. Susan Isaacson of Princeton, will crown her successor For additional information and or an entrv form, write to Miss Illinois Teen All A m e r i c a n . P a g e a n t Production Co . 434 YV Downer place. Aurora. 111 . 60506. or phone 312-896-9838 Start losing weight today Begin losing weight immediately with maximum-strength Super Odrinei re ducmg tablets and Diet Plan It takes over where your will po*er leaves oft A government appointed panel ol med­ ical and scientific experts has reviewed the clinical tests of the maximum strength ingredient in Super Odrtnei, and has termed it safe and effective for appetite control and weight loss Try Super Odrinei today 1o lose water bloat and pettiness, try Odnntl Odrlnil is the relief you want during tne pre menstrual cycle it is a natural water pill and it too is sold with a money-back guarantee Read and fol­ low all package precautions carefully B*lf«r's Drvf Store GRAI1D OPEIHIK3- JUNE 12th and 13th C7^£ JlittU !Baxn CERAMIC SPECIALTY SHOPPE. 1701 N. RICHMOND RD.*344-3560 (2 BLOCKS NORTH OF ST. MARY S CHURCH) Door Prizes. Come in and browse. Greenware, glazes, stains, tools etc. ^Join Oat dcxamic JWan. 7 -Qfxm Wed. 7 -Qp 'n C 7 a £ i . l O a m - 1 2 O k u u . I O a m - t 2 TUES FRI v 30 5 SAT 10 4 Evie Wolter (Owner) Lois lone iMgr ) .American Viewpoints OH RHEII, TAKE ME... TO TOWN AND COUNTRY! ' w o n d e r i f \ A O o , , Josephine will ) *C\ ha ^ ' /U be coming? CHARGE! TO ST. PATRICK S PARISH IN McHENRY S.A00 JUNE 12, 13, 19 AND 20 ONLY 4 PER PERSON •FIRST NATtONAt I OF McHENRY •JOHN S SPOUT STOP TICKETS AVAILABLE AT t*S SUBMARINES •BIMBO'S •THE TODDLER SHOP •MUSH N CURL •MAIN PAINT • McHENRY DRUG •THE SHOE BOX *McHENRY STATE BANK *>I; PArs RECTORY •McHENRY ANSWERING »j*R. DON'S SERVICE CLEANERS INC. •TOP DECK

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