s TUBOAY. JUNI H Sanford And ton 0 What On Earth? Why are dino- eeure extinct; doee man have the mental power to control light? Oraon Baan hoata tMa InquieMve apaclal that exploree thaaa and othar queatlone concerning tha ita. tha atara and oureehree 7:00 WW Lovey: A Circle Of ChNdran, Pert N Jana Alex- andar racraataa tha rola of Mary McCrackan, a woman deeply committad to taaching emotional ty disturbed children. Mary la now a full-time tharapautic taachar torn batwaan har own naada and tha damanding naada of har etudenta. (2 hra.) Lobo Araahof burgiar- laa at tha homaa of wealthy and Influantial Atlantana who hlra young, beautiful babyalttara requlree tha apaclal attention of Shariff Lobo and hla daputlaa. (Reoeat: 60 mina.) •M Happy DayeFonzle'eflu f avarad imagination tranaporta tha ant Ira gang into an ou- tragaoualy bizerre and horrifying nightmare involving clanging chaina, a murky laboratory and a mad acientiat. (Repeat) (1) The Girl, The GoidWatch And Oynamlta A magical gold watch that can atop tima on command enaMea young loveraKirby Winter and Bonnie Lee Beaumont to thwarttheevilplenofBonnle'eone time friend. Stella Walker, and her lover, Andrew. Stera: Phillip McHale, Lee Purcail and Morgan ^ ~ PM Magazine > Dick Cavett Show Gueet: Dame Ninette De Valoia. founder ofBritain'a Royal Ballet. IB Nova 'The Dead Sea Livea' Nova looka at tha poaeibillty of cooperation emerging aa a reault of aelf-intereat between the joint ownera of thia geologically, hiatoricalty and chemically In triguing body of water. (Cloaed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mine.) • It'e A Great Idee 9 Movie -{Adventure) *** "Re turn From Witch Mountain" Bette Davia, Chrlatopher Lee. When two children from enother planet leave their remote terrea- trial home to aee what life ie like in e big city, their adventuree begin. 10) (2 hra.) $80,000 Pyramid Al Ro*o Vivo Movie -(Muelcal) ••• "Alexander'e Ragtime Band" 1038 Tyrone Power. Alice Feye. (Paid Subecription Talevieion) Follows riae of a Ragtime Band from igit through 1038. (106 mina.) 0 NASI Soccer: Weak In a big crt K< 1 ' Chicago Baaaball Atlanta Bravea va New York Meta fll Movie-(Comedy)** to "Hon eymoon Hotel" 1064 Robert Qaalet, Jill St. John. Complice- tidha ariaa when two bachelora arrive et e Carribeen I aland hotel only populated by newtywede. (2 7:30 •MUvtrn* And Shir ley La verne and Shirley take iotoa wrapping gifta at a deportment atore, but Laveme tame the etore into a dlaaater area when ehe gete tipay on rum fitted French candiee OPRYLAND: STARS AND FUTURESTARS The superstar twosome of Glen Campbell and Tanya Tucker are in close harmony in a duet "Shoulder to Shoulder," on "Opryland: Night of Stars and Futurestars," a one-hour special to be colorcast on NBC, TOES- DAY. JUNE 16 Besides Glen and Tanya, other guests include Debby Boone, Ben Vereen and Mickey Gilley/Johnny Lee and the Urban Cowboy Band, with host Gene Kelly. In addition to performances by the guest stars, eight talented young per formers, drawn from the ranks of those appearing at Opryland U.S.A., share the spotlight with the headlines and compete for the title of "Futurestar" and a $5,000 career' development award. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV COMMA.OC MftVIClt INC (Repeat) (Cloaed-Captioned; jhf^Jakar'a WNd ® • Over Caay 'Qrandparenting' Hoata: Hugh Downe and Frank Blair. (Cloaed- CwtjonediU-SA) woRivn i i'e Channel • Movie -(Science-fiction) •• "CtoeeEaeowitera Of The Third KM" 1080 Richard Dreyfuaa. Francois Truftaut. An ordinary guy lefaoedwiththemind-blowingdie- covery of alien Ufeon earth (Rated PGH2 hra., 30 mina.) •S Hollywood Bquaree 0 9 Aprendlendo A Amar • Tannie: 1878 HTK2 WW They Think Of WwOPfjIAnQi 748 0.-00 WW Opryland: Night Of Stare And Futuraetare Qlen Campbell, Ban Vereen, Mickey GUley, Dabby Boone and Johnny Lea are Joined by hoel Qene Kelly and eight aaptrtng young par form era drawn from tha rank a of thoee appearing at Opryland U - S>(60mlna) V 0 V Thiee'e Company . When Chrleay can't return to pay hbr rant. Jack, Janet and Furley come up with their ideal temporary room mete only to have the deci- alonaweptoutoftheirhandabytha arrival of/Chriaay's cute, but ckimay jl cousin. (Rapaat) (Cjoaed'Captioned) W 9 Tie tac Dough Iwfl Neva 'The Dea d S ea Live a' Nova looka at the pensibility of cooperation emerging aa a reault of eelf-intereet between the joint ownere of thie geologically. hietorteeNy and chemically in triguing body of water. (Cloaed- Captioned; U.S.A.) (6C mine.) 0 Myeteryl 'Rumpel* and the Learned Friende' r.mpoif defendaaneccueedaeft breaker andhieatteckonpolica: ->cedure eroueea the ire offeror jsJudge BuHIngham (Clotf J C- ptloned; ILS.A) (00 mine.) • taldFianr,. ii.s iv. 'Schulmeiater' 2) 'fc. Le Fantome Du Louv <- Television e: HT: Movie -<D "Fighting Father C Pat O'Brien, Darrj road company ve tfiwnJ2 hra) i *48 a A OS) • Movie -(Drama) ••• "Chalk Garden" 1084 Deborah Kerr. Heyley Mille. Dreme of a teenager from a broken family and the effect which e govemeea with a paet hea upon righting the oouree of her tangled exietence. ,) 300 MMionea Baet Of USA (Joined In i) NBA Playoff IB Basketball §9 Image identity • A.R.T.S.: Parle WHh Anne Baxter Great Paintinga: Guatave Coarbet'e'Huntamen Picnic" 2) Grande Pea Claaeiquee: 'La Sylphido' 3) L'Hotel 4) Greet Palmare: Paul Cexenne 6) The In ternational Flute Claaa of Michel Deboet: Oebueay'a 'Syrinx' 6) Painter Guetev Klimt end Art Nouveeu7)Moxert'a'AndanteinC KS16 for flute end orcheetre'. • Streeta Of Sen Frencieco 8:30 • W ft Toe Cleee For Comlort Bedlem erupta when Henry andhia new bo aadraga cou ple of theetre-goera from their aeete, then eccuee them of eteel- ing Sara'e puree end ueing her «eta (Repeet) 9 Te Ted The Truth PKAFuil Contact Kerete US Lightweight Contendere Bout tromCelifomia W ® Love Song Te The »srr« i 8:48 m «f Movie -(Mueical) •• "Divine Medneee" 1880 Beite Midler. (Paid Subecription Teievi- aion) Filmed Footege of Betle'e concert tour. (86 mina.) 8:88 9 9 Npwocona 0KM C8SReports The Defenee Of The United Statee CBS Neare correepondent Dan Rather anchors this epeciel newa eeriea focusing on U.S defenee end the coming ol ege of t he mioieerero Rstherie joined by Speciel Correepondent Walter Cronkite, end correepondente Ed Bredley. Harry Reeeoner. Bob Schieffer, Richerd Threlkeld end Ike Pappaa. (Part three of a five Mrtaeiita;00 mina.) 900Mero Wolfe One of Ar- chie'a oideet frienda ie elain on the atepe of Nero's brownetone end the peinful evidence points to tha victim'e widow end beet friend (ReoeaL.60 mine.) 009 Hert To Hart Jenniter'a uncanny reeemblence to a netar ioue Egyptian prlnceee forcee the Herte to unravel the ancient curae of a mummy that myaterloualy rogaine life to atalk Jennifer (Repeet; 60 mina.) (Cloeed- Ceptioned; U.S.A.) Iff After Benny Hm ® 9 Myeteryl 'Rumpole and the Loerned Frienda' Rumpole defendeeneccuaedeafe-breeker andhieetteckonpoliceprocedure aroueea the ire of ferocious Judge Bullingham. (Cloaed-Captioned y.SA)(60mms) • Chic ego Feedbeck 0 Movie-(Dreme) ** "WNHe And Phil" 1000 Michael Ontkeen. Mergot Kidder. Three cloae Irienda. one of them a girl, deveiope en oddly aatiafying reia tionahip in tha turbulent sixties (Rated R) (2 hre) BSMt Irie Chacon 0 English Channel Australian Ark: Return to the Dreeming' 2) 'A f leBH of Irish' 9t American Catholic Latin New York 8:30 j9® Honeymoonera 99SongOf Preiee 9 TBS Evening Newa 0 Nine On New Jereey I Zone uSM. Dick Cavett Show Gueet: Tommy Tune, director and choreographer • Movie-(Dreme) •* "Urben Cowboy" 1878 JohnTrevotta. Debora Winger Story of e modern deyTexeayouthwhoworkabyday in a refinery and ependa hia nights dreeeed like e cowboy et e was tern ber. (Reted R) (2 hra. 20 Independent Newa 1 Deve Aden At Large Intormedon 26 700Club I Movie -<Dreme) ••• "Hood lum Prleet" 1061 Don Murray. Keir Dullea Man of God flghta to aave thoee condemned by world, by becoming pert of their Uvea (2 hra.) 10:20 8 (0 Movie -(Comedy) ** H "Jabberwocky" 1077 Max Well. Micheel Palin. (Paid Subs cription Televiaion) A medieval meetheed leevea home to meke hie fortune end runa ameck into a