Cerlng Garden Hose •Reinforced, Low Temperature HOSe #J58-50 •Rubber/vtnyl Hose #RV58 50 Both are V x 50'. reinforced with nylon tire cord, fitted with all brass couplings j Osco Sale Price Your Choice Lawn-Boy Oil 8 ounce can of oil Use for all two cycle engines Dixie Gallon % 2 CYCLE "The Big One Cold Cups Solo® Fiesta* Foam Cups Picnic Jug 18 paper 16-ounce cups Easily holds a 12-ounce drink plus ice. Fifty, 7-ounce hot and cold insulated cups Osco Sale Price Osco Sale Price insulated, high density poly ethylene jug has lid with tab spout #156 LOW TEMP " ruin Miscaii 'OHO Toro Compact 50 Hose/Reel System Compact storage reel holds light, 4-pound, V' x 50' hose Tested to stand 450 pounds pressure per sq in #51190 The Garden weasel* Garden tool loosens soil as it uproots weeds with combination scissor/shearing action Can be ' for 5 different applications Osco Reg Price Osco Sale Price set weed Eater Electric Trimmer Cuts a 10" path .Has Tap- N-Go* head ana adjustable assist handle #409 weed EaterK Electric Trimmer Cuts an 8" path Easy one- hand operation Trims around trees, fences, and walls. #307 f788 Melnor Tlme-A-Matlc1® Pulsating Sprinkler Waters all or part of an 88 diam circle Has built-in timer, adjustable distance control, and anti-backsplash arm. #114 CE Outdoor 3-Wlre Cord Set 50-ft, 16-gauge, weather- resistant cord #2166-85 0SCO Sale Price 25 Cord Osco Sale Price Ft. 2-Wire H Set #2026-25 Osco Sale Price E-z cord Control Holds 100 feet of cord, clothes line, or yarn Hangs on wall to store or use #E200 get set for summer living ^ M A r t h A P N ® Douglas® Front Load Hose Reel Double o ring system helps prevent leaks A'/i" leader hose included #25-868 Northern Luncheon Napkins 250 strong, yet soft and absorbent napkins choice of colors.