Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jun 1981, p. 3

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C H I C K E N " K A R I " I S S P I C Y D I N N E R D I S H PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24,1M1 The word curry is an anglicized version of the South Indian word, "kari," meaning sauce. In India the housewives blend their own curry flavorings by powdering dried spices--six or more usually--to make their many sauced dishes. Here in America we can buy curry powder already blended, which certainly simplifies the procedure. Curried Chicken With Tomatoes is a lusciously sauced dish, made easily, yet special enough for company. Browned chicken pieces are sauteed with curry powder to develop the flavor. Crushed whole tomatoes are added with onion flakes, salt and pepper, and the "kari" is simmered until the chicken is tender. It's lovely with rice and a spinach or cucumber salad. CURRIED CHICKEN AND TOMATOES 2 tablespoons salad oil 3 pounds chicken parts 2 tablespoons curry powder 2 cans (16 oz. each) whole tomatoes, crushed 1/4 cup onion flakes 1-1/4 teaspoons salt 1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper In a large skillet heat oil until hot. Add chicken; brown on all sides. Drain and discard fat. Sprinkle curry powder over chicken; saute for 2 to 3 minutes. Add tomatoes, onion, salt and black pepper, spooning mixture over chicken. Simmer, covered, until chicken is tender, about 45 minutes. Serve with steamed rice, if desired. Yield: 4 portions. I College Honors | Eight Graduate From Northern University Fund Raiser Success-"l^rricane Happening" finance director, Don Witty, pictured on the left above, recently presented a'f34,000 check to the general co-chairmen of this year's production, Elke and Jack Traovec. This net profit will be submitted to the school's general fund to be used in supporting the programs at Marian Central high school. The Trnovecs organized and chaired this fifth annual fund-raiser with Gene and Mary Lou Schaefer, and their work represented the cooperation of 350 parents, students, alumni and friends of the central Catholic high school. This important fund raiser is again scheduled for spring, 1982. Associate Degree Natalie Jo Chodorowski, of McHenry, recently received an Associate degree in Fashion Merchandising from Northwood Institute. Midland. Mich Ms. Chodorowski is planning to continue her studies at the International Academy of Merchandising and Design. Chicago She is studying fashion design and illustration At Bradley Graduated In May Eight McHenry area residents were among the graduates who received bachelors degrees at the May comjnencement ceremonies at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb, III From McHenry. David R Carlson, of 1409 Arabian Spur, majored in human spatial systems; Monica Ann Haley, of 3915 Maple, majored in nursing; Theresa Holtz, of 7905 Bull Valley road, majored in sociology; Margaret Patricia Humann. At NIU of 5003 Willow lane, majored in history; and Deborah Ann Thompson, of 1113 Rolling lane, majored in biological science Three Wonder Lake residents also graduated They were Julie A Griffis, of 7121 Chippewa drive, majored in nursing; Anne Patricia Seaver, of 7105 Mohawk drive, majored in elementary education; and Mary Elizabeth Bell, of 6109 Greenwood road, majored in elementary education Make Dean's List The Dean's List for the spring semester at Northern Illinois university, in DeKalb. included the names of nine McHenry area students To be included on the Dean's List, a student must maintain a grade point average of 3.75 or better on a scale of 4 0 From McHenry, Kimberly G Bailey, of 2201 W Fair- view. majoring in education. Russell C. Crittendon, of 1815 Riverside drive, majoring in environmental sciences; Elizabeth A. DiCianni, of 4217 Crystal Lake road, majoring in stenography; Christian J. Goetschel, of 3714 Spring Grove road, majoring in physics; Karen S. Huebner, of 1712 Ringwood road, majoring in education; Linda Marie Koffend. of 1511 S. Lily Lake road, majoring in high in­ cidence handicapped; and Elizabeth M Schaefer, of 4208 Crestwood drive, majoring in pre-business were included on the Dean's List. Two Wonder Lake students. Leonor Meyer, of 3612 Hilltop, majoring in education and Mary Elizabeth Bell, of 6109 Greenwood, majoring in education also made the honor roll. Orange Shoot In what is now Poland, 13th- century marksmen gathered for an annual orange shoot in which they proved their skill, or lack thereof, by shooting oranges off each other's heads. Richard S Talbot, son of Mr and Mrs Charles Baehne. of 3814 High street. McHenry. was one of more than 850 who received degrees at Bradley university's commencement in Peoria Richard earned a Dr. Brunswick In Practice As Veterinarian Dr Randy Brunswick, son of Gerald and Ann Brun­ swick. 10108 Covell street, Richmond, has joined in a mixed practice in Normal. Ill Dr Brunswick received his D V M degree from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine May 17. along with 85 other students in his class. During veterinary school. Dr Brunswick was a member of the Illinois student chapter of the American Veterinary Medical association, a student organization which sponsors both educational and social activities for veterinary students at the college He was selected to Phi Zeta, the national veterinary honor society Bachelor of science degree in Political Science. Dr Martin G Abegg. president of the university, presented brief remarks to the graduates and a crowd of nearly 5.500 that was on hand for the mid-morning event. C.RADCATES Diane E Ziemba received an associate of arts degree in Business Management, and Natalie Jo Chodorowski earned the same degree in Fashion Merchandising at Northwood institute's twenty-second annual commencement ceremonies in Midland. Mich. Both young ladies are from McHenry. Bowers Named To Dean's List Kris Bowers, of McHenry. was one of 431 students named to the Dean's List for the Spring semester at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology The Dean's List en­ compassed 21 percent of the full-time student body. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must maintain a grade point average of 3 25 or better, based on a 4.0 scale jgy Family Nalr Styling Cantor 3S5-4520 featuring... Jo Lark* Sr--i DAILY 8 TO 8 SAT. 8 TO 3 Mon A Tum 5-8 pm Seeler CHIsee Bey Mon ft Twos 8 • 5pm spurgeon s UNIFORM SALE k TO OOFF | Select group of discontinued 1 pc. dresses, 2 pc. pantsets, lab coots, pants and smocks. McHENRY MARKETPLACE 3S5-41M Come on in and take your choice of these fashion beauties, made in Care-Free, Wrinkle-Shy Fabrics. Misses, Juniors and Half Sizes. HURRY WHILE SUPPLY LASTS. ON DF.AVSI 1ST Ruth A Snyder, daughter of Mr and Mrs Richard Snyder of 2914 W Lincoln. McHenry. has received recognition on the Dean's list at Bradley university in Peoria Qualifications for the Dean's list are based on academic achievement with a minimum grade-point average for the semester of 3.5. the equivalent of an A- minus on a perfect 4 0 scale Dean's List At Lewis Timothy D Sabatka and Patrick Sweeney, both of McHenry. were among the students at Lewis university. Rnmeoville. Ill , who made the Dean's List during the spring semester James A and Linda A. Emmons. Ramsgate^ne. McHenry, announcerthe birth of their first child on June 2 James Allison, II was born at Lutheran General hospital. Park Ridge. Ill and weighed 6 lbs , 101-.' oz Maternal grandparents .are Anne and Charles Lafkoff of Saluda. N C Allison and Elaine Emmons of Haugen. Wis are the paternal grandparents Nicholas Lafkoff of New York city is the infant's great-grandfather His great-grandmother is Katherine Kolstiw. also of New York city Mr and Mrs Scott Waller'. 7100 Hiawatha drive. Wonder Lake, became parents of their second daughter May 7. in Sherman hospital. Elgin Nicolette Lea weighed 6 lbs . 5 oz and measured 19' •> inches long She has a sister. Courtney Lvn. age two and a half Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Phillip Thome of McHenry Mr and Mrs James Waller, formerly of McHenry and now residing in Charlotte. N.C., are the paternal grandparents Andrew Steven is the name chosen by Michael and Veronica Rogers. 1617 N Park lane. McHenry. for their second son The baby boy was born at McHenry hospital June 16. and weighed 8 lbs , 3 oz He was welcomed home by his three-year-old brother. Jason Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ronald Bierman of McHenry Mr and Mrs Jack Rogers of McHenry are the paternal grandparents Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Buddy Ramsey of McHenry Mrs Joseph Leopold of Marengo is the infant's great-great- grandmother Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for . McHenry county. Woodstock were the June 19 births of a girl to Mr. and Mrs Patrick Clemens of McHenry; a boy to Mr and Mrs W Douglas McDougall of McHenry and a boy to Mr and Mrs Donald Carlson of Wonder Lake A boy was born June 21 to Mr and Mrs David Mason of McHenrv H O S P I T A L N O T E S MCHENRY \ d m issions. Marcee Jeffers of Harvard. Maria Nejedlv and Lawrence Klapperich. both of McHenrv WOODSTOCK X d m i s s i o n s : W i l l i a m Bennecke and Leone-rd Jensen both of McHenry; Mrs Katarina Keineir. John Yrett. and Master Michael Heyndericks. all of Wonder Lake 11 \R\ \K1> X d m i s s i o n : Charles Ruschek of McHenrv THOUGHT FOR FOOD •y GOULD CMOOK SUMMER COTTAGE SALAD 1 can(l lb. 4 oz.) Dole Crushed Pineapple in Juice Water 1 package (3 oz.) lime flav­ ored gelatin 1 cup small curd cottage cheese 1 cup sliced celery 2 teaspoons prepared horse­ radish Drain pineapple well, press­ ing out excess juice with back of spoon. Reserve juice. Ad enough water to make 1V* cups liquid. Heat 1 cup liquid to boil­ ing; remove from heat and add gelatin to dissolve. Add remain­ ing liquid. Refrigerate until mix­ ture begins to thicken. Stir in pineapple, cottage cheese, celery and horseradish. Pour in­ to 3-cup mold. Chill until set. Makes 4-6 servings. Castle Cooke Foods WHAT S NEW ARTS-CRAFTS FAIR The fifth annual June Jubilee sponsored by St Mary's Episcopal church will be held Sunday, June 28 from noon to 5 p m on the parish lawn. 210 McHenry avenue. Crystal Lake The yearly arts and crafts fair draws crafrsmen from far and near Steak and ham burger dinners. and homemade pies will be available in the picnic area Special games and a puppet show is planned DRAIN PLUG If you change your own oil use a sliding-gate valve that replaces the drain plug. Once installed you won't have to use plugs anymore. Called Balch Valve, it fits most of the big-3 cars. From Balch Valve Co. Inc., Box 2350-PM, Napa, Calif. 94558. The McHenry Plaindealer f<- s* USPS 3 3S 200 h'ob'.^td »•/* f \ 600SC Phon» |IS 3IS Q\7Q Need help coping with Family Violence? Free, confidential self-help groups: •PARENTS ANONYMOUS For Parenting Problems •SUPPORT GROUP for ABUSED WOMEN for information call: Family Stress Line^/T| (815)344-3944 ^ D sponsored hy: TURNING POINT, INC. \tyd AednevdOf I f 'dof o' , ill • no> t W< 0"d C low Pot'oqr Po d 0» M« Men, 411. no \ Bv V. H(NR * PUBl ISHING COMP AN * POSlMASTffc S»* • <3 odd'ru »o Mc Mf-, P 0 "d*c • 31'; irr S' , 600 SO Sobs. ' \ (vV* • *«mjO"C»"rd *o P'O. d»* . m -r<«»d 0'* no» ( «• o' t -">• odd' Th#» Pio'^deo't" 30 I 2 A |im S' W( ill 600SO A d*d«(' on o* odd'rtt \ p'O* d*d Po*» dtpo»'meni Thomas C Miller Publisher MIMIER Adele Froehlich E d i t o r 'mm NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES IVMI HiM A*. M»» n » r Counr, . Out* df Hf- X NEXT YEAR YOU'LL BE MIGHTY CLAD! Join Our 1982 Vacation Clvb Now! JOIN McHENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN'S 1962 Vocation Club now and moke sure you'll hove o worry-free vocation next summer. Our Vacation Club works just like our Christmas Club. You put some money into your Club account each week, then watch it grow into o travel nest egg. You'll earn 5V2% interest too. So this time next year it'll all add up to a happy vacation, with fewer pains in the ol' pocketbook. McHENRY S A V I N G S «IOAN ASSOCIATION^ McHenry Savings V >ND lO>« tlSOCItllO* w 1209 North CrMfl Street McHenry SI5 MS-3000 10520 Mom Street Richmond 815-678-2061 10402 North Vvne Street (Huntley Center on Route 47) Huntley 312 669 3333 SAVMSHOUn Morxto, UA) --4 T<H,,»4>y •• I M , ~ >..«•, « M • m •o 1:00 p m McH**ry OHk# Driv* I* opm* »0aj 9:00 • m *o 1:00 p m Cto**4 HIG NM iMfl I lW hra to* "•d $'00 000 by Sov.r̂ , A loon trnv'ome Corp

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