Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1981, p. 39

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PAGC U MONDAY. JUNE 29 Reports shows with aagmanta covering a broad ranga of topic# from food and medicine fo hou­ sehold product* and aafaty >a. wtyared Geme Hogan'a Heroes Informaclon 26 Live wire Runaways' Face The Muelc fian'a Oat Smart WBSMEdNortal \ clnnatlAetetionemployee'eunru- ly 16-yaar old aon want»to quit high achool and daaiay Vanua Flytrap ia aakad to counaal Mm. ansA Llttla Houaa On Tha Pralrla Black farmar Joe Kagan aalla hia land so that ha can mova to Walnut Qrova and court Haatar Sua. tha taachar at tha achool for tha blind, unawara that aha ia an- gagad to aomaona ataa. (Repeat; 00 mina.) (Cloaad-Captionad; ABC Comedy Speclel 'ILove Har Anyway' IB SoHd QotdHoat: Dionna War­ wick . Gold racord winnere perform r hit songs Dick Cavatt Show Quest II Moyers ptioned) ' It's A Greet Idea Movla -(Adventure) ** "Ffolkaa" 1980 RogarMoora. Jamaa Maaon. Undarwatar aapionaga thrillar. (Ratad PG) (2 »880.000 Pyramid AIRofoVlvo Movla -(Comady) ••• "Heevena Abovat" 1983 Patar Sellers. Caeil Parkar. (Paid Sube- crlption Taleviaion) Through a claricalmiataka, aquiatRavarand ia appointed to a pariah In a anooty neighborhood. (108 mina.) 0 F.A. Soccar Britiah Homa Championahip-England va Scotland • • Chicago S Tha Chrlallana A 13-part hiatorical aariaa, exploree thehie- tory of Chriatianity and how it haa molded tha philoaophy, aeon ofltfea. art, muaic and IHaratura of the Waatarn world. W Streeta Of San Frandaco 7:08 ® Movie -(Mueical-Oraine) "* "Rouatabout" 1984 Elvia Praalay.Bartoara Stanwyck. Arov- inf. racklaaa aingar join* • car­ nival and romancea tha ownar'a daughter^ 2hr«J 7:80 ••O® Tha Tim Con- way Show Guaat: Carol Burnatt. (Raoaal) ° flMMi Monday Night BeeebeM ^AB^Sgorti»jiwMljprovidla^ov«r«oe of one of thaaa gamea; aelected telecaat waa unavailable at preaa time. KC at Oak.; Texaa at Ca.; Minn at Chi.; NY at Mil.; Oat. at Clave.; Cuba at Mata; Expoa at Pitt.; PhilUea at 8t. Louia; Rada at Aatroa; LA at Padrea. (In tha event of a players' atrika, alternate pro- gramming"Will air.) (2 hra.. 30 w «vn«i WHI i nwf Slvrar Joker'a WHd OverEeey'Older Exercise Hoata: Hugh Downa and Frank Blair. (Ctoaed-Captioned; l/s.A.) • Women'a Channel • Movie -(Drama) ••• "Stent Man" 1980 Peter O'Toote, Stava Railaback. Definitive veraion of tha Hollywood atuntman. tha Hollywood director and tha aaamier aide of movie making. R) (2 hra.. 30 mini Dragnet Aprendlando A A mar What WW They TMhk Of NeitJ 7:l 8:00 s Hawk ay a. tha perennial prank- atar, la oetreoized by hia 4077th oohorta, who are offended by hia practical tokee on Chartea Wln- cheeter, (Repeat) •MMBPtomhigoftoadSkipper WeMon muat reconeider hia impe- tuoua decision to leave Truro fol­ lowing an emotional eenfrontation with hia father after the aMerWel- doa la critically injured In a freak (Repeat; 80 mina.) te Carte Tie Tec Dough Greet Porformancee Three Cheever Stories: The Five Forty-Eight' takes place In two of Cheever'a typical localea, tha auburban train atation and tha jammed commuter train, and atara Laurence Lacklnblll and Mary rHurt. (80 mina.) Running Pence Thia film documenta the artitft Chrlato'a four year struggle to cdnatruct a controveraial 24 mile white fabric fence through the northern California countryside , (60 mina.) fll TeleFrance-U.S.A. Schulmeieter' 2) 'Belphegor Ou Le Fantoma Du Louvre' 3) Amer­ ican Taleviaion Premiere: 'Le Franc Tlreur' • V Movie -(Comedy) "Bride Came C.OJ>." 1941 Jamaa Cagney, Bette Davis. Comedy about a crazy lova affair between a flying delivery boy and a runaway bride he con- tracta with har father to bring ack. (2 hra.) • Movie -(Romance-Comedy) ••* "Strange BedfeNowe" 1864 Rock Hudaon, Gina Lolabrigida. An international oil company doawcrii accident. Is? Lake Rood JS#-1Jttj| MHHaaaaaiiaaaaMaaaaiaBaBB NOW SHIS MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES •Bel-ray oil •Michelin & Goodyear Tires •Fairings •Windshields •Kerker Exhausts WE ALSO HAVE PARTS AND SERVICE FOR: * 'Kawasaki •Honda •Yamaha 'Suzuki •Triumph S Before you purchaeo anything for your motorcycle chock with MOTORCYCLE MAINTEI MON.-SAT 9 6 leupaet baeaOae her ax-I execqSveheetowatchhiecorpor- ate Image when he ia about to dhrorae Me turbulent Italian wife of lyeara. (2 hra.) ' Lucha Libre l WreatHng (Re- rogreaa) "A.R.T.B.; England With Qoefge Kennedy Intro: The Btenft Maaon. 2) Maaatro'. Animated program. 3) Hoffung tony Orcheatra. Animated im. 4) Henry Moore at 80 ^..^.or: John Read. 5) Shake apaara Stratford. 6) Royal Shake- soeare Comppny Workshop I.' •Movie-(Drama) Edward. Mytafc" t949 Sbencer Tracy, Deborah Kerr. Mother tether fighting over their nierriege and their eon.findathsthehaecommit- ted suicide because of them. (2 CaNaAnn _ huebend ia remarrying. Dr. Mlchaala ia upaet becauae Ann eeeme to be infatuated with a new doctor at the heapltal. and Dr. Waatharby ia upaet becauee he ie not getting Jugh sleep (Repeat) • To TeN The Truth W Shape Up Bewttched Movie -(Animated) •• "Fanteatlc Planet" (Paid Suba oription Taleviaion) A vividtalaof a planet where the dominant race, •aatel-cotored gianta with aaton- iehing powers, toleretes mankind onlylatamaoets (76mins.) SeOO Mbtf® Lou Grant The Tribune's expoee of a headline- grabbing acandal sheet brings it a whopping libel euit from the acrappy publisher, who's not at all ethical about how he fighte. (ReoeaL 60 mins) BS0 The Last Convertible Anton Myrer's beet eelling roman­ tic novel aboutthe llvee and ktvea of five young man from their first year at Harvard to their 26th ciaea reunion. The youthful exuberance of the Harvard men end Radcliffe women are dashed aa tha war begina. (Part II of a five-part epi- aoda; 60 mine.) Captioned) Bl-i I R After Benny Running Fence This film documenta tha artiat Chriato'e four year atruggla to conatruct a controveraial 24 mile white febric fence through tfte northern California countryaide. (60 mina.) • Opening Night: The Making Of An Opera Thia documentary ahowe what goee on before the curtain goee up on the San Fran- ciaco Opere'e production of 'La Qiaconda'. • Movla -(Draina) •• "Urban Cowboy" 107g John Travolta. Debora Winger. Story of amodem- dayYexaeyouthwhoworfcebyday in a refinery and epende his night a dreeaed like a cowboy at a waa­ tarn bar. (Rated R) (2 hra.. 20 •BjnjJ V Supercroea Proas Detroit TMa la The Life UA.8M. I • TBS Evening Neara i-JPJB® Honeymooners •9 Good News 8106 9 Noam S TwMghtZone • O M.A.S.H. ® ® DiekCavetl 0NAACP Nations Dick Cevett Show INAACP National Conference Andrew Young. Coretta King, Julian Bond and Jaaae Jackaon will participate in thia aeriea of epeciala that highlight the daya activities Movie-(Comedy) "Whol­ ly Moeee" 1990 Dudley Moore. Laralna Newman. A man and woman, on a bua tour of tha Holy Land, Come upon an ancient acroll which telle the story of her sc he I, who alwaya seems to be at the right place at thewrongtime (Ret- 1(2 hra.) Dave Alien Show i lalwaalae M invormvcvofi I Movie-(Comedy) Gli­ de. Live!" 1990 Gilda Radner. Don Novello. (Paid Subecrtption Televieion). A Filmed veraion of lilda'e broadway ehow (2 hra.) Gilda'a bra SJTTOO 1700Club 'Beetmg the IRS' Guest: Attorney Ray Anderson ttorney Ray Andereon reveals s revolutionary financial plan that uaea inflation to preeerve your earningi i Mar • Mot Movie 'Nichoiaa and Aiexen dra' Part 1.1871 Michael Jayaton. Janet Suzman Event a leeding up to the Rueeian revolution are background of thia atory of Taer Nichoiaa H. hia failinge aa a mon arch and tha greet love he had for hia German bom wife, Empreas Alexandra. (2 hra.) 10:06 • Night Gallery 10:30 • CSS Lata Movie OUINCY, ME Phyaician. Heal ThyeeW'Ateen agegirldieefroma botched abortion and Quincy tries to expoee the incompetent doc­ tor. (Repeat) 'HARRY O. One For The Road' A bright, ambitioua woman attorney who waa drinking too touch, drivee home, blacka out and aarakea feering aha ia guilty of a fatal hit and run accident (Qaopat) ® • Whnbleden Tennie Wgh- NghtaThereealtaendNghlightaof important late round metchea in the All-England Tennis McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from tho Fox Hole) McHENRY. ILLINOIS Metal or Plastic *18 SENIOR CITIZENS Motel or Plastic FfKftMM WITH LENSE PURCHASE f \ M R G F N V R F P A I R S K F R A A . ' 1 I A C t V> m ( 8 1 5 j 3 8 5 S 2 4 Q

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