Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1981, p. 42

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TUiSOAY, JUNE 30 (Paid Subscription Television) 8tofy of a man who gets caught In a deedtydaah between tfie Mode . (2hrs ) 8:00 W Naro Wolf* Daring Naro'a investigetion of the disap­ pearance of a ahipping executive, Archie la almoat rua down by a speeding auto, and la elueged and later locked up in a fraazar aa ha folkWa a aorioeof leede (Repoot; mmm HertToHertWhenJon- athan ia mietekenty givan 8100,000to kin art Important poM- l̂ician, ha poaaa aa a hH man to anravai tha murdar ptet, and a ftar Jannifar ia kidnappedeeta off ex- ptoatva action at a coatuma ball whan ha and Max. who's dls- guiaad in a ahocking coatuma. achama to aava har Ufa (Repeet; 60 mins.) (Cloaad-Captionad; U.8A) • I Altar lawny ® m) Myeteryl Rebecca' Epi- aoda I. Jar amy Bratt and Joanna David atar In thla tala of a young bride ananarad in har naw hua* band'a dark pa at (Cioeed Captioned; U.S.A.) (60 mine.) 0 John Callaway Interviews: JonaeSaHt tt w Ma Chacon H Aw arte an CethoWc MO l̂ tfllonapaoonwi •Movle-(Thr*er)** "Tha Shin­ ing" 1676 JaokMohotaon, Shel lay Dwvall. An axtra aanaory gift oaNad 'Tha Shining' tarrorizaa a family man. (Ratad R) (2 hra.. 30 r.) Engtleh Channal 'Tha Loet Pharaoh: Tha Saarch for Akhene- tan' 2) City Lighta: EHxabath > Dick Cevett 8how tNAACP National Confaronca Andraw Young, Coratta King. Julian Bond and Jaaaa Jackaon will participate in thia aariaa ol apaclala that highlight tha daya HI 700 Chib Isssons at Hope' Guaata: Dr. Raymond Moore, Lew Hunter. Noted paychologiat Dr. Raymond Moore notee the many advantagea of en­ tering your child in achool lata. Alao, TV movie writer Lew Hunter examlnea the'zoo'of network pro­ gramming to which we are f£ • Mo Movie 'Nicholaa and Alexan­ dra'Psrt II. t67i Michael Jayaton, Janet Suzman. Events leading up • to tha Ruaaian revolution are background of {hie atory ol Tear Nichoftai II. Me'failinga aa a mon­ arch and the great love he had for hia German born wife. Emweaa Alexandra. (2 hra.) ^ 10K>8 W TBS Evening Newa & 10:18 8t Dave Aben Show 10:30# CBS Late Movie " COLUMBO: Identity Crieie' An ad- vertieingman. leedinge double lif e aa a apy. ia under auapicion by Colombo aa having murdered hia former partner. (Repeet) • Wlnfiledon Tennla HlghNghta The reeulta and high- lighta of important late round matches in the All-England Tennia Championships • Jim Rockford: Private Inw--ti--toe IB ABC Newa Nlghtllne iredbyTed Koppel , I Mery Tyler Moore Show 1 Benny HM Show Movie -(Drama) •• "The la- lend" 16B0 Michael Calna, David Warner. Piracy In the Carribeen. (i 16 mina.) • afe CBS Late Movie >/cOLUMBO: Troubled Watere' Lt. r Colombo'a planned real aboard a luxury cruiee ehip becomes a wariUng vacation when the ahip'a voeaHet ia murdered. (Repeat; 2 hra.JB mine.) 0 9 la Muier ProMblda S BwirlaC enter 10:46 WtfVllieTonigM Show Queat hoat: Joan Rivers Guaat: George Qobel. (60 mine.) 8# Wayne And Shueter • Movie-(Drome) ** "Baby OoN" 1SSS Karl Maiden, Carol Baker. (Paid 8abacription Televi- sion) A alow-witted Miasisaip plan, fruatrated by Me child bride, tuma araoniet and bema down hia competitor's cotton gin. (2 hra.) 11:00 V Tueeday Movie Of The Week 'Murder On The Orient Expreea' 1674 Stare: Abert Fin­ ney. Lauren Bacalt Agatha Chris- tie'a claaalc 1630'a murder myatery. with eaper-sleuth Her- culePoirotsoMng a whodunit with all hia euepecta on the aame rail­ road train. (Repeat; 2 hra., 10 B InaMe Story World War N M.A.8.H. ft WNd WNdWeet movw iocitncfr vcuonj Rod Staiger, Claira Bloom. A young manflndethatthetattoos on a man 'a body can tell weird tilea jfe JB) Cowidy CImiIci ® • Meatarplece Theatre Duchess of Duke 8treet: Bed of Roees' Louiea'a reletionehip with Charlee becomee e romentic one, end. totally engroeoed in the af- fair, ahe begins to neglect the ho­ tel (SOmine) • Merle Curie • OddCoaple • Don Kennedy'e SpotSght 0 NASL Soccer Week In ft^Nor* Hamaea Racing Prom Roo- aeveNReceway 11:06 9 Movie -(Adventure) *• "Paaaport To China" 1662 Richard Baaehart. Athene Seyler An ex-pilot undertakea Itje reacue of a Formoaan pilot and in Amer- icanaecret agent who are miaaing in Communist China. (100 mine ) 11:18 ® • CBS Late Movie COLUMBO: Etude In Block' John Ceeaavetee guest atara aa an or- cheetra maeatro who facea a scandal If his miatreaa expoeee Mair to hia wila. (Repeet) Adam 13 their aff 'it ABC News Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. fl| Paul Ryan Show • Beet Of USA (Replay) NHL Stanley Cup Hookey S World Cup Soccer British HomeChampionahipe-Englendve Scotland x flB 99 Jim Bokker A Movie -(Horror) ** "Ne­ cromancy" 1672 Orson Welles. Pamele Franklin A young couple encounters witchcraft in a email townJBO mina.) 11:46 A Carol Burnett And Friende Guest: Steve Lewrence. • 0 Tomorrow Pneel To Coeal 13-MV Movie-(NMtorical)***H "Cromwell" 1870 Richard Her- ria. Alec Guinness. The story of Cromwell's uprise against the King of England and the victory which brings Parliament to power with Cromwell as Lord Protector mins.) Dick Cevett Show Gueet: Robert Giroux, editor and pub­ lisher; Part N. IB Tueeday Movie Of The Week 'Trouble In High Timber Country' 1880 Stare: Eddie Albert. Joan Goodfeilow. A fiercely indepen­ dent family headed by a proud pa­ triarch battiea lethal actaof sabo­ tage by union organizera and a powerful conglomerate aeeking control ol the family's lumber end mining empire. • Tueedey Movie Of The Week 'Murder On The Orient Exprees' 1874 8tars: Abert Finney, Lauren Baeall. Agatha Chrtatie'e claaeic 1930 s murder myatery, with auper-sleuth Hercule Poirot solv- ingawhodunitwithallhia suspects on the same railroad train. (Repeat; 2 hra., 10 mins.) • AH Night At The Movies 'Murder on the High Sees' Jeck MuihaH 2) 'Son of the Pleina' Bob Cuater. 3) "Prisoner of Japan' Alan Baxter. 4) 'Stagecoach Outlaws' rer Crabbe. (8 hrs.) Movie r(Adventure) ** «" 1660 Charlton faith A man falls in in maiden who ia „ the Indiana. The then plans to raid »d get hie women bsokjCRstsd R) )2 hra.) 12:16 W Tomorrow Pnaal Tn Pout 12^28® Mo vie-(Drama)** H "Go Tall The Spertane" 1676 Burt Lanoaater, Craig Waaaon. A crus­ ty military IHer fihda himeeif ill- prepared for the ambiguities of contemporary wer. (RatedRK 113 mineJ • I _ Captioned Newa LoveSpeciel 12:48 • WBBM Edit oriel • Atlanta Bravee BeeebeN Re­ play Atlanta Braves vs Ssn Fran­ cisco Gianle (Game 1 of Double r) the villag 12 JO • Newa • ABC Captl • LoveS 12:60 • Movie -(Drama) *** "Above And Beyond" 1663 Robert Taylor. Jamea WhHmore The story o< the training sndaelec tion of Colonel Tibbete, the man who piloted the plane thet dropped the atom bomb on Hiro­ shima. (2 hra., 30 mins.) 1£0 H Nlghtbeet • Joe Frank Hn Show • After Benny 1:18 •MercuaWelby.M.D. 1:30 W Movie -(Comedy) "Bachelor Perty" 1667 Don Murray. Carolyn Jones After a night'a carousing et be- cheior party, a bookkeeper, who haa iust learned he ia about to become a father, returna home with deeper reepect tor hie wife.(2 hra, 6 mine.) 0 SporteCenter B8 Windy City ANve ® Klna Of Kensington -- I 1:38 1:46 W Heeith Field t: PACf 1* 1:60 Movie (Western) •• "Montena Belle" 1682 Jane Rueeell, George Brent . Belle Sterr joinsupwiththeDeltongsng.butis persuaded to reform and turn againat tha outiawa. (103 mina.) 2.-00 O Movie -(Science-Fiction)** "CloseEn- countera Of The TMrd Kind" 1B60 Richsrd Dreyfuss. Francois Truffaut. An ordinary, guy is faced with the mind-blowing discovery of alien life on eerth (Rated PG) (2 hra, SOmine.) 0 Bowling National Coliegiele Championship Hi I Movie -(No Inf ormstlon avail- eble) "Never Before, Never Again" No Other information Available. (119mine.) m wo Valley 2:10 0 Newa 2:16 £ i Today In CMcego 2:38 • I Newa 2:40 • 1 At Urge 2:48 • 1 Heeith Field 3:00 • 1 Newe-Day'a End 3:08 • 1 Movie -(Comedy) "Vivacious Lady" 1838 Jsmes Stewart, GingerRogers. Acollegs professor msrries s nightclub singer, but his fsmily won't sccept her. (100 mins.) 3:18 W Medltetlon m Rat Patrol 3:30 • Movie-(Drama) **H "Terot" 1870 Gene Barry, Carol Booth. A magazine editor steps into the strsnge world of witches snd mystics when he sets out to prove thst s young lady didn' t com - mit suicide when he rsbuffed her ic edvences (90 mins.) Reflections AH Nlte Show Mission Impossible Profeseional Rodeo SimMeequits, Texas Payer J-A4 N«WI 4:30 8 Movie -(Drama) ** "Rip- Off" KarenBiack.LeeVenCleef When a ssfecracker is doubie- croased during a diamond heiat, a womsn comes to his side But he's badly wounded, the police are closing in and the woman has s secret ehe's not telling (2 hrs ) • Voyage To The Bottom Of romi 3:33 3:38 3:48 4:00 suici antic I r ((Wednesday)) The 4:48 4:60 8:30 Edit oriel-Chapel Medltetlon Newa JULY 1,1861 EVENING 6s M.A.S.H. I Andy Griffith Show 1088 l Love Lucy [) B Travelogue MecNeH-Lehrer Report 2020Vi So. Route 47 ^Woodstock, Illinois 815-338-3550 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 Fri. 9-8; Sat. 8-4 Sunday 8 to Noon CP • TACKLE • LIVE BAIT • CAMPING •ARCHERY • CUSTOM CANVAS WORK

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