WEDNESDAY. JULY 15 "Beaet With Five Fingers" 1046 Robert Alda, Peter Lorre. A hand with a invisible body commits murder and terrorizes the hou- [|d of a dead pianiat. (2 hra.) The Seeker# Stara: Ran dolph Mantooth, SarahRuah. Phil lip Kent's eon, Abraham, faila as a soldier, a businessman and a hus band and leaves the burden of the family heritage to hia eatranged SiJarod <29 La Hora Familiar Transetlantic Challenge Cup Soccer New York va Southampton CD Golf: 1978 Brittoh Open HlghUflhts Of& Blackwood Brother* B A.R.T.8. Vienna: The Home Of Genius with Pierre Salinger. 1) GreetPaintings:Macke'a"TheHat Shop' 2) Beethoven'a 'Trio in G Major forFlute.BaaoonandPiano' 3) The Brothera Grimm 4) Beeth oven'a 'Symphony No. 3 SROICA)'. \ M.A.S.H. 8:30 IBB The Facta Of Life Blair ia upset and embarraaaed when her couain Geri. a comedienne who ia confined to a wheelchair, comes to visit her at school. (Repeat) ©32 Tic Tac Dough ® Movie-(Western) ••• "High Plalna Drifter" 1973 Clint Eastwood, Verna Bloom. A drifter iahiredbytownapeopletoprotect them from vengeful outlawa who have juat been releeaed from pri- f .(90 mins.) 38 Shape Up Bewitched 8:89 B® Newecene 9:00 0 BB Ouincy Quincy's ace lab technician, Sam, developa a proceaa by which he proves that a suspected rapiat ia innocent becauae hia teeth do not match the bite marke left on the rape victima. (Repeat; 60 mine.) B News O® Alter Benny U9 <29 El Show Del Loco B ® Movie •(Drama) **** "Godfather, Part II" 1974 Al Pacino, Robert Duvall. (Paid Subscription Television) Con- trasts the life of melancholy 'don' with the early days of his father as an immigrent in New York. (3 ».) Supercroas Competition FromDetroit-Part 3. €D (39 The King Is Coming §» Newark And Rallty Q Ui.S.H. 9:05 CD TBS Evening News 6:30 CD® Honeymooners ®)€D Picnic The comedy team of Ronnie Barker end Ronnie Cor- bett, known as the 'Two Ronnies', starinthishumoroustaleof snout ing with a crusty general and his son. B Rpstenkowakl Bi Faith20 B Meet The Mayors 9:88 'ioOQOOl Newa I Twillgh :ll* I0SB Newa ght Zone I.A.S.H. Dick Cavett Show • Movie -(Drama) **•* "Amer- ican Gigolo" 1980 Richard Gere, Lauren Hutfon. A male prostitute services older women, both physically andintellectually. (Rat- * R) (117 mins.) Movie -(Muaical) *** W "Mu- alcMan" 1962 Robert Preeton, Shirley Jonea. Iowa 1912: A fast- talking traveling salesman arrives toorganizeaboys'bandand.tohis amazement, falla in love with a IflyeJx.librarian. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) Independent News Benny Hill Show Informaclon 26 PAGC23 DISASTER ON THE COASTLINER Lloyd Bridges (top) stars as a secret service agent trying to save the life of the vice president's wife and other train passengers from a deranged computer programmer whose need for revenge drives him to arrange for two trains to have a head-on collision in "Dis aster on the Coastliner," "The ABC Summer Movie" presentation air ing WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 Yvette Mimieux and William Shatner are passengers on one of the trains: She is headed for a reu nion with her fiance in San Fran cisco, and he is a con man being pursued by the FBI. Raymond Burr also stars. CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME TV C0MPU10G SJRVICCS INC X |; Miller King Of The HIM BM-700Club Mennix Guinness Book Of World Record* 10:08 B Night Gallery 10:30 B CBS Late Movie'Aah Wednesday' 1973 Stara: Elizabeth Taylor. Henry Fonda. In an effort to aave her marriage and bolater her ego. e fittyish woman checks into a beauty clinic and emergea truly beautiful; aoon, aha realizes that her marriage difficul- tiee go beyond phyelcal appear ance. (Repeat; 2 hra., 10 mine.) B B B The Tonight Show The Beat Of Caraon' Gueata: Erik Ea- trada, Maraha Mason, Placido Domingo, Tom Wolfe. (Repeat; 60 •nine.) B Jim Rockford: Private inyeatigator B ABC News NlghtNne red by Ted Koppel. Mary Tyler Moore Show Couple Benny Hill Show TheTenementFirstbroad- castin 1967, JeyMcMuilen's por trait focusesonnineblackfamiliee living in the Oekland section of Chicago. The progrem presents the feces and feelinga behind the atatiatica in one of that city'a moet f overiahed areas. (60 mins.) World War II M.A.S.H. Mannix 31 CBS Late Movie 'Echoee Of A Summer' 1976 Stara: Jodie Foater, William Windom. A twelve year old girl, atricken with an incur able heart ailment, reacuea her parenta from deapair with her realistic and courageoua attitude towardadeath. (Repeat; 2hra.< 10 minr) ® B Wayne And Shuster B<29 La Mujer ProMMde B Traneatlentic Challenge Cup Soccer (Replay) New York ve _ SoortsCenter 10:38 CD Movie -(Comedy) *** "Marriage On The Rocks" 1988 Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. Ahue- band and wife heve marital apat, get a quickie Mexican divorce, and aha enda up married to her huaband's beat friend. (2 hra., 10 mins.) 11:00 B Love Boat A young for tune teller makes a romantic pley for Captain Stubing; and Gopher helpe a retiring neighbor find ehip- board romance. (Repeat; 70 _ WNdWHdWeet B Movie-(Drama)**** "Advtee And Conaent" 1962 Henry Fon da. Charlee Laughton. Drama of Waahington politice, concerning the appointment of a controveraia I figure to the position of Secretary of State. (2 hra., 80 mine.) BO Comedy Cleeeica B American Short Story 'The Greeteat Man in the Wortd' wm Odd Pnimia I Don Kmntdy'i tpotMght ® B Movie -(Suapenae) ••• "Solral Stalrcaee" 1978 Jecqueiine Biaaet, Christopher Piummer. Spine-tingling tale of a beautiful young woman who haa loat her power of epeech aa the reault of a traumatic fire which claimed the Uvea of her hueband and child. (Rated PG) (100 mins B ESPN'a SportaTaNi B Movie-(Weetern)*** "My Darting Clementine" IMS Henry Fonde, Linda Darnell. Story of Wy att Earp and Doc HoiHday. (2 9b Hollywood 11:30 B Carol Burnett And Jjsnda^ Coaet-To-Coeet B Adam 12 BO Newetaik B B ABC Newa MghtMne Anchored by Ted Koppel. B Paul Ryan Show B $9 Jim Bakker 12:00 B Tomorrow Coaet-To-Coeet B Movie-(Weetern) **Vfc "Mus tang Country" 1976 Joel McCrea, Patrick Weyne. Ex- rancher and rodeo etar eheres ad- venturee with run away Indian boy while hunting e wild atallion. (110 p B John Callaway Interviews: Germalne Greer "V, B Love Boat Ceptein Stubing is reunited with his love child, Vicki; end e men end e women who heted eech other on Jury duty take their hilarioua battle to the open eee. (Repeat 70 mine.) B Love Boat A young fortune teller mekee e romentic pley for Captain Stubing; and Gopher helps a retiring neighborfind ehip- boerd romence. (Repeet; 70 j^ns. AH Night At The Moviee 'FrontierOutlaws' BusterCrebbe 2) 'Delinquent Deughters' June Ceriaon.3)'DrumsofDestiny'Tom Keene. 4) 'Dengerous Business' re Nieeen. (6 hrs.) PKA Full Contoct Kerete Bantamweight Contendere Bout 12:10 B Movie -(Drama) *** "Defiant Onee" 1988 Tony Cur- tie, Sidney Poitier. Two eacaped Rttention! to better serve the needs of our community, Mc Hfnrv Lumber 7husVa£wi HAltO*AMI is open SUNDAYS 9:00 am to 1:00 pm