MONDAY. JULY 20 an Arizona ghost town. (2 hrs.) 8 JO^^TIc Tac Dough 9 & Caaanova EpModa I. 00 Shape Up ™ Biwjtchifl j 0:80 0® Nawacane 9:00 Sw9 ThetaetConvertt- bla Qaorga, Dal and Tarry hava long settled into family Ufa whan thay ara reunited by thair 26th claaa reunion; thara. thay dis- covar that thay do not yaarn for thair youth, but hava matured enough to accept the preaent and look ahead to the future. Stars: Bruce Boxleitner, Edward Albert. (Rapeat; 60 mine.) (Conclusion) Slj? Attar Benny ®0 Dance Of Two Countrtea: CMna And America Ben Stayen- aon, artlatic director of Houaton Ballet, Inatructa tha atudanta of the Peking Dance Academy in Western dance technique®, in this film chronicle of one month of friendahip, sharing and learning. (60 mine.) 0 From China ToUelnthiscolor- ful extravaganza from the Par- forming Aria Company of the Peo- ple'a Republic of China, tradition al and contemporary perfor mance* baaed on mythology and »lore are featured. Movla -(Biographical) *** "Coal Mtner'e Daughter" 1000 SiaaySpacek, Tommy Lee Jonea. The upa, downa and reaolutlon of theremerkablemarriage between auperatar alnger Loretta Lynn and her huaband Moonay. (Rated PQ) (2hra„ 16 mine.) WW El Mundo Do Loa EtPictir iiioi flPSuporcroi FrpmDetroit-Part 4. 08 Thla la The Ufa 0MA.BJi 9:26 0 TBS Evening News 9:30 18 Honoymoonora • Movie -(Comedy) *• * "Just TaM Mo What You Want" 1980 Alan King, All MacGraw. Story of a middle-aged tycoon and hia number-one miatreaa who haa become a eucceasful talavialon Drpaucer. (Rated PQ) (2 hra.) §0 Caaanova Epteodo M. • 0 QoodNowa • FW>_ 9:88 I TwMght Zone I® M.A.8.H. )• Dick Cavett Show IM Independent Newa )0 Bonny HI* Show I IS InformacIon 26 1 Soorta Probe 0 700 Club Teat Tube Babiea' Queat: Or WILLIAM Colliton. flv Mannlx 0Movla-(Comedy)*** "Youra, Mine and Ours" 1988 Lucille Bell, Henry Fonds. A story sbout ths logisticsl problems of raiaing eighteen children in one middle- claaamodem family, ass widowsr with tsn children end s widow with eight get msrried end sdopt esch other's offspring. (2 hrs.) 10:30 0 CBS Lata Movie, GUINCY, M E.: An Ounce Of Prevention' A rural construction worker dies of food poisoning and Ouincy discovers toxic contamin ation has spread throughout the entire community. (Repest) 'HARRY O: Anatomy Of A Frame' Harry's friend, s police lieutenant, la framed for murder snd turns to Hair* for help. (Repeat) 0'M The Tonight Show 'The Beat Of Caraon' Quests: Joan Rivera, Douglaa Fairbanka, Jr., June Valll. Dr. Paul Ehrlich. aepeat; 60 mina.) I Jim Rockford: Private Inveattgator play) Men's 10:36 • ABC News Nlghtllne Bed by Ted Koppel. Mary Tyler Moore Show as Of The Haunted Benny HM Straw Vic Bradon's Tennla For Tha Futura 'The Backhand' Vic Braden analyzea the wideapread fear of the backhand atroke and ahowa you how to maater the movea and timing of thla important atroke. (Cloaed-Ceptioned: U»S.A.) • World War II 0 M.A.S.H. 0 jjannlx •9 CBS Late Movie 'OUINCY, M.E.: Promiaea To Keep' Ouincy decidea to remarry and a aeriea of flashbscks sxplsin why he left s successful career ass surgeon to become a coroner. (Repeat) 'HARRY O: Qroup Terror* A psychiatrist hireeHarry to find the killer of one of her group therapy patients; soon, snother patient ia found dead and Harry believes the killer ia within the group. I Wayne And Shuster > La Millar ProNMda I Caaanova Episode m. I U.S. ProChampionshtps (Re ins Is from »dy)••• rn 1983 . John. Play- living in a luxurious penth- introduces his younger r to his wsy of life snd hor- i their old-country psrents (2 >mins.) Fantaay Island A roller darby queen whowantatobecome a claaay lady in order to impreaa her daughter'a future in-lawa ven- turea to Fantaay laland. (Repeat; «mtas.) 0 WUd Wild West Movie -(Mystery) * * Vfc "Pres cription: Murdor" 1987 Peter Fslk, Gene Bsrry. A doctor thinks he's committed the foolproof murder of his wife, so st first he humors the efforts of s seemingly slow-witted police Lieutensnt to fckhie alibi. (2 hra.) B Comedy Claaalca American Short Story 'The f lng of Qranny Weathered' Odd Coup*# Don Kennady'a Spotlight 0 CBS Late Movie' QUINC Y. M.E.: Semper Fidelia' A colonel's son dies on maneuvera in boot camp and Quincy ia called in to double check the mllitary'a au- topay findings. (Repeat) 'HARRY O: Exercise In Fatslity' A police officerissccusedof murdering his augh tar's boyfriend. (Repest) 1 Auto Racing '81 "Mason-Dixon 500' • Movie (Comedy)*** "My Favorite Spy" 1961 Bob Hope Hedy Lamerr. A man reaembling a murdered spy iathruatintolnteme- tionalintrigue. (2 hra.) 11:16 0 Movie -(Drama) **** "American Qlgolo" 1980 Richard Qere, Lauren Hutton. A mala proatitute aervices older women, both phyaically and intel lectually. (Rated R) (117 mina.) 11:30 0 Carol Burnett And FriandsGueeta: SteveLawrence, aiil Sand. 0 Tomorrow Coeat- To-Coast Gussts: John Waat, former U S. Ambeaaador to Saudi Arabia, and the Average White Band. (90 mine) 0 Adam 12 0® Nowatalk 00 ABC Newa Nlghtllne Anchored by Ted Koppel. 0 Paul Ryan Show 0 Movla-(Drama)**** "The Godfather" 1972 Marlon Bran do, AlPacino. Story of a ayndicate chieftain, hia family life and hia operatlona in the crime world. (3 _ JlmBakker 12 KM 0 Tomorrow Coaat- To-Coaat Gueata; John Waat, former U.S. Ambeaaador to Saudi Arabia, and the Average White #nd. (90 mina.) . i Movie -(Drama) ••% "Bad Company" 1972 Jeff Bridges, Jim Davis. Two young Civil War draft dodgers tsks to a life of crinra M06 mlna.)v 0 John Callaway Intervlewa: Ann Landers 0 Fantaay Island A carpenter's desire to become s dsshing jewel thief losds him into romsnce snd high sdvonture with a beautiful woman: anda woman who wantsto meet the man of her dreams finds mora male trouble than she ever dresmed of aa she seeks fulfill ment of her wish. (Repeat; 70 mine.) 0 Fantaay laland A roller derby queen who wante to become a claaay lady in order to impreaa her daughter'afuturein-leweventurea to Fantaay laland. (Repeat; 70 ^na Night At Tha Movtee 'Gangatera Den' Bueter Crabbe. 2) 'He's a Prince' Neil Hamilton. 3) Outlaws of the Plaina' Buater Crabbe. 4) 'Hold That Woman' JameaDunn. (6 hra.) 12:10 0 Movlo -(Drama) ••• "Back To Bataan" 1946 John Wayne, Anthony Quinn. A Colonel forma a guerilla army on Luzon. andleadaaraidontheJapaneeein ordertohelpAmericanalandingon Levte. (2 hrs., 4 mins.) 12£00 ABC Captioned News 0 0Ross Bagley Show 12:50 0 Newa 12:66 0 Movie -(Drama) **H "Chain Lightning" 1960 Humphrey Bogarl, Eleanor Parker. A jet pilot eacrif ices scru ples snd honor for money. (2 hra.) 1:00 0 Charlie Rosa Show 0 Nlghtbeat 0 Joe Franklin Show 0 After Bonny 1:08 0 WBBM Editorial 1:10 0 Movla -(Comody) ** "Bob Johnaon And Hia Fantae- tlc Speed Circus" 1978 Chariee Napier, Maude Adama. Big Bob and hia crew, the loweat level of amall-time rece drivere, leap at the chance of winning 26,000 dol- lara to help a man win a family inheritance from hia conniving un- 8e. (2 hra., 5 mina.) I Comedy Shop 1:20 ®0 Newa 1:30 0 Health Field 0 Marcua Welby, M.D. 0 Mike Douglaa 0 SportaCenter 0 0 Bob Gaee Of Kenelngton 1:40 Newa PAGC2I 2.-00 WB PBABowNngWaskegan 1:48 0 News 01 Open 0 Mo vie -(Mystery) * "I HeN" 1970 Vivecs Lindfora, Ren- aud Verley. A young man who'a bean kept in a mental Inatitution alnca hie mother'a death, plota revenge againat hia three couaina and Aunt who ha conaidera hia enemiee. (119 mine.) 0BtaVaNoy 2:10 0 Attars* 2f14 0 Safari To Adventur* 2:16 0 Movie-(Drama)** "Way Back Home" 1B32 Batte Davie, Philllpa Lord. A warm-hearted farmer appoints himself guardian of hia neighbor's destinies. (96 mine.) 2:30 0 Today In Chicago 0 Mo vie-(Comedy)** "Henry Aldrlch, Editor" 1942 Jimmy Lydon, Chariee Smith. The editor of a high school paper gate Into «uble. (00 mina.) Movie -(Drama) •• "The la land" 1SS0 Michael Calna,David Warner. Piracy intheCarr»bean.(2 hra.) . 2:44 0 Reflections 2:88 0 Movlo -(Drama) ••% "Wagona Roll At Night" 1941 Humphrey Bogart. Sylvia Sidney. A hard-boiled carnival owner triea enything to break uphieprotected kid eieter'e romance with e young lion tamer. (116 mine.) 3:00 0 Health FMd 0 Newe-Day'a End 3:16 0 Movlo -(Drama) ••* "View From Pompoy'a Head" 1986RichardEgan,Dana Wynter. A young Southern lewyer returne from the North to relive a child hood romance and uncover a atrange racial myetery. (110 mlnei 3:30 0 Meditation 3:60 0 Editorial-Chapel AN Nlte Show Tennla WCT Challenge from l-Match 6 4:̂ 0 Montreal 0 Plf yar I* Movlo ••• 4.-04 4:30 -(Woatarn-Comedy) "McUntock" 1983 John Wayne. Maureen C'Hara. Duel between • cattle baron and a hard woman. (2 a Voyage To The Bottom Of The Boa 6.-00 0 Movie -(Biographical) *** "Coal Miner's Daughter" 1980 Sissy Spscek, Tommy Lee Jonee. Theupa.downeandreeotu- tion of the remerkebls msrriege between eupereter singer Loretta Lynn and her huebend Mooney. (Rated PG) (2 hra., 30mine.) 6:05 0 Meditation 5:30 0 Newe SEE US FIRST "YOUR COOLING SYSTEM SPECIALISTS* ADAM S BROS* RADIATOR SIR VICE •RADIATOR REPAIR •AUTO HATER 1 •AUTO i TRUCK AIR DEFROSTER REPAIR CONOITIONINfi SERVICE •THERMOSTATS t HOSES •SYSTEMS FLUSHED -WATER PUMPS •CAS TANK REPAIRS PARTS & SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS 385-0783 MV.fe.ttl