DYNASTY John Forsythe, Linda Evans (right) and Pamela Sue Martin star in ABC- TV's serialized drama, "Dynasty," which will return to the network with a special three-hour movie presentation on WEDNESDAY. JULY 22 "Dynasty" is the story of the passions and power surrounding a wealthy Denver family. Forsythe portrays oil magnate Blake Carrington. Evans por trays his fiancee, Krystle Jennings, who was a former secretary for his company and who is still in love with Matthew Blaisdel (Bo Hopkins), one of the company's geologists Martin por trays his jet-setter daughter. The series also stars Al Corley as Steven Carrington, who opposes the marriage of his father to Krystle, and Pamela Bellwood as Claudia, Mat thew's mentally unstable wife CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME <fv COMPUIOG SERVICES. INC WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 working to sssure that the largest of the great apee, the gorilla, win not fall victim to extinction. (60 l World The Red Army' TalaFranca-U.S.A. 'En Franca Comma Si Voua Y Etiez' 2) Vartaty 3) Cine-Frence: 'La FIHa aPuisstier' Movla -(Drama) "WMamiatraaa" 1970 Marcatlo Maatroianni, Laura Antonalli. In answer :©t©' nnn n o h n n to ••oun n •u.OU B I L L B I X B Y the turn of the century Maty a hua- band and wife diacovara aaxual idantity independently. (Rated R) OJmj •MUVIS (Drama)** "MyBody guard" 1960 Chris Makapaaca, Ruth Gordon. A ts yaar old Chicago high achool sophomors who attandad privata achool for 0 yaara decides totry public school. - |PQ)(2hra.) Movla -(Mualcal) ••• •In Anna" 1939 Judy Oar land, Mick ay Roonay. Rogara- Hart mualcal of tha kida of vaudavilliana who prova to thair paranta that thay ara loadad with tslsnt. (2 hrs.) ® 0 Tha Draam Marchanta, Part I Stara: Morgan Fairchild, Mark Harmon. An ambitioue young drlftarnamadJohnnyEdgabagina a movla studio dynaaty in HoNy- woqjTa gotdan ara. (Pt. I.; 2 hra.) • 8 La Hora FamMar • NA8L Soccar (Jolnsd In Prograaa) Jackaonvilla Taa Man va Tampa Bay Rowdiaa 9 Auto Racing'81 • N Black wood Brothara 0 A.R.T.S. English Music Reborn with Philip Angiim. 1) A Lifa in tha Country 2) A Tima Thara Waa... 8:30 •••Tha Facta Of LMa Blair loaaa tha studsntoouncilprs- sidancy to a rival whoaa outward confidanca and aalf-aaauranca maak tha faara and praaauraa that tragically engulf har. (Rapaat) McHENRY OPTICIANS 1301 RIVERSIDE DR. (Across from the Fox Hole) McHENRY, ILLINOIS SM-9Z4Q Metal or Plastic FRAMES "18 SENIOR CITIZENS FRRMES WITH LENSE PURCHASE Metal or Plastic KIDS FRRMES *12 E M E R G E N Y R E P A I R S 8. F R A M E R E P L A C E M E N T [ 8 1 5 1 3 8 5 - DAILY 8 30 5 30 SAT 8 30 3Z40 Wf D H 10 ' L ̂ A S0 Tic Tac Dough WlgMman Cup Ti 8:69 ••MMracene 9H)0 • • • Qulncy Oulncy tratota an attractiva young madical student to be a madical axamkvar but la shockadand disturbed when she reports thst a veteran ataff doctor is covering up tha homicide death of a gangeter. (Repeat; 60 mkia.) lis Attar Bonny • Fraadom'a America's Cup 1990 The color, drama and sheer beauty of the 12- meter yachta traveling the 24.8 mile, aix-leg course In competition for me moat prsstigicus trophy in yacht racing, the America's Cup. ia the focus of this documentary narrated by Robert MacWsH. (60 •• EI9howDelLoco • ® Movie -(Romance) •• "Why Would I Lie?" 1990 Liaa Eichhom, Treat Williams. (Paid Subscription Television) An ec centric young man, the eon of a millionaire, ineuiates hkneetf from the world by teNing prepoeteroea i. (106 mine.) I The King la Coming P AGS IS woundtd.thtpolici in ctoiino in and the woman haaaaecretshe'a not till inn ff£ II 701 (2 hra.) I Records feOsVlBflht 9:80 • CBS Oreetee pened' Wafcer, 700 Ch*̂ Future Popula- Book Of WoiM 1006 I 10:80 • CM Late Movie 'The Qreateet Thing That Ahmet Hap- 1977 Stara: Jimmy Jamee Earl Jonee. A high e n h rt r» I aMkIoAa Ia eIri nL uJsk a ICflOOf lirNVVV Ml linQKWI wim I liftom jy§i Is •boyt to lio# m Important iwt#y#» cholaatic baaketbaH game. (Rsoeat:2hrs., I6mina.) • • • The Tonight Show Qaeata: Robert Klein. Johnny (00 mine.) Ma this (90 • Jhn fc t ABC Nawa red by Tad Koppei. I Mery Tyler Moore I lee Of The Ha Benny HM 81 > PontCountThe< Lord Onowdenhaa created a aea- aitive look at aging through the eyee of the greet and the humble, the rioh and the poor. (60 mine.) • Urben Leegue's National Convention 'New Stretegiee for the Changing Timea' Thia year'a theme exan înea the oonsoof etivs mood of the country and ita impact on Black America, aa well as Reegan'a poNdee on social and lernational iasuss Internationa • mjlbj HS£ I CSS Late Movle'The Spiral Stalrcaae' 1876 8tara: Jac queline Ditsst. Chrlatopher Pksa mer. A young woman who haa Buf fered a traumatic experience lom hif powif of ipiich md it taken to an old family manaion where a aeriea of murdera occur. (JPQjnine.) «• Way* •• La Mi • NA8L Wayne AndI La Muter ProMMda ) Jacksonville Tea Men va Tampa fabrications. • • TheK • lLA.SJt 946• TBS Evening Newe 9:30 9® Honeymooners • 9Faith 20 • fMi • Kbter'a Korner l Dick Cavett Show Urban League's Notional Convention 'New Strategiee for the Changing Times' This yesr's theme examines the conservative mood of the country end Its Impect on Black America, as well aa Reegan's policies on socisl end international iaauea. •Movie-(Selenea Fiction) ••* "A8en" 19798igoumey Weaver, Tom Skerritt. In the year 2000 a apace atation crew ia terrified by en alien being who feeda on living creetures. (Rated R) (2 hra.) •Movie-(Drama)** "Rip-Off' KsrenBlsck.Lee VsnCieef. When a safecracker ie doublecroesed during e diamond heist, s woman comas to his side. But hs's bsdiy Si' 10:88 • Movie -(Mystery) *** "Crosscurrsnt" 1871 Robert Hooks, Jeremy 8late. Two 8an Francieoo policemen srs as signed to a perilous and complex eearch for the killer of a young man aboard acable car. (2 hra.) 10:46 •» Mov«e -(Comsdy) * * "Lut Mfnlid Coup I# In AiMf* lea" 1980 Gaoro* Segal, Natalia Wood. (Paid Subacription Televi sion) AhappMy married couple ere so upset by the breekup of their married frienda that they begin to queation their own relationship. (2 hrs.) 11:00 • Love Boat laaac finds himself In s precarious poeition when he meets a besutifui former achool chum and her macho hue- band; and a young man triee to win the affectiona of an older woman. (Rsoeet;70mins.) • O WNd WMd West • Movie-(Drama) *** "Brtdgee At Toko-RT' 1964 William Hoi- den. Grace KeNy. A story, relating the personal drsms set smongst Navy carrier-booed Jet pNota and helicopter reecue teama during Wy(2hra.,Smins.) Comedy Classics World Who Killed Qeorgi Markov?' • Odd Couple (B Don KtncMdy's SpotftQht CSS Late Movie'Ash Ws< neaday' 1973 Stars: Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Fonda. In an effort to eeve her marriage end boletor her ego, a fiftyieh women ohecka into a beauty clinic end emerges truly beautiful; soon, she reelizee thst