Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jul 1981, p. 50

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PAGE 30 FRIDAY JULY 31 of anunLeileving world whenanew speciaa of horror, thouaanda of mutanttarantulaa.attackan entire town, sacking human pray after they run out of food. (2 hra.) P-Captioned; U.S.A.) lokar'aWIM Market To Market :eoo Weak In Review TelaF anco 'J.S.A. Chrisr:!^uo De France 2) Cine France* "_a Chandelier' IB Mo.: a 'Romance)** "8omewhe»e In Time" 1080 C h r • s < c pI-or Reeve, Jane Seytr.o jr. A playwright fall# in love with a piciuro of a hauntingly beautiful IGiii century actress, and transcends space and time to find her. (Rated PQ) (2 hra.) © *9 K&vle (Comedy) •• H Saratoga" 1037 Clark Gable. Jean narlow Beautiful and ip;!Jod American girl, caught in !ht whirl jf Engliah society life, is iolteti in»o reality whsn hei father die 8^12 i.ra.) C.iovi2 (Ac'vent-jre) * "Plppi Longatocklng" 1073 Inge; Mlsscn. In a small towr in Sweti-' 'ives a frecUlc.' t"; I with iiigtelis who geta Into constant exe4li:.c and un'celie.^ble ddvuilJiea. (2 hra.) •D® Cine'Le Viria De Acustin Laid' (2hra) 0 U.S. Team Gymnastics ICFLFcotballBri'.ishColumbia Lions vs C.'.lgery Stempederc (8 The Lesson 0 A.R.T.S. Point, Counterpoint 1) Norma:. Maile-2)ScoitJoplin3) Great Photographers: Visions and Ima jea Aaron Siikind' 4) New York City Ballet Symphony in 0:58 IStftiffllai L.H. Tic Tac iJcugh Washington wee.': In Review 0 Uw:.:>!tera 9*9 "..opaUp 5 e!oC it ?? O 8SI Dal «JR tek*-, c's to recutsbiiahhis power tir.J hcreaeo his wealth, ever, if it st.hhs reshaping history and vio'"'.!r.^ '.ho la'vaif the land (Repeat: >jO twin.) B ft 9 ."ha Ste-. a Allen meJ^i'cnr Afttr Benny a-.v.v.^Hers Ci-ry Ci A Moonlighter This vilrr. fcj a thrco-yoar record ol Dr. .'.uScllo'* <~rpt»rionces in an aiijcrtoncy room til i.:c via •(Tinlllwr) ** "The Me**3 " TEtO Triah VanDevere Jcoorh Cotton. Schoolteacher recovering from e breakdown, de ,k;' t'; rp i the s jmmer in a houaa ohe inherited frcr.i her aunt ai. d finis iisrc Jf si:rrut'nded by 'oir.on-, ar.;' terrorized by a black nearat. {Rated PG) (105 mina.) © S .7ovIe -(Drama) •••• "Gccl.'-Uiar, Part!! * 1374 Al f ac' r'j, f^oDert Duva'l. (Paid SuiiscripticnTo^viaion) Coiiti»»i. the !ife c? n:»!aacholy don' \v';h the early days ol his father cs en Ir.imigreit in New York. (3 hrs., ZC> .rvns.} 8 ® ':.-nr.;:' 3 vaggert 0 Nv.: Yc.-k Report 0 9:98 H TH3 -vcnlng Mews 9:30 W © (!:->r.eymoonera 3E J5 U.5. Chronicle II A CJi.'forcritKinc! .V^fe'lnihisprofiie, :nr«3 poop. w sop? effect ivolywith Am;.i ica' o r.'.o I dreaded diaeaae. ll>r'0c3S&ai: Nfcv. York Men, va Sa;i Francisco Glan'x (If players '»trike continues, alto mate orograr -mlnti will be aired.) IB Flai I Newa I TwMght Zona |® M.A.S.H. 3® Dick Cavett Show i Image Union I Movie -(Comedy) •• V4 "The Shout" 1070 AlanBatea, Suaennah York. A wanderer dominatea the houaehold of a young carried couple. (OOmins > BB Independent Newa (9)0 TaleaOfThe Haunted Evil Stalks Thia House' Part V. Aa gaa fills the dark cellar, the aiatera discover Stokea and call an ambulance, at the hospital, doctors inform them that he haa aufferadpermanentbraindamage and hla mind will forever remain »t of a five year old. 0 Informacion 28 Profeealonal Boxing W 700 Club See More Cleariy' Gueat: Dr Daniel Etohenbaum 0 Movie -(Myatery) »**• "Maltese Falcon" 1041 Humphrey Bogart Miry Astor A private detective ar. J an assorted group ofweirdosgoaftera priceless statue of e Falcon. (2 hra.) 10:05 0 Night Gallery 10:30 0 CBS Late Movie THE NIGHT STALKER: Mr RI.N G.'A robot, programmed with a survival inatinct, learna it Is about to be deactivated anc' murders it a inventor.'Castle Rock' 1981 Stara: James C. Burge, Margaret Phillips Ayoung.naivegoverneas arrives at the Caatle Rock estate and finds herself in the midst of I strange occurences and unexplained mysteries (Premiere) 000 The Tonight Show Gueata: Angie Dickinson. (60 ana.) ' I Jim Rockford: Private Inveatlgator 0 ABC Newa Nlghtllne Anchci ed by Tad Koppsi. 018 Mary Tyler Moore Show 0 Qcid Couple © 92 Benny Hill Show (3D 0 Nove Animal Olympians The beauty, endurance ard raw powf; of animals in the wild are captired or film e_ Move juxtcp^aeeOiy-npic athletes performing feats which have parallels in the animal kingdom with animala who are championa of grace and speed. (, USA) (60 mins.) Movie-(Mystery) •• "Mr. Wong, Detective" 1038 Boris Karloff, Grant Witers A guilty acta guilty to divert suspicion from himself in'his ise cf triple murder (70 mine.; 1 M.A.S.H. > Mannlx I® CBS Late Movie THE NIGHT STALKER: The Spaniah Mots Murders' Kolchak, investigating ? series of mysterious death;:, notes that a strange moaa shrouds every victim (Repeat) 'Claw;,' 1977 Stara: Jaaon Evert, Leon Ames A woodsman, agamecommiiioner and ar. Indian band together to aave l small Alaskan town from grizzly bear attacka. (Repeat) ji 0 Wayne And Shuate.' I IB 3# La Mujer F: ohlblda |^0:35 O Movie -(Science Fiction) •• "Mothra" 1082 FrankySakai, Hiros'ii Koizurr.i. A giant .roth devastates Tokyo (2hrs ) 10:45 0 Movie (Comedy) "Going In Style" 1S79 Lee Strasberg, George Burns Three retired men decide to rob a bank to relieve their boredom. (RatedPG) OOOmins.) 11:00 0 Fridays Gutoti.: The Bus ys. (Repeat; 70 mins.) _ Wild Wild Weat Movie -(Drama) **Vi "Ride the WHd Surf' 1084 Fabian, Tab Hunter. Four boya, intent on making recorde in a big aur/* competition, meet four girl a intent on marriage. (2 hra.) 8® ComedyClaeslea B Odd Co up I# 0 Don Kennedy'a Spotlight 910 CBS Late Movie THE NIGHT STALKER: Horror In The Heighta' Koichak follows a series of bizarre murders And learr.s that anevilHinduapiritwooahiavictima to their death8. (Repeat) 'Grand Jury' 1977 Stara: Bruce Daviaon, Lealle Nielsen A young couple become involved in a fraudulent aituation whe n they befriend an older, and aeemingly wiser, man. 8epeat;2hrc.) I SoorteCenter 11:30 0 Carol Burnett and ^--BrlendaGueets StevaLawrence Lily Tomlin 0 SCTV Network 00 0 Adam 12 tt (Q Ntwitflk W0 Four Daya Of The Maeal A film ahot in Kenya, cloae to the Tanzania border, fgliowa members of theMaaaitribef orfour days as they go about their daily livaa in a style virtually unchanged since thetlmeoflhePharaohs. (90 - J ABC NewaNlghtline tihored by Ted Koppel. Paul Ryan Show Movie -(Comedy) •• "Hops­ cotch" 1080 Walter Matthaau, Glenda Jackaon A disgruntled CIA agant'anonconformist ways lands him a deak job and the opportunitytoretaliatebyaerdlng his bosa incriminating inatail- mants of a bqokheis writing about the nUadbeds of the government Key. (Rated R) (2 hra.) rMovie -(Drama) **H "Doc- 'tor'sWIvea" 1071 Dyan Cannon, Gene Hackman. A woman having an affair with several doctors is mysteriously Murdered. (2 hrs.V CD <S La MaUaca 0 Top Rank Boxing From ilphla, PA. _Jlm Bakker Zorro's Fighting 12£0l'SS SCTYNetwork00 v 'i up sm 11:400 2|00 m 0 M< lovle iS jspenee) ** "Terror on the 40thFloor" 1074 John Foraythu Anjanette Comer. Sevan people try deaperateiy to escape from the 40th floor of a skyscraper engulfed by fire. (110 News I Soundstage 10 Friday a Gueata. The Bua Bye. (Repeat; 7Cmins.) All Night At The Mc vies Billy the Kid Lsw and Cider' Buster Crabbe.2)'SoulOfaWoman'Cyril King. 3) 'Soldiers of Fortune Anton Wolbrook. 4) 'Title Unannounced' (8 hra.) flk® Tullo Lqza 0 Bonanza 12:10 0 TeletoneNewa 12:20 BP ® Movie -(Comedy) •*H "Merry Go Round" Maria Schneider, Senta Berger (Paid Subacription Television) A very racy comedy or ftdults only. (2 hra.) 12:28 (B Movi« -(Drama) ** Vi "Wlfemlstraos" 1070 Marceiio Maatroianni, Laura Antonelli. In the turn of the century Italv u huabandard wife discovers sexua I identity independently (RatedRH100 mina.) 12:30 B® RoseBagleyShow 12:35 0 AtlantsBravesBasebaii Replay Atlanta Braves vs Pittsburgh Pirates(Ifpiayers atrikecontinuea, alternate programming will be aired.) 12:40 0 Movie -(Weatem) *•• H "She Wore A Yellow Ribbon" 1S49 Johr. Weynfc.Joi.nne Drc. A retiring cevairy officer': unwilling to walk out on a fight againal the ins.(2hrs., 17 mins.) 2:88 0 Rock Concert Guests: Chuck Mangione, Ester Satter- field, Jay Leno, The Three Untouchablea. Gary Mule Deer. 1:00 0 Honeymooners 0 Chame Roae Show 0 Nlghtbeat » 0 ABC Captioned News 0 Joe Frenkltn Show 0 After Benny 1:10 0 Six DMNon Dollar Man 1 JO 0 Topper 0 MarcueWelby, M.D. 0 Movie -(Adventure) •• H "Pursuit Of The Oraf Spaa" IBS7 Anthony Quayle, Peter Finch The WW II tale of the destruction of the formidable German battleahip,theGrafSp9e. &Movle-(Comady)*** "LHeOf Brian" 1070 Graham Chapman, John Cleeae. Story of a man whose life parallels Christ's life. (Rated R) (2 hra.) 0® The Good Ufa 0 Movie -(Suspense-Drama) •% "Terrified" 1084 Rod Lauren, Steve Drexel. After seversl murders it is discovered that the proprietor of the local hot spot, an ex-vaudevillian, ia the mad alayer. >2 hra.) 1:80 0 Movie ^-(Solanee-Flctlon) * "Brain batata" 1088 Edwin Nelaon. Research scientists investigate a large metal object, believing living paraaitea out to deatroy the world are reaponaible for Iccai death and victima being tumedinto zombies. (70 mins.) 2:00 0 Health Field 0 SportsCenter 0 Movie-(Drama) * "Racing Fever" 1084 JoeMorrieon, Charles Martin During s hydro-plane race, a manreacuea a playboy who ran hia father down In a previous race. (119 mina.) 2K>8 0 The Candid Candid Camera Alan Funt tra vela all over the country to catch the unau- apacting in very precarious aituai 2:10 2:28 2:30 0 Everyman 0CFLFoottMHBriliahColumbia Lionaya Calgary Stampeders 2^40 0 WBBM Editorial 0 AtLarge 2:48 0 Common Ground 2:87 0 Safari To Adventure 3j00 0 Today In Chicago 3:05 ̂ Rat Patroi 3[30 0 Meditation 0 Editorial-Chapel 0 Mike Douglas 0 Movie -(Drama) •• "My Bodyguard" 1080 Chria Makepeace. Ruth Gordon. A 15 year old Chicago high achool aophomore who attended private achool forg yeara dacidea to try public achool. (Rated PG) (2 hra.) 0 Morecambe And Wlee 3:35 0 Movie-(Mystery) ••• "Pearl of Death" 1044 Bssil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce. Sherlock Holmea and Dr. Wataon race againat time to atop a ruthless murderer v.hc ie out to oBtair. a valuable paarl. (75 mins.^ 3:57 0 Reflections 4:Q0 0 Praye. iws-Day'o Hnd News _ _ All Nits Show 0 Movie-(Mystery)** "Felcon Ar.d The Co-Eds" 1043 Tom Conway, Jean Brooka. A detective Qoestoa girls'achool to learn why an instructresa threw heraalf off a cliff. (90 mina.) 4:48 0 Meditation 5:00 0 Movlo -(Adventurg) *- "Svalswsg Bunch" Mark Demon. *#uny MI m>BD 0 Newc i uvi c j able 0 09 New 4:04 0 4:30 0

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