J Pag* 10--Shaw Modla Group I Ml Fair Guldt Fair facts Centerville to Woodstock in 1852 Fair started when city got its name WOODSTOCK - In 1852 the McHenry County Agricultural Society was organized, and the society bought 10 acres of land in Woodstock. So the community that was founded in 1832 as Centerville and became Woodsiock in 1852 became the home of a fair about the same time the name was changed to honor the home of its founders, Woodstock, Vermont. In 1868 the society bought seven acres to the north of the first purchase, and in a few years, the society had 22 acres from which .o present a fair. In 1907 county residents helped form the Illinois Association of County Fairs, an organization to which the present- day McHenry County Fair Association belongs. The state-wide county fair organization helped obtain state ap propriations for each fair. The sum was equal to 40 percent of the amount paid in premiums. The fair continued from 1868 to 1924, and at that time, discussion on ex panding or changing the fair resulted in a decision to discontinue the event altogether. So the fairgrounds no longer responded to the slap of a judge's hand on the rump of a cow, or to the cavor ting of youngsters on a carnival mid way. Harness racing, an early day favorite, found other ways to attract visitors -- but a county fair was not the format. In 1945 Bill Tammeus came to McHenry County as a farm adviser. About that same time A.B. McConnell, a Woodstock farmer, recalls seeing 4-H youngsters showing their animals at a site near the high school "with the steers in grass up to their bellies." He recalled the county fairgrounds was not being used for anything special and persuaded the McHenry County Board of Supervisors to lease the land to the 4-H youngsters. For a few years -- 1946 to 1948 -- the 4-H show and other judging took place at the fairgrounds. Meanwhile, farm bureau and home bureau leaders (sponsors of extension service and 4-H) established 4-H Town Continued on page 11 TODAY, THE McHenry County Fair sports numerous rides, concessions and other attractions in addition to the traditional events like the county queen pageant, 4-H competition, Sentinel photo animal auction and the like. It all began in 1852 when the McHenry County Agricultural Society was formed and bought 10 acres for a fairgrounds site. FACTORY SHOW ROOM Mon-Fri 8-12,15 Sat. 912 WE'RE A SHADE ABOVE THE REST "I UU MM KCAUSL THFY turn DAM* *r ROOMS -- iv m sti oui MO onm Awttma CAM to™" Saving* with purchot* ot 5 owning* or polio wicloluiM JTSL. 414/275-2176 PATIO & ENCLOSUREEXPERlT No. T2428 J>c..&gk