Dawn Walters Jeanne Konitzer Page IS--Shaw Madia Group 1991 Fair Guide ' Contests and competitors Building F Booths 19 and 20 EN ERG Y CONSER VA TION AND AL TERN A TIVES •Woodstoves and >Oil and Aladdin accessories lamps •Chimneys and fluepipe • Books and plans •Windowquilt insulating «Cast-iron shades cookware •Hunter Ceiling fans •Acorn slipper socks •Solar heating systems and components •Water an<jl energy savings devices •Attic and\vhole-house ventilation •Information We can answer questions, give suggestions, advice, ideas... Our products are chosen carefully for their quality WE STAND BEHIND WHA T WE SELL! TH€ erocY coiicaai 1 20 EAST CALHOUN STREET • WOODSTOCK ILLINOIS 60096 (815) 336 6650 TUES.WEO. THURS 11 -6?FRI.11 -d; SAT. 9-6 Hebron Businessmen's Association. 9. Sandra Howe, Miss Huntley, 18, brunette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rowe, sponsored by the Huntley lions and Lioness dobs. 10. Julia Kuetemeyer, Miss Wood stock, 19, brunette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Warren Kuetemeyer, sponsored by the Woodstock Chamber of Commerce & Industry. It. Jeanne Konitzer, Miss Algonquin, 18, brunette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Konitzer, sponsored by the Miss Algonquin Committee. 12. Deborah Poteracki, Miss McHenry, 18, brunette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Poteracki, sponsored by the McHenry American Legion. 18. Susie St John, Miss Union, 17, brunette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert St John, sponsored by the Union lioness Club. 14. Lisa Florine, Miss Cary, 17, honey-brownJiaired, daughter of Mrs. Patricia Florine, sponsored by the Cary Chamber of Commerce. Dorothy Kleckner of Harvard is chairwoman of the Miss McHenry County Pageant, assisted by co- chairwoman Linda Duval of Algonquin, Ingrid Oast of Harvard, Nora Boal of Hebron, Jill Koepike of Cary, Linda Borhart of Huntley, Lori Wegelin of Marengo and Nola Bailey of Harvard. Appearances at public functions are among dates anticipated by many of the contestants. The candidates were- invited to participate in the Red Oloud Golf benefitatChapelHiU Country Chib in July. They also rode in the Shrine Circus parade Sunder, July 19, and were guests at : the circus held at the fairgrounds in Woodstock July 40, 21 nnd 22. \ PACKING | will haul your animals from the FAIR; and Custom Butcher them for you.i- 4~' f . r . ..." • '%•" ' Clafte tfte bCacdtofi to jCaurience.. . . JONES PACKING Susie St. John Lisa Florine Continued from page I 7 : ' • •. : •' 2' ? . Fonda Zimmer Sandra Rowe Julie Kuetemeyer Deborah Poteracki Mary Lutsch Kara Teske