Class Of 1961 In Reunion PACE 3 - PLAIN DEALER - FRIDAY. JULY SI, 1*1 MCHS Class In Reunion The McHenry Community high school class of 1961 held their twentieth reunion at Andres Steak House in Richmond Saturday, July 18. Approximately 84 classmates and spouses attended along with their principal Maprin C. Martin. In bottom row, from left, are Harry Stinespring. Gary Adams, Joe Hettermann, Bill Blenner, Ardis May Miller, Tom Miller, Gary Rosentreter, Sherry Evans Smith and Mike Reese; second row, Dick Jiuemann, Jerry Stilling, Kitty Albright Ballstaedt, Arlette May Cable. Jackie Specht Jabcon. Gary Freund, Bud Reid. Pat Anderson. Bob English, Nancy Whiting Cwik, Gretchen Sayler Miller, Joan Bauer Miller and Barb Miller Williams; third row, Jim Thompson, John Piotrowski, Waily Messel, Tom Ballowe, Tim McCormick, Rich Mercure, Ted Frett, Tony Espey, Bill Winkel, Ken Hettermann and Dennis Swedo; fourth row, Jack Yegge, Rita Keerberg McHenzie, Carol Goffo Bradley, Sandi Stetson Gavers, Heidi DeYoung Stetson, Camille Covalt Hutchinson, Judy Nowak Moore. Kitchie Meyer, Judy Phannenstill Antonson, Gail Marquart Burke, Joy Fairchild Herdrich, Fran Mayfield Herdrich, Janice Schueler Justen, Sally Nelson Glosson, Norma Anderson Woody, Gloria Waldin Thoren and Carol Haynes Sanders; fifth row. Carl* Johsses Ksichiaioa, Muriel Frett, Pat Bell Olson, Anita Barger Ambrose. Eleanore Wirfs Cross. Janet Schuringa Franz. Karen Bush Windsor. Marlene Freund Berg, Carolyn Blake Zank, Penny Scholtz Taylor, Brenda Krukow Pierce, Sharon Beck Miller, Shirley f horton Swanson, Nancy Buckner Stilling, Joyce Motulewicz Yegge, Mary Ann Sossong Doherty, Carolyn Gibson Swedo, Deanna Oonk Graham; Glen Ziebel and Merrilee Liptrot Tronsen; top row, Phil Bartmann, Ed Samen, Larry Bruce, David Zank, Sam Woody, Ron Klapperich, Doug Toussalnt, Jim Hansen, Craig Thoren, Dennis Welter, Nick Groh, Roger Swanson, Ken Young and Bob Vaupell. Wayne Gaylord Photo The class of 1936 of McHenry Community high school recently held a reunion at the McHenry Country club. In front row, from left, are Betty Thennes Gende, Adele Froehlich, Vene Denman Cermak, and Norma Larson Thomas; in second row, Marie Lay Weingart, Ruth Reihansperger Fenwick and Viola Brefeld Brda; third row, Lavergne Engeln Heck, Paul Harvey, Lorena Esh Straub, Yvonne Benwell Charles, Ethel Freund Blake, Bernadette Meyers Muldowney, Evelyn Sanders Gustafson and Arthur V. Freund; in back row, Melvin Peterson. Glenn Anderson, Andrew "Jack" Trent, Allan Dimon and Harold Nelson. Joel Wakitsch Photo Patty and Matt Brechel, 302 Maplewood drive, McHenry, announce the birth of their first child on July 22. Matthew Dean was born at McHenry hospital and weighed 6 lbs., 5 oz. He measured I8V2 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cross of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Brechel of McHenry are the paternal grandparents. Andrew Allen is the name chosen by David and Colleen p, ^816 E. Lakeshore, " ake, for their Zeiger The baby bey was born at McHenry hospital July 19, and weighed 7 lbs., 7 oz. He was welcomed home by a brother, Brian, age three. James Crossman of Janesville, Wis. is the maternal grandfather. Paternal grandparents are Henry and Adeline Zeiger of Wonder Lake. M a t e r n a l g r e a t - grandparents are Elmer and Kathryn Williams of Janesville, Wis. Dan and Judy Broederdorf, 103 Canterbury, McHenry, became parents of their first child on June 23. Brooke Danielle was born at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington, and weighed 8 lbs., 12VSe oz. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Haack of Carpentersviile. s p u r g e o n s We fecrture the LARGEST Selection of MATERNITY WEAR McHenry Coui Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broederdorf of Algonquin are the paternal grandparents. Great-grandparents include Arthur Broederdorf of Algonquin; Mrs. Ida Mae Kerney of Evansville, Ind.; and William Haack of Maryland. Among recent births recorded at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Woodstock was the July 28 birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yager of Wonder Lake. HOSPITAL NOTES MCHENRY Admission: John Honning of McHenry. WOODSTOCK Admissions: Mrs. Marie Traina and Donald Adams, both of McHenry; and Richard Franzen and Robert Hardie, both of Wonder Lake. * * « * As far as we're con cerned the hot weather can go away and stay put until next year. RECIPE By Sarah Anne Sheridan Cheese has increased in popularity because of the way it fits into modern menu planning and because of the many wonderful cheeses you can buy in your super market. Hot Cheese Tomato Bacon Sandwich T mayonnaise T chopped onion slices American cheese slices crisp, cooked bacon tomato 4 slices bread Spread bread with mayonnaise. Place onions and a slice of cheese over mayonnaise.slice tomato into 8 slices and place 2 slices over each sandwich. Place a sandwich on a cookie sheet and brown under preheated broiler for 5 minutes. Top each sandwich with a strip of bacon. • * * * It's about time for us to recognize that the protection of the law is for the innocent, not the guilty. Dr. C. J. LUDF0RD and V The McHenry Dental Center Ww fl Proudly Announces The Association Of KEVIN WEGRZYN, D.D.S. A flH General Family / M Dentistry 1324 N. Riverside Dr. Evening & Saturday Hours Available ^ A B nn am m M A 60050 815-385-1360 Live AImm? Call For Help Instantly 24 Hrs A Day! FOR MORE INFO CALL M.I.A.L.S. 1385-8021 ssBr.$Z-o #1-0 c;®: & SUMeNfSKR PLANT SALEABBAHON JlowtrwDcJ ^ 3 DAYS ONLY JULY 31, AUG. 1 & 2 GREEN PLANTS Pothos or Philodendron on Poles...SAVE 30% Sale... *8.40 (Reg. 12.00) s«le...$12.60 (Reg. 18.00) Flowering "MUM" Plants A SAVE '5.00 Now... 7*50 ROSES Asst. Colors.. . 49® ea. *5.88d ox. *T| 815-459-6200 -t!owerw©< is. 14 A 176 - Crystal Lake, Illinois Moa.We*. *4; TMn. A Kri *4; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-5 DON'T MISS IT! 0 •X •Dresses •Paetseits •Nersieg Gowes •Natality Peeties •Natality Paty Hose •Natality IMfeias McHenry Market Piac. Shopping Cwit«r 385-4100 WE HELP KIDS "SQUIRREL AWAY" THEIR MONEY . . . There's no time like the present to teach your kids or grandkids the advantages of saving for the future. Ask us about Squirrels Club . . .it's not such a nutty idea! Serving the banking needs of the McHenry area. M M Nai Member FDIC M3TION3L BaNK OF M( HeNRY 3814 WEST ELM STREET P O BOX 338 McHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 815-385-5400 •M AUGUST 3rd T i M S L E E P S H O P P L U S wants you to come and shop or just browse. We're new at this location, but not new at the business. There's 12 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE backing our selection. So we're sure we have the RIGHT PRICES along with NAME BRANDS that you and I can TRUST. SUPER SLEEP SALE THERA-PEDIC HARRIS MAGIC SLEEP WHESCO % W •A 9 * 4 I & M SLEEP SHOP PLUS '/2 Block Nartta of Rte. 120 io McHenry 1331N. RIVERSIDE DRIVE, McHENRY 344-5710 OPEN 6 DAYS M, FRIDAY 94