PAGE 12 • PLA1NDEALER • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12, H8I FOft HCNT FOR SALt HOUSES WILL SHARE HOUSE. Available August 20th. $175.00 a month, one third of the utilities. McHenry Shores. Call 815-385-6638. 8-7- 8-14c WHISPERING OAKS, 2 Bedroom Brick Ranch, Garage, Air Cond., Ap pliances. Immediately. $425.00.414-275-3394. 8-7-8- 14c CLEAN 1 BEDROOM fur nished house in Wonder Lake. September through June. No Pets. $185.00 plus utilities and security deposit. Call 312-271-5613 After 6PM. 8-7-8-21 c 3 ROOM APARTMENT, Centrally located in McHenry. Appliances, Adults, no pets, security deposit. $275.00. Call Byrnes Bros. 815-385-6900 or 815-455- 5148. 8-5tfc WONDER LAKE. Available September 1st. Large 3 bedroom ranch, 2 car garage, no pets $400.00 month plus security deposit. 815-344^0164. 8-5tfc FEMALE ROOM MATE Wanted to share rent and expenses. Large house, 4 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, living room. Johnsburg area. Call after 5pm 815-344-0733 . 8-12-8-14c 2 BEDROOM CONDO, located in Waters Edge, $400 per month. Available in September For more in formation call after 5pm 815- 344-5077 . 8-12-8-14C 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, In a country setting, overlooking a 110 acre corn field and the Nippersink creek. This large apartment has self defrosting refrigerator-freezer, oven, stove anddgarbage disposal, and is within walking distance of a shopping and medical center. Mayline Apartments, Richmond. 815- 678-2861.1 8-5tfc APARTMENTS FOR RENT, References and security deposit required. 815-385-1079. 8-5tfc McHENRY AREA, 1 & 2 bedrooms, ready now, fully carpeted, stove and refrigerator. 815-385-2181. 8- 5tfc INDUSTRIAL SPACE, Available, Fritzsche In dustrial Park, Inc., 5,000 sq. ft. to 15,000 sq. ft. 815-385- 1079. 8-5tfc FURNISHED APART MENTS. 1 bedroom. Mature Adults only. 815-385-8905. 8- 5tfc LARGE ONE BEDROOM Apartments $275.00 plus utilities. Security deposit required. No pets. 815-385- 0292 or 815-344-1035. 8-5tfc FOR SALE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE. amily room with fireplace, 2j2 baths, plenty of storage, 212 car garage and fenced in back yard $435.00 per month. McHenry Area. Available October 1st. 815-675-6307. 8- 12-8-14c 2 BEDROOM RANCH, at tached garage. Appliances furnished. Johnsburg School District. $350.00 per month plus utilities. Security deposit. Available Sep tember 1st. Call 815-344-1214 after 5pm. 8-12-8-14c 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, air conditioned. Available October 1st. $435.00 per month. Evenings 312-577-7624 . 8-12-8-14C APARTMENT SHOPPING? Try our brand new deluxe units. 1 & 2 bedroom in the City of McHenry. Featuring security, privacy and luxury. Available in August. Call for information and reservations. 815-385-3192 or 815-385-7632. 8-5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENTS, James & Third Street, McHenry. 312-381- 2059. 8-5tfc BUILDING 2,000 sq. ft. Center of McHenry. Call 815- 385-3683 . 8-5tfc CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS. Daily or Weekly Rates. 815-385-8905 or 815- 385-0266 . 8-5tfc 2 BEDROOM APART MENT, $300.00 month in cludes utilities. Security deposit required, no pets. 815-385-9872 8-5tfc LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SPACE, new opening in areas of 1200 to 15,000 sq.f- t.Immediate occupancy. 815- 678-2861 8-5tfc HEARING AIDS For rent. McHenry Hearing Aid Center, 3937 W. Main St., McHenry. Wednesday 10am to 5pm. 8-5tfc VFW CLUBHOUSE and Hall for rent. Seating capacity for 400 Call 815-385-9860 from 9am to 12 weekdays or after 6pm. 8-5tfc 1 & 2 BEDROOM APART MENTS. No pets. Middle aged adults preferred. No Singles. 815-344-4231. 8-5tfc LAKE ZURICH, 2 bedroom ranch. Family room, 2 car garage, appliances, large lot, security deposit $395.00 month. 312-394-9456 . 8-12-8- 14c 3 BEDROOM RANCH, with carport $350.00 month plus security deposit. 815-344-2853 or 815-344-1776. 8-12-8-14c McHENRY, CLEAN, 3 bedroom ranch, large fenced lot. Lake rights. Security deposit $395.00. 312-394-9456. 8-12-8-14C OFHCE SPACE, fcleil location close to bank, post office, stores. Ap proximately 430 square feet. Will decorate to suit. $350 includes heat, electricity, air conditioning. 3433 W. Elm Street. Call for appointment. 385-0911 or 385-1594. 8-5tfc McHENRY OFFICE, new carpet, air conditioned, includes all utilities $115.00. Call 815-385-3490. 8-5tfc DECORATING WITH Stained glass can be af fordable. Custom work from $20.00. The Stained Pane. 815-344-4724 . 8-12-8-21C 4 WINDOWS, 33V wide, 57V long; Double window 75V long, 57V wide; Tilt windows, new <115-385-6114. 8-12-8-14C 1978, 440 KAWASAKI SNOWMOBILE. 1979, 250 Yamaha Snowmobile $600 each; 15 ft. Sea Star with 65 hp Mercury engine $3,500. 815-653-9767 . 8-12-8-14C "A" FRAME Childrens Playhouse. Design from Better homes and Garden Blueprint. 2 levels. Ladder, window, approximately 4 years old, good condition $150.00. Call 815-385-6494. 8- 12-8-14C 22" LAWNMOWER, 3 hp Briggs and Stratton. Easy starting $35.00. Call 815-385- 3490. 8-12-8-14C -- , X 5 UNIROYAL FACTORY Chevrolet tires, with 6 hole wheels 7-15, 6 ply rating $175.00 or best. 815-344-3583 evenings. 8-12-8-14c BEDDING PLANTS Flowers, Vegetables, Geraniums, Moms and Potted Roses & Clematis Cactus and House Plants SCHLESSER'S GREENHOUSE 211 E. Route 120 McHenry, Illinois (East of Lakemoor) HUGE VOLUME FANTASTIC SAVINGS Twin Mattress $35.00 Full Mattress $45.00 Bunk Beds $139.00 Queen Size Sets $139.00 Full Size Sleeper $209.95 LENNY FINE FURNITURE 815-455-4550 DR. HILLS LIGHT FORCE SPIRIILINA PLANKTON New, natural health and diet aid DAY VIEW GEMS DIST 815-344-2566 Aloe Vera Product olso available 7,17.826 1973 HOLIDAY, 24 ft. self contained, excellent con dition. Fully carpeted, stove, refrigerator, full bath & shower, heat, hot water. $3,500.00.815-455-4321. 8-12-8- 14c FULL SIZE BED, Lots of misc. items. 815-385-7764. 8- 12-8-14C CHAMBERS DELUXE Gas Range, Coppertone $400.00, must be seen to appreciate; Kirby Vacuum with at tachments $125.00; Boys Star Wars twin bedspread & 2 pair curtains $50.00. 815- 385-6416. 8-12-8-14C 30" WHITE GAS STOVE good condition $85.00. 815- 385-1897. 8-12-8-14C BICYCLE, 20" AMF Junior Roadmaster. 815-385-5426. 8- 12-8-14C STORM FENCE 31 ft. $25.00; Snow fence, 47 ft. $15.00; Garage doors 18'x8', $250.00, 16'x7' $175.00, 12'x8' $150.00; Tire-Firestone Radial GR70xl4, $20.00. 815- 385-4010. 8-12-8-14C CAMPER TOP FOR Toyota or Datsun xk ton, $50.00. 815- 653-3116. 8-12-8-14C BRUSH GUARD & Push bar for 1978 or newer Ford F-250; 2 pair off road lights; % reversible drill; 7V open face bell helmet, CB An tenna and hood scoop. 312- 497-3561 ask for Mike. 8-12-8- 14c WASHERS, DRYERS, REFRIGERATORS. Reconditioned and guaranteed. 815-728-0569 . 8- 5tfc NEW & USED R.R. TIES Quality bulk grass seed, Fertilizers, Cedar Rail Fencing and much more. Woodstock Farm & Lawn Center, 2020 South Route 47. 815-338-4200. 8-5tfc RAINBOW VACUUM CLEANER with at tachments. Take over payments or pay off balance. 312-722-6412. 7-22-8-14c 1973 FORD PICKUP, With Cap; 1973 Olds 442; 1973 Yamaha 750; $90000 each. 815-653-4141. 8-12-8-14C BEAR TAKE DOWN bow, in case, Hunting limbs, handle and accessories $145.00 firm; Honer bass amp, 3 input, 15" speaker $90.00 ; 4 string Calamazoo $60 00; Full size bed, very firm $50.00; Large overhead hair dryer on stand $35.00. 815- 344-5534 . 8-12-8-14C 1975-1981 CAMERO PARTS: 1 Camero rubber back bumper; 2 Camero trunk lids; 1 Camero door (drivers side) needs skin; l back glass for Camero; 1 Camero roof clip; Plus 1 Go-Kart and one 10 hp Merc outboard. 815-385-2436. 8-12-8-21C USED AUTO PARTS for a 1973 Cadillac; Body, Chassis, Motor, trans. Call after 5pm. 815-385-0154. 8-12- 8-14c 3 DRESSERS, night stand, canopy curtains and rod, - lamp, 2 twin size bed- ' spreads, 2 throw rugs, 1 twin size bed frame $125.00 or offer. 815-459-5842. 8-12-8-14C CONTEMPORARY LANE DINING Room table, 6 chairs and china cabinet, must see, asking $900.00. Call 815-459-3091. 8-12-8-14C DINING ROOM TABLE, drop leaf, with 3 boards, seats 12, 6 chairs, bleached solid mahogany, good condition $295.00. 815-344- 0551, after 7pm. 8-12-8-14c COMMERCIAL BUILDING, with showroom, 6,700 sq. ft. Call evenings after 5:00 pm. 815-385-1999. 8-12-8-21C SIX PINE TREES, 5 ft. to 8 ft. $65.00 if you dig! $85.00 if I dig! 815-385-3269. 4821 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 8-12-8-14c ROUND KING SIZE Bed, red velvet headboard; Hotpoint refrigerator; 23" color TV, RCA; Couch; Complete 20 gallon fish tank, stand, hood light and fish; Everything in good con dition. 815-344-5209. 8-12-8- 14c BEEF SALE, .79 cents pound. 1st come, 1st serve basis. August 16th, 9:00 am til ? Schmitt Farm, 5917 Spring Grove Road, McHenry. 2 miles North of Wilmot-Johnsburg Road. lVfe miles Sough of Route 12. Ask for Loren. 8-12-8-14c 2 STUDIO COUCHES with new blue corduroy covers and bolsters $145.00. 815-344- 1576. 8-12-8-14C LACE & SATIN Wedding Gown; Antique green night stand; Window fan; New professional hairdryer; New sable art brushes, etc; Tool and Die micrometers. 815- 344-5560. 8-12-8-14C 3 PT. BUSH HOG, 3 blade mower $375.00; John Deere A tractor $55.00. 815-338-6664. 8-12-8-14C 15 FT. FROLIC TRAVEL TRAILER, Self contained, sleeps 4, A-l condition $1100.00.815-653-4038. 8-12-8- 14c COLDSPOT 17 Cubic ft. 2 door side by side refrigerator, excellent condition, Avocado $180.00; Mohawk Grover carpeting, approximately 22'6" x 15'. 815-344-3283 . 8-12-8-14c MUST SELL Sears freezer, 16 cubic ft. upright, white $225.00 or best offer. 815-385- 3578 or 815-344-2876. 8-12-8- 14c C O R N E R C H I N A CABINET, oak, curved glass, $220.00 firm; Jig sets for installing dead bolt locks $30.00 and $12.00; Enamel paint, 200 pints and quarts, all colors, .50 & .80 cents each, minimum of 10. 815- 385-3122. 8-12-8-14C OVER 100 GAS LIGHT > Fixtures, can be converted to electric. Reasonable. 497- 3324. i 8-12-8-14C • -- * INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Rent a Quality Water Sof tener for $3.00 a month for the first 3 months. Free installation. Call collect 815- 338-3344. Quality Water Conditioning. 8-5tfc HEARING AID BAT TERIES for sale, 50 percent discount. Wednesday 10 am to 5pm. 3937 W. Main Street, McHenry. 8-5tfc PET COLUMN THE CHILDREN Are Heartbroken! Heidi was lost in Lakeland Park. She is a mixed breed, colored light brownish. Ears & face marked German Shepherd, eyebrows Schnauzer, short legs. Please call 815-385-8864. 8-12-8-14C LOST, Near West Campus, Baby Goat, female, black & white. On medication. Reward. 815-385-6834. 8-12-8- 14c iT Y d! > WoodlVNew wood burning furnace, retail value $1,200.00, asking $750.00. Call 815-459-3091. 8-12-8-14C COMPLETE RUSTIC Living room set. Couch, loveseat, 2 end tables, and cocktail table. 2 years old, $400.00 or best offer . 815-385-1208. 8-12- 8-14c DOUBLE MOTHER LODE SALE Same Days--Same Street Friday, Saturday, August 14th, 15th 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 325 Becking Avenue 444 Becking Avenue W o o d s t o c k , I I I . Liquidating two households. Come shop the Mother Lode. 815-459-0754 815-338-0211 815-338 033%/)a GIVE AWAY 4 adorable medium sized puppies, to a loving home only. 312-587- 7944 . 8-12 PETS FOR SALT" GERMAN SHORTHAIR, Pure bred with papers. Female 1 year old. Very friendly $75.00. Call 815-385- 6199. 8-12-8-14C COLLIE PUPS, AKC, Ex cellent markings and family line. Whites, Sables & Tri's. $150.00 to $200.00. 815-648- 2068. 8-5-8-14c 4Vfe MONTH OLD Female Miniature Schnauzer, housebroken and all shots including rabies, $200.00. 815- 344-1023 . 8-12-8-14C REGISTERED BRITTANY SPANIEL, male, 6 months old. Excellent hunting stock, Mother on premises $125.00. 815-923-2213 mornings or 312- 888-2468 8-12-8-21C SUNSET KENNELS AKC Puppies All Dreed Dog Grooming Pet Supplies ANF Dog Food Distributors Obedience Classes Beginning In August Register Now-$2.00 Off with this od 414-877-2473 2 YEAR A.Q.H.A. Buckskin Gelding, real nice. % Arab Yearling Colt, chestnut with white blaze. 815-338-4765. 8- 12-8-14C Present Park Concert Hill NX STALLS PASTURE TDM OUT, f KS«EI IMLY6RAM •UKE 0VH08IRMK ARENA •NEW N'lW MOOR ARENA •LARK F0ALM6 STALL AVARlAHE •MM ARENA AVA&ARLE RY TREMOR VISITORS WELCOME RAJA ACRES MffKMERM. HEBRON, IL. »» HI MM •«" Hold Solar Collector Workshop If your house faces within 30 degrees east or west of due south, you might be interested in learning to build a low cost solar collector to supplement the conventional heating system. On a model home, the air trapped in a vertical collector was 175 degrees. McHenry County college and the McHenry County Housing authority is cooperatively sponsoring a 10-hour workshop in two sessions where participants will actually build one of two types of solar collectors. The solar collector will later be installed on a home in the county by the McHenry County Housing authority. The first session is Thursday, Aug. 20, 7:30 to 10 p.m. at which time students will receive orientation plans, and supply lists. The actual work will take place Saturday, Aug. 22,8 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the collectors will be completed. Participants will learn to build the type of solar collector that is permanently attached to the side of a house and works through an upper vent and a lower vent, or one that fits into a window and can * be removed in summer. Advice will also be given on attaching the unit to the existing system. The instructor will be Mark Elmore, a specialist in energy conservation and co- chairman of the McHenry County Energy Conservation commission. Also in structing will be Robert Elmore, owner of a building service with 50 years ex perience in construction. The sessions will be held at the Residential Develop ment Group offices, 800 McHenry avenue, Crystal Lake. Registration can be made by calling McHenry County college, 455-3700. . "•-•V - ' r f ' , ,:•>* LT. GOVERNOR RESIGNS Gov. James R. Thompson reassigned by Executive Order the functions of the Governor's office to the Governor's Office following the resignation of Lt. Governor Dave O'Neal. Under the order, the Governor's office will assume responsibility for all senior citizen and coal- related programs previously operated , by the Lt. Governor's office. Gov. Thompson also signed legislation on July 31 that clarifies succession to the Governor in case of a vacancy in that office. "This measure further establishes a line of succession to the Governor's office and will help eliminate any confusion over who should succeed the governor if he is not able to carry out his duties," Gov. Thompson said. House Bill 604 states that the order of succession will be: Lt. Governor; the elected At torney General; the elected Secretary of State; the elected Comptroller; the elected Treasurer; the President of the Senate; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. ST. LOUIS ENCEPHALITIS State health officials warned that an outbreak of St. Louis encephalitis is likely to occur later this summer. They are urging residents of the southern third of Illinois to take ac tions that will help protect them against the disease, which is transmitted from birds through the bite of the Culex mosquito. William L. Kempiners, director of the Illinois department of Public Health, noted that weather conditions this year are similar to those that'existed in 1975, when a statewide epidemic of St. Louis en cephalitis occurred. * • * ? &7mm * TELL THE WORLD CHORAL GROUP Tell the World, a choral group of young people, will present the musical program, "Life," by Otis Skillings at 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug 13, at McHenry city park on Pearl street. The group consists of approximately 35 young people, from high school freshmen to age 23. Tell the World is sponsored by the Evangelical Free church of Wauconda and is directed bv Walt Martin of Island Lake. Martin has been involved in church music and bar bershop quartet music since his own high school years. He is a graduate of Valparaiso university. His wife, Miriam, a Wheaton college graduate, assisted in organizing Tell the World and continues to help manage the group. J Martin reported that the musical, "Life," has been performed in communities all over the United States. "It features the use of modern music to present a message that will speak especially to young people but also to adults who hear it. Otis Skillings is one of the foremost contemporary Christian composers in America," he noted. Members of Tell the World from the Wauconda-Island Lake-McHenry area are: sopranos, Diane Brumm, Cindy Martin, Sue Polka, Linda Seidensahl, Sherrie Hedgepath, Meg Boyko, Jaril Brandt, Jill Hut chinson, Evelynn Roesler, Tracy Steinbach, Sharon Cluff, Vicki Kronberger, Laurette Wedell and Tari - \ Knabusch; altos, Terri Van Alstine, Laura Basel, Pam Martin, Merri Martin, Lisa Brady, Joy Vyduna, Karen Schmuldt, Jennifer Leonard and Gail Gaska; tenors, Mike Hensley, Steve Schuerr, Brad Johnson, Derek Gilbert, Greg Boyd, Tim Orlando and Shane Stancliff .basses, Tom Rieck, Darrell Polka, Mark Bernhardt, Lawrence Cook, Terry Van Alstine and Russ Crittenden; and sound, David Schauer. The concert Thursday, Aug. 13, is open to the public. There is no admission charge. Those attending are asked to bring lawn chairs to the park. The public is also invited to another per formance, at the Faith Presbyterian church, 2107 West Lincoln road, in McHenry, Sunday, Aug. 9, at 7 p.m. Photography, Slide Showing At Volo Bog On Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 29 and 30, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. the Volo Bog Visitor center will be the site of a photography exhibit of native orchids. Tom Smith of Fox Lake, an artist and nature photographer, will have on display his beautiful collection of orchid prints as well as photographs of some of the unique plants of the bog. At 1 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 30, Smith will narrate a slide show featuring many of the orchid species of N.E. Illinois. Volo Bog State Natural area is located north of Volo, on Brandenburg road, lVfe miles west of-Rf ~T2T~---- 163 Die Dur ing In Highway Crashes The superintendent of Illinois state police, Ronald J. Miller, has announced the latest figures which indicate that during the month of July, 163 persons died from injuries sustained from traffic accidents on Illinois streets and highways. State police, District 2, which covers Lake, McHenry, DeKalb, Kane and DuPage counties, reports 140 persons have been killed in these counties since Jan. 1 of this year. One hundred forty- four persons were also killed during the same period last year in these counties. A breakdown of the counties for statistics in July of 1981 shows Lake county had 8 fatalities; McHenry had 4; DuPage county had 8; Kane county had 5; and DeKalb county had 1. As a comparison for July of 1980, Lake county had 6; McHenry county had 3; DuPage county had 5; Kane county had 3; and DeKalb county had 1. One thousand and fifty- nine persons have been killed in the entire state in 1981. There were 1,096 persons killed during the same time period of 1980, showing a decrease of 37. BUDDY'S WORKSHOP Blown Fuses Are Giving Signals of Some Problem I know that we live in a time of planned obsolescence, but it seems to me that things such as light bulbs and fuses should last longer than they do. We're a large family, living in a big house and I am forever replacing light bulbs or changing fusestats or cartridges. Is there such as longlife bulbs and fuses? Bargain bulbs are seldom a good buy. Buy quality bulbs, bearing a respected and well-known trade name. You'll get your money's worth, but not bulbs that last forever. Fuses, whether slow blow, plug or cartridge type, serve a definite purpose. When they blow, they shut off power. This is a safety factor that comes into play when too much current flows through a wire. The fuse or cartridge "blows" to prevent the wire from becoming hot enough to set fire to whatever it may touch. If you are forever blowing fuses, something is wrong--and should be corrected. Have your wiring system examined by a qualified electrician. You may have an overload ed circuit, defective wiring, or some other source of possible hazard to life and property. OOOOOOOOOOOCM Safety Hints »OQCO BBQQQQO By Secretary of State Jim Edgar My concern with traffic safety includes doing the right things if you are in volved in an accident. You are required by law to: 1. Stop immediately in a safe place. 2. Assist the injured if aid is necessary or requested. Protect the victim from traffic. In case of serious injury, get a doctor or call an ambulance - which ever cbtfld arrive first. Try t®! make the victim com fortable, but don't move him-her unless absolutely necessary. Don't attempt first aid unless you know something about it. 3. Warn traffic. Stationing someone at a safe spot to warn approaching drivers will help prevent another accident. Use flares when they are available. 4. Stay at the scene of the accident until you have exchanged names, ad dresses and license numbers with the other parties in volved. 5. Notify the nearest police station as quickly as possible. 6. Report the,accic the Illinois DefSSTfment Transportation. Any involved person who fails to stay at the scene of an accident, assist the in jured and notify the police may be imprisoned for not more than one year and fined up to $1,000. If you have any questions about the Secretary of State's office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephone number (800-252- 8980). (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756.) W •Jtu SALTY FROfî c 144-1760 1406 N. Riverside Drive PRESENTS THE KNEE SLAPPIN' COUNTRY WESTERN AND BLUE GRASS MUSIC OF THE BLUE GRASS TRAVELERS FRI. AUC.U NO COVER CHARGE ( BUILDING ] I PERMITS ! Building permits were issued recently by the McHenry County Depart ment of Building and Zoning to: Brittany Builders Inc., 1903 S. Route 31, McHenry, to construct a four-bedroom residence, at 6105 Hidden Oak court, The Spring subdivision in Nunda township. Michael Gascon, 325 Payson, Hoffman Estates, to construct a two-bedroom residence, at 8916 Evergreen, Wonder Lake. Greenwood township. Gary Nisson, 505 W. Rand road, Arlington Heights, to build a two-bedroom - residence, at 2329 Hedge Place, McHenry. McHenry township. • P. Folliard, 5010 Hilltop, Wonder Lake, to build a three-bedroom home, at 4318 Ridgeway, Ringwond. McHenry township. ' / /