r u.i i -1*1.\im>k.\i.kk nuiivv.u t ;i?srh. lasi H«p« And Thtrt In Business I »-„! cw. I Pioneer President SUPPORT FAIR AUCTION-McHenry State bank purchased the 1,300-pound steer shown by Sherri Cristy, Wonder Lake, right, at the McHenry County fair livestock auction and will give it to the Fair association to be served at the annual appreciation dinner for volunteer workers in October. Larry Kolman, left, and Ed Becker, second from left, paid .79 cents a pound. Between them is Julie Kuetemeyer, Miss McHenry County. Don Peasley Photography Young McHenry Man ins Bank Training DECLARE DIVIDEND The board of directors of Modine Manufacturing company has declared a quarterly dividend of 45 cents per share on the out standing capital stock. The dividend is payable Sept. 11 to all shareholders of record Sept. 1, 1961. Raymond Barle 30 Years With Edison Co. Raymond E. Barle, 4414 W. Parkway, McHenry, is celebrating his thirtieth service anniversary with Commonwealth Edison company. He is employed in the overhead department in Crystal Lake. A widower. Barle has a son, Raymond, Jr., two d a u g h t e r s , M a r i o n Winkowski and Janet Holsey, and „ six grand children. A U.S. Army veteran, he is a member of the V.F.W. and attends St. Mary's church. His hobbies include stamps and fishing. He enjoys keeping dogs and fish as pets. Capitol Intern Beg Ernfred Michael Olsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Olsen of 3411 Cove court, McHenry recently departed from McHenry to begin a new position as trainee in the Asian division of the In ternational department of Chase Manhatten bank, N.A in New York city. Olsen received a Master's degree in International Management from the American Graduate school of International Mangement in Phoenix, Airz. After an 18- month intensive training period, he is anticipating an overseas assignment at one of the Chase Manhattan facilities. _ . Having spent his junior year in high school as a Rotary exchange student in Hiroshima, Japan. Olsen became fascinated with the people, the culture and the country. This led him to focus on Japan for his business and language studies, later choosing Spanish as his third language. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in general studies from Northern Illinois university in May of 1960. He is a graduate of Marian Central high school and began his college education at Miami Dade junior college in Miami, Fla. Haircuts for Easter Seal "Haircuts For Easter Seal" is the theme of a special event planned at the Hair Niche beauty salon, 1226 N. Green |rtreet, M c H e n r y . T h e d a t e i s Thursday, Aug. 20. Proceeds from haircuts given from 2 - 7 D m. will go to Easter Seal. No appointments are necessary. WILLIAM J. FITZGERALD William J. Fitzgerald assumed the position of broker-manager of the Realty World, Durbin- Stovall real estate office, 4213 W. Elm street, McHenry, Aug. 1. Rental 9 75 PER MO. • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 '1980 soft\ FOX VALLEY DIVISION 11 owe r wood GREEN PLANT SALE ALL GREEN PLANTS 6 Inch Pots & Up REG. $8.50 to $150 HALF PRICE Choose from 1000's of Green Plants. Sorry does not include Blooming Plants, Ter- reriums, hanging Baskets or other pre- planted items. A l l 4 " P O T S O F G R E E N P L A N T S . . .$1.50 (Keg 2.19) Sale Dates August /.? io 23, 1981 FLOWERING PLANT SALE August, 14, 15, 16 Only GLOXINIAS...$6.50 (Reg. n.so, CUT FLOWER SPECIAL SWEETHEART ROSES...45c (Reg- i.2S> ALL ICE BUCKETS...35% OFF SAVE 33<% Baby's Breath - Glycerine Eucalyptus - German Statice - Dried Stardust 815-459-6200 owe rwoe RU. 14 k 176 - Crystal Lake, Illinois Moa.-Wad. »-*; TMn. A Krl. «4; Sal. 9-S; Sun. 10-5 Rondi E. Cunat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cunat, 3200 Justen road, McHenry, is now serving as an intern in Rep. Robert C. McClory's District 13 Washington D.C. office for the month of August. Miss Cunat is spending six weeks in the nation's capital. She will then return to Northwestern university, Evanston, to complete her senior year off college. Miss Cunat, a Dean's list honor student, will complete her course work in June. She will receive a degree in both Economics and Political Science. FORM HERITAGE I Ron Bykowski, Ted Sch- weder, Jim Schaid and John Lampe, partners of H I S,' Ltd., a real estate in vestment and management company of McHenry, have announced the formulation of Heritage I, an Illinois limited partnership, and tha_ treet (By v Yvonne Beer, Executive Officer, McHenry County Board of Realtors). RecCht rulings by the Interstate Commerce commission, which took effect June 10, 1981, may make moving a new ex perience for homeowners. The rulings deregulate the moving industry and give moving companies wide latitude to lower or raise prices; offer incentives to customers; and generally engage in competitive marketing strategies. " • ' ' f ' The new rules stipulate that: - Movers can charge different rates for similar ork^ Movers may offer bin- estimates that fix the of a move; Movers can use their own formulas, rather than the standard formula of the Interstate Commerce commision to compute an estimate; - The mover must keep in closer contact with customers about pickup and delivery dates. A mover must contact customers by telephone about a change in schedule and shipments cannot be delivered earlier than the scheduled date without the customer's consent; - Those movers who fail to perform on scheduled dates m u s t c o m p e n s a t e customers. - Weight bumping - adding to estimated weight - is illegal and punishable by imprisonment or a fine of up to $10,000. Customers have the right to observe the weighing of the truck. The president of the nation's largest carrier, said he doubted that prices would come down for consumers as a result of the deregulation rulings. ning innovative programs to compete in the marketplace. For example, one divided the space in its trucks into cubic foot compartments. The company charges $420 to move 400 cubic feet 200 miles. A schedule of charges for either additional miles or more cubic space is presented to the buyer. In this way the customer knows the exact cost of his ship ment before die truck pulls away from his home and can also control the manner in which the goods are loaded into his cube. The simplicity of the system has meant die elimination of weight bumping and reduced costs of customers. The same firm has also instituted three classes of moving, similar to air fare plans: Plan C for scaled down service, pack-it- yourself, with no guarantee of pick up or delivery dates; Plan B with packing and a more specific time schedule; and Plan A with guaranteeed pick up and delivery dates, $12,000 liability and red carpet service on moving day. Other incentive plans include those of a transit company which offers senior citizens a 6 percent break in moving costs. A recent promotion at another firm offered discounts ranging from $5 to a free move for potential customers. Form C.A.R.E. purchase of the Logan S apartments, and the Char- Mar apartments, Richmond. Bykowski, Schaid and Sch- weder are also general partners of Tower View apartments. H I S, Ltd. partners have acquired just under $5,000,000 worth of area real estate and manage over 117 rental units. The offices are located at 3717 West Elm street. , ^ 'This is a ^business, so of logic possibly go S i d n e y labor intensive by what force couid prices down9" said E p s t e i n , "Everything in the legislation seems to benefit the high volume shippers over the small guy and I have problems with that", he said. Several major moving companies are. bney^ pUn- The McHenry Plaindealer 3112 WmI Elm StrMt I USPS 135 200, Ettobi>»h»d 1C7S McH»nry Hlinoift 40050 PHon* SIS-305 *0170 Pubii»h*d (vary W»dn«»%of A fr.doy ot McHenry lllinoi> X; Second Class Poitag* Paid at McHenry. Illinois •y McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY :•:• POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealer 3012 W. Elm St.. •:•: McHenry. Illinois M050 Subscribers ore requested to provide immediate notice ol change oi address to The McHenry PloindWer 3012 W Elm St McHenry III *0050 A deduction <A one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode where a change of t Office department address it provided through the Post I Thomas C. Mill»r-Publi*h«r Ad*l« Fro*hlich-Editor NtWSPAPtB NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Y»ar .$15.50 In McHenry County 1 Y*ar $24.00 Outsid# McHenry County Virginia Karls, left, and Audrey Hodges are among those helping to initiate the formation of the singles » groap, C.A.R.E., at , Shepherd •/ the Hills | Lutheran church. | Shepherd of the Hills •j; Lutheran church, McHenry. S announces the formation of a singles group, C.A.R.E., Christian Action Reaching § Everyone. The purpose of •i: the group will be to provide |:j: social activities as well as the opportunity for Christian >:• sharing. All interested single, g separated, divorced or :* widowed people are invited to attend the activities of C.A.R.E. The group will collect no dues; however, •:j: there will be a minimal g: charge at each function to jiji cover expenses. Hie first get-together will •i-i be a brunch Sunday, Aug. 23, from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Those :£ attending are asked to bring I;!; a dish to share. Call the iji; church office for the location of the brunch. South Dorrington Office Centre 33 W HIGGINS ROAD • SOUTH BARRINGTON ILLINOIS 60010 South Barrington Office Centre is strategically located on Higgins Road (Route 72), just west of Barrington Road. Featuring easy on-off access to the Northwest Tollway (Ir90) at Barrington Road, it offers anyone doing business in the booming northwest corridor the perfect place to do business from. Situated in an award-winning park-like environment, high-lighted by three lakes, South Barrington Office Centre is adjacent to Allstate s Corporate Headquarters with the Suburban Medical Center Hospital nearby. Just minutes from recreational facilities, restaurants and shopping, it offers a unique blend of prestigious office space (800 to 10,000 sq. ft ), convenience and location --right in the heart of the northwest suburbs. SDONEGATE Properties, Inc. (312) 882-3300 The Fox Valley council of the Suburban chapter of the Telephone Pioneer* of America has elected a McHenry resident, Roy Miller, as Life Member President for 1181-82. He is pictured here receiving the symbolic gavel from IBT vice-president-personnel, Ray Hnmke, at the Pioneer assembly recently held at the Sheraton-O'Hare hotel in Rosemont. The Telephone Pioneers of America is the world's largest voluntary association of Industrial employees, having over 548,000 members. Sculpture Course Is Offered At College A popular sculpture course which is offered only once each year at McHenry County college will begin Aug. 25. The course, which includes projects such as building a realistic self-portrait in clay, will be one of the fall semester courses taught by MCC instructor Susan Galloway. Ms. Galloway explains that students do the self- portraits using mirrors and calipers to create the life sized busts of themselves. Other projects planned for the course this fall include abstract sculptures and a multi-media students- designed game with board and players. Students in the course work with plaster, wire and other materials as well as with clay. The course, which is a humanities elective, meets from 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Those interested in enrolling in the class are required to have either taken MCC's Design II course, or Pottery I course or to have per mission of the instructor. For more information on the course contact Ms. Galloway at the college. Registration for the sculpture class as well as for other fall MCC courses is currently going on1 at the college campus. IN HEREFORD GROUP Frank J. Miller, of McHenry, has been accepted into membership of the A m e r i c a n H e r e f o r d association, according to an announcement by H.H. Dickenson, executive vice president. Loti Robertson In Sunday f?fk{ miWi LORIROBERTSON Sunday evening, Aug. 16, at 7 p.m. the Alliance church will feature a special concert by Lori Robertson, daughter of the Rev. Gerald and Alita Robertson, 3718 West Ellen road, McHenry. Sunday's concert, entitled "Love Story", will feature a variety of sacred and con temporary gospel songs which depict the message of God's love in the death and Conpert f\: ;'A " v. resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some of the songs to be performed are, "Just Because I Ask,", "Rise Again," and "Give Them All to Jesus " Miss Robertson, a talented musician, will accompany herself on the piano. Lori began developing her musical abilities at an early age. She was an active participant in the music program of her church as she grew up. She learned to play the piano and flute In high school she was a member of the chorus, the band, and the swing choir. Her senior year she played the lead in the school musical, "Oklahoma" Lori graduated with honors from McHenry, Community high school in 1980. She is now 19 years old and is enrolled as sophomore at St. Paul Bible college in St Paul, Minn. She is majoring there in Music and C o m m u n i c a t i o n s . L o r i traveled last year with the school drama team, and this year she will travel with a musical team called "His Workmanship". The Alliance church, 3815 West Bull Valley in McHenry, invites the public to attend this special con cert by Miss Robertson. Church leaders promse that everyone pressent will be touched by her ministry in CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT and LOUNGE 1226 N. MIEN, McHENRY (Corner of GrO«n and Rt«. 120) KM CAMYOUT OftDER$ CALL 344-3220 '»• 'f --*** v'