Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1981, p. 2

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0 PAGE 2 - PLA1NDEALER • WEDNESDAY. AUGUST M, 1181 tu i y MR. AND MRS. ART MEYER, JR. JAMAICAN HONEYMOON - Newly married Mr. and Mrs. Art Meyer, Jr. are residing in Lake Villa after a honeymoon on the beautiful island of Jamaica. The bride, the former Sheryl Ann Weber, is the daughter of Tony and Lois Weber, 1218 Old Bay road, McHenry. Art and Bette Meyer of Antioch, III. are the parents of the groom. Father Kulack performed the 3 p.m. ceremony Aug. 1, at St. John the Baptist Catholic church, Johnsburg. Following the nuptials, a reception for 225 guests was held at the Johnsburg Community club. The bride graduated from McHenry Community high school in 1978 and is a secretary for McHenry Truck Line, Inc. Her husband, a graduate of Antioch high school, attended the University of Tampa for two years and is presently employed by Lake View Hills. Slate Fish Boil For Retarded In City Park The McHenry County Association for the Retarded (MCAR) has scheduled a Fish Boil Friday, Sept. 11, in McHenry's Pearl street park Association members will be serving a traditional fish boil dinner from 5:30 to 8 p.m ' * The MCAR membership invites the public to see and enjoy being a part of a traditional fish boil. The dinner consists of boiled fish, boiled potatoes, and boiled onions cooked to perfection over a wood fire and floating in hot melted butter. In­ cluded with the meal is fresh cole slaw, homemade bread, pie and beverage. The McHenry event is the last of five fish boils planned as fund raisers for Pioneer center which serves the developmentally disabled of McHenry county. Tickets are being sold at Pioneer center, 4001 Dayton street, McHenry (344-1230) and the McHenry Chamber u f C o m m e r c e Arrangements for the tickets to be delivered can also be made by calling Pioneer center daily or 344-0917 in the evening. Announce Pre-Natal Instructional Course Mis. Fran Scholpp, R.N., labor and delivery depart­ ment supervisor at Memorial hospital for McHenry county, Wood­ stock, has announced that the next "Pre-Natal" free instructional course - a two- evening session - will begin at 8 p.m., Monday, Sept. 14. The informational program will be held in the hospital dining room on both Sept. 14 and 21. as a community of service program Memorial hospital. Both prospective parents have attended the sessions in the past and are invited and encouraged to do so. Mrs. Scholpp will take part in the program, which in­ cludes a tour of the hospital's maternity department, movies and talks. The next session is scheduled for Nov, 2 and 9, New Fall Hours For Workshops PLASTER CRAFT PAINTING Starting Sept. 7 Mon - 9:45 to 11:45 - 6:30 to 8:30 Wed-1 00 to 3:00-6:30 to 8:30 Thurs - 6:30 to 8:30 Sat - Childrens Class -10:00 to 11 Adults 1 to 3 MACRAME Starting Aug. 31 Mon - 6:30 to 8:30 Tucs - 9:30 to 11:30 Wed-10 to 12 Thurs - 6:30 to 8:30 SILK FLOWER - MAKING & ARRANGING Starting Sept. 1 Tues • 6:30 to 8:30 Wed 1 to 3 Thurs - 9:30 to 11:30 * We Now Carry Bucilla Stitchery * Watch For Our... GRAND OPENING Sept. 14 - Sept. 19 « Community \ Calendar > i « n i » i n » n l n U Class Of 1966 Gathers AUGUST 27 McHenry Senior Citizens- Driver's Refresher cottfse- McHenry City Hall-10 a.m. to noon. American Leg i o n McHenry County Council- meeting, 8 p.m.-Lake-In- The-Hills Post 1231-- attendance welcome, _ First Girl ScOut Neigh­ borhood meeting, 9:30 a.m.™ Hopi Neighborhood (for­ merly Valley View)-- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry- rear of the church. AUGUST 29 First annual dance-Post 188, Polish Legion of American Veterans-8:30 p.m.-Spojnia park, Flan­ ders & Ringwood roads. Girl Scouts registration- Hopi Neighborhood (for­ merly Valley View)- Shepherd of the Hills ^ Lutheran church, McHenry- 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Second annual Street Bash-sponsor, Lakeland Park Property Owners association-Community house, 5 p.m.-1717 N. Sunset avenue. AUGUST 31 St. Patrick's Ladies Guild- Board meeting, 1 p.m- McHenry Public Library- members welcome. U.M W. Mission Team meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. SEPTEMBER 1 Koinonia Study group-10 a.m. to noon-First United Methodist church parlor. Marcia Mary Ball Circle, meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor- Hostess, Lyda Radisch. SEPTEMBER 2 McHenry Grandmothers club-luncheon, 11:3G a.m.~ Village Squire -closed meeting-election of officers, 1 p.m-Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-please attend. SEPTEMBER 3 McHenry Senior Citizens- Driver's Refresher course- McHenry City Hall -10 a.m. to noon Womens Aglow -luncheon, 10:30 a.m.-John Evans, Crystal Lake. SEPTEMBER 10 McHenry Woman's club- Fall luncheon, 12 p.m.- Crescent Bay Landing- program, Reflexology, a Healing Art. Priscilla Circle meeting- 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. SEPTEMBER 12 Flea Market Craft Fair and Bake Sale-9 a.m. to 5 p.m -McCullom Lake Beach house-sponsor, Bteach Gals. Friendship club-potluck dinner and meeting, 5:30 p.m -Fellowship hall, First United Methodist church- program, Vivian and Bill Richards. SEPTEMBER 14 McHenry American Legion Post 491-meeting, 8 p.m.-attendance prize- Marian Central Catholic high school, Class of 1966, held its 15-year class reunion Aug. 22, at Andre's Steak House in Richmond. Sixty-four classmates attended the dinner dance and the following day a family picnic was held at Petersen park. Pictured from left to right in the first row are Phil Church, Bill Sullivan, Fred Strang, Mike McCarthy, Charles Whiting, John Huemann, Steve Novy and Phil Oeffling; second row, Gordon Anderson, Chris Draus Welch, Kathy Deane, Nancy Adams Knight, John Hinner, Dave Schuler, Mike Fogarty, Rich Harms, Mike Sullivan and Rich Ohlenroth; third row, Nancy Zahn Roth, Jean Kattner Mulcahy, Melissa Cooney Ludvigsen, Suzanne Yunker Vonderhaar, Sharon Dam, Betty Sexton Creighton, Marlene Vozdecky Drozd, Donna Tomao Jackstas, Kathi Ahrens Linda Blake Haddick, Mary Matties Hassler, Nancy O'Connor Neumeister, Kathy Lafontaine Hashley, Rita Mikosz Rossigno, JuUe Sladek Harrison, Marilyn Marke Roarke, Rose May Traven, Pat Foran Iturbe, Gerri Grennan Liebman, Colleen Buckley, Vtnce Adams, Tom Majercik, Mary Ann StUttag Martinez and Len Martinez; last row, Harvey Spooner, Leo Prentice, Ken Kunzer, Tom Kearney, Larry Gibbs, Terry Amore, Tom Harrison, Lenny Szarek, Jim Stec, Tony Zalucha and Larry Schaefer. Photography by Gaylord must be present to win. McHenry Senior Citizens- meeting, 7 p.m.-East campus. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-Board meeting, 9:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER 16 £ Whispering Oaks Woman^ club-Silver Tea, 1 p.m. 'd Lotus Country Women's club-card party and lun> cheon-11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-- St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove-public invited*^ ' SEPTEMBER 17 | ^IJnited Methodist Women- ' General meeting, noon- J Fellowship hall--First i United Methodist church- membership meeting, book » review. SEPTEMBER 21 McHenry Senior Citizens- Bus trip to parlj „'iti JSt. Charles-Bw|tr;ride- an.Fox I River. ' , f * • - > • i T.H.E.O.S -^dinner, ...5:30 k p.m.-Circle R -22ir W. f route 120-then, ,fpn- fellowship at First United Methodist church. SEPTEMBER 24-26 All church Rummage sale- First United Methodist church-3717 W. Main street- Fellowship hall-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Friday, 8 a m to 6 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. SEPTEMBER 27 All church picnic-First United Methodist church- Petersen park, 2 p m - potluck dinner, 5­ closing, Vesper service. SEPTEMBER 28 McHenry Senior Citizens- Fall Dinner, 6 p.m.-East campus cafeteria. The art of intelligent writing is to make the words so simple that no one can misunderstand you. About Your Wedding Write-Up In order to serve McHenry area brides, the Plaindealer mails wedding forms to all whose engagements have been announced in the paper and carry a definite date. Vltejask-that these com­ pleted forms be retur­ ned three days before the wedding. The story containing all the information given on the form will appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of weddings, where an additional week is allowed. fqfms received the seOond week after the wedding, will be printed with the omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will be printed any time later, or will be included with the wedding infor­ mation if they accom­ pany the story at the prescribed deadline. If your engagement an­ nouncement 'as not been published, or if the date of the wedding was not known at that time, please call our of­ fice and request that a marriage form be sent. Space problems ex­ perienced by a non- daily newspaper, and a desire to print up-to- date news, make this policy necessary. Parent Group Organizes M. 1U Preschoolers Playgroups P l a y g r o u p s f o r preschoolers are being organized for Fall throughout the McHenry county area. The childbirth and Parenting association is organizing members who wish to participate in playgroups, first by the age of the child and then by locality. Each playgroup will have from three to six children and will meet in each other's homes on a weekly or semi-monthly basis. The moms will take turns organizing acitivities for the children. Mrs. Jerry P. Sullivan of McHenry is currently put­ ting together lists of playgroups for many dif­ ferent areas and ages. Anyone interested in in­ volving a preschooler in a playgroup may call her. - The Childbirth and Parenting association is an organization which strives to make birth and parenting an enriching and rewarding experience by offering many services to its members. C.P.A. offers programs which feature authorities speaking on subjects of interest and concern for parents. It also offers its members discussion groups for new moms, moms of tots and working mothers, children's parties, babysitting co-ops and an informative newsletter. New members are always encouraged. The yearly dues entitle the family to all of the services and programs. Those wishing more information about the group may call Mrs. Kurt F. (Julie) Smith of McHenry or Mrs. Rodger (Bobbie) Bechtold of Woodstock. Worttens Aglow Luncheon Features Guest Speaker Womens Aglow Fellowship of McHenry-Crystal Lake will host a luncheon Thur­ sday, Sept. 3, at 10:30 a.m., at John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake and the guest speaker will be Sue Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy and her husband, Dave, are the directors of the North Central New Life for Girls Introduction center in Chicago. The center is designed to provide shelter, refuge and rehabilitation for girls from "the streets" which include prostitutes, alcoholics and drug addicts. Her past experiences while living in a hippy commune and- her in­ volvement in the occult; and her husband's former ad­ diction to heroin for 13 years, give them both a common bond and understanding of the girls and women who come to New Life for Girls. The deadline for reser­ vations is Sunday, Aug. 30. Those interested may call Mrs. Dale (Lois) Koss of McHenry or Mrs. James R. (Miki) Hayden of Crystal Lake. Senior Citizens Plan Auction Fund Raiser We believe most peo­ ple are ready for autumn this year. The McHenry County Senior Citizens Council has announced plans for its Sept. 25 and 26 auction to be held in the Woodstock area. This is the third auction sponsored by the council over the past several months in its efforts to raise funds. Colonel M. C. Palmer and Geri Davis, Council Services tor chairmen of the auction and have expressed their hopes that this final auction will be even bigger and better than the first two. Articles valued over $10, with the exception of clothing and small toys, are most welcome. Area merchants are invited to * tffr irTi i donate any new item they might wish to contribute as all donations are tax deductible. Antiques, collectibles, glassware and dishes are most needed. Any item too large to be dropped off at the office or any of the Walk-In Centers throughout the county will be picked up by council staff. For pick-up or additional information, one may call Geri Davis, 338 6075 LPPOA Slates MAR RAY DANCE & GYMNASTIC STUDIO Fall Registration Set Fall Session For U.M.W. Mission Team -- Second Annual Street Dance AUGUST 27-29 Thurs., Fri., And Sat. 12:00-5:00 Call Our Stydio To Register 385-6077 COMBINATION CLASSES Tap, Acrobatic, Ballet, or Jazz Special Pre-School Classes For Tiny Tots Adult Tap and Jazz GYMNASTIC CLASSES * Balancing Beam, Vaulting Uneven Parallels, Floor Exercise •fc Special Tiny Tots Classes (Boys and Girls) Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced Classes CLASSES START SEPT. 8TH i tA « <• The U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee) will meet Monday, Aug. 31, at 9:30 a.m., in the parlor of the First United Methodist church for its first Fall session. This will be an important meeting, as there are many items on the agenda requiring prompt attention. The general meeting of the U.M.W. on Sept. 17 will be discussed, alpng with plans to be made for the all church FaH Rutnmage sale on Sept. 24, 25 and 26 and the all church picnic on Sept. 27, at Petersen park, as well as other Fall activities. All members of the Mission Team are urged to attend. m ,<• ' spurgeon's FAMILY HAIRSTYUNG CENTER 385-4520 Back-Io-School Special! August 24 thru September 5 The Lakeland Park P r o p e r t y O w n e r s association will sponsor its second annual Street Bash Saturday, Aug. 29, at 5 p.m. Bratwursts, corn-on-the- cob and beer will be available to satisfy all the gnawing appetites and music will be provided for those who like to dance. An invitation is extended to everyone to partake of an evening of fun at the com­ munity house, 1717 N. Sunset avenue. * * * * Children would be more religious if their parents practiced religion more in everyday life. Pregnant, HHP? Call Mar Ray Dance & Gymnastic Studio 3923 W. Main St.. McHenry, I l l inois 60050 I (Speciality Cuts Slightly Higher) OPEN DAILY 8 to 8 SAT.Sto* MON. A TUES. FEATURING MEN'S NIGHT I Wn Um Hul.n. Cnrtta* Prof•s.ional Products BttTNRWHT OfFlCt OPEN 9 So II AM ANDfROM 7 To 9 PM MON thiu fill ( 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE • • 4 T V,-M\ ..v. •' ' • S

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