Interest Waiver On '8 / Wheat Repealed President Ronald Reagan signed into law legislation repealing an interest waiver on 1961-crop wheat placed into the farmer-owned grain reserve, according to Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block. The bill also extends'the date for conducting the 1962- crop wheat referendum from Aug. 1 until Oct. 15, Blf said. "As I have &id previously, repeal of interest waiver clears way for immediate entry of 1961-crop wheat into the reserve," Block said. "Therefore, I am an nouncing that effective July 24, farmers who place their 1981-crop wheat under Commodity Credit cor poration loan may enter the wheat immediately into the reserve." Producers placing wheat in the reserve will receive annual storage payments of 26 Vi cents per bushel, payable in advance, Block said. While interest on the loan will be charged during the first year the wheat is in (EDUCATION^ College Honors Eastern Grads Eligible For Degrees Three McHenry area students are among 400 who are eligible to participate in summer commencement exercises at Eastern Illinois university, in Charleston. Barry D. Brinnk William W. Zurek and Steven A. Wilcox, all of McHenry, are eligible and will receive degrees pending completion of the requirements. EARNS DEGREE Robert J. Tracy, son of Mrs. Marie Tracy of 1714 North avenue, McHenry, has received a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Education with a major in vo-technology from South west Texas State university. Miss Jaworski On Dean's List Connie Jaworski, a senior at Cornell college in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, was named to the Dean's list with honors for the second half of the 1980-81 academic year. - A grade-point average of at least 3.6 on a 4.0 scale is required for this designation. Ms. Jaworski is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Jaworski, 5918 N. Nippersink drive, Spring Grove. the reserve, interest will be waived during the second and subsequent years of the reserve loan program. Block said. The current COD loan interest rate is 14Vfe percent. Under this program, farmers agree to keep their wheat in reserve until the national five-day moving average market price for the trigger release level bushel, or until three-year reserve loan matures. When the release is triggered, farmers take their grain out jrve withe If theSaarfEef price con tinues above the trigger release level after the initial release period (the remainder of the month in which release is triggered plus one additional month), farmers will stop earning storage payments. Interest charges, if previously stopped, will resume. Although the call level for 1981-crop wheat is also $4.65 per bushel, Block said that only under an "extreme emergency" would he require farmers to take their grain out of the reserve when the call level is reached. Earlier crop wheat now in other farmer-held reserves may be transferred into this new wheat reserve, Block said. Wheat in these older loans may not be held in the reserve for more than five years from the date the commodity was first placed in reserve, he said. Current legislation provides that the maximum number oi bushels ot wheat in all farmer-owned reserve at any one time is 700 million bushels. As of July 1, reserve wheat totaled 360 million bushels. Sunnyside Area Betty Messer 344-2494 Vandalism Is Local Problem A number of reports of vandalism and burglaries have been reported in the area lately. A short time ago, it was a youngster's bike and mail boxes van dalised, to state a few. lore recently, like this £st week, a young boy's isketball hoop was the target; a business couple from the area had their magnetic signs (which are not covered by insurance) torn off of their vehicles, (these signs run $100 each); and a Johnson Seahorse, 20 horsepower motor. The list can go on and on. What is happening to our community? We have a police department and are supposedly covered also by a mobile eye watch unit. If so, why are all these occurences going on? And when does it stop? VILLAGE MEETING The Village of Sunnyside held its second meeting of the month Tuesday, Aug. 18 and discussion of the tax levy was one subject. The levy will be voted upon at the next meeting. It is hoped that a number of committee chairmen will be chosen soon so that work can be completed on the village hall and it can be put into use by this Fall. To date, work on the interim* is at a standstill. Several of the board members are planning on attending the monthly County Municipal meeting hosted by Woodstock. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the village will be held Tuesday, Sept. 1, at the Johnsburg Junior high. BIRTHDAYS This week's birthday greetings go to Eleanor Schuberth who celebrated Aug. 18; Joan Kennebeck, Aug. 19, Michelle Januschik, Aug. 20; Danny Klapperich, Jennifer Tomsa and Bob Messer all celebrated Aug. 22; Nancy Kelso, Aug. 23; Larry and Laura Olsen Aug. 25; and Steve Kunsweiler will celebrate Aug. 28. Best wishes to you all for a happy day and many more to come. ANNIVERSARIES This week's anniversary couples are Jonnie and Bill Boike who celebrated Aug. 24; and Betty and Rich Messer, Aug: 26 Congratulations, and may you have many more happy vears together. HOSPITAL STAY El Schuberth of 4206 Riverview was recently in the Woodstock Memorial hospital again. El is home now and we sure hope he soon is feeling better and on the go again. Your friends and neigh bors wish you a speedy recovery, El. • • * * Successful family life depends upon the team work of the members of the family rather than upon individual joyrides. « • * • Gossip spreads much faster than the truth; that's why there is so much talk of scandal and so little about really im portant matters. WHO KNOWS? 1. Who was Hippocrates? 2. What is a kumquat? 3. Name the principal gases that make up the earth's atmosphere. 4. What holds the gases to the earth? 5. Which state is known as the "Granite State"? 6. What did "Pandora's box" contain? 7. What class of animals is equally at home on the land and in the water? 8. Name the only presi dent to be married in the White House. 9. What was the original name given to the White House? PAGE 5 • PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. AUGUST z», l»i 10. From what plant does opium come? Aumri T§ Wl» Kewm 1. An ancient Greek phy- sican known as "the Father of Medical Sci ence." 2. A small, orange- colored, oval citrus fruit. 3. Nityrogen, oxygen and argon. 4. Gravity. 5. New Hampshire. 6. In Greek Mythology, "Pandora's Box" con tained all human ills. 7. Amphibians. 8 . P r e s i d e n t G r o v e r Cleveland. 9 . T h e P r e s i d e n t 's Palace. 10.The White Poppy. CHURCH SHOWS FILM Sunday, Aug. 30, at 7 p.m. the film "Image of the Beast" will be shown at the First Baptist church of Rich mond, 5700 Hill road, Rich mond. The film deals primarily with the middle of the tribulation in the Book of Revelation. "Image of the Beast" follows the struggle of several confused people as they are forced to un derstand the biblical prophecy coming to pass in their lives. A free will of fering will be taken. Everyone is invited. * • * * What this country needs is good people. You can do your part along this line. No Will Seven out of eight Americans die without a will, sending $100 million through probate courts each year. f Barbara Klein School of Dance FALL CLASSES NOW FORMING! Top and Ballet ADULT-TEENAGERS- YOUNGSTERS For Enrollment Call: (815)728-0161 Or Stop In At...4403 Ringwood Rd., Ring wood, III. VS7//// <̂ Rz- We've Remodeled! COME IN FOR YOUR EARLY MORNING DONUTS THE COFFEE'S ON USI AUG 25-29 CAKE DECORATING SPECIAL ORDERS OPEN 4 A.M. DAILY CL9SEDMON. GET 6 DONUT HOLES WITH ANY PURCHASE AUG 26 ft 27 Riverside Bake Shop 1309 Riverside Drive 385-0044 McHenry, Illinois The McHenry Plaindealer 3*12 Watt Elm Street (USK 335-200) Ettobllthad 1175 McHenry, llllnoil MOM M>on« I15-30S-0170 PwMlilwd Every W*dn*tdoy ft Friday at McHanry, Illinois Sacond Clots Postog. Paid at McHanry, Illinois •y McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Sand addrats changa. to McHanry Plalnd*al.r. 3S12 W. Elm St.. McHanry, Illinois MOM Subscriber* aro requested to provide immediate notice oi change oi address to TH« McHenry Plaindealer. 3012 W. Elm St., McHenry. III. MOM. A deduction oi one month irom the expiration oi a subscription will be made where e change oi address Is provided through the Post Office department Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Edltor NtKSPAPf H /' NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year SI 5.50 In McHenry County 1 Year $24.00 Outside McHenry County AT SUNNYSIDE FOODS 4216 N. WILMOT RD., SUNNYSIDE, ILLINOIS (Just North of Johnsburg) WE ACCEPT mm mm tmmmm MANUFACTURERS 7 AM - 18PM COUPONS ft FOOD STAMPS We reserve the right to limit quantities while they last. Sale beer not iced LIQUOR PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST. 27-30 (S15)M5-«097 OPEN 7 OATS WALKER'S LORD CALVERT CANADIAN STROH'S 12-12 OZ CANS 6-12 OZ. CANS 1 UTER 3.88 WALKERS | WALKERS CANADIAN EARLY TIMES m . mmn. wr\ GRANTS I.WHISKVH*9^ ^BOURBON SCOTCH 1.75 LITER • 1 LITER Q 1.75 LITER S DON Q SASHA VODKA 1.75 LITER !•' 750 ML I9"l7"g 6M ftl4M i _. / i• 5el__ GALLO VERMOUTH YAGO ALMADEN SANT GRIAii WINES, 750 ML 3 LITER 2-4915.48 L & AS LOW AS % : EVERYTHING ?m GOES . • *1 •CHEVtTTES ')!• AS LOW AS *4,888 1 'CITATIONS J! aslowasW ̂*MALIBUS ASIOW AS*6,388 • "MONTE CARLOS • I ASIOW AS *7,888 • *IMPALAS -h. J AS LOW AS *7,777 . • 'CHEVROLET TRUCKS *ALL81 s ON SALE NOW! _ M. pay ton Chevrolet HWf. 31 SOUTH, McHENRY 385-2100 YOUR ECONOMY CAR HEADQUARTERS" ^ I I